TY - JOUR AU - Huang, Hongwei AU - Zhang, Zhixin AU - Bede-Fazekas, Ákos AU - Mammola, Stefano AU - Gu, Jiqi AU - Zhou, Jinxin AU - Qu, Junmei AU - Lin, Qiang TI - Cross‐validation matters in species distribution models: a case study with goatfish species JF - ECOGRAPHY J2 - ECOGRAPHY PY - 2024 SN - 0906-7590 DO - 10.1111/ecog.07354 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35319036 ID - 35319036 AB - In an era of ongoing biodiversity, it is critical to map biodiversity patterns in space and time for better‐informing conservation and management. Species distribution models (SDMs) are widely applied in various types of such biodiversity assessments. Cross‐validation represents a prevalent approach to assess the discrimination capacity of a target SDM algorithm and determine its optimal parameters. Several alternative cross‐validation methods exist; however, the influence of choosing a specific cross‐validation method on SDM performance and predictions remains unresolved. Here, we tested the performance of random versus spatial cross‐validation methods for SDM using goatfishes (Actinopteri: Syngnathiformes: Mullidae) as a case study, which are recognized as indicator species for coastal waters. Our results showed that the random versus spatial cross‐validation methods resulted in different optimal model parameterizations in 57 out of 60 modeled species. Significant difference existed in predictive performance between the random and spatial cross‐validation methods, and the two cross‐validation methods yielded different projected present‐day spatial distribution and future projection patterns of goatfishes under climate change exposure. Despite the disparity in species distributions, both approaches consistently suggested the Indo‐Australian Archipelago as the hotspot of goatfish species richness and also as the most vulnerable area to climate change. Our findings highlight that the choice of cross‐validation method is an overlooked source of uncertainty in SDM studies. Meanwhile, the consistency in richness predictions highlights the usefulness of SDMs in marine conservation. These findings emphasize that we should pay special attention to the selection of cross‐validation methods in SDM studies. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Kereszturi, Ákos AU - Biri, Sándor AU - Gyollai, Ildikó AU - Juhász, Zoltán AU - Király, Csilla AU - Rácz, Richárd Péter AU - Rezes, Dániel AU - Sulik, Béla AU - Szabó, Máté AU - Szalai, Zoltán AU - Szávai, Péter AU - Szklenár, Tamás TI - Raman spectroscopy analysis of artificial space weathering effects of NWA 10580 CO3 meteorite JF - METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE J2 - METEORIT PLANET SCI PY - 2024 SN - 1086-9379 DO - 10.1111/maps.14255 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35265304 ID - 35265304 AB - A medium‐grade, poorly weathered CO3‐type meteorite was subjected to artificial space weathering by 1 keV protons in three subsequent steps, with gradually increasing doses from 10 11 to 10 17 protons per cm 2 . The resulting mineral modifications were identified by Raman spectroscopy, with specific emphasis on main minerals such as olivine (bands: 817, 845 cm −1 ), pyroxene (1007 cm −1 ), and partly amorphous feldspar (509 cm −1 ), considering variation in band shift and bandwidth (full width at half maximum, FWHM). After the first and second irradiations, variable band position changes were observed, probably from metastable alterations by Mg loss of the minerals, while the third stronger irradiation showed band shift dominated by amorphization. The olivine and pyroxene show weak increase in FWHM after the first irradiation, while more changes happened after the second and third irradiations. The flux after the third irradiation was higher than in other works, caused stronger damage in crystal lattice, partly resembling to dimerization as described by shock metamorphism. The glassy feldspar was characterized by high FWHM values already at the beginning, indicating weak crystallinity already that become even less crystallized, thus their bands disappeared after the third irradiation. Bands of hydrous minerals (goethite clay, chlorite) were not visible after the third irradiation, confirming some earlier results in the literature. Based on our results, moderately fresh surfaces could show stochastic but small spectral differences compared to the fresh most meteorites by metastable mineral alterations. The interpretation of Raman spectra of heavily space‐weathered surfaces could further benefit from the joint evaluation of alteration induced by both shock impact alteration and space weathering. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Bede-Fazekas, Ákos AU - Somodi, Imelda TI - Precipitation and temperature timings underlying bioclimatic variables rearrange under climate change globally JF - GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY J2 - GLOBAL CHANGE BIOL VL - 30 PY - 2024 IS - 9 SN - 1354-1013 DO - 10.1111/gcb.17496 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35264749 ID - 35264749 AB - Modeling how climate change may affect the potential distribution of species and communities typically utilizes bioclimatic variables. Distribution predictions rely on the values of the bioclimatic variable (e.g., precipitation of the wettest quarter). However, the ecological meaning of most of these variables depends strongly on the within‐year position of a specific climate period (SCP), for example, the wettest quarter of the year, which is often overlooked. Our aim was to determine how the within‐year position of the SCPs would shift (SCP shift) in reaction to climate change in a global context. We calculated the deviations of the future within‐year position of the SCPs relative to the reference period. We used four future time periods, four scenarios, and four CMIP6 global climate models (GCMs) to provide an ensemble of expectations regarding SCP shifts and locate the spatial hotspots of the shifts. Also, the size and frequency of the SCP shifts were subjected to linear models to evaluate the importance of the impact modeler's decision on time period, scenario, and GCM. We found ample examples of SCP shifts exceeding 2 months, with 6‐month shifts being predicted as well. Many areas in the tropics are expected to experience both temperature and precipitation‐related shifts, but precipitation‐related shifts are abundantly predicted for the temperate and arctic zones as well. The combined shifts at the Equator reinforce the likelihood of the emergence of no‐analogue climates there. The shifts become more pronounced as time and scenario progress, while GCMs could not be ranked in a clear order in this respect. For most SCPs, the modeler's decision on the GCM was the least important, while the choice of time period was typically more important than the choice of scenario. Future predictive distribution models should account for SCP shifts and incorporate the phenomenon in the modeling efforts. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Magyari, Enikő Katalin AU - Szabó, Zoltán AU - Falus, György AU - Móra, Arnold AU - Szalai, Zoltán AU - Hamerlik, L. AU - Tóth, Mónika AU - Farkas, Árpád AU - Pomogyi, Piroska AU - Somogyi, Boglárka AU - Vörös, Lajos AU - Korponai, János TI - Large shallow lake response to anthropogenic stressors and climate change: Missing macroinvertebrate recovery after oligotrophication (Lake Balaton, East-Central Europe) JF - SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT J2 - SCI TOTAL ENVIRON VL - 946 PY - 2024 PG - 18 SN - 0048-9697 DO - 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174191 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35218254 ID - 35218254 N1 - Department of Environmental and Landscape Geography, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter str. 1/C, Budapest, H-1117, Hungary HUN-REN-MTM-ELTE Research group for Palaeontology, Pázmány Péter str. 1/C, Budapest, H-1117, Hungary Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary, Columbus str. 17-23., Budapest, H-1145, Hungary University of Pécs, Department of Hydrobiology, Ifjúság útja 6, Pécs, H-7624, Hungary Geographical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Budaörsi út 45, Budapest, H-1112, Hungary Matej Bel University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tajovskeho 40, Banská Bystrica, 97401, Slovakia Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, Bratislava, Slovakia Balaton Limnological Research Institute, Klebelsberg Kuno utca 3., Tihany, H-8237, Hungary HUN-REN ATOMKI, Bem tér 18/c, Debrecen, H-4026, Hungary Mid-Transdanubian Water Directorate, Balatoni út 6, Székesfehérvár, H-8000, Hungary HUN-REN Balaton Limnological Research Institute, Klebelsberg Kuno utca 3, Tihany, H-8237, Hungary University of Public Service, Faculty of Water Sciences, Department of Water Supply and Sewerage, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 12-14, Baja, H-6500, Hungary Department of Environmental Science, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Calea Turzii 4, Cluj-Napoca, 400193, Romania Export Date: 13 September 2024 CODEN: STEVA Correspondence Address: Magyari, E.K.; Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter stny. 1/c., Hungary; email: eniko.magyari@ttk.elte.hu LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Tombor, Eszter AU - Korponai, János AU - Szabó, Zoltán AU - Szalai, Zoltán AU - Kóbor, I AU - Magyari, Enikő Katalin TI - A sekély Pátkai-tározó ökológiai állapotváltozásainak nyomon követése az üledék árvaszúnyog-fauna (Diptera: Chironomidae) vizsgálata alapján JF - HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY J2 - HIDROL KOZL VL - 104 PY - 2024 IS - 3 SP - 18 EP - 29 PG - 12 SN - 0018-1323 DO - 10.59258/hk.16460 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35168952 ID - 35168952 AB - A Pátkai-tározót 1975-ben alakították ki a Velencei-tó vízellátásának szabályozására, de másodlagosan horgász-, illetve jóléti tóként is hasznosítják. A vízminőség a 90-es évektől drasztikusan leromlott valószínűsíthetően a mederkotrások elmaradása és a horgászok által vízbe szórt etetőanyag miatt, ezért a tározó csak korlátozottan alkalmas a Velencei-tó vízpótlására. Az Éghajlatváltozás Multidiszciplináris Nemzeti Laboratórium anyagi támogatásával megvalósuló projekt (RRF-2.3.1.-21-2022-00014) keretén belül a Közép-dunántúli Vízügyi Igazgatóság (KDTVIZIG) vízminőség javítását és algavirágzások visszaszorítását célzó terveinek megalkotásához szeretnénk hozzájárulni a tározóból vett rövid (54 cm) üledékfurat árvaszúnyog-faunájának vizsgálatával. A fauna nagy felbontású vizsgálatával feltárhatjuk a vízminőség időbeli alakulását és a tározó életének eddigi állomásait (leeresztés, algavirágzások). Az elemzés során mértük az üledék a-klorofill tartalmát (SPDU) és egyéb geokémiai változóit (TOC: összes szerves széntartalom, TbN: összes kötött nitrogéntartalom, C/N arány) is. A tározó árvaszúnyog-közösségének időbeli alakulását vizsgálva 3 zónát tudtunk elkülöníteni: a legalsó zóna faunája a tározó 1992-es leeresztésével és 1994-es visszatöltésével járó jelentős vízszintváltozásokat jelzi; a középső zónát jó oxigénellátottságot, de már mezotróf-eutróf viszonyokat jelző taxonok jellemzik; a legfelső zónát az oxigénhiányos állapotot és az eutróf-hipertróf közeget toleráló taxonok uralják. A futtatott főkomponens-analízis (PCA) egyes tengelye mentén a fajok trofitási tolerancia és oxigénigény alapján is elváltak. A vizsgált geokémiai változók közül a TOC, a TbN és az SPDU növekvő tendenciájú változása planktonikus eutrofizálódást jelezhet, amit a területileg illetékes vízügyi igazgatóság vízminőség-feltáró vizsgálatai is kimutattak. Eredményeink alapján a fauna átalakulásának fontos befolyásolói a különböző eredetű tápanyagdúsulások és a tározó 1992-es leeresztése. A Víz Keretirányelv alapján is jó minősítésű víz kiemelt fontosságú a tározóban, hiszen nemzetközi szinten is fontos nagytavunk, a Velencei-tó vízpótlásának szükségessége az elmúlt években szinte kivétel nélkül felmerült. Az árvaszúnyog-fauna összetétele alapján a vízminőség javítása feltétlen indokolt, mely a horgászat ésszerű keretek közt tartásával, a meder kotrásával, valamint a befolyó Császár-víz vízhozamának növelésével érhető el. LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Demeter, László AU - Kiš, Alen AU - Kemenes, Anna AU - Ulicsni, Viktor AU - Juhász, Erika Mária AU - Đapić, Marko AU - Bede-Fazekas, Ákos AU - Szabados, Klára AU - Öllerer, Kinga AU - Molnár, Zsolt TI - Uncovering the little known impact of a millennia-old traditional use of temperate oak forests: free-ranging domestic pigs markedly change the herb layer, but barely affect the shrub layer JF - FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT J2 - FOREST ECOL MANAG VL - 568 PY - 2024 SN - 0378-1127 DO - 10.1016/j.foreco.2024.122150 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35145448 ID - 35145448 N1 - HUN-REN Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Vácrátót, Hungary University of Nottingham, School of Geography, Nottingham, United Kingdom Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, Novi Sad, Serbia ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, Budapest, Hungary HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Ethnology, Budapest, Hungary ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Department of Environmental and Landscape Geography, Budapest, Hungary Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania Export Date: 11 September 2024 CODEN: FECMD Correspondence Address: Demeter, L.; HUN-REN Centre for Ecological Research, Hungary; email: demeter.laszlo@ecolres.hu LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Faragó, Viktória AU - Megyes, Melinda AU - Nagy, Balázs AU - Kériné Borsodi, Andrea TI - Taxonomic diversity and environmental tolerance of cultivable extremophilic bacteria from a high-altitude meltwater pond on Ojos del Salado (Chile) JF - BIOLOGIA FUTURA J2 - BIOL FUTURA PY - 2024 SN - 2676-8615 DO - 10.1007/s42977-024-00229-z UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35132005 ID - 35132005 N1 - Export Date: 26 July 2024 Correspondence Address: Borsodi, A.K.; Department of Microbiology, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, Hungary; email: borsodi.andrea@ttk.elte.hu AB - Earth harbors unique environments where only microorganisms adapted to extreme conditions, known as extremophiles, can survive. This study focused on a high-altitude meltwater pond, located in the Puna de Atacama, Dry Andes. The extremophilic bacteria of this habitat must adapt to a range of extremities, including cold and dry climate, high UV radiation, high daily temperature fluctuations, low-nutrient availability, and negative water balance. This study aimed to explore the taxonomic diversity of cultivable extremophilic bacteria from sediment samples of a desiccated, high-altitude, meltwater pond using media with different organic matter contents and different incubation temperatures. Based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the isolates were identified as members of the phyla Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Firmicutes. The most abundant genera were Arthrobacter and Pseudoarthrobacter . The isolates had oligocarbophilic and psychrotrophic properties, suggesting that they have adapted to the extreme environmental parameters of their natural habitats. The results indicate a positive correlation between nutrient concentration and temperature tolerance. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Jakab, Gergely Imre AU - Bede-Fazekas, Ákos AU - Vona, Viktória AU - Madarász, Balázs AU - Karlik, Máté AU - Zacháry, Dóra AU - Filep, Tibor AU - Dévény, Zoltán AU - Centeri, Csaba AU - Masoudi, Malihe AU - Bidló, András AU - Al-Graiti, Thulfiqar AU - Szatmári, Gábor AU - Vancsik, Anna AU - Király, Csilla AU - Darabos, Gabriella AU - Angyal, Zsuzsanna AU - Szalai, Zoltán TI - Beyond land use: understanding variations in topsoil bulk versus recalcitrant organic matter JF - CATENA J2 - CATENA VL - 244 PY - 2024 PG - 10 SN - 0341-8162 DO - 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108232 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35092933 ID - 35092933 AB - Soil organic matter (SOM) concentration and composition are essential properties that affect most functions and ecosystem services. The relationship between soil and environmental covariates regarding SOM concentration and composition in various pools is not completely understood. This study aimed to identify the most influential drivers of SOM stabilization, focusing on arable lands in Hungary. Hungary is an ideal area for investigating SOM variability because it is at the meeting point of the three main climate effects that trigger a wide range of soil, land use, and topographical conditions. Overall, 87 soil samples were taken from the topsoil (2–20 cm) and fractionated (<20 µm) to separate the mineral phase-associated organic carbon (MAOC) and bulk pools. MAOC concentration varied on a wide range (0.5–14.1 %) and was the function of bulk SOM aromaticity and slope steepness, rather than land use, climatic conditions, or soil properties, indicating that MAOC is also affected by decomposition if the bulk OM is less available for the microbiome. Land use, especially in forest topsoils, reflects the elemental composition of the OM, focusing on the variations of residue composition. In contrast, aromaticity is rather related to soil and climate properties, suggesting increased relevance of transformation processes. As a consequence, SOM composition varies on a wide range in the topsoil, however, the lack of a definite trend at the county level suggests the complexity of the system and highlights the role of local circumstances. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Zacháry, Dóra AU - Filep, Tibor AU - Jakab, Gergely Imre AU - Ringer, Marianna AU - Balázs, Réka AU - Németh, Tibor AU - Szalai, Zoltán TI - Texture and clay mineralogy as main drivers of the priming effect in temperate forest soils JF - PLANT AND SOIL J2 - PLANT SOIL VL - In press PY - 2024 PG - 19 SN - 0032-079X DO - 10.1007/s11104-024-06819-z UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35086540 ID - 35086540 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Tóth, Adrienn AU - Sipos, Péter AU - Jakab, Gergely Imre AU - Szalai, Zoltán AU - Kalicz, Péter AU - Madarász, Balázs TI - Improving the reliability of using rare earth elements as soil erosion tracers JF - CATENA J2 - CATENA VL - 243 PY - 2024 PG - 7 SN - 0341-8162 DO - 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108175 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34999737 ID - 34999737 N1 - Export Date: 17 June 2024 CODEN: CIJPD Correspondence Address: Sipos, P.; MTA Centre of ExcellenceHungary; email: sipos.peter@csfk.org LA - English DB - MTMT ER -