@article{MTMT:34309693, title = {Users’ Transport Mode Choices in the Autonomous Vehicle Age in Urban Areas}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34309693}, author = {Hamadneh, Jamil and Hamdan, Noura and Mahdi, Ali}, doi = {10.1061/JTEPBS.TEENG-7961}, journal-iso = {J TRANSP ENG A-SYST}, journal = {JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING PART A-SYSTEMS}, volume = {150}, unique-id = {34309693}, issn = {2473-2907}, abstract = {Travelers choose transport modes on the basis of their preferences in which the features onboard vehicles affect the choice of transport modes. In economic theory, it is found that travelers seek to maximize their travel utilities. Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are to be on the market when machines will replace human drivers. AVs are to be used for different purposes, such as transporting passengers and goods. In literature, some research studied AVs in combination with other transport modes, whereas fewer studies have considered the impact of a camera onboard carsharing and privately shared autonomous vehicles (PSAVs) on traveler choices. This research was developed to predict the impact of traveler preferences on the availability of PSAV and carsharing considering certain variables, such as travel time, travel cost, waiting/walking time, and the availability of camera onboard (i.e., as an indication of comfort and privacy factors). A stated preference (SP) survey was designed in which sociodemographic and travel variables were included. A discrete choice experiment (DCE) was designed and included in the SP survey. The SP survey was distributed in Budapest, Hungary, where 313 respondents were collected. The discrete choice modeling approach is used, in which the multinomial logit (MNL) model was applied in developing a transport mode choice model. The developed model estimated the impact of different variables on transport modes as well as the willingness of travelers to use carsharing and PSAVs. The model explained the effects of trip length, income, gender, education, occupation, frequent current transport mode, and trip purpose on travelers’ selection of transport mode. In conclusion, it demonstrated that people tend to use carsharing more than PSAVs, and the availability of cameras onboard decreases the probability of using a transport mode.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2473-2893}, orcid-numbers = {Hamdan, Noura/0009-0002-0236-1355} } @article{MTMT:34528050, title = {Városi autóbusz-hálózat elektrifikációja}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34528050}, author = {Szilassy, Péter Ákos and Földes, Dávid and Csonka, Bálint}, doi = {10.55348/KM.29}, journal-iso = {KÖZL MOBIL}, journal = {KÖZLEKEDÉS ÉS MOBILITÁS}, volume = {2}, unique-id = {34528050}, abstract = {Számos városban cél az elektromos autóbuszok részarányának növelése. Jelenleg azonban ezen autóbuszok drágábbak, mint a dízelüzemű járművek, valamint használatuk újszerű tervezési és üzemeltetési eljárások használatát követeli meg (pl. töltésütemezés, önjáró kapacitás). Ezek ellenére az elektrifikációt nem előzi meg hálózat-szintű tervezés. Kutatásunk célja a töltési infrastruktúra tervezésére, az elektromos autóbusz-típus kiválasztására és az elektrifikáció költségbecslésre vonatkozó módszertan kidolgozása volt. A kidolgozott módszer újszerűsége a töltési infrastruktúra viszonylatcsoport-szerinti optimalizálása a hálózat (viszonylatok, menetrend stb.), a jármű és a töltési infrastruktúra jellemzőinek figyelembevételével. A módszert Budapestre alkalmaztuk közös végállomással rendelkező vagy közös szakaszon közlekedő viszonylatok esetében statikus végállomási és dinamikus felsővezetékes töltést figyelembe véve. A jelentős közös szakasszal rendelkező viszonylatcsoportok esetében a fonódó szakaszon felsővezeték telepítése a kedvezőbb költségű szemben a végállomási töltők alkalmazásával. A közös végállomással, de minimális fonódó szakasszal rendelkező 47 vizsgált viszonylat esetében a végállomási töltés miatti csúcsidei többletjárműigény csupán +4%. Az eredmények segíthetik a városi autóbusz-hálózat elektrifikációjának tervezését.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2939-7057}, pages = {32-50}, orcid-numbers = {Szilassy, Péter Ákos/0000-0001-5069-8281; Földes, Dávid/0000-0003-4352-8166; Csonka, Bálint/0000-0002-4976-8294} } @article{MTMT:34139858, title = {Demographic Analysis of Active Travel Users in Urban Context}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34139858}, author = {Jaber, Ahmed and Hamadneh, Jamil}, journal-iso = {PREPRINTS}, journal = {PREPRINTS}, unique-id = {34139858}, abstract = {Active transportation, such as walking, cycling, and micro-mobility modes, has received a lot of attention in recent years due to its potential benefits to urban residents, such as less traffic, better air quality, more opportunities to get exercise, and an overall higher quality of life. In this study, we used Classification and Regression Trees (CART) to compare and contrast three mobility options: shared micro-mobility, individual micro-mobility, and walking. We surveyed 219 people living in Budapest, Hungary, to learn more about their travel habits and investigate the demographic elements that influence people's mode choice, such as age, gender, ownership of micro-mobility modes, education, job, and income. Results showed that ownership of personal micro-mobility modes, and age as important predictors of active travel mode choice. Males seem to prioritize cost and weather conditions when choosing shared micromobility modes, while females value safety and weather conditions. Our findings can guide policy decisions and urban planning initiatives by identifying the most significant predictors of mode choice and evaluating the possible benefits and drawbacks of each mode.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2310-287X}, pages = {2023090811}, orcid-numbers = {Hamadneh, Jamil/0000-0001-8565-1168} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34134145, title = {Constrained Multi-agent Path Planning Problem}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34134145}, author = {Maktabifard, Ali and Földes, Dávid and Bak, Bendegúz Dezső}, booktitle = {Computational Logistics}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-43612-3_28}, unique-id = {34134145}, year = {2023}, pages = {450-466}, orcid-numbers = {Földes, Dávid/0000-0003-4352-8166; Bak, Bendegúz Dezső/0000-0003-1378-875X} } @article{MTMT:34123412, title = {Towards a Sustainable and Safe Future: Mapping Bike Accidents in Urbanized Context}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34123412}, author = {Jaber, Ahmed and Csonka, Bálint}, doi = {10.3390/safety9030060}, journal-iso = {SAFETY}, journal = {SAFETY}, volume = {9}, unique-id = {34123412}, issn = {2313-576X}, abstract = {This manuscript presents a study on the spatial relationships between bike accidents, the built environment, land use, and transportation network characteristics in Budapest, Hungary using geographic weighted regression (GWR). The sample period includes bike crash data between 2017 and 2022. The findings provide insights into the spatial distribution of bike crashes and their severity, which can be useful for designing targeted interventions to improve bike safety in Budapest and be useful for policymakers and city planners in developing effective strategies to reduce the severity of bike crashes in urban areas. The study reveals that built environment features, such as traffic signals, road crossings, and bus stops, are positively correlated with the bike crash index, particularly in the inner areas of the city. However, traffic signals have a negative correlation with the bike crash index in the suburbs, where they may contribute to making roads safer for cyclists. The study also shows that commercial activity and PT stops have a higher impact on bike crashes in the northern and western districts. GWR analysis further suggests that one-way roads and higher speed limits are associated with more severe bike crashes, while green and recreational areas are generally safer for cyclists. Future research should be focused on the traffic volume and bike trips’ effects on the severity index.}, year = {2023}, pages = {60}, orcid-numbers = {Csonka, Bálint/0000-0002-4976-8294} } @article{MTMT:33688524, title = {Generalized Linear Modeling of Crashes on Urban Road Links}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33688524}, author = {Mekonnen, Anteneh Afework and Sipos, Tibor and Szabó, Zsombor}, doi = {10.3311/PPtr.19119}, journal-iso = {PERIOD POLYTECH TRANSP ENG}, journal = {PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING}, volume = {51}, unique-id = {33688524}, issn = {0303-7800}, abstract = {As crash data have distinctive behavior like over-dispersion, researchers have used statistical methods to deal with this unique behavior of crash data specifically. This study employed generalized linear modeling techniques to develop the model. It was assumed that the accident counts followed negative-binomial distribution, and the link function was chosen to be the log link function. Negative-binomial modeling technique was chosen over Poisson distribution because it is the most used technique by many researchers as crash data may encounter over-dispersion. The accident data set showed greater variability between its variance and mean. The accident frequency distribution is shown in this study that it is highly skewed, with a very high number of road segments registering zero accidents. Negative binomial distribution was chosen over Poisson distribution after comparing Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC). The method is widely applied to count data. Twenty-two parameters were estimated in the model. Since p < 0.05 in the omnibus test, the null hypothesis is rejected, which indicates that the model is reasonably fit. The strongest variables in the model were witnessed to be the length of the links, number of lanes, average daily traffic, bus lane, number of buses and trolleys, and HGVs.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1587-3811}, pages = {140-146}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Zsombor/0000-0001-6950-7094} } @article{MTMT:33598508, title = {Kerékpáros jellemzők vizsgálata a turisztikai és nagyvárosi forgalomban}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33598508}, author = {Krizsik, Nóra and Sipos, Tibor and Homonnai, Péter}, doi = {10.38146/BSZ.2023.1.7}, journal-iso = {BELÜGYI SZLE (2010-)}, journal = {BELÜGYI SZEMLE / ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS: A BELÜGYMINISZTÉRIUM SZAKMAI TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRATA (2010-)}, volume = {71}, unique-id = {33598508}, issn = {2062-9494}, abstract = {A kerékpározás napjainkban egyre népszerűbb közlekedési mód. Ezt felismerve számos nemzetközi politikai célkitűzés előtérbe helyezte a kerékpárosok közlekedését és biztonságuk növelését. A sérülések enyhítésének egyik kiemelt eszköze a kerékpáros fejvédő sisak viselése. Habár Magyarországon korábban is történtek felmérések a kerékpáros sisakviselés arányának megállapítására, ezek inkább lokális, kis mintákra fókuszáltak. Cél: Több helyszínen, nagy mintán végzett kerékpáros jellemzők, elsősorban kerékpáros sisakhasználat felmérése, jellemző viselkedésminták megállapítása. Módszertan: Országosan négy turisztikai és négy nagyvárosi helyszínen, 500–500 kerékpáros különböző adatának rögzítése, valamint az adatok több szempont szerinti értékelése. Megállapítások: Az összesített adatokból megállapítható, hogy függetlenül attól, hogy turisztikai vagy nagyvárosi helyszíneken kerékpároznak az emberek a kerékpáros sisakviselés aránya alacsony. A helyes sisakhasználat aránya a turisztikai helyszíneknél 38,3% (n=756), nagyvárosok esetében 11,6% (n=232) volt. Összességében a mért kerékpározók 24,9%-a (n=988) viselte helyesen sisakját. Az eredmények alapján a kerékpározás helyszíne, a kerékpárosok neme és életkora befolyásolta a sisakhasználatot. Férfiak, illetve gyermekek esetében magasabb sisakviselési arány mérhető. Érték: A felmérés megállapításai rávilágítanak arra, hogy a kerékpározók kerékpáros sisakhasználatát több tényező is befolyásolja. Az adatok felhasználásával lehetőség van a kerékpáros balesetek kimenetelének, a kerékpározók sérüléseinek enyhítésére.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2677-1632}, pages = {127-143}, orcid-numbers = {Krizsik, Nóra/0000-0002-4784-2219} } @article{MTMT:33561769, title = {Development Process of Workplace Mobility Planning in Three Pilot Locations}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33561769}, author = {Esztergár-Kiss, Domokos}, doi = {10.3311/PPci.20485}, journal-iso = {PERIOD POLYTECH CIV ENG}, journal = {PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-CIVIL ENGINEERING}, volume = {67}, unique-id = {33561769}, issn = {0553-6626}, abstract = {A prospective way to make transportation more sustainable is changing the commuters’ travel behavior, which can be realized by creating mobility plans for institutions. A new approach related to workplace mobility planning is developed in three pilot locations in Hungary. As a first step, a roadmap is established including current situation analysis as well as collecting potential measures, setting up a mobility team, and developing pilot actions. The paper presents the planning process taking several aspects, such as commitment, vision, stakeholders’ involvement, situation analysis, measure implementation, and recommendations, into account. In the process, several stakeholders are involved to provide useful inputs through online surveys, personal interviews, and focus group meetings. The pilot development process covers three institutions in three locations with such specific parameters as the size of the city, the number of employees, location, and accessibility. As a result, it is seen that most measures aim at cycling infrastructure development, bike fleet introduction, and electric charger deployment. The proposed process is easily transferable and applicable in any location and any institution. The results not only support the commuters but show a potential to serve long-term societal goals, as well.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1587-3773}, pages = {357-368}, orcid-numbers = {Esztergár-Kiss, Domokos/0000-0002-7424-4214} } @article{MTMT:33560667, title = {Design and Analysis of the Trajectory of an Overtaking Maneuver Performed by Autonomous Vehicles Operating with Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Driving on a Highway}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33560667}, author = {Josue, Daniel Ortega Ortega and Lengyel, Henrietta and Ortega Ortega, Jairo Fabian}, doi = {10.3390/electronics12010051}, journal = {ELECTRONICS (SWITZ)}, volume = {12}, unique-id = {33560667}, abstract = {Overtaking is a maneuver that consists of passing another vehicle traveling on the same trajectory, but at a slower speed. Overtaking is considered one of the most dangerous, delicate and complex maneuvers performed by a vehicle, as it requires a quick assessment of the distance and speed of the vehicle to be overtaken, and also the estimation of the available space for the maneuver. In particular, most drivers have difficulty overtaking a vehicle in the presence of vehicles coming on other trajectories. To solve these overtaking problems, this article proposes a method of performing safe, autonomous-vehicle maneuvers through the PreScan simulation program. In this environment, the overtaking-maneuver scenario (OMS) is composed of highway infrastructure, vehicles and sensors. The proposed OMS is based on the solution of minimizing the risks of collision in the presence of any oncoming vehicle during the overtaking maneuver. It is proven that the overtaking maneuver of an autonomous vehicle is safe to perform through the use of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) such as adaptive cruise control (ACC) and technology-independent sensors (TIS) that detect the driving environment of the maneuver.}, keywords = {COMMUNICATION; Model predictive control; ACC; Autonomous Vehicle; ADAS}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2079-9292}, orcid-numbers = {Josue, Daniel Ortega Ortega/0000-0002-2228-6973; Lengyel, Henrietta/0000-0002-6440-7374; Ortega Ortega, Jairo Fabian/0000-0001-5181-9583} } @article{MTMT:33543654, title = {A Systematic Review of Analytic Hierarchy Process Applications to Solve Transportation Problems: From 2003 to 2019}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33543654}, author = {Moslem, Sarbast and Saraji, Mahyar Kamali and Mardani, Abbas and Alkharabsheh, Ahmad and Duleba, Szabolcs and Esztergár-Kiss, Domokos}, doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3234298}, journal-iso = {IEEE ACCESS}, journal = {IEEE ACCESS}, volume = {11}, unique-id = {33543654}, issn = {2169-3536}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2169-3536}, pages = {11973-11990}, orcid-numbers = {Moslem, Sarbast/0000-0003-4587-7482; Duleba, Szabolcs/0000-0002-2367-752X; Esztergár-Kiss, Domokos/0000-0002-7424-4214} }