@article{MTMT:35294372, title = {On Bh[1]-sets which are asymptotic bases of order 2h}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35294372}, author = {Kiss, Sándor and Sándor, Csaba}, doi = {10.1016/j.jnt.2024.07.006}, journal-iso = {J NUMBER THEORY}, journal = {JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY}, volume = {266}, unique-id = {35294372}, issn = {0022-314X}, year = {2025}, eissn = {1096-1658}, pages = {350-376} } @article{MTMT:35173267, title = {Kinetic monitoring of molecular interactions during surfactant-driven self-propelled droplet motion by high spatial resolution waveguide sensing}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35173267}, author = {Farkas, Enikő and Kovács, Kinga Dóra and Székács, Inna and Péter, Beatrix and Lagzi, István László and Kitahata, Hiroyuki and Suematsu, Nobuhiko J. and Horváth, Róbert}, doi = {10.1016/j.jcis.2024.07.236}, journal-iso = {J COLLOID INTERF SCI}, journal = {JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE}, volume = {677}, unique-id = {35173267}, issn = {0021-9797}, abstract = {Hypothesis: Self-driven actions, like motion, are fundamental characteristics of life. Today, intense research focuses on the kinetics of droplet motion. Quantifying macroscopic motion and exploring the underlying mechanisms are crucial in self-structuring and self-healing materials, advancements in soft robotics, innovations in self-cleaning environmental processes, and progress within the pharmaceutical industry. Usually, the driving forces inducing macroscopic motion act at the molecular scale, making their real-time and high-resolution investigation challenging. Label-free surface sensitive measurements with high lateral resolution could in situ measure both molecular-scale interactions and microscopic motion. Experiments: We employ surface-sensitive label-free sensors to investigate the kinetic changes in a self-assembled monolayer of the trimethyl(octadecyl)azanium chloride surfactant on a substrate surface during the self-propelled motion of nitrobenzene droplets. The adsorption–desorption of the surfactant at various concentrations, its removal due to the moving organic droplet, and rebuilding mechanisms at droplet-visited areas are all investigated with excellent time, spatial, and surface mass density resolution. Findings: We discovered concentration dependent velocity fluctuations, estimated the adsorbed amount of surfactant molecules, and revealed multilayer coverage at high concentrations. The desorption rate of surfactant (18.4 s−1) during the microscopic motion of oil droplets was determined by in situ differentiating between droplet visited and non-visited areas.}, keywords = {ADSORPTION; self-assembly; Droplet motion; Marangoni effect; Self-propelled motion; Oil/water interfaces; Resonant waveguide grating imager; OWLS optical biosensor; Characterization of surface properties; Droplet-surfactant interaction}, year = {2025}, eissn = {1095-7103}, pages = {352-364}, orcid-numbers = {Horváth, Róbert/0000-0001-8617-2302} } @article{MTMT:35343141, title = {Work statistics and generalized Loschmidt echo for the Hatano-Nelson model}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35343141}, author = {Dóra, Balázs and Moca, Pascu Catalin}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.110.L121116}, journal-iso = {PHYS REV B}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW B}, volume = {110}, unique-id = {35343141}, issn = {2469-9950}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2469-9969} } @article{MTMT:35321077, title = {Editorial: Static and dynamic pattern formation from nano to macroscales}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35321077}, author = {Itatani, Masaki and Holló, Gábor and Kumar, Pawan and Matsuo, Muneyuki and Nabika, Hideki and Lagzi, István László}, doi = {10.3389/fphy.2024.1492485}, journal-iso = {FRONT PHYS-LAUSANNE}, journal = {FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS}, volume = {12}, unique-id = {35321077}, issn = {2296-424X}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2296-424X} } @article{MTMT:35308013, title = {Imaging antiferromagnetic domains in LiCoPO4 via the optical magnetoelectric effect}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35308013}, author = {Tóth, Boglárka and Kocsis, Vilmos and Tokunaga, Yusuke and Taguchi, Yasujiro and Tokura, Yoshinori and Bordács, Sándor}, journal-iso = {PHYS REV B}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW B}, volume = {110}, unique-id = {35308013}, issn = {1098-0121}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1550-235X}, pages = {L100405}, orcid-numbers = {Kocsis, Vilmos/0000-0003-3702-8034; Taguchi, Yasujiro/0000-0003-1896-699X; Bordács, Sándor/0000-0003-0420-5997} } @article{MTMT:35307634, title = {Weyl fermion excitations in the ideal Weyl semimetal CuTlSe2}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35307634}, author = {Wang, C.N. and Tay, D. and Dong, Q.X. and Okvátovity, Zoltán and Huddart, B.M. and Ma, C.Y. and Yokoyama, K. and Yu, L. and Lancaster, T. and Chen, G.F. and Ott, H.-R. and Shiroka, T.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.033229}, journal-iso = {PRRESEARCH}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH}, volume = {6}, unique-id = {35307634}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2643-1564} } @inproceedings{MTMT:35294285, title = {Optimization of the Forced Fission Coefficient via Stochastic Calculus}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35294285}, author = {Hajas, Tamás Zoltán and Tolnai, Gábor and Pázmán, Előd and Légrády, Dávid}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Physics of Reactors PHYSOR 2024}, doi = {10.13182/PHYSOR24-43571}, unique-id = {35294285}, abstract = {This paper uses Stochastic Differential E quations (SDEs) t o m odel t he v ariance o f t he Dynamic Monte Carlo (DMC) method.The Non-Analog Monte Carlo (NAMC) model was applied to the Stochastic Point-Kinetics equations (SPKe).The focus of this paper is modelling forced fission as a variance reduction technique with a general analytic representation for the variance.As a result, this paper shows an analytic derivation for the optimal fission biasing verifying that similar end result is obtained with time-dependent calculations. © 2024 AMERICAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY. All rights reserved.}, keywords = {Optimization; Monte Carlo methods; Stochastic models; stochastic systems; Differentiation (calculus); Fission reactions; Random variables; Optimisations; Choquet integral; STOCHASTIC CALCULUS; STOCHASTIC CALCULUS; stochastics; Monte Carlo model; Point-kinetics; Dynamic Monte Carlo method; forced fission; non-analog Monte Carlo model; stochastic point-kinetics; Analog monte-carlo; Dynamic Monte Carlo method; Forced fission; Non-analog monte carlo model; Stochastic point-kinetic}, year = {2024}, pages = {1591-1599} } @inproceedings{MTMT:35294267, title = {Engineering the energy supply for a Martian colony}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35294267}, author = {Imre, Eszter Anna and Biró, Bence and Aszódi, Attila}, booktitle = {2024 9th International Youth Conference on Energy (IYCE)}, doi = {10.1109/IYCE60333.2024.10634951}, unique-id = {35294267}, abstract = {Mars exploration has a history of more than half a century and has been the subject of numerous expeditions over the past nearly 70 years. Much of this exploration has been motivated by the idea of colonizing the planet. Providing energy to a Martian colony is a challenging task due to the challenging conditions and the need for special equipment. There are a number of options for supplying energy to a colony, with nuclear, solar, geothermal and wind all being explored. Solar and nuclear energy have the greatest potential, and our research is looking at how these energy sources could power the colony.In our research, we calculated the energy use of a potential Martian colony and combined these to assess the potential for generating the demand we estimated. We have calculated the oxygen demand and its production, and we have investigated the theoretical possibility of a new process for waste management to produce recycled acrylonitrile butadiene styrene for 3D printing. We have also calculated the gamma irradiation dose of Martian samples and the energy requirements of the equipment needed to produce it, the extraction of water and its application in agriculture. We also evaluated the potential of nuclear reactors and solar energy. Our calculations provide a good basis for a full simulation of the energy system of a Martian colony. © 2024 IEEE.}, keywords = {Mars; Mars; IRRADIATION; ENERGY; Gamma Rays; POWER; Energy supplies; SPACE; SPACE; effluent treatment; Geothermal energy; Space research; Energy source; Mars exploration; Martian surface analysis; condition; Energy supply; small modular reactors; small modular reactors; extraterrestrial colony; Small nuclear reactors; Extraterrestrial colony}, year = {2024} } @article{MTMT:35254908, title = {Superlinear Krylov convergence under streamline diffusion FEM for convection-dominated elliptic operators}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35254908}, author = {Karátson, János}, doi = {10.1002/nla.2586}, journal-iso = {NUMER LINEAR ALGEBR}, journal = {NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA WITH APPLICATIONS}, unique-id = {35254908}, issn = {1070-5325}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1099-1506}, orcid-numbers = {Karátson, János/0000-0003-1369-7743} } @article{MTMT:35225761, title = {Boundary conditions for nonlocal one-sided pseudo-differential operators and the associated stochastic processes}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35225761}, author = {Baeumer, Boris and Kovács, Mihály and Toniazzi, Lorenzo}, doi = {10.4064/dm852-6-2024}, journal-iso = {DISS MATH}, journal = {DISSERTATIONES MATHEMATICAE}, unique-id = {35225761}, issn = {0012-3862}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1730-6310}, orcid-numbers = {Kovács, Mihály/0000-0001-7977-9114} }