TY - JOUR AU - Kékes, Ede AU - Vályi, Péter TI - A diasztolés vérnyomás összefüggése a cardiovascularis betegségekkel JF - LEGE ARTIS MEDICINAE J2 - LEGE ART MED VL - 34 PY - 2024 IS - 7-8 SP - 373 EP - 383 PG - 11 SN - 0866-4811 DO - 10.33616/lam.34.0373 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35325771 ID - 35325771 AB - Nemcsak a magas szisztolés és diasztolés vérnyomás, de a túlzottan alacsony diasztolés vérnyomás is összefüggést mutat a cardiovascularis és a renalis betegségekkel. A magas vérnyomásban szenvedőkben hosszú ideig 18–65 éves korban általában a 70–79 Hgmm-es diasztolés nyomást tartották optimálisnak, idősebb korban (65 év felett), a különböző irányelvek szerint, az optimális érték <80 Hgmm vagy <90 Hgmm volt. Tartósan uralkodik az a nézet, hogy bármelyik életkorban 70 Hgmm, még inkább 65 Hgmm alatti diasztolés vérnyomás esetén a szövődmények megjelenése gyakoribb és a betegségek kimenetele rosszabb, az átlagos (optimális) értékhez képest. Az „optimális érték” alatti és feletti diasztolés nyomást egyaránt káros hatásúnak tartják, a túlzottan alacsony diasztolés vérnyomás és a cardiovascularis, valamint a renalis események közötti összefüggést J vagy U alakúnak írják le. Eddig még nem végeztek olyan klinikai vizsgálatokat, amelyeknek a fő célkitűzése a cardiovascularis és renalis kimenetel szempontjából valóban optimális diasztolés vérnyomás meghatározása lett volna. Ennek hiányában, fontos kérdés, hogy létezik-e a J vagy U alakú összefüggés, az alacsony diasztolés vérnyomás oka vagy következménye-e cardiovascularis és renalis betegségeknek és a társuló állapotaiknak? Az összefoglaló közleményben ezt kívánjuk megválaszolni, és arra is választ adni, vajon a kezdettől fogva vagy a kezelés során megjelenő alacsony diasztolés vérnyomás gátolhatja-e a megfelelő hatékonyságú, a cardiovascularis és a renalis morbiditást és mortalitást csökkentő antihipertenzív kezelést. LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Mikó-Baráth, Eszter AU - Wiegand, Dorottya Zsuzsanna AU - Nemes, Vanda Ágnes AU - Hegyi, Péter AU - Szabó, Ivett AU - Csutak, Adrienne AU - Wiegand, Norbert AU - Jandó, Gábor AU - Patczai, Balázs TI - Mobile assessment of visual function helps to prevent Re-Injury in elderly patients with recent hip fractures JF - INJURY: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED J2 - INJURY VL - 55 PY - 2024 IS - Suppl. 3 PG - 6 SN - 0020-1383 DO - 10.1016/j.injury.2024.111541 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35320209 ID - 35320209 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Ahmadi, Yasin AU - Ahmadi, Hamid AU - Aghebati-Maleki, Leili TI - Increase in the specificity of immunoassay methods by direct targeting different epitopes; sequential chain reactions. JF - Human antibodies J2 - Hum Antibodies PY - 2024 SN - 1875-869X DO - 10.3233/HAB-240019 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35320044 ID - 35320044 AB - Immunoassay methods typically involve the use of antibodies, which are either labeled with an enzyme to generate a detectable product or directly tagged with a radioactive or fluorescent substrate.One approach to enhance the specificity of immuno-detection methods is by employing a combination of different antibodies, such as primary and secondary.However, relying solely on one antibody targeting another may not offer the highest level of precision for improving immunoassay specificity; A novel strategy for enhancing the specificity of immunoassay techniques involves directly targeting different epitopes of an antigen.This approach entails utilizing sequential chain reactions facilitated by distinct enzymes bound to various antibodies, each directed at specific epitopes on the antigen. Such an innovative method holds promise for advancing the specificity of immunoassay methods. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Szabó-Meleg, Edina TI - Intercellular Highways in Transport Processes. JF - RESULTS AND PROBLEMS IN CELL DIFFERENTIATION J2 - RES PROB CELL DIFF VL - 73 PY - 2024 SP - 173 EP - 201 PG - 29 SN - 0080-1844 DO - 10.1007/978-3-031-62036-2_9 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35320041 ID - 35320041 N1 - Journal Article; Review AB - Communication among cells is vital in multicellular organisms. Various structures and mechanisms have evolved over time to achieve the intricate flow of material and information during this process. One such way of communication is through tunnelling membrane nanotubes (TNTs), which were initially described in 2004. These TNTs are membrane-bounded actin-rich cellular extensions, facilitating direct communication between distant cells. They exhibit remarkable diversity in terms of structure, morphology, and function, in which cytoskeletal proteins play an essential role. Biologically, TNTs play a crucial role in transporting membrane components, cell organelles, and nucleic acids, and they also present opportunities for the efficient transmission of bacteria and viruses, furthermore, may contribute to the dissemination of misfolded proteins in certain neurodegenerative diseases. Convincing results of studies conducted both in vitro and in vivo indicate that TNTs play roles in various biomedical processes, including cell differentiation, tissue regeneration, neurodegenerative diseases, immune response and function, as well as tumorigenesis. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Paári-Molnár, Emese AU - Kardos, Kinga AU - Told, Roland AU - Simon, Imre AU - Sahai, Nitin AU - Szabo, Peter AU - Bovári-Biri, Judit AU - Steinerbrunner-Nagy, Alexandra AU - Pongrácz, Judit AU - Rendeki, Szilárd AU - Maróti, Péter TI - Comprehensive Study of Mechanical, Electrical and Biological Properties of Conductive Polymer Composites for Medical Applications through Additive Manufacturing JF - POLYMERS J2 - POLYMERS-BASEL VL - 16 PY - 2024 IS - 18 PG - 24 SN - 2073-4360 DO - 10.3390/polym16182625 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35319497 ID - 35319497 AB - Conductive polymer composites are commonly present in flexible electrodes for neural interfaces, implantable sensors, and aerospace applications. Fused filament fabrication (FFF) is a widely used additive manufacturing technology, where conductive filaments frequently contain carbon-based fillers. In this study, the static and dynamic mechanical properties and the electrical properties (resistance, signal transmission, resistance measurements during cyclic tensile, bending and temperature tests) were investigated for polylactic acid (PLA)-based, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)-based, thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU)-based, and polyamide (PA)-based conductive filaments with carbon-based additives. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was implemented to evaluate the results. Cytotoxicity measurements were performed. The conductive ABS specimens have a high gauge factor between 0.2% and 1.0% strain. All tested materials, except the PA-based conductive composite, are suitable for low-voltage applications such as 3D-printed EEG and EMG sensors. ABS-based and TPU-based conductive composites are promising raw materials suitable for temperature measuring and medical applications. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Gedei, Peter AU - Rendeki, Szilárd AU - Wiegand, Norbert AU - Maróti, Péter AU - Molnár, Ferenc József AU - Nagy, Bálint AU - Keresztes, Dóra AU - Kiss, Péter AU - Jonas, Ivett AU - Szekely, Krisztina AU - Ughy, Mark AU - Farkas, József TI - Investigation of the effectiveness of prehospital amputation devices on cadavers JF - INJURY: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED J2 - INJURY VL - 55 PY - 2024 IS - Suppl. 3 PG - 8 SN - 0020-1383 DO - 10.1016/j.injury.2024.111548 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35319483 ID - 35319483 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Barozzi, I. AU - Slaven, N. AU - Canale, E. AU - Lopes, R. AU - Amorim, Monteiro Barbosa I. AU - Bleu, M. AU - Ivanoiu, D. AU - Pacini, C. AU - Mensa', E. AU - Chambers, A. AU - Bravaccini, S. AU - Ravaioli, S. AU - Győrffy, Balázs AU - Dieci, M.V. AU - Pruneri, G. AU - Galli, G.G. AU - Magnani, L. TI - A Functional Survey of the Regulatory Landscape of Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Evolution JF - CANCER DISCOVERY J2 - CANCER DISCOV VL - 14 PY - 2024 IS - 9 SP - 1612 EP - 1630 PG - 19 SN - 2159-8274 DO - 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-23-1157 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35309371 ID - 35309371 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Sipos, Dávid AU - Debreczeni-Máté, Zsanett AU - Ritter, Zsombor AU - Freihat, Omar AU - Mihály, Simon AU - Kovács, Árpád TI - Complex Diagnostic Challenges in Glioblastoma : The Role of 18F-FDOPA PET Imaging JF - PHARMACEUTICALS J2 - PHARMACEUTICALS-BASE VL - 17 PY - 2024 IS - 9 PG - 16 SN - 1424-8247 DO - 10.3390/ph17091215 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35306447 ID - 35306447 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Osváth, Anikó Éva AU - Hankó, C AU - Csáki, M AU - Molnár, E AU - Pahocsa, J AU - Kocsor, S AU - Tóth, K AU - Fertői, D AU - Sándor-Bajusz, Kinga Amália AU - Dergez, Tímea AU - Tényiné Csábi, Györgyi TI - Risk factors and personality characteristics of nunsuicidal self-injurious behavior in clinical sample of female adolescents JF - EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY J2 - EUR PSYCHIAT VL - 67 PY - 2024 SP - S446 EP - S447 SN - 0924-9338 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35298246 ID - 35298246 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Medrano, Mireia AU - Allaoui, Wissal AU - Haddad, Ra’fat Ehab Salim AU - Makrini-Maleville, Leila AU - Valjent, Emmanuel AU - Smolders, Ilse AU - Kormos, Viktória AU - Gaszner, Balázs AU - De Bundel, Dimitri TI - Neuromedin U Neurons in the Edinger–Westphal Nucleus Respond to Alcohol Without Interfering with the Urocortin 1 Response JF - NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH J2 - NEUROCHEM RES PY - 2024 SN - 0364-3190 DO - 10.1007/s11064-024-04238-1 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35297704 ID - 35297704 N1 - * Megosztott szerzőség AB - The Edinger–Westphal nucleus (EW) is a midbrain nucleus composed of a preganglionic, cholinergic subpopulation and a densely clustered peptidergic subpopulation (EWcp). The EWcp is one of the few brain regions that show consistent induction of FOS following voluntary alcohol intake. Previous results in rodents point to urocortin 1 (UCN1) as one of the peptides most involved in the control of ethanol intake and preference. Notably, the functions described for UCN1, such as reward processing, stress coping or the regulation of feeding behavior are similar to those described for the neuropeptide neuromedin U (NMU). Interestingly, NMU has been recently associated with the modulation of alcohol-related behaviors. However, little is known about the expression and functionality of NMU neurons in alcohol-responsive areas. In this study, we used the recently developed Nmu-Cre knock-in mouse model to examine the expression of NMU in the subaqueductal paramedian zone comprising the EWcp. We delved into the characterization and co-expression of NMU with other markers already described in the EWcp. Moreover, using FOS as a marker of neuronal activity, we tested whether NMU neurons were sensitive to acute alcohol administration. Overall, we provided novel insights on NMU expression and functionality in the EW region. We showed the presence of NMU within a subpopulation of UCN1 neurons in the EWcp and demonstrated that this partial co-expression does not interfere with the responsivity of UCN1-containing cells to alcohol. Moreover, we proposed that the UCN1 content in these neurons may be influenced by sex. LA - English DB - MTMT ER -