@article{MTMT:35145110, title = {Emlődenzitás vizsgálata emlőrákdiszkordáns ikerpárok esetében}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35145110}, author = {Veres, Szilárd and Martinovszky, Fruzsina and Di Giovanni, Márk and Budai, Bettina Katalin and Beszedics, Beatrix and Szabó, István and Butz, Henriett and Patócs, Attila Balázs and Török, Bálint and Ujlaki, Mátyás and Tárnoki, Dávid László and Tárnoki, Ádám Domonkos}, journal-iso = {MAGYAR ONKOLÓGIA}, journal = {MAGYAR ONKOLÓGIA}, volume = {68}, unique-id = {35145110}, issn = {0025-0244}, abstract = {Previous twin studies show that genetic factors are responsible for 63% of the variability in breast density. We analyzed the mammographic images of 9 discordant twin pairs for breast cancer from the population-based Hungarian Twin Registry. We measured breast density using 3D Slicer software. Genetic variants predisposing to breast cancer were also examined. One of the examined twin pairs had a BRCA2 mutation in both members. There was no significant difference between the mean values of breast density in the tumor and non-tumor groups (p=0.323). In terms of parity and the presence of menopause, we found mostly no significant difference between the members of the twin pair. In our cohort of identical twins discordant for breast cancer, the average breast density showed no significant difference, which can be explained by the common genetic basis of breast cancer and breast density.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2060-0399}, pages = {171-176}, orcid-numbers = {Martinovszky, Fruzsina/0000-0002-4087-9975; Di Giovanni, Márk/0009-0005-5385-2957; Budai, Bettina Katalin/0000-0002-3982-7887; Butz, Henriett/0000-0003-1664-409X; Patócs, Attila Balázs/0000-0001-7506-674X; Tárnoki, Dávid László/0000-0002-7001-7647; Tárnoki, Ádám Domonkos/0000-0001-5909-3780} } @article{MTMT:34161825, title = {Emlőtumor vizsgálata ikrekben}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34161825}, author = {Martinovszky, Fruzsina and Beszedics, Beatrix and Németh, Bálint and Salfiti, Juszef and Alijanpourotaghsara, Amirreza and Strelnikov, David and Török, Bálint and Ujlaki, Mátyás and Tárnoki, Dávid László and Tárnoki, Ádám Domonkos}, journal-iso = {MAGYAR RADIOLÓGIA ONLINE}, journal = {MAGYAR RADIOLÓGIA ONLINE}, volume = {14}, unique-id = {34161825}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2063-9481}, pages = {36}, orcid-numbers = {Martinovszky, Fruzsina/0000-0002-4087-9975; Strelnikov, David/0000-0002-5911-9335; Tárnoki, Dávid László/0000-0002-7001-7647; Tárnoki, Ádám Domonkos/0000-0001-5909-3780} } @article{MTMT:3140530, title = {Maternal bonding styles in smokers and non-smokers: a comparative study}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3140530}, author = {Csala, Irén and Eleméry, Mónika and Martinovszky, Fruzsina and Döme, Péter and Döme, Balázs and Faludi, Gábor and Sándor, Imola and Győrffy, Zsuzsa and Birkás, Emma and Lazáry, Judit}, doi = {10.1186/s12991-016-0118-y}, journal-iso = {ANN GEN PSYCHIATRY}, journal = {ANNALS OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY}, volume = {15}, unique-id = {3140530}, issn = {1744-859X}, abstract = {BACKGROUND: Parental bonding has been implicated in smoking behavior, and the quality of maternal bonding (MB) has been associated with poor mental health and substance use. However, little is known about the association of MB and the smoking of the offspring. METHODS: In our study, 129 smokers and 610 non-smoker medical students completed the parental bonding instrument, which measures MB along two dimensions: care and overprotection. Four categories can be created by high and low scores on care and overprotection: optimal parenting (OP; high care/low overprotection); affectionless control (ALC; low care/high overprotection); affectionate constraint (AC; high care/high overprotection), and neglectful parenting (NP; low care/low overprotection). Nicotine dependence was assessed by the Fagerstrom Nicotine Dependence Test, exhaled CO level, and daily cigarette consumption (CPD). RESULTS: Higher CPD was significantly associated with lower overprotection (p = 0.016) and higher care (p = 0.023) scores. The odds for being a smoker were significantly higher in the neglectful maternal bonding style compared to the other rearing styles (p = 0.022). Besides, smokers showed significantly higher care and lower overprotection scores with the Mann-Whitney U-test than non-smokers, although these associations did not remain significant in multiple regression models. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that focusing on early life relationship between patient and mother can be important in psychotherapeutic interventions for smoking. Registration trials retrospectively registered.}, year = {2016}, eissn = {1744-859X}, orcid-numbers = {Csala, Irén/0000-0002-8897-295X; Eleméry, Mónika/0000-0001-8875-8833; Martinovszky, Fruzsina/0000-0002-4087-9975; Döme, Péter/0000-0003-3847-0553; Döme, Balázs/0000-0001-8799-8624; Faludi, Gábor/0000-0002-1117-0510; Sándor, Imola/0000-0002-5167-2937; Győrffy, Zsuzsa/0000-0001-6866-4653; Birkás, Emma/0000-0001-7635-6896; Lazáry, Judit/0000-0003-0059-8893} } @article{MTMT:3081280, title = {Az alvás alatti légzészavarok hátterében álló örökletes tényezők: egy ikervizsgálat tapasztalatai}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3081280}, author = {Tárnoki, Dávid László and Tárnoki, Ádám Domonkos and Kovács, Dániel Tamás and Forgó, Bianka and Martinovszky, Fruzsina and Gáll, Orsolya and Littvay, Levente and Losonczy, György and Kunos, László and Bikov, András}, journal-iso = {MED THORAC (BP)}, journal = {MEDICINA THORACALIS (BUDAPEST)}, volume = {69}, unique-id = {3081280}, issn = {0238-2571}, year = {2016}, pages = {87-95}, orcid-numbers = {Tárnoki, Dávid László/0000-0002-7001-7647; Tárnoki, Ádám Domonkos/0000-0001-5909-3780; Martinovszky, Fruzsina/0000-0002-4087-9975; Littvay, Levente/0000-0003-2022-6886; Losonczy, György/0000-0002-5340-360X; Bikov, András/0000-0002-8983-740X} } @article{MTMT:2989784, title = {Overnight changes in lung function in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2989784}, author = {Martinovszky, Fruzsina and Zsolyomi, M and Tárnoki, Ádám Domonkos and Tárnoki, Dávid László and Losonczy, György and Kunos, László and Bikov, András}, doi = {10.1183/13993003.congress-2015.PA2367}, journal-iso = {EUR RESPIR J}, journal = {EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL}, volume = {46}, unique-id = {2989784}, issn = {0903-1936}, year = {2015}, eissn = {1399-3003}, orcid-numbers = {Martinovszky, Fruzsina/0000-0002-4087-9975; Tárnoki, Ádám Domonkos/0000-0001-5909-3780; Tárnoki, Dávid László/0000-0002-7001-7647; Losonczy, György/0000-0002-5340-360X; Bikov, András/0000-0002-8983-740X} } @article{MTMT:2933721, title = {A kilégzett levegő hőmérsékletének mérése stabil és exacerbált COPD-s betegekben}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2933721}, author = {Lázár, Zsófia and Bikov, András and Martinovszky, Fruzsina and Gálffy, Gabriella and Losonczy, György and Horváth, Ildikó}, journal-iso = {MED THORAC (BP)}, journal = {MEDICINA THORACALIS (BUDAPEST)}, volume = {68}, unique-id = {2933721}, issn = {0238-2571}, year = {2015}, pages = {257-262}, orcid-numbers = {Lázár, Zsófia/0000-0003-2444-9040; Bikov, András/0000-0002-8983-740X; Martinovszky, Fruzsina/0000-0002-4087-9975; Losonczy, György/0000-0002-5340-360X; Horváth, Ildikó/0000-0001-6891-1044} }