@inbook{MTMT:34836318, title = {JÓGYAKORLATOK EGY SAJÁTOS AKADÉMIAI TÖRZS, A STEM TERÜLETEK DISZCIPLINÁRIS KULTÚRÁJÁNAK FORMÁLÁSÁRA. A Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem zöld kezdeményezései és egy a nők informatikai területen való alulreprezentáltságára fókuszáló nonprofit, a Skool tevékenységének bemutatása}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34836318}, author = {Alter, Emese}, booktitle = {Civilek és kormányok}, unique-id = {34836318}, year = {2023}, pages = {48-67} } @article{MTMT:34689616, title = {A mentor mint iránytű. A Tanítsunk Magyarországért mentorprogram hatása az alacsony státusú diákok jövőképére, tanulmányi aspirációikra}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34689616}, author = {Papp, Hunor and Alter, Emese and Godó, Katalin and Ceglédi, Tímea}, doi = {10.37205/TEL-hun.2023.3.03}, journal-iso = {PEDAGÓGUSKÉPZÉS}, journal = {PEDAGÓGUSKÉPZÉS}, volume = {21(49)}, unique-id = {34689616}, issn = {0133-2570}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2732-3463}, pages = {59-80}, orcid-numbers = {Ceglédi, Tímea/0000-0001-9943-1801} } @{MTMT:34152171, title = {Broken stereotypes? Parental involvement in Roma students’ school careers.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34152171}, author = {Horváth, A and Ceglédi, Tímea and Alter, Emese and Godó, Katalin and Godó, Irén and Papp, H and Tóth, E}, booktitle = {Book of Abstracts of the 6th International Conference on Future of Education 2023 (Future Edu 2023)}, unique-id = {34152171}, year = {2023}, pages = {70}, orcid-numbers = {Ceglédi, Tímea/0000-0001-9943-1801} } @article{MTMT:34152101, title = {Mentorálás a pandémia idején: 2 év tanulságai}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34152101}, author = {Godó, Katalin and Ceglédi, Tímea and Godó, Irén and Alter, Emese and Papp, Hunor and Horváth, Annamária and Tóth, Emese}, doi = {10.24193/PedActa.13.1.3}, journal-iso = {PEDACTA}, journal = {PEDACTA}, volume = {13}, unique-id = {34152101}, abstract = {"In this study, we investigate satisfaction with mentoring among primary school students in grades 7-8. We also investigate the impact of the pandemic on academic performance and interpersonal relationships. We are looking for differences between mentored and non-mentored students on these variables. For this purpose, we interviewed students participating in the Teach for Hungary mentoring programme. We also included unmentored students as a control group. In our quantitative research, we reached a total of 206 students in 4 schools in Hajdú-Bihar county in the second semester of the 2021/22 school year. Our aim was to conduct a comprehensive study to gain insights into the correlation between pandemic and school performance and the relationship with teachers and friends. In our research, the perception of the mentor is positive. The academic performance of those with a mentor deteriorated less during the covid compared to those without a mentor, and their interpersonal relationships were less damaged. The lack of a mentor-parent relationship was also noted. Our results can provide important feedback both for the programme and for schools interested in mentoring. "}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2248-3527}, pages = {17-31}, orcid-numbers = {Ceglédi, Tímea/0000-0001-9943-1801} } @{MTMT:34108386, title = {The Role of School Support Staff in Strengthening the Relationship between Parents and the School}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34108386}, author = {Dan, Beáta-Andrea and Csók, Cintia and Alter, Emese and Bacskai, Katinka and Pusztai, Gabriella}, booktitle = {Book of Abstracts of the 6th International Conference on Future of Education 2023 (Future Edu 2023)}, unique-id = {34108386}, year = {2023}, pages = {65} } @{MTMT:34103637, title = {Megcáfolt tévhitek? Szülői bevonódás a Tanítsunk Magyarországért Mentorprogramban résztvevő roma tanulók iskolai pályafutásában.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34103637}, author = {Alter, Emese and Ceglédi, Tímea and Godó, Katalin and Godó, Irén and Papp, Hunor and Horváth, Annamária and Tóth, Emese}, booktitle = {Kihívás és/vagy esély - a romák integrációja Európában II}, unique-id = {34103637}, year = {2022}, pages = {78}, orcid-numbers = {Ceglédi, Tímea/0000-0001-9943-1801} } @book{MTMT:33560811, title = {Nők a tudományban : a női kutatók helyzete hazai és nemzetközi vonatkozásban}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33560811}, isbn = {9789636150662}, author = {Alter, Emese and Fazekas-Paragh, Judit and Karácsony, Gyöngyi and Király, Magdolna and Pergéné Szabó, Enikő and Száldobágyi, Ádám and Szentmiklósi, Bernadett}, doi = {10.5484/9789636150662}, publisher = {Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó}, unique-id = {33560811}, year = {2022}, orcid-numbers = {Király, Magdolna/0000-0002-2531-0166; Pergéné Szabó, Enikő/0000-0002-2653-5754} } @{MTMT:33368483, title = {A segítő szakemberek szülői bevonódásban betöltött szerepe. Egy szisztematikus szakirodalomáttekintés eredményei}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33368483}, author = {Csók, Cintia and Alter, Emese and Bacskai, Katinka and Dan, Beáta-Andrea and Pusztai, Gabriella}, booktitle = {21. századi képességek, írásbeliség, esélyegyenlőség}, unique-id = {33368483}, year = {2022}, pages = {178} } @article{MTMT:32915306, title = {A hazai STEM képzések rekrutációs jellemzői és a felvettek akadémiai felkészültsége}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32915306}, author = {Alter, Emese}, journal-iso = {KŰLÖNLEGES BÁNÁSMÓD}, journal = {KÜLÖNLEGES BÁNÁSMÓD}, volume = {8}, unique-id = {32915306}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2498-5368}, pages = {73-86} } @article{MTMT:32894078, title = {The role of student employment in persistence and efficiency in STEM higher education.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32894078}, author = {Kocsis, Zsófia and Alter, Emese and Pusztai, Gabriella}, doi = {10.46328/ijemst.2177}, journal-iso = {INT J EDUC MATH SCI}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATION IN MATHEMATICS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY}, volume = {10}, unique-id = {32894078}, abstract = {The high dropout ratios that characterize STEM fields can be explained by several factors, one of which is the employment of students during their studies. Our research aims to explore the impact of student employment on persistence and academic performance in STEM fields. During our research, we used the data of the Hungarian subsample of the PERSIST 2019 database (N=1045). According to our results, IT trainings are more resistant to the negative effects of employment than other trainings, as students working in this field did not differ from their non-employed peers in terms of either persistence or academic progress. Concerning the science, engineering, and non-STEM training, employment had a significant negative effect on academic performance, but it was primarily compensated by being employed in study-related jobs in science training, which also had a favorable effect in non-STEM training courses. However, in the field of engineering, employment in the profession reinforced this adverse effect too. In the field of informatics, study-related work also had a negative impact. Based on our results, we think it is worth considering the broader spread of dual training courses in higher education, during which students can complete an internship at a company or partner organization in addition to theoretical training.}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2147-611X}, pages = {831-848} }