@article{MTMT:32818022, title = {ENHANCING WOMEN ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT THROUGH FINANCIAL INCLUSION:EVIDENCE FROM SMEs IN ETHIOPIA}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32818022}, author = {Baraki, Tiblets Nguse and Deresa, Goshu Desalegn and Oshora, Betgilu and Tangl, Anita and Nathan, Robert Jeyakumar and Farkasné Fekete, Mária}, doi = {10.17512/pjms.2022.25.1.17}, journal-iso = {POL J OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES}, journal = {POLISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES}, volume = {25}, unique-id = {32818022}, issn = {2081-7452}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2081-7452}, pages = {270-291}, orcid-numbers = {Oshora, Betgilu/0000-0003-0928-7864; Tangl, Anita/0000-0003-0418-5439} } @article{MTMT:32583507, title = {Does the Exchange Rate and Its Volatility Matter for International Trade in Ethiopia?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32583507}, author = {Baraki, Tiblets Nguse and Oshora, Betgilu and Farkasné Fekete, Mária and Tangl, Anita and Deresa, Goshu Desalegn}, doi = {10.3390/jrfm14120591}, journal-iso = {J RISK FINANC MANAG}, journal = {JOURNAL OF RISK AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT}, volume = {14}, unique-id = {32583507}, issn = {1911-8066}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1911-8074}, pages = {591}, orcid-numbers = {Oshora, Betgilu/0000-0003-0928-7864; Tangl, Anita/0000-0003-0418-5439} } @inproceedings{MTMT:32502770, title = {Microfinance. A Tool for Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Ethiopia}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32502770}, author = {Baraki, Tiblets Nguse and Oshora, Betgilu and Zéman, Zoltán}, booktitle = {VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings}, unique-id = {32502770}, year = {2021}, pages = {81-90}, orcid-numbers = {Oshora, Betgilu/0000-0003-0928-7864} } @article{MTMT:32187372, title = {The innovation of FinTech in Promoting Financial Inclusion in Ethiopia: Opportunities and Barriers}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32187372}, author = {Oshora, Betgilu and Mohammed, Nuru Siraj and Baraki, Tiblets Nguse and Zéman, Zoltán and Farkasné Fekete, Mária and Hágen, István Zsombor}, journal-iso = {ECON WORK CAPITAL}, journal = {ECONOMICS & WORKING CAPITAL}, volume = {2021}, unique-id = {32187372}, issn = {2398-9491}, year = {2021}, pages = {2-10}, orcid-numbers = {Oshora, Betgilu/0000-0003-0928-7864} } @article{MTMT:31843552, title = {Economic Growth, Investment, Population Growth and Unemployment in Ethiopia}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31843552}, author = {Oshora, Betgilu and Baraki, Tiblets Nguse and Farkasné Fekete, Mária and Zéman, Zoltán}, doi = {10.1051/shsconf/20219001013}, journal-iso = {SHS WEB OF CONFERENCES}, journal = {SHS WEB OF CONFERENCES}, volume = {90}, unique-id = {31843552}, year = {2021}, eissn = {2261-2424}, orcid-numbers = {Oshora, Betgilu/0000-0003-0928-7864} } @{MTMT:31843560, title = {Microfinance institutions in bridging micro and small enterprises financing gap: Success and challenges in case of Ethiopia}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31843560}, author = {Oshora, Betgilu and Baraki, Tiblets Nguse and Farkasné Fekete, Mária}, booktitle = {VI. Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers}, unique-id = {31843560}, year = {2020}, pages = {96-97}, orcid-numbers = {Oshora, Betgilu/0000-0003-0928-7864} }