@inbook{MTMT:34823307, title = {A bőségszaru súlya - Szemelvények a Balaton térség önkormányzatokkal kapcsolatos kihívásaiból}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34823307}, author = {Fekete, Károly and Oláh, Miklós and Dombi, Gábor and Horváth, Csanád Bátor}, booktitle = {Autonómia és művészet - Zongor Gábor 70 éve}, unique-id = {34823307}, year = {2023}, pages = {55-64} } @article{MTMT:32947349, title = {Kiemelt térségek a magyar területfejlesztésben - különös tekintettel a Balatonra}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32947349}, author = {Fekete, Károly}, journal-iso = {COMITATUS}, journal = {COMITATUS: ÖNKORMÁNYZATI SZEMLE}, volume = {32}, unique-id = {32947349}, issn = {1215-315X}, year = {2022}, pages = {58-68} } @inproceedings{MTMT:32599848, title = {Possibilities and limitations of applying smart approaches in Lake Balaton area}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32599848}, author = {Fekete, Károly}, booktitle = {Smart Opportunities for Rural Communities in 2021–2027: Paper Proceedings}, unique-id = {32599848}, year = {2021}, pages = {54-62} } @article{MTMT:32495437, title = {Önkormányzatok és önkéntesek a Balaton Kiemelt Üdülőkörzetben a Covid-19 pandémia első hulláma idején}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32495437}, author = {Fekete, Károly and Dombi, Gábor and Oláh, Miklós}, doi = {10.53585/OnkSzem.2021.2.36-55}, journal-iso = {ÖNKÉNTES SZEMLE}, journal = {ÖNKÉNTES SZEMLE}, volume = {1}, unique-id = {32495437}, year = {2021}, eissn = {2786-0620}, pages = {36-55} } @article{MTMT:32013827, title = {Önkormányzati válságkezelés a Balaton Kiemelt Üdülőkörzetben, a COVID-19-járvány első hullámában}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32013827}, author = {Fekete, Károly and Dombi, Gábor and Oláh, Miklós}, doi = {10.15196/TS610304}, journal-iso = {TERÜLETI STATISZTIKA}, journal = {TERÜLETI STATISZTIKA}, volume = {61}, unique-id = {32013827}, issn = {0018-7828}, year = {2021}, eissn = {2064-8251}, pages = {337-355} } @article{MTMT:31647302, title = {Human geography of drylands. I. Planning the database: Physical, built-up, chemical, biological (ecological), and social indicators}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31647302}, author = {Árvai, Mátyás and Fekete, Károly and Pásztor, László and Kőmíves, Tamás}, doi = {10.19040/ecocycles.v6i2.173}, journal-iso = {ECOCYCLES}, journal = {ECOCYCLES}, volume = {6}, unique-id = {31647302}, issn = {2416-2140}, abstract = {We propose a method based on multilayered mapping for investigating the current problems of people who live in drylands and we urge decision-makers to support such studies to establish the foundations for future decisive and preventive actions. This paper contains an expandable compilation of the environmental indicators (mostly mappable) that may influence the human geography of a certain region. We believe that this geospatial approach may help to resolve convoluted physical, chemical, and social relationships and, at the same time, generate a valuable database for further research. The application of the concept, if successful, will give directions to tackle certain contemporary problems in drylands and predict future ones caused by global climate change.}, year = {2020}, pages = {19-24}, orcid-numbers = {Pásztor, László/0000-0002-1605-4412} } @article{MTMT:30842162, title = {A magyarországi kiskereskedelmi élelmiszerellátás főbb jellemzői és az aprófalvak ellátási problémái, lehetőségei a 21. században}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30842162}, author = {Szabó, Pál and Kabai, Gergely and Fekete, Károly}, journal-iso = {TÉR GAZDASÁG EMBER}, journal = {TÉR-GAZDASÁG-EMBER}, volume = {7}, unique-id = {30842162}, issn = {2064-1176}, year = {2019}, pages = {205-229}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Pál/0000-0002-2140-2223} } @misc{MTMT:3172201, title = {A turizmusfejlesztés területi kohézió szempontú értékelése}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3172201}, author = {Szabó, Pál and Csite, András and Fekete, Károly and Hogyor, Veronika and Jakobi, Ákos and Jobbágy, Eszter and Kabai, Gergely and Kiss, Norbert and Kovács, Ernő and Kováts, Bence and Kun, Eszter and Oláh, Miklós and Matolcsy, János and Németh, Nándor and Nestor, Andrea and Szerepi, Anna}, unique-id = {3172201}, year = {2013}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Pál/0000-0002-2140-2223; Jakobi, Ákos/0000-0001-9624-7785} }