@article{MTMT:34756863, title = {Tiszakürt-Zsilke-tanya. An interdisciplinary analysis of an Early Avar Period cemetery}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34756863}, author = {Gulyás, Bence and Pásztor, Eszter and Fehér, Kristóf and Libor, Csilla and Szeniczey, Tamás and Aradi, László Előd and Fülöp, Réka and Lyublyanovics, Kyra}, doi = {10.17204/dissarch.2023.293}, journal-iso = {DISSARCH}, journal = {DISSERTATIONES ARCHAEOLOGICAE}, volume = {Ser. 3}, unique-id = {34756863}, issn = {2064-4574}, abstract = {A cemetery section comprising 35 burials was excavated at the site of Tiszakürt-Zsilke-tanya. The burial rites suggest that the community who interred their dead here was of East European steppe origin, settled primarily east of the Tisza River. The graves were poorly furnished; the main chronological indicators are melon seed-shaped beads and two pairs of earrings with big bead pendants. Based on these, the cemetery section can be dated between the 640s and the 680s. The archaeological analysis is complemented by an anthropological, archaeozoological, and pottery analysis, as well as a study of metal and glass composition.}, year = {2023}, pages = {293-441}, orcid-numbers = {Gulyás, Bence/0000-0002-7682-2065; Pásztor, Eszter/0009-0000-1585-1973; Fehér, Kristóf/0009-0007-4282-4082; Szeniczey, Tamás/0000-0003-1546-7140; Aradi, László Előd/0000-0003-0276-3119} } @article{MTMT:34440632, title = {A tatai bencés apátság nyomában: temetőrészlet a Nagykert utcában}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34440632}, author = {Kovács, Bianka Gina and Libor, Csilla}, doi = {10.54640/CAH.2023.215}, journal-iso = {COMM ARCH HUNG}, journal = {COMMUNICATIONES ARCHAEOLOGICAE HUNGARIAE}, volume = {2023}, unique-id = {34440632}, issn = {0231-133X}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2786-295X}, pages = {215-241} } @article{MTMT:34398972, title = {"Tuberculosis on the spot" – Discussion of a probable sternal tuberculosis from a late medieval cemetery from Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34398972}, author = {Libor, Csilla and Hajdu, Tamás and Szeniczey, Tamás and Kovács , Loránd Olivér and Kunos, László and László, Orsolya}, doi = {10.1016/j.tube.2023.102410}, journal-iso = {TUBERCULOSIS}, journal = {TUBERCULOSIS}, volume = {143}, unique-id = {34398972}, issn = {1472-9792}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1873-281X}, orcid-numbers = {Hajdu, Tamás/0000-0002-3604-1125; Szeniczey, Tamás/0000-0003-1546-7140; László, Orsolya/0000-0002-7547-7423} } @article{MTMT:34398895, title = {More than one millennium (2nd-16th century CE) of the White Plague in the Carpathian Basin – New cases, expanding knowledge}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34398895}, author = {Kiss, Krisztián and Bálint, Marianna and Gémes, Anett and Marcsik, Antónia and Dávid, Áron and Évinger, Sándor and Gróf, Péter and Gróh, Dániel and Gyenesei, Katalin and János, István and Kolozsi, Barbara and Kovács, Loránd Olivér and Mateovics-László, Orsolya and Libor, Csilla and Merczi, Mónika and Molnár, Erika and Németh, Csilla Emese and Pálfi, György and Perémi, Ágota and Rácz, Zsófia and Spekker, Olga and Szőke, Béla Miklós and Tóth, István Zsolt and Tóth, Zoltán and Hajdu, Tamás and Szeniczey, Tamás}, doi = {10.1016/j.tube.2023.102387}, journal-iso = {TUBERCULOSIS}, journal = {TUBERCULOSIS}, volume = {143}, unique-id = {34398895}, issn = {1472-9792}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1873-281X}, orcid-numbers = {Gémes, Anett/0000-0002-5107-8364; Marcsik, Antónia/0000-0002-3121-4365; Molnár, Erika/0000-0001-6660-9239; Spekker, Olga/0000-0002-0350-1906; Hajdu, Tamás/0000-0002-3604-1125; Szeniczey, Tamás/0000-0003-1546-7140} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34291142, title = {Adatok a Hernád-völgy 10-11. századi településtörténetéhez}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34291142}, author = {Takács, Richárd and Pusztai, Tamás and Libor, Csilla}, booktitle = {"Hadak útján" A népvándorláskor fiatal kutatóinak XXIX. konferenciája. = 29th Conference of scholars on the Migration Period}, doi = {10.55722/Arpad.Kiad.2023.4.2_19}, unique-id = {34291142}, abstract = {Az észak–déli irányban húzódó Hernád-völgy az őskor óta lakott és fontos kereskedelmi útvonal volt. Jelentősége megmaradhatott a magyar államalapítás korában is, ugyanis a 11. században a folyó partján emelték egyik első ispánsági várunkat, Abaújvárt. A 10‒11. század kutatásában a terület napjainkig szinte ismeretlen, fehér foltnak számított. Az alább bemutatásra kerülő Szalaszend Nagy- és Kishegy nevű régészeti lelőhelyen feltárt honfoglalás kori temető sírjait a feltárt leletek alapján a 10. század középső harmadában áshatták meg}, year = {2023}, pages = {525-557} } @article{MTMT:33648813, title = {Nyomvonal alatt. Az M6 autópálya Paks-Cseresznyés lelőhelyének éremleletei}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33648813}, author = {Jablonkai, Dávid and Kovács, Enikő and Libor, Csilla}, journal-iso = {NUMIZM KÖZL}, journal = {NUMIZMATIKAI KÖZLÖNY}, volume = {CXVIII - CXIX}, unique-id = {33648813}, issn = {0230-0583}, year = {2023}, pages = {55-78} } @{MTMT:33637729, title = {The issue of continuity of population history between 8-12th centuries in Carpathian Basin based on archaeogenetic results of four cemeteries}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33637729}, author = {Csáky, Veronika and Szeifert, Bea and Gerber, Dániel and Szőke, Béla Miklós and Merva, Szabina and Évinger, Sándor and Libor, Csilla and Petkes, Zsolt and Mende, Balázs Gusztáv and Szécsényi-Nagy, Anna}, booktitle = {28th EAA Annual Meeting (Budapest, Hungary, 2022) – Abstract Book}, unique-id = {33637729}, year = {2022}, pages = {688-689}, orcid-numbers = {Szécsényi-Nagy, Anna/0000-0003-2095-738X} } @article{MTMT:33253394, title = {Balatonszárszó – Kis-erdei-dűlő középkori népességének „paleodemográfiai” elemzése}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33253394}, author = {Libor, Csilla and László, Orsolya}, doi = {10.26080/krrmkozl.2022.8.169}, journal-iso = {KAPOSVÁRI RIPPL-RÓNAI MÚZEUM KÖZLEMÉNYEI}, journal = {KAPOSVÁRI RIPPL-RÓNAI MÚZEUM KÖZLEMÉNYEI}, volume = {8}, unique-id = {33253394}, issn = {2064-1966}, abstract = {In the case of Balatonszárszó, we can see how many possibilities lie in the paleodemography investigations and where their borders are. We can separately analyze the distribution of the biological sexes, and the differences between age groups, and compare all of these with the results experienced in other cemeteries. With the help of this, new demographic trends can be established.}, keywords = {Bioarchaeology; osteoarchaeology; PALEODEMOGRAPHY; medieval cemetery}, year = {2022}, pages = {169-178}, orcid-numbers = {László, Orsolya/0000-0002-7547-7423} } @misc{MTMT:32858924, title = {Bioarchaeological analysis of skeletal remains from Avar Period and Hungarian Conquest Period Cemeteries of Bodajk, Hungary. [esemény: konferencia-előadás ]}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32858924}, author = {Kiss, Krisztián and Libor, Csilla and Szücsi, Frigyes and Szeniczey, Tamás}, unique-id = {32858924}, year = {2022}, orcid-numbers = {Szeniczey, Tamás/0000-0003-1546-7140} } @misc{MTMT:32858903, title = {A bodajki régió 6-10. századi népességének paleopatológiai és populációtörténeti vizsgálata.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32858903}, author = {Kiss, Krisztián and Szücsi, Frigyes and Libor, Csilla and Szeniczey, Tamás}, unique-id = {32858903}, year = {2022}, orcid-numbers = {Szeniczey, Tamás/0000-0003-1546-7140} }