@article{MTMT:34397962, title = {Increased brain cytokine level associated impairment of vigilance and memory in aged rats can be alleviated by alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist treatment}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34397962}, author = {Bali, Zsolt Kristóf and Nagy, Lili Veronika and Bruszt, Nóra and Bodó, Kornélia and Engelmann, Péter and Hernádi, Zsófia and Göntér, Kitti and Tadepalli, Sai Ambika and Hernádi, István}, doi = {10.1007/s11357-023-01019-6}, journal-iso = {GEROSCIENCE}, journal = {GEROSCIENCE: OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN AGING ASSOCIATION (AGE)}, volume = {46}, unique-id = {34397962}, issn = {2509-2715}, abstract = {Age-related neurocognitive disorders are common problems in developed societies. Aging not only affects memory processes, but may also disturb attention, vigilance, and other executive functions. In the present study, we aimed to investigate age-related cognitive deficits in rats and associated molecular alterations in the brain. We also aimed to test the effects of the alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) agonist PHA-543613 on memory as well as on the sustained attention and vigilance of aged rats. Short- and long-term spatial memories of the rats were tested using the Morris water maze (MWM) task. To measure attention and vigilance, we designed a rat version of the psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) that is frequently used in human clinical examinations. At the end of the behavioral experiments, mRNA and protein expression of alpha7 nAChRs, cytokines, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) were quantitatively measured in the hippocampus, frontal cortex, striatum, and cerebellum. Aged rats showed marked cognitive deficits in both the MWM and the PVT. The deficit was accompanied by increased IL-1beta and TNFalpha mRNA expression and decreased BDNF protein expression in the hippocampus. PHA-543613 significantly improved the reaction time of aged rats in the PVT, especially for unexpectedly appearing stimuli, while only slightly (non-significantly) alleviating spatial memory deficits in the MWM. These results indicate that targeting alpha7 nAChRs may be an effective strategy for the amelioration of attention and vigilance deficits in age-related neurocognitive disorders.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2509-2723}, pages = {645-664}, orcid-numbers = {Bali, Zsolt Kristóf/0000-0003-0712-0788; Hernádi, István/0000-0001-7882-4817} } @misc{MTMT:34448577, title = {IgY fejlesztések és alkalmazások immunoassay alapú mérési eljárásokban}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34448577}, author = {Molnár, Zsófia and Nagyéri, György and Babarczi, Bianka and Bodrogi, Lilla and Bodó, Kornélia and Szőke, Zsuzsanna}, unique-id = {34448577}, year = {2023} } @article{MTMT:34179584, title = {Baromfi-immunglobulinok lehetséges alkalmazásai a mikotoxin-környezetterhelések és a humánérintettség fókuszában}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34179584}, author = {Bodó, Kornélia and Nagyéri, György and Molnár, Zsófia and Sára, Levente and Posta, Katalin and Bodrogi, Lilla and Szőke, Zsuzsanna}, doi = {10.1556/650.2023.32887}, journal-iso = {ORV HETIL}, journal = {ORVOSI HETILAP}, volume = {164}, unique-id = {34179584}, issn = {0030-6002}, abstract = {Az immunglobulinok a biológiai funkciójuk mellett önállóan is alkalmazhatók állat- és humándiagnosztikai, immunoassay alapú mérési eljárásokban, a profilaxisban és (immun)terápiákban is. A fenti célokra napjaink állatetikai szempontokból is előnyös „alternatívája” a madár-, tojássárgájából izolálható, poliklonális, ún. immunglobulin-Y. Fejlesztése, termelése költséghatékony, a komplexitás alacsony, és a termelt immunglobulin-Y az előnyös tulajdonságai miatt jól használható is immunoassay-ben vagy még inkább az orvosi terápiákban (elsősorban a passzív immunizálásban). Napjainkban már széles körben alkalmazzák (patogének vagy expresszált toxinjaik ellen, a bélrendszer megbetegedései, gyulladásai vagy metabolikus betegségek kezelésében stb.). Humándiagnosztikai felhasználása azonban még limitált, néhány marker mérése történik ilyen anyagok – mint valamilyen immunoassay-komponens – felhasználásával. Tanulmányunkban egy lehetséges, ma még kevésbé elterjedt alkalmazási területet mutatunk be. Napjainkban a környezetterhelés problémaköre egyre jelentősebb. Az emberi tevékenységek, az iparosodás következtében a környezeti változások a természetes környezetterhelők megjelenését – köztük az egyes penészgombák által termelt mikotoxin-behatásokat is – lokálisan és globálisan is fokozzák, ami (elsősorban a táplálkozás útján) már az emberi közösségeket is érinti. A behatások gyakran együttesen jelentkeznek, több mikotoxin hat egy időben az egyedre. A mikotoxinok – a bélcsatornán felszívódva és felgyűlve a szervekben, szövetekben – már elérhetnek olyan szinteket, amelyek akár élettani, akár viselkedésre gyakorolt hatásokat is kiválthatnak. Bár az expozíciós források (például gabona és feldolgozott élelmiszerek) vizsgálata már hatóságilag is szabályozott, az akkumuláció ténye, mértéke sok esetben nem vizsgált vagy nem vizsgálható, illetve gyakran nem kellően veszik figyelembe. A dedikált (antimikotoxin)-madár-immunglobulin-Y praktikusan a technika jellege miatt is alkalmazható lehetne mind a (deponálódott) mikotoxin(ok) kimutatására, mind immunterápiás (például mikotoxin-neutralizációs) célokra. Az endokrin diszruptor hatású mikotoxint a zearalenon példáján (szaporodásbiológiai és immunológiai hatások ismertetésével) demonstrálva, a zearalenonra specifikus madárimmunglobulin-fejlesztéseket és -lehetőségeket szeretnénk bemutatni, szorgalmazva ezzel a humánkimutatásban való alkalmazást, valamint olyan mérési rendszerek fejlesztését is sürgetve, amelyek alkalmasak lehetnek dedikált, akár a többszörös akkumuláció igazolására is. Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(39): 1527–1536.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1788-6120}, pages = {1527-1536}, orcid-numbers = {Sára, Levente/0000-0001-7998-6113; Bodrogi, Lilla/0000-0003-4696-9282} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34104778, title = {Alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist PHA-543613 effectively reverses cognitive deficits of aged rats in the psychomotor vigilance task}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34104778}, author = {Bali, Zsolt Kristóf and Bruszt, Nóra and Nagy, Lili Veronika and Bodó, Kornélia and Engelmann, Péter and Göntér, Kitti and Ambika Tadepalli, Sai and Hernádi, István}, booktitle = {Joint Neuroscience Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society (MITT) & the Austrian Neuroscience Association (ANA)}, unique-id = {34104778}, year = {2023}, orcid-numbers = {Bali, Zsolt Kristóf/0000-0003-0712-0788; Hernádi, István/0000-0001-7882-4817} } @{MTMT:33832820, title = {POLIKLONÁLIS CSIRKEANTITEST FEJLESZTÉSE, MINT ASSAY KOMPONENS, ZEARALENON MIKOTOXIN MÉRÉSÉHEZ}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33832820}, author = {Molnár, Zsófia and Babarczi, Bianka and Bodrogi, Lilla and TÖRÖK, ALEXANDRA and Bodó, Kornélia and TÖRÖK, TÍMEA and Nagyéri, György and Szőke, Zsuzsanna}, booktitle = {XXVI. Tavaszi Szél Konferencia 2023 : Absztrakt kötet}, unique-id = {33832820}, year = {2023}, pages = {506-506}, orcid-numbers = {Bodrogi, Lilla/0000-0003-4696-9282} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:33704642, title = {Combinations of memantine and alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ligands exert superior efficacy over monotreatments in the improvement of cognitive performance of aged rats}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33704642}, author = {Bruszt, Nóra and Bali, Zsolt Kristóf and Nagy, Lili Veronika and Kolozsvári, Áron and Engelmann, Péter and Bodó, Kornélia and Hernádi, István}, booktitle = {Joint Neuroscience Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society (MITT) & the Austrian Neuroscience Association (ANA)}, unique-id = {33704642}, year = {2023}, pages = {92}, orcid-numbers = {Bali, Zsolt Kristóf/0000-0003-0712-0788; Hernádi, István/0000-0001-7882-4817} } @article{MTMT:33652598, title = {Perspektívák a csirkeantitestek immunoassay-ben történő használatához a mikotoxinexpozíciós szintek kimutatására : Irodalmi összefoglaló}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33652598}, author = {Molnár, Zsófia and Tóth, Arnold and Bodó, Kornélia and Török, Tímea and Babarczi, Bianka and Bodrogi, Lilla and Török, Alexandra and Nagyéri, György and Szőke, Zsuzsanna}, doi = {10.56385/magyallorv.2023.02.83-95}, journal-iso = {MAGY ALLATORVOSOK}, journal = {MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA}, volume = {145}, unique-id = {33652598}, issn = {0025-004X}, abstract = {A populációk természetes és antropogén eredetű behatások általi kitettsége egyre jelentősebb. A környezetterhelő anyagok, így a mikotoxinok is, felhalmozódhatnak az élő organizmusokban, fiziológiás és viselkedésre gyakorolt hatást kiváltva. A zearalenon (ZEA) mikotoxin, egy ösztrogén-szerű, endokrin diszruptor, a szennyezett takarmányok fogyasztásával deponálódhat. Hasonlóan az expozíciós források felismeréséhez, a ZEA akkumulációjának mérése közös érdekünk. A tanulmány elsősorban az alkalmazható csirke immunglobulin és immunoassay fejlesztéseket gyűjti össze; külön kiemelve a munkacsoport fókuszában levő ZEA detektáláshoz kapcsolódó lehetőségeket.}, year = {2023}, pages = {83-95}, orcid-numbers = {Bodrogi, Lilla/0000-0003-4696-9282} } @article{MTMT:33092073, title = {Analysis and Comparison of Rapid Methods for the Determination of Ochratoxin A Levels in Organs and Body Fluids Obtained from Exposed Mice}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33092073}, author = {Szőke, Zsuzsanna and Babarczi, Bianka and Mézes, Miklós and Lakatos, István and Poór, Miklós and Fliszár-Nyúl, Eszter and Oldal, Miklós and Czéh, Árpád and Bodó, Kornélia and Nagyéri, György and Ferenczi, Szilamér}, doi = {10.3390/toxins14090634}, journal-iso = {TOXINS}, journal = {TOXINS}, volume = {14}, unique-id = {33092073}, issn = {2072-6651}, abstract = {Mycotoxins are bioaccumulative contaminants impacting animals and humans. The simultaneous detection of frequent active exposures and accumulated mycotoxin level (s) in exposed organisms would be the most ideal to enable appropriate actions. However, few methods are available for the purpose, and there is a demand for dedicated, sensitive, reliable, and practical assays. To demonstrate the issue, mice were exposed to a relevant agent Ochratoxin A (OTA), and accumulated OTA was measured by fine-tuned commercial assays. Quantitative high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and flow cytometry assays have been developed/modified using reagents available as commercial products when appropriate. Assays were performed on excised samples, and results were compared. Accumulated OTA could be detected and quantified; positive correlations (between applied doses of exposure and accumulated OTA levels and the results from assays) were found. Dedicated assays could be developed, which provided comparable results. The presence and accumulation of OTA following even a short exposure could be quantitatively detected. The assays performed similarly, but HPLC had the greatest sensitivity. Blood contained higher levels of OTA than liver and kidney. We demonstrate that specific but flexible and practical assays should be used for specific/local purposes, to measure the exposure itself and accumulation in blood or organs.}, keywords = {exposure; ACCUMULATION; Flow Cytometry; ELISA; OCHRATOXIN-A; MYCOTOXINS; ochratoxin A; Analytical methods; HPLC–FLD}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2072-6651}, orcid-numbers = {Poór, Miklós/0000-0003-1425-7459; Fliszár-Nyúl, Eszter/0000-0003-0923-0059} } @article{MTMT:32716553, title = {Development and Large-Scale Testing of a Novel One-Step Triplex RT-qPCR Assay for Simultaneous Detection of “Neurotropic” Porcine Sapeloviruses, Teschoviruses (Picornaviridae) and Type 3 Porcine Astroviruses (Astroviridae) in Various Samples including Nasal Swabs}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32716553}, author = {László, Zoltán and Pankovics, Péter and Reuter, Gábor and Cságola, Attila and Bodó, Kornélia and Gáspár, Gábor and Albert, Mihály and Bíró, Hunor and Boros, Ákos}, doi = {10.3390/v14030513}, journal-iso = {VIRUSES-BASEL}, journal = {VIRUSES}, volume = {14}, unique-id = {32716553}, abstract = {Porcine sapeloviruses, teschoviruses of family Picornaviridae and type 3 porcine astroviruses of family Astroviridae are (re-)emerging enteric pathogens that could be associated with severe, disseminated infections in swine, affecting multiple organs including the central nervous system (CNS). Furthermore, small-scale pioneer studies indicate the presence of these viruses in porcine nasal samples to various extents. The laboratory diagnostics are predominantly based on the detection of the viral RNA from faecal and tissue samples using different nucleic-acid-based techniques such as RT-qPCR. In this study, a novel highly sensitive one-step triplex RT-qPCR assay was introduced which can detect all known types of neurotropic sapelo-, tescho- and type 3 astroviruses in multiple types of samples of swine. The assay was evaluated using in vitro synthesized RNA standards and a total of 142 archived RNA samples including known sapelo-, tescho- and type 3 astrovirus positive and negative CNS, enteric and nasal specimens. The results of a large-scale epidemiological investigation of these viruses on n = 473 nasal swab samples from n = 28 industrial-type swine farms in Hungary indicate that all three neurotropic viruses, especially type 3 astroviruses, are widespread and endemically present on most of the investigated farms.}, keywords = {SWINE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; Picornavirus; ASTROVIRUS; meningoencephalomyelitis; nasal; RT-qPCR; sapelovirus; teschovirus}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1999-4915}, orcid-numbers = {Reuter, Gábor/0000-0002-5857-4934; Boros, Ákos/0000-0001-5843-4360} } @article{MTMT:32219139, title = {Bacterial Engulfment Mechanism Is Strongly Conserved in Evolution Between Earthworm and Human Immune Cells}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32219139}, author = {Kokhanyuk, Bohdana and Bodó, Kornélia and Sétáló, György (ifj.) and Németh, Péter and Engelmann, Péter}, doi = {10.3389/fimmu.2021.733541}, journal-iso = {FRONT IMMUNOL}, journal = {FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY}, volume = {12}, unique-id = {32219139}, issn = {1664-3224}, abstract = {Invertebrates, including earthworms, are applied to study the evolutionarily conserved cellular immune processes. Earthworm immunocytes (so-called coelomocytes) are functionally similar to vertebrate myeloid cells and form the first line of defense against invading pathogens. Hereby, we compared the engulfment mechanisms of THP-1 human monocytic cells, differentiated THP-1 (macrophage-like) cells, and Eisenia andrei coelomocytes towards Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria applying various endocytosis inhibitors [amantadine, 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride, colchicine, cytochalasin B, cytochalasin D, methyl-ß-cyclodextrin, and nystatin]. Subsequently, we investigated the messenger RNA (mRNA) expressions of immune receptor-related molecules (TLR, MyD88, BPI) and the colocalization of lysosomes with engulfed bacteria following uptake inhibition in every cell type. Actin depolymerization by cytochalasin B and D has strongly inhibited the endocytosis of both bacterial strains in the studied cell types, suggesting the conserved role of actin-dependent phagocytosis. Decreased numbers of colocalized lysosomes/bacteria supported these findings. In THP-1 cells TLR expression was increased upon cytochalasin D pretreatment, while this inhibitor caused a dropped LBP/BPI expression in differentiated THP-1 cells and coelomocytes. The obtained data reveal further insights into the evolution of phagocytes in eukaryotes. Earthworm and human phagocytes possess analogous mechanisms for bacterial internalization.}, keywords = {PHAGOCYTOSIS; INHIBITORS; MACROPHAGES; EVOLUTION; ENDOCYTOSIS; Coelomocytes}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1664-3224} }