TY - JOUR AU - Hencz, Mátyás AU - Németh, Károly AU - Spránitz, Tamás AU - Biró, Tamás AU - Karátson, Dávid AU - Berkesi, Márta TI - Evolution and polycyclic nature of a maar-diatreme volcano as constrained by changing external factors JF - JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH J2 - J VOLCANOL GEOTH RES VL - 453 PY - 2024 PG - 19 SN - 0377-0273 DO - 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2024.108158 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35164900 ID - 35164900 N1 - MTA-EPSS FluidsByDepth Lendület Research Group, Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science, Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN), Sopron, Hungary Department of Physical Geography, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary National Program for Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Geohazard Research Center, Saudi Geological Survey, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Bologna, Italy Lithosphere Fluid Research Lab, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary Export Date: 26 August 2024 Correspondence Address: Hencz, M.; MTA-EPSS FluidsByDepth Lendület Research Group, Hungary; email: hencz.matyas@epss.hun-ren.hu LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - CONF AU - Hencz, Mátyás AU - Németh, Károly AU - Spránitz, Tamás AU - Berkesi, Márta ED - Vladislav, Rapprich ED - Jakub, Myslivecek TI - Multidisciplinary Earth Science research as key to enrich geoheritage of a globally significant inverted monogenetic volcanic landscape: Bakony-Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark, Hungary T2 - Volcandpark 2024 Abstracts and Field Guides PB - Czech Geological Survey SN - 9788087487358 PY - 2024 SP - 23 EP - 24 PG - 2 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34898730 ID - 34898730 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - GEN AU - Békési, E. AU - van, Wees J.-D. AU - Porkoláb, K. AU - Hencz, Mátyás AU - Berkesi, Márta TI - Modelling transient thermal processes in the lithosphere: application to the NW Pannonian basin VL - 2024 PY - 2024 SP - 1 EP - 24 PG - 24 DO - 10.5194/egusphere-2024-308 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34572871 ID - 34572871 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Hencz, Mátyás AU - Biró, Tamás AU - Németh, Károly AU - Szakács, Alexandru AU - Portnyagin, Maxim AU - Cseri, Zoltán AU - Pécskay, Zoltán AU - Szabó, Csaba AU - Müller, Samuel AU - Karátson, Dávid TI - Lithostratigraphy of the ignimbrite-dominated Miocene Bükk Foreland Volcanic Area (Central Europe) JF - JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH J2 - J VOLCANOL GEOTH RES VL - 445 PY - 2024 SN - 0377-0273 DO - 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107960 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34412174 ID - 34412174 N1 - Export Date: 1 January 2024 Correspondence Address: Hencz, M.; ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary; email: hencz.matyas@epss.hun-ren.hu AB - This study documents the volcanic evolution of the Miocene silicic Bükk Foreland Volcanic Area (BFVA), Northern Hungary (Central Europe) at an event-scale. The BFVA is a deeply eroded and dissected volcanic field dominated by multiple, several 10-m thick, valley-filling silicic ignimbrite units, which are chemically and texturally very similar to each other. Hence, establishing lateral correlation is a real challenge due to the sporadic and small-scale outcrops and lack of stratotypes. Detailed field observations allowed us to identify eleven lithological members including fourteen eruption events and establish a nearly complete lithostratigraphic correlation between fifteen outcrops across the BFVA. Primary pyroclastic material of each member was sampled, and volcanic glass was analyzed for major and trace element composition. The geochemical results confirm the field-based classification of the members and enable the correlation of distinct outcrops. The major and trace element composition of the glassy pyroclasts of each member of the BFVA served as basis to create a field-wide chemical reference database for regional correlational studies. Here, a new lithostratigraphic classification scheme consisting of one formation and eleven members is presented, which reflects the challenges unraveling the stratigraphy of ancient volcanic terrains. The field-based event-scale lithostratigraphy of the BFVA suggests a wet, partly sea-covered depositional environment in the close vicinity of the eruption centers providing favorable conditions to ‘fuel’ silicic explosive phreatomagmatism. On the contrary, paleosol horizons formed after almost each major eruption event or sequence suggests an overall near-coast terrestrial environment for the BFVA, where the emplacement of the pyroclastic material occurred. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - GEN AU - Hencz, Mátyás AU - Biró, Tamás AU - Németh, Károly AU - Porkoláb, Kristóf AU - Kovács, István János AU - Spránitz, Tamás AU - Sierd, Cloetingh AU - Szabó, Csaba AU - Berkesi, Márta TI - Tectonically Determined Distribution of Intracontinental Basaltic Volcanoes in a Compressive Tectonic Regime: A GIS Approach PY - 2023 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34547257 ID - 34547257 AB - By analysing of spatial aspects of a monogenetic volcanic field, knowledge can be acquired on the relationships between the basaltic magmatism and regional tectonics, like impact of faults to the position of the volcanoes, vent propagation in the lithosphere, age-dependent stress condition changes. Examination of the surface patterns of volcanoes might help us understand better the process of magma generation, segregation, and how magma travelled through a thin lithosphere. Moreover, by studying these processes, we can get closer to understanding the evolution of a sedimentary basin in which we can find the link between volcanism and a changing but essentially compressive stress field, where basaltic volcanism is not evident. These spatial patterns of volcanoes can be examined using GIS (geographic information systems). The study area was the Mio-Pleistocene, monogenetic Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (BBHVF, Carpathian-Pannonian region, Central Europe), which is located in continental back-arc setting and compressive/transpressive tectonic regime. The methodological toolkit included creating heatmap based on the spatial distribution of the volcanoes, measuring the orientation of the volcanic field comparing the orientation of the faults in the region, and calculating distance to the nearest fault line from each volcanic centre. Poisson nearest neighbour analysis was used to evaluate how clustered or random the occurrence of the volcanoes across the volcanic field. All volcanic lineaments (whether volcanic centres are situated along lines) were calculated, and their orientation was measured to see any systematic directions. The results suggest that the locations of the volcanoes in the BBHVF are most probably tectonically determined. The orientation of volcanic lineaments is also the same as the bounding geometries and the faults. Density of the volcanic centre distribution is the largest in the central area of the BBHVF along a major inactive thrust fault. We speculate that the NW dipping fault plane of this fault could be a ‘catchment area’ in the upper crust (just above the brittle-ductile transition zone), which channelized the magmas and helped them reach the surface. Volcanoes in larger distance from any faults have typically larger volume, and longer active period (several 100 ky), thus their magmas needed to have larger buoyancy to reach the surface without the help of any fault planes. Age pattern and spatial density suggest volcanism getting younger and thicker towards the central part of the BBHVF. Thus, intracontinental monogenetic volcanism in compressional regime is strongly influenced by lithospheric weaknesses and the regional stress field. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - CONF AU - Berkesi, Márta AU - Spránitz, Tamás AU - Guzmics, Tibor AU - Aradi, László Előd AU - Hencz, Mátyás AU - Szabó, Cs. AU - Kovács, I.J. AU - Myovela, J.L. TI - Fluid and melt inclusions trapped at different geodynamic settings – how can small droplets contribute to the tectonic models? T2 - 19th meeting of the Central European Tectonic Studies Group (CETeG) PY - 2023 SP - 1 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34523585 ID - 34523585 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - CONF AU - Berkesi, Márta AU - Szabó, Csaba AU - Spránitz, Tamás AU - Hencz, Mátyás AU - Németh, Károly AU - Török, Kálmán AU - Békési, Eszter AU - Porkoláb, Kristóf AU - Palcsu, László AU - Kővágó, Ákos TI - FluidsByDepth: an inclusion-based research project on the better understanding of lithosphere-scale fluid transfer T2 - Goldschmidt 2023 Conference: abstracts PB - European Association of Geochemistry PY - 2023 DO - 10.7185/gold2023.20552 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34441838 ID - 34441838 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Berkesi, Márta AU - Spránitz, Tamás AU - Hencz, Mátyás AU - Békési, Eszter AU - Porkoláb, Kristóf TI - A földrengések szerepe a CO2-gazdag fluidumok szállításában JF - FIZIKAI SZEMLE J2 - FIZIKAI SZEMLE VL - 73 PY - 2023 IS - 10 SP - 343 EP - 345 PG - 2 SN - 0015-3257 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34402078 ID - 34402078 N1 - "A cikk témájához tartozó kutatást az MTA FI Lendület FluidsByDepth kutatási projekt támogatta (LP2022-2/2022)." LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Hencz, Mátyás AU - Biró, Tamás AU - Németh, Károly AU - Porkoláb, Kristóf AU - Kovács, István János AU - Spránitz, Tamás AU - Cloetingh, Sierd AU - Szabó, Csaba AU - Berkesi, Márta TI - Tectonically-determined distribution of monogenetic volcanoes in a compressive tectonic regime: An example from the Pannonian continental back-arc system (Central Europe) JF - JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH J2 - J VOLCANOL GEOTH RES VL - 444 PY - 2023 SP - 107940 PG - 18 SN - 0377-0273 DO - 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107940 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34210603 ID - 34210603 N1 - MTA-EPSS FluidsByDepth Lendület Research Group, Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science, Hungarian Research Network, Sopron, Hungary Department of Physical Geography, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary National Program for Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Geohazard Research Center, Saudi Geological Survey, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Bologna, Italy MTA-EPSS Lendület Pannon LitH2Oscope Research Group, Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science, Hungarian Research Network, Sopron, Hungary Lithosphere Fluid Research Lab, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary Tectonics Research Group, Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Netherlands Export Date: 30 November 2023 Correspondence Address: Hencz, M.; MTA-EPSS FluidsByDepth Lendület Research Group, Hungary; email: hencz.matyas@epss.hun-ren.hu AB - This paper presents the results from a geographic information systems (GIS) workflow, which was used to analyze the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of volcanoes in the Mio-Pleistocene monogenetic Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (BBHVF), located in the Pannonian Basin, Hungary. Volcanism occurred during the tectonic inversion in a back-arc setting and a compressive/transpressive tectonic regime on the hottest and thinnest lithosphere of continental Europe. The main goal of this study is to clarify the effect of the pre-existing structure of the upper lithosphere in the distribution of the volcanic centers across the volcanic field using an innovative GIS methodology. Orientation of the volcanic field was compared to the orientation of the faults in the BBHVF, and in its larger vicinity, which resulted in correspondence, suggesting the dominance of the SW-NE direction. The directions of the volcanic lineaments fit well to the two main fault directions. The fault-volcano proximity analysis suggests that the fault plane of a thrust fault was an important structural feature during the lifespan of the volcanism. All results suggest that the fault plane of a regionally significant Cretaceous thrust fault (Litér Fault) might have likely served as a temporary pathway for the ascending magma, whereby (similarly to other, smaller faults) redirecting the magmas causing clustering of the volcanoes. This highlights the importance of major upper crustal structural heterogeneities for magma transport in a compressive tectonic system, especially in the case of active, monogenetic volcanic fields from a volcanic hazard perspective. The present GIS workflow can be effective in analyzing the spatial patterns of the volcanism and its connection with crustal structures at monogenetic volcanic fields worldwide. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - THES AU - Hencz, Mátyás TI - A bükkaljai szilíciumgazdag piroklasztitok rétegtana, fizikai vulkanológiája,paleomágneses és geokémiai tulajdonságai PB - Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE) PY - 2022 SP - 128 DO - 10.15476/ELTE.2022.052 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34002495 ID - 34002495 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER -