@article{MTMT:34727806, title = {A Liebowitz Szociális Szorongás Kérdőív magyar nyelvű validálása, faktorstruktúráinak összehasonlítása és tételeinek modern tesztelméleti elemzése}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34727806}, author = {Basler, Julia and Bali, Cintia and Fehér, Adrián and Kiss, Botond László and Zsidó, András Norbert}, doi = {10.1556/0016.2023.00054}, journal-iso = {M PSZICH SZLE}, journal = {MAGYAR PSZICHOLÓGIAI SZEMLE}, volume = {79}, unique-id = {34727806}, issn = {0025-0279}, abstract = {Bevezetés : A szociális szorongás olyan társas helyzetekben megjelenő félelem vagy szorongás, amelyben az egyén mások figyelmének lehet kitéve. Az egyén attól fél, hogy mások negatívan ítélik őt meg, és az ebből fakadó distressz képzelt és valós szociális deficitekhez vezethet. A szorongás ezen fajtájának szubklinikai formája korábbi kutatások alapján a teljes lakosság akár negyedét is érintheti. Célkitűzés: Jelen tanulmány célja a Liebowitz Szociális Szorongás Skála magyar nyelvű adaptációja és pszichometriai mutatóinak feltárása, valamint annak megállapítása, hogy mely nemzetközileg elfogadott verzió faktorstruktúrája alkalmazható hazai mintán. Módszer: Összesen 476 fővel (350 nővel és 126 férfival) készült keresztmetszeti, kérdőíves kutatásunk során a Liebowitz Szociális Szorongás Skálát, korábbi tapasztalatra vonatkozó tételeket, és a Kognitív Érzelemszabályozás Kérdőív rövidített verzióját vettük fel. A Liebowitz Szociális Szorongás Skála pszichometriai mutatóit klasszikus (faktoranalízis) és modern (IRT-elemzés) tesztelméleti módszerrel is megvizsgáltuk. Eredmények: A Liebowitz Szociális Szorongás Skála megfelelő pszichometriai mutatókkal rendelkezik, és a kérdőív tételei jól diszkriminálnak a látens változó különböző szintjével (−1 és 3 szórás között) rendelkező személyek között. A nemzetközileg is jelenleg legszélesebb körben elfogadott faktorstruktúrát kis módosítással replikálni tudtuk. A kérdőív nagy szórástartományban megbízhatóan mér, így a szociális szorongás mértékéről a populáció nagy részében képes információt adni, az érintett személyeket képes jól kiszűrni. A kérdőív skálái ellenőrző kérdések alapján is megfelelően diszkriminálnak a kitöltők között, és a kognitív érzelemszabályozás adaptív és maladaptív stratégiáival az elvártnak megfelelő irányú (negatív, illetve pozitív) korrelációkat találtunk. Következtetések: A Liebowitz Szociális Szorongás Skála összességében magyar mintán megbízható és érvényes kérdőív. Alkalmazhatósága az átlagpopuláció szűrésénél, prevencióknál kiemelten fontos lehet.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1588-2799}, pages = {73-100}, orcid-numbers = {Kiss, Botond László/0000-0003-3545-6414; Zsidó, András Norbert/0000-0003-0506-6861} } @article{MTMT:34726580, title = {No evidence of attentional prioritization for threatening targets in visual search}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34726580}, author = {Zsidó, András Norbert and Hout, Michael C. and Hernandez, Marko and White, Bryan and Polák, Jakub and Kiss, Botond László and Godwin, Hayward J.}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-024-56265-1}, journal-iso = {SCI REP}, journal = {SCIENTIFIC REPORTS}, volume = {14}, unique-id = {34726580}, issn = {2045-2322}, abstract = {Throughout human evolutionary history, snakes have been associated with danger and threat. Research has shown that snakes are prioritized by our attentional system, despite many of us rarely encountering them in our daily lives. We conducted two high-powered, pre-registered experiments (total N = 224) manipulating target prevalence to understand this heightened prioritization of threatening targets. Target prevalence refers to the proportion of trials wherein a target is presented; reductions in prevalence consistently reduce the likelihood that targets will be found. We reasoned that snake targets in visual search should experience weaker effects of low target prevalence compared to non-threatening targets (rabbits) because they should be prioritized by searchers despite appearing rarely. In both experiments, we found evidence of classic prevalence effects but (contrasting prior work) we also found that search for threatening targets was slower and less accurate than for nonthreatening targets. This surprising result is possibly due to methodological issues common in prior studies, including comparatively smaller sample sizes, fewer trials, and a tendency to exclusively examine conditions of relatively high prevalence. Our findings call into question accounts of threat prioritization and suggest that prior attention findings may be constrained to a narrow range of circumstances.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2045-2322}, orcid-numbers = {Zsidó, András Norbert/0000-0003-0506-6861; Kiss, Botond László/0000-0003-3545-6414} } @article{MTMT:34717804, title = {Problematic internet use may be linked to issues with verbal processing}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34717804}, author = {Zsidó, András Norbert and Inhóf, Orsolya and Arató, Nikolett and Matuz-Budai, Timea and Bali, Cintia and Lábadi, Beatrix}, doi = {10.20350/digitalCSIC/16117}, journal-iso = {PSICOLOGICA}, journal = {PSICOLOGICA}, volume = {45}, unique-id = {34717804}, issn = {0211-2159}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1576-8597}, orcid-numbers = {Zsidó, András Norbert/0000-0003-0506-6861; Arató, Nikolett/0000-0001-9448-9748; Lábadi, Beatrix/0000-0002-2866-1340} } @article{MTMT:34591376, title = {Erratum to “Development of the short version of the spielberger state—trait anxiety inventory” [Psychiatry Research Volume 291, September 2020, 113223]}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34591376}, author = {Zsidó, András Norbert and Teleki, Szidalisz Ágnes and Csókási, Krisztina and Rózsa, Sándor and Bandi, Szabolcs}, doi = {10.1016/j.psychres.2024.115777}, journal-iso = {PSYCHIAT RES}, journal = {PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH}, volume = {335}, unique-id = {34591376}, issn = {0165-1781}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1872-7123}, orcid-numbers = {Zsidó, András Norbert/0000-0003-0506-6861; Teleki, Szidalisz Ágnes/0000-0001-8382-1688; Csókási, Krisztina/0000-0002-5197-3844; Bandi, Szabolcs/0000-0002-4280-0212} } @article{MTMT:34559005, title = {The role of excitement and enjoyment through subjective evaluation of horror film scenes}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34559005}, author = {Kiss, Botond László and Deák, Anita and Veszprémi, Martina Dominika and Blénessy, Albert and Zsidó, András Norbert}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-024-53533-y}, journal-iso = {SCI REP}, journal = {SCIENTIFIC REPORTS}, volume = {14}, unique-id = {34559005}, issn = {2045-2322}, abstract = {The popularity of the horror genre is constantly increasing and still has not reached its peak. As a recreational activity, people watch horror movies in pursuit of excitement and enjoyment. However, we still do not know what traits make people seek out this type of increase in arousal (excitement) and why they find it desirable (enjoyment). Consequently, in this study, we sought to identify observer-related factors that allows consumption of horror content as a recreational activity. Participants (N = 558) answered questions about movie-watching habits, completed measures of cognitive emotion regulation, sensation seeking, paranormal beliefs, morbid curiosity, disgust sensitivity, and rated short scenes from horror movies on dimensions of excitement, enjoyment, disgust, fearfulness, and realness. Our findings suggest that the predictors of excitement and enjoyment are slightly different. Perceived disgust negatively affected enjoyment but did not influence to excitement. Further, both excitement and enjoyment were positively predicted by fearfulness and realness ratings of the scenes, and morbid curiosity. Paranormal beliefs, sensation seeking, disgust sensitivity, anxiety, and emotion regulation strategies were not associated with excitement and enjoyment. Future studies should make a distinction between excitement and enjoyment as they are equally important factors with slightly different backgrounds in recreational fear.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2045-2322}, orcid-numbers = {Kiss, Botond László/0000-0003-3545-6414; Deák, Anita/0000-0001-6862-4993; Zsidó, András Norbert/0000-0003-0506-6861} } @article{MTMT:34553074, title = {A Short Form for Measuring Anxiety in Nursing Education}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34553074}, author = {Reed, Janet Marie and Ferdig, Richard E. and Karpinski, Aryn C. and Zsidó, András Norbert}, doi = {10.1891/JNM-2022-0131}, journal-iso = {J NURS MEASUR}, journal = {JOURNAL OF NURSING MEASUREMENT}, unique-id = {34553074}, issn = {1061-3749}, abstract = {Background and purpose: Nursing education lacks an easily accessible, valid, and reliable short instrument to support researchers and instructors in quickly assessing student anxiety. The purpose of this research was to respond to this need by assessing the reliability and validity of a short-form anxiety instrument adapted from psychology which could measure state and trait anxiety. Methods: Using a one-group, repeated measures design, 51 sophomore level undergraduate nursing students had their state and trait anxiety levels measured at three time points over the course of a semester. Results: Results showed that the anxiety instrument was valid and reliable for use in nursing education with Cronbach’s α ranging from .65 to .88. Conclusion: Future nurse researchers and educators should consider using the short-form anxiety instrument when a quick differentiation is needed to measure state and trait anxiety.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1945-7049}, orcid-numbers = {Zsidó, András Norbert/0000-0003-0506-6861} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34533935, title = {Multimedia elements and marked interactions enhance learning in primary school children}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34533935}, author = {Bali, Cintia and Anna, G. Takáts and Zsuzsanna, Fehér and Nóra, Dombai and Dóra, E. Kiss and Gergő, Várkonyi and Ádám, Vangyia and Zsidó, András Norbert}, booktitle = {BCCCD 2024 Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development}, unique-id = {34533935}, year = {2024}, pages = {71}, orcid-numbers = {Zsidó, András Norbert/0000-0003-0506-6861} } @article{MTMT:34529118, title = {Can the processing of task-irrelevant threatening stimuli be inhibited? – The role of shape and valence in the saliency of threatening objects}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34529118}, author = {Pakai-Stecina, Diána Tünde and Michael, C. Hout and Bali, Cintia and Zsidó, András Norbert}, doi = {10.1016/j.actpsy.2024.104150}, journal-iso = {ACTA PSYCHOL}, journal = {ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA}, volume = {243}, unique-id = {34529118}, issn = {0001-6918}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1873-6297}, orcid-numbers = {Pakai-Stecina, Diána Tünde/0000-0003-1589-8223; Zsidó, András Norbert/0000-0003-0506-6861} } @article{MTMT:34481125, title = {Editorial: Psychometrics in psychiatry 2022: anxiety and stress disorders}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34481125}, author = {Duan, Wenjie and Wang, Jingying and Trindade, Inês A. and Zsidó, András Norbert}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1352047}, journal-iso = {FRONT PSYCHIATRY}, journal = {FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY}, volume = {14}, unique-id = {34481125}, issn = {1664-0640}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1664-0640}, orcid-numbers = {Zsidó, András Norbert/0000-0003-0506-6861} } @article{MTMT:34226087, title = {Structural neural correlates of mental fatigue and reward-induced improvement in performance}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34226087}, author = {Matuz, András and Darnai, Gergely and Zsidó, András Norbert and Janszky, József Vladimír and Csathó, Árpád}, doi = {10.1007/s42977-023-00187-y}, journal-iso = {BIOL FUTURA}, journal = {BIOLOGIA FUTURA}, unique-id = {34226087}, issn = {2676-8615}, abstract = {Neuroimaging studies investigating the association between mental fatigue (henceforth fatigue) and brain physiology have identified many brain regions that may underly the cognitive changes induced by fatigue. These studies focused on the functional changes and functional connectivity of the brain relating to fatigue. The structural correlates of fatigue, however, have received little attention. To fill this gap, this study explored the associations of fatigue with cortical thickness of frontal and parietal regions. In addition, we aimed to explore the associations between reward-induced improvement in performance and neuroanatomical markers in fatigued individuals. Thirty-nine healthy volunteers performed the psychomotor vigilance task for 15 min (i.e., 3 time-on-task blocks of 5 min) out of scanner; followed by an additional rewarded block of the task lasting 5 min. Baseline high-resolution T1-weigthed MR images were obtained. Reaction time increased with time-on-task but got faster again in the rewarded block. Participants’ subjective fatigue increased during task performance. In addition, we found that higher increase in subjective mental fatigue was associated with the cortical thickness of the following areas: bilateral precuneus, right precentral gyrus; right pars triangularis and left superior frontal gyrus. Our results suggest that individual differences in subjective mental fatigue may be explained by differences in the degree of cortical thickness of areas that are associated with motor processes, executive functions, intrinsic alertness and are parts of the default mode network.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2676-8607}, orcid-numbers = {Zsidó, András Norbert/0000-0003-0506-6861; Janszky, József Vladimír/0000-0001-6100-832X} }