@article{MTMT:34778147, title = {Veszélyes áru raktározás oltóvízszennyezéssel kapcsolatos tűzvédelmi követelményeinek értékelése}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34778147}, author = {Kátai-Urbán, Maxim and Érces, Gergő and Vass, Gyula and Cimer, Zsolt}, journal-iso = {POLGÁRI VÉDELMI SZEMLE}, journal = {POLGÁRI VÉDELMI SZEMLE}, volume = {16}, unique-id = {34778147}, issn = {1788-2168}, keywords = {logisztika; tűzvédelem; veszélyes áru; veszélyes üzem; oltóvízszennyezés}, year = {2024}, pages = {312-323}, orcid-numbers = {Érces, Gergő/0000-0002-4464-4604; Vass, Gyula/0000-0002-1845-2027; Cimer, Zsolt/0000-0001-6244-0077} } @article{MTMT:34752552, title = {A geomérnökség lehetséges energiaipari­-biztonsági vonatkozásai a környezeti fenntarthatóság keretrendszerében}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34752552}, author = {Sibalin, Iván and Kátai-Urbán, Lajos and Cimer, Zsolt}, doi = {10.32562/mkk.2023.4.5}, journal-iso = {MŰSZAKI KATONAI KÖZL}, journal = {MŰSZAKI KATONAI KÖZLÖNY}, volume = {33}, unique-id = {34752552}, issn = {1219-4166}, abstract = {A geomérnökségnek az éghajlatváltozás kezelése és a környezeti fenntarthatóság érdekében történő alkalmazhatósága már évek óta vizsgálatok tárgyát képezi. E technológiák kapcsán fel-merült bizonytalanságok azonban még korántsem teszik lehetővé azok széles körű használatát. Erre már számos olyan tudományos és szakmai közlemény is rámutatott, amelyek a geomérnökség környezeti, meteorológiai következményeit elemzik. Tekintettel az energiaágazatnak és az iparbiztonságnak a környezeti fenntarthatóságban betöltött alapvető szerepére, indokolt megvizsgálni a geomérnökségnek az energiaágazat, illetőleg az energetikai rendszerek működésére és biztonságára gyakorolt lehetséges hatásait is. The applicability of geoengineering for climate change management and environmental sustainability has been the subject of investigations for years. However, the uncertainties which have arisen in connection with these technologies do not yet allow their widespread use. This has already been pointed out by numerous scientific and professional publications that analyse the environmental and meteorological consequences of geoengineering. Given the fundamental role of the energy sector and industrial safety in the environmental sustainability, it is reasonable to examine the possible effects of geoengineering on the operation and safety of the energy sector and energy systems.}, keywords = {környezeti fenntarthatóság; geomérnökség; energiaipari biztonság}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2063-4986}, pages = {63-76}, orcid-numbers = {Kátai-Urbán, Lajos/0000-0002-9035-2450; Cimer, Zsolt/0000-0001-6244-0077} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34518377, title = {Csapadékvíz-gazdálkodás kontra veszélyhelyzet kialakulása a veszélyes ipari üzemekben}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34518377}, author = {Bene, Viktória and Cimer, Zsolt}, booktitle = {III. Országos Települési Csapadékvíz-gazdálkodási Konferencia 2021}, unique-id = {34518377}, year = {2023}, pages = {105-111}, orcid-numbers = {Cimer, Zsolt/0000-0001-6244-0077} } @article{MTMT:34437456, title = {ABV-felderítő eszközök bemutatása és fejlesztési lehetőségei}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34437456}, author = {Almási, Csaba Sándor and Kátai-Urbán, Lajos and Cimer, Zsolt}, journal-iso = {VÉDELEM TUDOMÁNY}, journal = {VÉDELEM TUDOMÁNY : KATASZTRÓFAVÉDELMI ONLINE TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRAT}, volume = {8}, unique-id = {34437456}, issn = {2498-6194}, year = {2023}, pages = {195-205}, orcid-numbers = {Almási, Csaba Sándor/0000-0002-3031-0515; Kátai-Urbán, Lajos/0000-0002-9035-2450; Cimer, Zsolt/0000-0001-6244-0077} } @article{MTMT:34437434, title = {Az energia ágazat veszélyes anyaggal foglalkozó létfontosságú rendszerelemeinek sérülékenysége}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34437434}, author = {Kátai-Urbán, Maxim and Révai, Róbert and Cimer, Zsolt}, journal-iso = {VÉDELEM TUDOMÁNY}, journal = {VÉDELEM TUDOMÁNY : KATASZTRÓFAVÉDELMI ONLINE TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRAT}, volume = {8}, unique-id = {34437434}, issn = {2498-6194}, year = {2023}, pages = {344-351}, orcid-numbers = {Cimer, Zsolt/0000-0001-6244-0077} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34416915, title = {Некоторые аспекты промышленной безопасности и противопожарной защиты при проектировании складов опасных веществ}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34416915}, author = {Kátai-Urbán, Maxim and Horváth, Galina and Cimer, Zsolt}, booktitle = {МАТЕРИАЛЫ тридцать второй международной научно-технической конференции “СИСТЕМЫ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ – 2023” = Proceedings contain theses of reports on Thirty-Second International Scientific-Technical Conference "Safety Systems – 2023"}, unique-id = {34416915}, abstract = {The negative changes of the global economy have led to a revision of logistics processes, including the "just-in-time" concept. Demand for commercial properties (warehouses) has increased. Warehouses for hazardous substances, if their threshold mass exceeds the standard, are classified as a hazardous production facility. Fire protection and industrial safety aspects must be taken into account during designing. The authors of the report analyze the main requirements and experience gained in Hungary in light of the legislative framework.}, keywords = {logistics; dangerous goods; Fire protection; Warehouse design; Industrial safety}, year = {2023}, pages = {318-324}, orcid-numbers = {Horváth, Galina/0000-0002-5134-3607; Cimer, Zsolt/0000-0001-6244-0077} } @article{MTMT:34408891, title = {Veszélyes anyagok tárolása a logisztikai raktárakban}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34408891}, author = {Kátai-Urbán, Maxim and Mesics, Zoltán and Pimper, László and Cimer, Zsolt}, doi = {10.32562/mkk.2023.3.6}, journal-iso = {MŰSZAKI KATONAI KÖZL}, journal = {MŰSZAKI KATONAI KÖZLÖNY}, volume = {33}, unique-id = {34408891}, issn = {1219-4166}, abstract = {A veszélyes anyagok tárolására szolgáló logisztikai létesítmények biztonságának megteremtéséhez a telephely üzemeltetőjének számos katasztrófavédelmi, környezetvédelmi és kémiai biztonsági szabályt kell figyelembe vennie. A létesítményekben esetlegesen bekövetkező balesetek vagy események az ott tárolt veszélyes anyagok kiszabadulása révén súlyosan veszélyeztethetik a környezetet és a környezetben élőket. Jelen tanulmányban a szerzők a logisztikai raktárakban tárolt veszélyes anyagok fogalmi értelmezését követően vizsgálják a súlyos baleseti esemény során kibocsátott veszélyes anyagok környezetre gyakorolt hatásait, különös tekintettel a környezetre veszélyes mérgező égéstermékekre, illetve a baleset-elhárításkor alkalmazott oltóhabokra. A cikk másik részében a szerzők áttekintik a súlyos balesetkor keletkező szennyezett oltóvíz mennyiségének számítására használt, nemzetközileg elfogadott eljárásokat.}, keywords = {Környezeti károk; Magyarország; ipari balesetek; veszélyes üzemek; oltóvízszennyezés megelőzése}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2063-4986}, pages = {63-75}, orcid-numbers = {Pimper, László/0000-0003-4092-6871; Cimer, Zsolt/0000-0001-6244-0077} } @article{MTMT:34212216, title = {Bridges after the fire – Experiences, tests and repair methods}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34212216}, author = {Lublóy, Éva Eszter and Hlavicka, Viktor and Czoboly, Olivér Attila and Biró, András and Cimer, Zsolt}, doi = {10.1016/j.asej.2023.102519}, journal-iso = {AIN SHAMS ENG J}, journal = {AIN SHAMS ENGINEERING JOURNAL}, volume = {14}, unique-id = {34212216}, issn = {2090-4479}, abstract = {To date, only 1 746 bridges have been reported to collapse due to various effects. Of these accidents, 1 001 are due to hydraulic causes (friction, leaching), 520 collisions or overloads, 52 fires and only 19 times an earthquake caused the damage. Currently, there is no standard specifically developed for the fire behaviour of bridges. Therefore the designer can decide what methodology he wants to use during the design process. Two bridge fires have occurred in Hungary over the past three years. In this paper, the authors present the experiences of the fire investigation and the suggestions for the restoration.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2090-4495}, pages = {1-22}, orcid-numbers = {Lublóy, Éva Eszter/0000-0001-9628-1318; Hlavicka, Viktor/0000-0001-5435-4400; Czoboly, Olivér Attila/0000-0001-6862-3851; Cimer, Zsolt/0000-0001-6244-0077} } @article{MTMT:34126726, title = {Identification Methodology for Chemical Warehouses Dealing with Flammable Substances Capable of Causing Firewater Pollution}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34126726}, author = {Kátai-Urbán, Maxim and Bíró, Tibor and Kátai-Urbán, Lajos and Varga, Ferenc and Cimer, Zsolt}, doi = {10.3390/fire6090345}, journal-iso = {FIRE}, journal = {FIRE}, volume = {6}, unique-id = {34126726}, abstract = {Major accidents involving flammable substances can lead to significant environmental damage. The operators of chemical warehouses—in order to prevent and mitigate harmful environmental impacts—based on fire prevention strategies should apply “firewater pollution prevention” (FPP) measures. The identification of affected warehouses already in operation is an important law enforcement task. Therefore, the authors—based on the assessment of firewater run-off scenarios—propose a simple and easy-to-use dangerous establishment identification procedure and methodology based on event tree analysis and indexing preliminary risk analysis approaches. Two independent expert groups validated—in the case of 10 facilities—the index components of the approach. The testing of the applicability of the approach took place in parallel with the analyses of the Hungarian operator’s practice. The research results—covering the inspection of 24 facilities—can assist the operators in the effective and unified implementation of FPP measures. In the case of 14 facilities, it was necessary to introduce FPP measures, which highlight the need to improve the law enforcement compliance of identified operators. The investigation results can also contribute to increases in the fire and environmental safety performance of chemical warehouses, which ensures a higher level of environmental protection and people’s health near chemical warehouses.}, keywords = {Environmental impact; Major accidents; Dangerous substances; risk assessment; dangerous establishment; firewater pollution prevention}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2571-6255}, orcid-numbers = {Bíró, Tibor/0000-0002-5553-9850; Kátai-Urbán, Lajos/0000-0002-9035-2450; Varga, Ferenc/0000-0003-1584-3847; Cimer, Zsolt/0000-0001-6244-0077} } @article{MTMT:34083090, title = {Examination of the Fire Resistance of Construction Materials from Beams in Chemical Warehouses Dealing with Flammable Dangerous Substances}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34083090}, author = {Kátai-Urbán, Lajos and Cimer, Zsolt and Lublóy, Éva Eszter}, doi = {10.3390/fire6080293}, journal-iso = {FIRE}, journal = {FIRE}, volume = {6}, unique-id = {34083090}, abstract = {The recent expansion of logistics capacities entails the installation of chemical warehouses, which operations increase the occurrence of compartment fires involving flammable dangerous substances. The aim of this research was to compare and analyze the fire behavior of beams made of different structural materials but with the same load capacity. It is assumed that wooden beams, which are less commonly used in industrial facilities, may have a similar or even better load-bearing capacity in case of a fire than the generally used steel beams. The authors—based on the relevant EU standards—performed load capacity calculations of three beams prepared from different materials under the influence of fire and analyzed the changes in the material properties. Then, they examined the possibility of reinforcing the beams with carbon fiber lamellae and proposed additional fire protection requirements. The test results not only proved the different degrees of fire resistance of various building materials in the event of a fire and after their reinforcement but also suggested the application of special technical, prevention and response measures for the safe storage of dangerous substances. The study outputs enable warehouse designers, operators and safety experts to ensure a higher fire safety level for chemical warehouses.}, keywords = {Load Capacity; Fire resistance; bending capacity; carbon fire lamella; chemical warehouse; flammable dangerous substance; fire safety requirements}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2571-6255}, pages = {1-16}, orcid-numbers = {Kátai-Urbán, Lajos/0000-0002-9035-2450; Cimer, Zsolt/0000-0001-6244-0077; Lublóy, Éva Eszter/0000-0001-9628-1318} }