@article{MTMT:34226431, title = {A longer Achilles tendon moment arm length is not associated with superior hopping performance}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34226431}, author = {Kovács, Bálint and Dong, Sun and Song, Yang and Jingyi, Ye and Béres, Sándor and Tihanyi, József and Zhang, Jingfeng and Petridis, Leonidas and Gu, Yaodong}, doi = {10.3389/fbioe.2023.1270169}, journal-iso = {FRONT BIOENG BIOTECHNOL}, journal = {FRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY}, volume = {11}, unique-id = {34226431}, issn = {2296-4185}, abstract = {Variability in musculoskeletal and lower leg structure has the potential to influence hopping height. Achilles tendon moment arm length and plantarflexor muscle strength can influence ankle joint torque development and, consequently, hopping performance. While most studies have examined the connection of the Achilles tendon moment arm with hopping performance including the resting length, in this study we attempted to explore how the changes in Achilles tendon moment arm are related to hopping performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to test for correlations between foot and lower leg muscle structure parameters (i.e., muscle mass, volume, cross-sectional area and Achilles tendon moment arm length) and hopping height performance in relation to changes in Achilles tendon moment arm length. Eighteen participants (10 males 8 female) performed repetitive bilateral hopping on a force platform while sagittal plane kinematics of the lower leg were recorded. Additionally, maximal isometric plantarflexion was measured. To obtain structural parameters of the lower leg, the right lower leg of each participant was scanned with magnetic resonance imaging. The cross-sectional areas of the Achilles tendon, soleus, lateral and medial gastrocnemius were measured, while muscle volumes, muscle mass, and Achilles tendon moment arm length were calculated. Contrary to our initial assumption, longer Achilles tendon moment arm did not result in superior hopping performance. Interestingly, neither maximal isometric plantarflexion force nor muscle size correlated with repetitive bilateral hopping performance. We can assume that the mechanical characteristics of the tendon and the effective utilization of the stored strain energy in the tendon may play a more important role in repetitive hopping than the structural parameters of the lower leg.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2296-4185} } @article{MTMT:33990732, title = {A maximális- és robbanékony erő változásai a premenstruációs tüneteket tapasztaló felnőtt női jégkorong játékosoknál}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33990732}, author = {Katrics, Petra and Laczkó, Attila and Gombos, Zoltán and Béres, Sándor and Márton, Laura and Bogár, Lilla and Benczenleitner, Ottó}, journal-iso = {M SPORTTUD SZLE}, journal = {MAGYAR SPORTTUDOMÁNYI SZEMLE}, volume = {24}, unique-id = {33990732}, issn = {1586-5428}, year = {2023}, pages = {63/3-64/1} } @article{MTMT:33852555, title = {Improving the Spreading Pattern of Precision Rifles by Modelling and Optimising Barrel Harmonics}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33852555}, author = {Kovács, Árpád Endre and Béres, Sándor}, doi = {10.32567/hm.2023.1.2}, journal-iso = {HADMÉRNÖK}, journal = {HADMÉRNÖK}, volume = {18}, unique-id = {33852555}, abstract = {ABSTRACT In the use of precision long guns, there is a continuous effort to improve accuracy and precision, in other words the accuracy of the weapons. These characteristics of the weapons are determined by the consistency of the whole „weapon system”. In this article, we will explore the application of a method that offers a relatively low-cost development opportunity for sport shooters and shooters who use manual ammunition assembly (reloading), which can greatly improve the accuracy of the weapon. The method described in this article adjusts the time the projectile spends in the barrel to achieve a pre-calculated state of barrel deflection and vibration. To do this, it varies the ammunition assembly parameters (load size, seating depth, neck extraction force, etc.) to tune the internal ballistic processes in the weapon. The procedure is referred to in the literature as „Optimal Barrel Time” (OBT). Keywords: firing accuracy, internal ballistics, barrel vibrations, modelling, Optimal Barrel Time (OBT) JEL code: C63 - Computational Techniques - Simulation Modelling ÖSSZEFOGLALÁS A precíziós hosszú lőfegyverek felhasználása során folyamatos a törekvés a pontosság és a precizitás, más szóval a fegyverek lőszabatosságának javítására. A fegyverek e tulajdonságait a teljes „fegyverrendszer” összhangja határozza meg. Jelen cikkünkben egy olyan módszer alkalmazását járjuk körbe, amely azon sportlövők és vadászok számára nyújt viszonylag alacsony költségigényű, de a fegyver precizitását nagymértékben javító fejlesztési lehetőséget, akik kézi lőszer-összeszereléssel (lőszer-újratöltéssel) foglalkoznak. A módszer a lövedéknek a csőben eltöltött idejét állítja be a fegyvercső-lengések és rezgések előre kiszámított állapotának eléréséhez. Ehhez a lőszer-összeszerelési paramétereket változtatja (töltet nagysága, ültetési mélység, nyaki kihúzóerő, stb.), így hangolva a fegyverben zajló belballisztikai folyamatokat. Az eljárás „Optimális Cső-időként” Optimal Barrel Time (OBT)-ként szerepel a szakirodalomban. Kulcsszavak: lőszabatosság, belballisztika, csőrezgések, modellezés, Optimal Barrel Time (OBT) JEL kód: C63 - Computational Techniques - Simulation Modeling}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1788-1919}, pages = {17-27}, orcid-numbers = {Kovács, Árpád Endre/0000-0001-8584-1180} } @article{MTMT:33293951, title = {Quality Requirements for Front and Rear Support in Relation to the Precision of a Bolt Action, Big Calibre Precision Rifle}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33293951}, author = {Béres, Sándor and Kovács, Árpád Endre}, doi = {10.32567/hm.2022.3.1}, journal-iso = {HADMÉRNÖK}, journal = {HADMÉRNÖK}, volume = {17}, unique-id = {33293951}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1788-1919}, pages = {5-34}, orcid-numbers = {Kovács, Árpád Endre/0000-0001-8584-1180} } @article{MTMT:33807683, title = {A premenstruációs tünetegyüttes hatása a maximális és robbanékony erőre női felnőtt jégkorongozók esetében}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33807683}, author = {Katrics, Petra and Laczkó, Attila and Gombos, Zoltán and Béres, Sándor and Tóth, László and Bogár, Lilla and Márton, Laura and Benczenleitner, Ottó}, journal-iso = {ACTA Universitatis: Sectio Sport}, journal = {ACTA UNIVERSITATIS DE CAROLO ESZTERHÁZY NOMINATAE: SECTIO SPORT}, volume = {51}, unique-id = {33807683}, issn = {2677-0105}, year = {2021}, pages = {7-18}, orcid-numbers = {Tóth, László/0000-0001-9650-1202} } @inbook{MTMT:31906610, title = {Az atlétikai ugrószámok taktikája}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31906610}, author = {Szalma, László and Béres, Sándor}, booktitle = {Stratégia és taktika 2.}, unique-id = {31906610}, year = {2021}, pages = {214-222} } @article{MTMT:31594885, title = {Férfi középtávfutás versenytaktikai szempontú összehasonlítása}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31594885}, author = {Kelemen, Bence and Béres, Sándor and Szalma, László and Gyimes, Zsolt}, journal-iso = {M SPORTTUD SZLE}, journal = {MAGYAR SPORTTUDOMÁNYI SZEMLE}, volume = {21}, unique-id = {31594885}, issn = {1586-5428}, year = {2020}, pages = {58-59} } @article{MTMT:31594525, title = {Magyar élvonalbeli női távolugrók utolsó lépéseinek és elugrásának biomechanikai vizsgálata}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31594525}, author = {Béres, Sándor and Nagy, Nikoletta Katalin and Vágó, Béla and Benczenleitner, Ottó and Kun-Szabó, Balázs and Zsivóczky, Attila and Szalma, László}, journal-iso = {M SPORTTUD SZLE}, journal = {MAGYAR SPORTTUDOMÁNYI SZEMLE}, volume = {21}, unique-id = {31594525}, issn = {1586-5428}, year = {2020}, pages = {39-40} } @article{MTMT:30737791, title = {Innováció a mindennapos testnevelésre. a korcsolya- és jégkorongoktatás bevezetésének tapasztalatai}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30737791}, author = {Takács, Alexa and Béres, Sándor and Benczenleitner, Ottó}, journal-iso = {ÚJ PEDAGÓGIAI SZEMLE}, journal = {ÚJ PEDAGÓGIAI SZEMLE}, volume = {69}, unique-id = {30737791}, issn = {1215-1807}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1788-2400}, pages = {128-139} } @article{MTMT:30736206, title = {Effects of aerobic workout on the changes in the characteristics of dynamics of the center of gravity in different age categories}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30736206}, author = {Szablics, Péter and Orbán, Kornélia and Szabó, S and Dvorák, Márton and Ungvári, Máté and Béres, Sándor and Molnár, Andor and Pintér, Zoltán and Kupai, Krisztina and Pósa, Anikó and Varga, Csaba}, doi = {10.1556/2060.106.2019.13}, journal-iso = {PHYSIOL INT}, journal = {PHYSIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL}, volume = {106}, unique-id = {30736206}, issn = {2498-602X}, year = {2019}, eissn = {2677-0164}, pages = {140-150}, orcid-numbers = {Dvorák, Márton/0000-0003-4641-9547; Molnár, Andor/0000-0001-5980-2276; Kupai, Krisztina/0000-0002-0644-1718; Pósa, Anikó/0000-0003-2167-2888; Varga, Csaba/0000-0002-2678-665X} }