@CONFERENCE{MTMT:35209591, title = {As a witness of the past five thousand years: the Ludas-halom mound in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35209591}, author = {Bede, Ádám and Csathó, András István and Valkó, Orsolya and Deák, Balázs}, booktitle = {30th EAA Annual Meeting. Persisting with change. Abstract book}, unique-id = {35209591}, year = {2024}, pages = {1674-1675}, orcid-numbers = {Bede, Ádám/0000-0001-7768-439X; Valkó, Orsolya/0000-0001-7919-6293; Deák, Balázs/0000-0001-6938-1997} } @article{MTMT:35182266, title = {Synergies and Trade-offs Between Cultural and Natural Values of Sacred Sites – a Case Study of Ancient Burial Mounds in Central Europe}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35182266}, author = {Deák, Balázs and Bede, Ádám and Süveges , Kristóf and Dózsai, József and Ormsby, Alison A. and Dixon, Anna R. and Valkó, Orsolya}, doi = {10.1007/s10745-024-00515-3}, journal-iso = {HUM ECOL (NY)}, journal = {HUMAN ECOLOGY (NEW YORK)}, volume = {52}, unique-id = {35182266}, issn = {0300-7839}, abstract = {In the Eurasian steppes, ancient burial mounds called ‘kurgans’ are among the most widespread manmade structures. These sacred sites hold cultural values and often provide safe havens for grassland-related plant species. We established links between kurgans' cultural and natural values through a comprehensive multi-layered evaluation of human and landscape history, cultural attributes, and botanical composition on selected mounds in Hungary, Romania, and Serbia. We evaluated factors that can support or endanger the grasslands on kurgans and assessed whether there are synergies or trade-offs between the presence of cultural and natural values. We found that kurgans act as cultural hotspots in transformed landscapes, and we found the following evidence for the synergies between cultural and natural values: i) Extensive land use and management connected to the cultural functions could considerably contribute to the preservation of grassland specialist plants on the mounds. ii) Over the past three centuries, most grasslands we studied were converted to cropland, but the cultural importance of the kurgans could hinder their destruction through ploughing or construction works. However, we also found that built cultural objects decreased the grassland cover area and supported the establishment and spread of several weedy and invasive species. Consequently, to preserve the valuable biocultural systems, it is essential to focus efforts on the maintenance of the already existing traditional cultural functions and not the establishment of new objects.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1572-9915}, pages = {&}, orcid-numbers = {Deák, Balázs/0000-0001-6938-1997; Bede, Ádám/0000-0001-7768-439X; Ormsby, Alison A./0000-0002-0662-6819; Dixon, Anna R./0000-0001-6563-5873; Valkó, Orsolya/0000-0001-7919-6293} } @article{MTMT:35180549, title = {Grassland restoration on linear landscape elements – comparing the effects of topsoil removal and topsoil transfer}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35180549}, author = {Valkó, Orsolya and Kelemen, András and Kiss, Orsolya and Bátori, Zoltán and Kiss, Réka and Deák, Balázs}, doi = {10.1186/s12862-024-02299-y}, journal-iso = {BMC ECOL EVOL}, journal = {BMC ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION}, volume = {24}, unique-id = {35180549}, abstract = {Artificial linear landscape elements, including roads, pipelines, and drainage channels, are main sources of global habitat fragmentation. Restoration of natural habitats on unused linear landscape elements can increase habitat quality and connectivity without interfering with agricultural or industrial development. Despite that topsoil removal and transfer are widely applied methods in restoration projects, up to our knowledge these were previously not compared in the same study system. To address this knowledge gap, we compared spontaneous vegetation recovery after the elimination of positive (embankments) and negative landscape scars (drainage channels) in lowland alkaline landscapes in South Hungary. The novelty of our study is that we compared the fine-scale and landscape-scale results of both methods. At the fine scale, we monitored the spontaneous vegetation development on the created open surfaces in the first, second and fourth year after restoration in 160 permanent plots per year. For characterizing the habitat changes on the landscape scale, we prepared habitat maps and assigned naturalness scores to each patch before and after the restoration activities. Both restoration methods resulted in a rapid vegetation recovery at the fine scale, progressing toward the reference state. In the topsoil removal treatment, a large part of the soil seed bank was removed; therefore, the colonization of the bare surface was a slower process. Seeds of halophytes, including the endemic and protected Suaeda pannonica , were probably present in the deeper soil layers, and these species became established in the restored surfaces, despite being absent in the surrounding vegetation. For restoring vegetation cover, topsoil transfer was a more rapid option; however, vegetation closure and competition by generalist species and weeds hampered the establishment of target species. The removal of the landscape scars by both methods made the sites accessible for grazing. At the landscape scale, the two methods had different effects: there was a slight increase in the habitat naturalness in the topsoil removal site, and a slight decrease in the topsoil transfer site because of weed encroachment. Spreading an upper layer of nutrient-poor soil with low amounts of weed seeds, direct propagule transfer, and targeted grazing regimes could enhance restoration success.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2730-7182}, orcid-numbers = {Valkó, Orsolya/0000-0001-7919-6293; Kiss, Orsolya/0000-0001-9500-7130; Bátori, Zoltán/0000-0001-9915-5309; Kiss, Réka/0000-0001-7832-5751; Deák, Balázs/0000-0001-6938-1997} } @article{MTMT:35173122, title = {Ecological restoration and biodiversity-friendly management of urban grasslands – A global review on the current state of knowledge}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35173122}, author = {Fekete, Réka and Valkó, Orsolya and Fischer, Leonie K. and Deák, Balázs and Klaus, Valentin H.}, doi = {10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.122220}, journal-iso = {J ENVIRON MANAGE}, journal = {JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT}, volume = {368}, unique-id = {35173122}, issn = {0301-4797}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1095-8630}, orcid-numbers = {Valkó, Orsolya/0000-0001-7919-6293; Fischer, Leonie K./0000-0003-4282-7201; Deák, Balázs/0000-0001-6938-1997} } @article{MTMT:35163198, title = {Unforeseen plant phenotypic diversity in a dry and grazed world}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35163198}, author = {Gross, Nicolas and Maestre, Fernando T. and Liancourt, Pierre and Berdugo, Miguel and Martin, Raphaël and Gozalo, Beatriz and Ochoa, Victoria and Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel and Maire, Vincent and Saiz, Hugo and Soliveres, Santiago and Valencia, Enrique and Eldridge, David J. and Guirado, Emilio and Jabot, Franck and Asensio, Sergio and Gaitán, Juan J. and García-Gómez, Miguel and Martínez, Paloma and Martínez-Valderrama, Jaime and Mendoza, Betty J. and Moreno-Jiménez, Eduardo and Pescador, David S. and Plaza, César and Pijuan, Ivan Santaolaria and Abedi, Mehdi and Ahumada, Rodrigo J. and Amghar, Fateh and Arroyo, Antonio I. and Bahalkeh, Khadijeh and Bailey, Lydia and Ben Salem, Farah and Blaum, Niels and Boldgiv, Bazartseren and Bowker, Matthew A. and Branquinho, Cristina and van den Brink, Liesbeth and Bu, Chongfeng and Canessa, Rafaella and Castillo-Monroy, Andrea del P. and Castro, Helena and Castro, Patricio and Chibani, Roukaya and Conceição, Abel Augusto and Darrouzet-Nardi, Anthony and Davila, Yvonne C. and Deák, Balázs and Donoso, David A. and Durán, Jorge and Espinosa, Carlos and Fajardo, Alex and Farzam, Mohammad and Ferrante, Daniela and Franzese, Jorgelina and Fraser, Lauchlan and Gonzalez, Sofía and Gusman-Montalvan, Elizabeth and Hernández-Hernández, Rosa Mary and Hölzel, Norbert and Huber-Sannwald, Elisabeth and Jadan, Oswaldo and Jeltsch, Florian and Jentsch, Anke and Ju, Mengchen and Kaseke, Kudzai F. and Kindermann, Liana and le Roux, Peter and Linstädter, Anja and Louw, Michelle A. and Mabaso, Mancha and Maggs-Kölling, Gillian and Makhalanyane, Thulani P. and Issa, Oumarou Malam and Manzaneda, Antonio J. and Marais, Eugene and Margerie, Pierre and Hughes, Frederic Mendes and Messeder, João Vitor S. and Mora, Juan P. and Moreno, Gerardo and Munson, Seth M. and Nunes, Alice and Oliva, Gabriel and Oñatibia, Gaston R. and Peter, Guadalupe and Pueyo, Yolanda and Quiroga, R. Emiliano and Ramírez-Iglesias, Elizabeth and Reed, Sasha C. and Rey, Pedro J. and Reyes Gómez, Víctor M. and Rodríguez, Alexandra and Rolo, Victor and Rubalcaba, Juan G. and Ruppert, Jan C. and Sala, Osvaldo and Salah, Ayman and Sebei, Phokgedi Julius and Stavi, Ilan and Stephens, Colton and Teixido, Alberto L. and Thomas, Andrew D. and Throop, Heather L. and Tielbörger, Katja and Travers, Samantha and Undrakhbold, Sainbileg and Val, James and Valkó, Orsolya and Velbert, Frederike and Wamiti, Wanyoike and Wang, Lixin and Wang, Deli and Wardle, Glenda M. and Wolff, Peter and Yahdjian, Laura and Yari, Reza and Zaady, Eli and Zeberio, Juan Manuel and Zhang, Yuanling and Zhou, Xiaobing and Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Yoann}, doi = {10.1038/s41586-024-07731-3}, journal-iso = {NATURE}, journal = {NATURE}, volume = {632}, unique-id = {35163198}, issn = {0028-0836}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1476-4687}, pages = {808-814}, orcid-numbers = {Gross, Nicolas/0000-0001-9730-3240; Maestre, Fernando T./0000-0002-7434-4856; Liancourt, Pierre/0000-0002-3109-8755; Berdugo, Miguel/0000-0003-1053-8907; Martin, Raphaël/0000-0001-8778-7915; Ochoa, Victoria/0000-0002-2055-2094; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel/0000-0002-6499-576X; Maire, Vincent/0000-0002-3245-2568; Soliveres, Santiago/0000-0001-9661-7192; Eldridge, David J./0000-0002-2191-486X; Guirado, Emilio/0000-0001-5348-7391; Asensio, Sergio/0000-0003-4376-2964; García-Gómez, Miguel/0000-0003-3148-1495; Mendoza, Betty J./0000-0003-1149-7801; Moreno-Jiménez, Eduardo/0000-0002-2125-1197; Plaza, César/0000-0001-8616-7001; Amghar, Fateh/0000-0002-4239-5472; Blaum, Niels/0000-0001-6807-5162; Boldgiv, Bazartseren/0000-0003-0015-8142; Branquinho, Cristina/0000-0001-8294-7924; van den Brink, Liesbeth/0000-0003-0313-8147; Canessa, Rafaella/0000-0002-6979-9880; Davila, Yvonne C./0000-0002-5144-5742; Deák, Balázs/0000-0001-6938-1997; Donoso, David A./0000-0002-3408-1457; Espinosa, Carlos/0000-0002-5330-4505; Fajardo, Alex/0000-0002-2202-6207; Farzam, Mohammad/0000-0003-1947-0187; Ferrante, Daniela/0000-0002-6056-3839; Hernández-Hernández, Rosa Mary/0000-0003-0689-8862; Jadan, Oswaldo/0000-0002-7865-2418; Jeltsch, Florian/0000-0002-4670-6469; Jentsch, Anke/0000-0002-2345-8300; Kaseke, Kudzai F./0000-0002-3856-0711; Kindermann, Liana/0000-0002-8126-2576; Makhalanyane, Thulani P./0000-0002-8173-1678; Issa, Oumarou Malam/0000-0001-8357-914X; Manzaneda, Antonio J./0000-0001-9384-7910; Marais, Eugene/0000-0001-7155-9942; Messeder, João Vitor S./0000-0001-9161-0274; Mora, Juan P./0000-0002-6335-0150; Moreno, Gerardo/0000-0001-8053-2696; Munson, Seth M./0000-0002-2736-6374; Nunes, Alice/0000-0002-6900-3838; Oliva, Gabriel/0000-0002-7839-8851; Oñatibia, Gaston R./0000-0003-2329-6601; Peter, Guadalupe/0000-0002-7792-7045; Ramírez-Iglesias, Elizabeth/0000-0002-9082-9394; Rey, Pedro J./0000-0001-5550-0393; Reyes Gómez, Víctor M./0000-0003-0452-7996; Rodríguez, Alexandra/0000-0001-5849-8778; Rolo, Victor/0000-0001-5854-9512; Rubalcaba, Juan G./0000-0003-4646-070X; Stephens, Colton/0000-0002-8744-6405; Thomas, Andrew D./0000-0002-1360-1687; Throop, Heather L./0000-0002-7963-4342; Travers, Samantha/0000-0002-6252-1667; Valkó, Orsolya/0000-0001-7919-6293; Wamiti, Wanyoike/0000-0001-7300-2101; Wang, Lixin/0000-0003-0968-1247; Wardle, Glenda M./0000-0003-0189-1899; Yahdjian, Laura/0000-0002-9635-1221; Zhang, Yuanling/0000-0003-1370-4181} } @article{MTMT:35156751, title = {Vulnerability of mineral-associated soil organic carbon to climate across global drylands}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35156751}, author = {Díaz-Martínez, Paloma and Maestre, Fernando T. and Moreno-Jiménez, Eduardo and Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel and Eldridge, David J. and Saiz, Hugo and Gross, Nicolas and Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Yoann and Gozalo, Beatriz and Ochoa, Victoria and Guirado, Emilio and García-Gómez, Miguel and Valencia, Enrique and Asensio, Sergio and Berdugo, Miguel and Martínez-Valderrama, Jaime and Mendoza, Betty J. and García-Gil, Juan C. and Zaccone, Claudio and Panettieri, Marco and García-Palacios, Pablo and Fan, Wei and Benavente-Ferraces, Iria and Rey, Ana and Eisenhauer, Nico and Cesarz, Simone and Abedi, Mehdi and Ahumada, Rodrigo J. and Alcántara, Julio M. and Amghar, Fateh and Aramayo, Valeria and Arroyo, Antonio I. and Bahalkeh, Khadijeh and Ben Salem, Farah and Blaum, Niels and Boldgiv, Bazartseren and Bowker, Matthew A. and Bran, Donaldo and Branquinho, Cristina and Bu, Chongfeng and Cáceres, Yonatan and Canessa, Rafaella and Castillo-Monroy, Andrea P. and Castro, Ignacio and Castro-Quezada, Patricio and Chibani, Roukaya and Conceição, Abel A. and Currier, Courtney M. and Darrouzet-Nardi, Anthony and Deák, Balázs and Dickman, Christopher R. and Donoso, David A. and Dougill, Andrew J. and Durán, Jorge and Ejtehadi, Hamid and Espinosa, Carlos and Fajardo, Alex and Farzam, Mohammad and Ferrante, Daniela and Fraser, Lauchlan H. and Gaitán, Juan J. and Gusman Montalván, Elizabeth and Hernández-Hernández, Rosa M. and von Hessberg, Andreas and Hölzel, Norbert and Huber-Sannwald, Elisabeth and Hughes, Frederic M. and Jadán-Maza, Oswaldo and Geissler, Katja and Jentsch, Anke and Ju, Mengchen and Kaseke, Kudzai F. and Kindermann, Liana and Koopman, Jessica E. and Le Roux, Peter C. and Liancourt, Pierre and Linstädter, Anja and Liu, Jushan and Louw, Michelle A. and Maggs-Kölling, Gillian and Makhalanyane, Thulani P. and Issa, Oumarou Malam and Marais, Eugene and Margerie, Pierre and Mazaneda, Antonio J. and McClaran, Mitchel P. and Messeder, João Vitor S. and Mora, Juan P. and Moreno, Gerardo and Munson, Seth M. and Nunes, Alice and Oliva, Gabriel and Oñatibia, Gastón R. and Osborne, Brooke and Peter, Guadalupe and Pueyo, Yolanda and Quiroga, R. Emiliano and Reed, Sasha C. and Reyes, Victor M. and Rodríguez, Alexandra and Ruppert, Jan C. and Sala, Osvaldo and Salah, Ayman and Sebei, Julius and Sloan, Michael and Solongo, Shijirbaatar and Stavi, Ilan and Stephens, Colton R. A. and Teixido, Alberto L. and Thomas, Andrew D. and Throop, Heather L. and Tielbörger, Katja and Travers, Samantha and Val, James and Valkó, Orsolya and van den Brink, Liesbeth and Velbert, Frederike and Wamiti, Wanyoike and Wang, Deli and Wang, Lixin and Wardle, Glenda M. and Yahdjian, Laura and Zaady, Eli and Zeberio, Juan M. and Zhang, Yuanming and Zhou, Xiaobing and Plaza, César}, doi = {10.1038/s41558-024-02087-y}, journal-iso = {NAT CLIM CHANGE}, journal = {NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE}, volume = {14}, unique-id = {35156751}, issn = {1758-678X}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1758-6798}, pages = {&}, orcid-numbers = {Maestre, Fernando T./0000-0002-7434-4856; Moreno-Jiménez, Eduardo/0000-0002-2125-1197; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel/0000-0002-6499-576X; Eldridge, David J./0000-0002-2191-486X; Saiz, Hugo/0000-0002-7568-2996; Gross, Nicolas/0000-0001-9730-3240; Ochoa, Victoria/0000-0002-2055-2094; Guirado, Emilio/0000-0001-5348-7391; García-Gómez, Miguel/0000-0003-3148-1495; Valencia, Enrique/0000-0003-3359-0759; Asensio, Sergio/0000-0003-4376-2964; Berdugo, Miguel/0000-0003-1053-8907; Martínez-Valderrama, Jaime/0000-0001-5859-5674; Mendoza, Betty J./0000-0003-1149-7801; García-Gil, Juan C./0000-0003-2308-7260; Zaccone, Claudio/0000-0003-4391-354X; Panettieri, Marco/0000-0003-4769-8955; García-Palacios, Pablo/0000-0002-6367-4761; Benavente-Ferraces, Iria/0000-0002-2817-5537; Rey, Ana/0000-0003-0394-101X; Eisenhauer, Nico/0000-0002-0371-6720; Cesarz, Simone/0000-0003-2334-5119; Abedi, Mehdi/0000-0002-1499-0119; Alcántara, Julio M./0000-0002-8003-7844; Amghar, Fateh/0000-0002-4239-5472; Aramayo, Valeria/0000-0003-4827-6914; Arroyo, Antonio I./0000-0002-9559-5785; Blaum, Niels/0000-0001-6807-5162; Boldgiv, Bazartseren/0000-0003-0015-8142; Bu, Chongfeng/0000-0002-5839-7229; Cáceres, Yonatan/0000-0002-3015-6968; Canessa, Rafaella/0000-0002-6979-9880; Darrouzet-Nardi, Anthony/0000-0002-2825-7962; Deák, Balázs/0000-0001-6938-1997; Dickman, Christopher R./0000-0002-1067-3730; Donoso, David A./0000-0002-3408-1457; Durán, Jorge/0000-0002-7375-5290; Ejtehadi, Hamid/0000-0002-6128-2481; Espinosa, Carlos/0000-0002-5330-4505; Fajardo, Alex/0000-0002-2202-6207; Ferrante, Daniela/0000-0002-6056-3839; Fraser, Lauchlan H./0000-0003-3998-5540; Gaitán, Juan J./0000-0003-2889-1418; Hölzel, Norbert/0000-0002-6367-3400; Huber-Sannwald, Elisabeth/0000-0002-8321-1270; Jadán-Maza, Oswaldo/0000-0002-7865-2418; Jentsch, Anke/0000-0002-2345-8300; Kaseke, Kudzai F./0000-0002-3856-0711; Kindermann, Liana/0000-0002-8126-2576; Le Roux, Peter C./0000-0002-7941-7444; Liancourt, Pierre/0000-0002-3109-8755; Louw, Michelle A./0000-0002-2148-9752; Makhalanyane, Thulani P./0000-0002-8173-1678; Issa, Oumarou Malam/0000-0001-8357-914X; Marais, Eugene/0000-0001-7155-9942; Margerie, Pierre/0000-0003-1595-2998; Messeder, João Vitor S./0000-0001-9161-0274; Mora, Juan P./0000-0002-6335-0150; Moreno, Gerardo/0000-0001-8053-2696; Munson, Seth M./0000-0002-2736-6374; Nunes, Alice/0000-0002-6900-3838; Oliva, Gabriel/0000-0002-7839-8851; Oñatibia, Gastón R./0000-0003-2329-6601; Peter, Guadalupe/0000-0002-7792-7045; Quiroga, R. Emiliano/0000-0001-9785-451X; Reyes, Victor M./0000-0003-0452-7996; Rodríguez, Alexandra/0000-0001-5849-8778; Ruppert, Jan C./0009-0000-8558-9894; Salah, Ayman/0000-0003-0596-1292; Stephens, Colton R. A./0000-0002-8744-6405; Teixido, Alberto L./0000-0001-8009-1237; Thomas, Andrew D./0000-0002-1360-1687; Throop, Heather L./0000-0002-7963-4342; Valkó, Orsolya/0000-0001-7919-6293; van den Brink, Liesbeth/0000-0003-0313-8147; Velbert, Frederike/0000-0003-0499-3807; Wamiti, Wanyoike/0000-0001-7300-2101; Wang, Lixin/0000-0003-0968-1247; Wardle, Glenda M./0000-0003-0189-1899; Yahdjian, Laura/0000-0002-9635-1221; Plaza, César/0000-0001-8616-7001} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:35152286, title = {The role of ancient burial mounds in conserving medical plant diversity in fragmented agricultural landscape}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35152286}, author = {Engel, Rita and Valkó, Orsolya and Süveges , Kristóf and Bede, Ádám and Deák, Balázs}, booktitle = {ECCB 2024. 7th European Congress of Conservation Biology. “Biodiversity positive by 2030”}, unique-id = {35152286}, year = {2024}, pages = {1}, orcid-numbers = {Valkó, Orsolya/0000-0001-7919-6293; Bede, Ádám/0000-0001-7768-439X; Deák, Balázs/0000-0001-6938-1997} } @article{MTMT:35082376, title = {Meso-scale environmental heterogeneity drives plant trait distributions in fragmented dry grasslands}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35082376}, author = {Deák, Balázs and Botta-Dukát, Zoltán and Rádai, Zoltán and Kovács, Bence and Apostolova, Iva and Bátori, Zoltán and Kelemen, András and Lukács, Katalin and Kiss, Réka and Palpurina, Salza and Sopotlieva, Desislava and Valkó, Orsolya}, doi = {10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174355}, journal-iso = {SCI TOTAL ENVIRON}, journal = {SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT}, volume = {947}, unique-id = {35082376}, issn = {0048-9697}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1879-1026}, orcid-numbers = {Deák, Balázs/0000-0001-6938-1997; Botta-Dukát, Zoltán/0000-0002-9544-3474; Rádai, Zoltán/0000-0001-7011-5055; Kovács, Bence/0000-0002-8045-8489; Bátori, Zoltán/0000-0001-9915-5309; Kiss, Réka/0000-0001-7832-5751; Valkó, Orsolya/0000-0001-7919-6293} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34822896, title = {A sacred place in the urban landscape: the Kálvária-domb (‘Calvary Mound’) in Szentes, Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34822896}, author = {Bede, Ádám and Valkó, Orsolya and Süveges , Kristóf and Deák, Balázs}, booktitle = {The Transformation of Europe in the Third Millennium BC. Part 2. International Conference. Budapest, 24–27 April 2024. Abstracts}, unique-id = {34822896}, year = {2024}, pages = {82-83}, orcid-numbers = {Bede, Ádám/0000-0001-7768-439X; Valkó, Orsolya/0000-0001-7919-6293; Deák, Balázs/0000-0001-6938-1997} } @article{MTMT:34793954, title = {ReSurveyEurope : A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34793954}, author = {Knollová, Ilona and Chytrý, Milan and Bruelheide, Helge and Dullinger, Stefan and Jandt, Ute and Bernhardt‐Römermann, Markus and Biurrun, Idoia and de Bello, Francesco and Glaser, Michael and Hennekens, Stephan and Jansen, Florian and Jiménez‐Alfaro, Borja and Kadaš, Daniel and Kaplan, Ekin and Klinkovská, Klára and Lenzner, Bernd and Pauli, Harald and Sperandii, Marta Gaia and Verheyen, Kris and Winkler, Manuela and Abdaladze, Otar and Aćić, Svetlana and Acosta, Alicia T. R. and Alignier, Audrey and Andrews, Christopher and Arlettaz, Raphaël and Attorre, Fabio and Axmanová, Irena and Babbi, Manuel and Baeten, Lander and Baran, Jakub and Barni, Elena and Benito‐Alonso, José‐Luis and Berg, Christian and Bergamini, Ariel and Berki, Imre and Boch, Steffen and Bock, Barbara and Bode, Frank and Bonari, Gianmaria and Boublík, Karel and Britton, Andrea J. and Brunet, Jörg and Bruzzaniti, Vanessa and Buholzer, Serge and Burrascano, Sabina and Campos, Juan A. and Carlsson, Bengt‐Göran and Carranza, Maria Laura and Černý, Tomáš and Charmillot, Kévin and Chiarucci, Alessandro and Choler, Philippe and Chytrý, Kryštof and Corcket, Emmanuel and Csecserits, Anikó and Cutini, Maurizio and Czarniecka‐Wiera, Marta and Danihelka, Jiří and de Francesco, Maria Carla and De Frenne, Pieter and Di Musciano, Michele and De Sanctis, Michele and Deák, Balázs and Decocq, Guillaume and Dembicz, Iwona and Dengler, Jürgen and Di Cecco, Valter and Dick, Jan and Diekmann, Martin and Dierschke, Hartmut and Dirnböck, Thomas and Doerfler, Inken and Doležal, Jiří and Döring, Ute and Durak, Tomasz and Dwyer, Ciara and Ejrnæs, Rasmus and Ermakova, Inna and Erschbamer, Brigitta and Fanelli, Giuliano and Fernández‐Calzado, María‐Rosa and Fickert, Thomas and Fischer, Andrea and Fischer, Markus and Foremnik, Kacper and Frouz, Jan and García‐González, Ricardo and García‐Magro, Daniel and García‐Mijangos, Itziar and Gavilán, Rosario G. and Germ, Mateja and Ghosn, Dany and Gigauri, Khatuna and Gizela, Jaroslav and Golob, Aleksandra and Golub, Valentin and Gómez‐García, Daniel and Gowing, David and Grytnes, John‐Arvid and Güler, Behlül and Gutiérrez‐Girón, Alba and Haase, Peter and Haider, Sylvia and Hájek, Michal and Halassy, Melinda and Harásek, Martin and Härdtle, Werner and Heinken, Thilo and Hester, Alison and Humbert, Jean‐Yves and Ibáñez, Ricardo and Illa, Estela and Jaroszewicz, Bogdan and Jensen, Kai and Jentsch, Anke and Jiroušek, Martin and Kalníková, Veronika and Kanka, Róbert and Kapfer, Jutta and Kazakis, George and Kermavnar, Janez and Kesting, Stefan and Khanina, Larisa and Kindermann, Elisabeth and Kotrík, Marek and Koutecký, Tomáš and Kozub, Łukasz and Kuhn, Gisbert and Kutnar, Lado and La Montagna, Dario and Lamprecht, Andrea and Lenoir, Jonathan and Lepš, Jan and Leuschner, Christoph and Lorite, Juan and Madsen, Bjarke and Ugarte, Rosina Magaña and Malicki, Marek and Maliniemi, Tuija and Máliš, František and Maringer, Alexander and Marrs, Robert and Matesanz, Silvia and Metze, Katrin and Meyer, Stefan and Millett, Jonathan and Mitchell, Ruth J. and Moeslund, Jesper Erenskjold and Moiseev, Pavel and di Cella, Umberto Morra and Mudrák, Ondřej and Müller, Frank and Müller, Norbert and Naaf, Tobias and Nagy, Laszlo and Napoleone, Francesca and Nascimbene, Juri and Navrátilová, Jana and Ninot, Josep M. and Niu, Yujie and Normand, Signe and Ogaya, Romá and Onipchenko, Vladimir and Orczewska, Anna and Ortmann-né Ajkai, Adrienne and Pakeman, Robin J. and Pardo, Iker and Pätsch, Ricarda and Peet, Robert K. and Penuelas, Josep and Peppler‐Lisbach, Cord and Pérez‐Hernández, Javier and Pérez‐Haase, Aaron and Petraglia, Alessandro and Petřík, Petr and Pielech, Remigiusz and Piórkowski, Hubert and Pladevall‐Izard, Eulàlia and Poschlod, Peter and Prach, Karel and Praleskouskaya, Safiya and Prokhorov, Vadim and Provoost, Sam and Pușcaș, Mihai and Pustková, Štěpánka and Randin, Christophe François and Rašomavičius, Valerijus and Reczyńska, Kamila and Rédei, Tamás and Řehounková, Klára and Richner, Nina and Risch, Anita C. and Rixen, Christian and Rosbakh, Sergey and Roscher, Christiane and Rosenthal, Gert and Rossi, Graziano and Rötzer, Harald and Roux, Camille and Rumpf, Sabine B. and Ruprecht, Eszter and Rūsiņa, Solvita and Sanz‐Zubizarreta, Irati and Schindler, Meret and Schmidt, Wolfgang and Schories, Dirk and Schrautzer, Joachim and Schubert, Hendrik and Schuetz, Martin and Schwabe, Angelika and Schwaiger, Helena and Schwartze, Peter and Šebesta, Jan and Seiler, Hallie and Šilc, Urban and Silva, Vasco and Šmilauer, Petr and Šmilauerová, Marie and Sperle, Thomas and Stachurska‐Swakoń, Alina and Stanik, Nils and Stanisci, Angela and Steffen, Kristina and Storm, Christian and Stroh, Hans Georg and Sugorkina, Nadezhda and Świerkosz, Krzysztof and Świerszcz, Sebastian and Szymura, Magdalena and Teleki, Balázs and Thébaud, Gilles and Theurillat, Jean‐Paul and Tichý, Lubomír and Treier, Urs A. and Turtureanu, Pavel Dan and Ujházy, Karol and Ujházyová, Mariana and Ursu, Tudor Mihai and Uziębło, Aldona K. and Valkó, Orsolya and Van Calster, Hans and Van Meerbeek, Koenraad and Vandevoorde, Bart and Vandvik, Vigdis and Varricchione, Marco and Vassilev, Kiril and Villar, Luis and Virtanen, Risto and Vittoz, Pascal and Voigt, Winfried and von Hessberg, Andreas and von Oheimb, Goddert and Wagner, Eva and Walther, Gian‐Reto and Wellstein, Camilla and Wesche, Karsten and Wilhelm, Markus and Willner, Wolfgang and Wipf, Sonja and Wittig, Burghard and Wohlgemuth, Thomas and Woodcock, Ben A. and Wulf, Monika and Essl, Franz}, doi = {10.1111/jvs.13235}, journal-iso = {J VEG SCI}, journal = {JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE}, volume = {35}, unique-id = {34793954}, issn = {1100-9233}, abstract = {Aims: We introduce ReSurveyEurope - a new data source of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe, compiled by a collaborative network of vegetation scientists. We describe the scope of this initiative, provide an overview of currently available data, governance, data contribution rules, and accessibility. In addition, we outline further steps, including potential research questions. Results: ReSurveyEurope includes resurveyed vegetation plots from all habitats. Version 1.0 of ReSurveyEurope contains 283,135 observations (i.e., individual surveys of each plot) from 79,190 plots sampled in 449 independent resurvey projects. Of these, 62,139 (78%) are permanent plots, that is, marked in situ, or located with GPS, which allow for high spatial accuracy in resurvey. The remaining 17,051 (22%) plots are from studies in which plots from the initial survey could not be exactly relocated. Four data sets, which together account for 28,470 (36%) plots, provide only presence/absence information on plant species, while the remaining 50,720 (64%) plots contain abundance information (e.g., percentage cover or cover-abundance classes such as variants of the Braun-Blanquet scale). The oldest plots were sampled in 1911 in the Swiss Alps, while most plots were sampled between 1950 and 2020. Conclusions: ReSurveyEurope is a new resource to address a wide range of research questions on fine-scale changes in European vegetation. The initiative is devoted to an inclusive and transparent governance and data usage approach, based on slightly adapted rules of the well-established European Vegetation Archive (EVA). ReSurvey:Europe data are ready for use, and proposals for analyses of the data set can be submitted at any time to the coordinators. Still, further data contributions are highly welcome.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1654-1103}, orcid-numbers = {Knollová, Ilona/0000-0003-4074-789X; Chytrý, Milan/0000-0002-8122-3075; Bruelheide, Helge/0000-0003-3135-0356; Dullinger, Stefan/0000-0003-3919-0887; Jandt, Ute/0000-0002-3177-3669; Bernhardt‐Römermann, Markus/0000-0002-2740-2304; Biurrun, Idoia/0000-0002-1454-0433; de Bello, Francesco/0000-0001-9202-8198; Glaser, Michael/0000-0002-4695-6150; Hennekens, Stephan/0000-0003-1221-0323; Jansen, Florian/0000-0002-0331-5185; Jiménez‐Alfaro, Borja/0000-0001-6601-9597; Kadaš, Daniel/0009-0002-5491-8223; Kaplan, Ekin/0000-0002-7303-5883; Klinkovská, Klára/0000-0002-1644-2140; Lenzner, Bernd/0000-0002-2616-3479; Pauli, Harald/0000-0002-9842-9934; Sperandii, Marta Gaia/0000-0002-2507-5928; Verheyen, Kris/0000-0002-2067-9108; Winkler, Manuela/0000-0002-8655-9555; Abdaladze, Otar/0000-0001-8140-0900; Aćić, Svetlana/0000-0001-6553-3797; Acosta, Alicia T. R./0000-0001-6572-3187; Alignier, Audrey/0000-0002-7619-7124; Andrews, Christopher/0000-0003-2428-272X; Arlettaz, Raphaël/0000-0001-6360-5339; Attorre, Fabio/0000-0002-7744-2195; Axmanová, Irena/0000-0001-9440-7976; Baeten, Lander/0000-0003-4262-9221; Baran, Jakub/0000-0001-5455-9158; Barni, Elena/0000-0001-7256-0064; Benito‐Alonso, José‐Luis/0000-0003-1086-8834; Berg, Christian/0000-0002-0587-3316; Bergamini, Ariel/0000-0001-8816-1420; Berki, Imre/0000-0002-0858-1327; Boch, Steffen/0000-0003-2814-5343; Bock, Barbara/0009-0008-8529-5683; Bonari, Gianmaria/0000-0002-5574-6067; Boublík, Karel/0000-0002-8587-4238; Britton, Andrea J./0000-0002-0603-7432; Brunet, Jörg/0000-0003-2667-4575; Buholzer, Serge/0000-0002-5588-6641; Burrascano, Sabina/0000-0002-6537-3313; Campos, Juan A./0000-0001-5992-2753; Carranza, Maria Laura/0000-0001-5753-890X; Černý, Tomáš/0000-0003-2637-808X; Charmillot, Kévin/0000-0002-2311-6386; Chiarucci, Alessandro/0000-0003-1160-235X; Choler, Philippe/0000-0002-9062-2721; Chytrý, Kryštof/0000-0003-4113-6564; Corcket, Emmanuel/0000-0002-8586-2202; Cutini, Maurizio/0000-0002-8597-8221; Czarniecka‐Wiera, Marta/0000-0003-3294-5853; Danihelka, Jiří/0000-0002-2640-7867; de Francesco, Maria Carla/0000-0002-5238-1154; De Frenne, Pieter/0000-0002-8613-0943; Di Musciano, Michele/0000-0002-3130-7270; De Sanctis, Michele/0000-0002-7280-6199; Deák, Balázs/0000-0001-6938-1997; Decocq, Guillaume/0000-0001-9262-5873; Dembicz, Iwona/0000-0002-6162-1519; Dengler, Jürgen/0000-0003-3221-660X; Di Cecco, Valter/0000-0001-9862-1267; Dick, Jan/0000-0002-4180-9338; Diekmann, Martin/0000-0001-8482-0679; Dierschke, Hartmut/0000-0002-8955-926X; Dirnböck, Thomas/0000-0002-8294-0690; Doerfler, Inken/0000-0001-9624-1922; Doležal, Jiří/0000-0002-5829-4051; Döring, Ute/0000-0001-7249-3279; Durak, Tomasz/0000-0003-4053-3699; Dwyer, Ciara/0000-0002-7558-3664; Ejrnæs, Rasmus/0000-0003-2538-8606; Fanelli, Giuliano/0000-0002-3143-1212; Fickert, Thomas/0000-0001-6748-4431; Fischer, Andrea/0000-0003-1291-8524; Fischer, Markus/0000-0002-5589-5900; Foremnik, Kacper/0000-0002-2654-4204; Frouz, Jan/0000-0002-0908-8606; García‐González, Ricardo/0000-0001-5625-8690; García‐Mijangos, Itziar/0000-0002-6642-7782; Gavilán, Rosario G./0000-0002-1022-445X; Germ, Mateja/0000-0002-4422-1257; Ghosn, Dany/0000-0003-1898-9681; Gigauri, Khatuna/0000-0002-6707-0818; Golob, Aleksandra/0000-0001-9903-112X; Golub, Valentin/0000-0003-3973-6608; Gómez‐García, Daniel/0000-0002-9738-8720; Gowing, David/0000-0001-7845-035X; Grytnes, John‐Arvid/0000-0002-6365-9676; Güler, Behlül/0000-0003-2638-4340; Gutiérrez‐Girón, Alba/0000-0002-0988-3343; Haase, Peter/0000-0002-9340-0438; Haider, Sylvia/0000-0002-2966-0534; Hájek, Michal/0000-0002-5201-2682; Halassy, Melinda/0000-0001-8523-3169; Härdtle, Werner/0000-0002-5599-5792; Heinken, Thilo/0000-0002-1681-5971; Humbert, Jean‐Yves/0000-0002-5756-6748; Ibáñez, Ricardo/0000-0002-1772-4473; Illa, Estela/0000-0001-7136-6518; Jaroszewicz, Bogdan/0000-0002-2042-8245; Jensen, Kai/0000-0001-7846-5519; Jentsch, Anke/0000-0002-2345-8300; Jiroušek, Martin/0000-0002-4293-478X; Kalníková, Veronika/0000-0003-2361-0816; Kanka, Róbert/0000-0002-7071-7280; Kapfer, Jutta/0000-0002-8077-8917; Kermavnar, Janez/0000-0001-8052-4653; Khanina, Larisa/0000-0002-8937-5938; Kindermann, Elisabeth/0000-0003-4390-1303; Kotrík, Marek/0000-0002-8921-3891; Koutecký, Tomáš/0000-0003-0929-794X; Kozub, Łukasz/0000-0002-6591-8045; Kutnar, Lado/0000-0001-9785-1263; La Montagna, Dario/0000-0002-7124-493X; Lamprecht, Andrea/0000-0002-8719-026X; Lenoir, Jonathan/0000-0003-0638-9582; Lepš, Jan/0000-0002-4822-7429; Lorite, Juan/0000-0003-4617-8069; Madsen, Bjarke/0000-0002-4490-8710; Ugarte, Rosina Magaña/0000-0003-0628-3251; Malicki, Marek/0000-0003-0517-3560; Maliniemi, Tuija/0000-0003-1218-6554; Máliš, František/0000-0003-2760-6988; Maringer, Alexander/0000-0002-4522-2462; Marrs, Robert/0000-0002-0664-9420; Matesanz, Silvia/0000-0003-0060-6136; Meyer, Stefan/0000-0002-1395-5004; Millett, Jonathan/0000-0003-4701-3071; Mitchell, Ruth J./0000-0001-8151-2769; Moeslund, Jesper Erenskjold/0000-0001-8591-7149; Moiseev, Pavel/0000-0003-4808-295X; di Cella, Umberto Morra/0000-0003-4250-9705; Mudrák, Ondřej/0000-0001-7775-0414; Müller, Frank/0000-0001-9482-9423; Müller, Norbert/0000-0002-2543-4046; Naaf, Tobias/0000-0002-4809-3694; Napoleone, Francesca/0000-0002-3807-7180; Nascimbene, Juri/0000-0002-9174-654X; Ninot, Josep M./0000-0002-3712-0810; Niu, Yujie/0000-0002-0912-8401; Normand, Signe/0000-0002-8782-4154; Ogaya, Romá/0000-0003-4927-8479; Onipchenko, Vladimir/0000-0002-1626-1171; Orczewska, Anna/0000-0002-7924-9794; Ortmann-né Ajkai, Adrienne/0000-0002-6677-2666; Pakeman, Robin J./0000-0001-6248-4133; Pardo, Iker/0000-0001-7005-6411; Pätsch, Ricarda/0000-0002-3349-0910; Peet, Robert K./0000-0003-2823-6587; Penuelas, Josep/0000-0002-7215-0150; Peppler‐Lisbach, Cord/0000-0001-8209-8539; Pérez‐Hernández, Javier/0000-0001-8265-1955; Pérez‐Haase, Aaron/0000-0002-5974-7374; Petraglia, Alessandro/0000-0003-4632-2251; Petřík, Petr/0000-0001-8518-6737; Pielech, Remigiusz/0000-0001-8879-3305; Piórkowski, Hubert/0009-0003-4258-3486; Pladevall‐Izard, Eulàlia/0000-0002-6693-5314; Poschlod, Peter/0000-0003-4473-7656; Prach, Karel/0000-0002-0317-7800; Praleskouskaya, Safiya/0000-0002-0893-4663; Provoost, Sam/0000-0003-2751-5269; Pușcaș, Mihai/0000-0002-2632-640X; Pustková, Štěpánka/0000-0002-9384-4872; Randin, Christophe François/0000-0002-4171-0178; Rašomavičius, Valerijus/0000-0003-1314-4356; Reczyńska, Kamila/0000-0002-0938-8430; Řehounková, Klára/0000-0002-0916-6977; Richner, Nina/0000-0002-5828-0098; Risch, Anita C./0000-0003-0531-8336; Rixen, Christian/0000-0002-2486-9988; Rosbakh, Sergey/0000-0002-4599-6943; Roscher, Christiane/0000-0001-9301-7909; Rossi, Graziano/0000-0002-5102-5019; Roux, Camille/0000-0002-3101-3977; Rumpf, Sabine B./0000-0001-5909-9568; Ruprecht, Eszter/0000-0003-0122-6282; Rūsiņa, Solvita/0000-0002-9580-4110; Sanz‐Zubizarreta, Irati/0009-0000-9816-2574; Schmidt, Wolfgang/0000-0001-5356-4684; Schrautzer, Joachim/0000-0001-6355-7234; Schubert, Hendrik/0000-0001-6309-2609; Schwabe, Angelika/0000-0003-0698-5763; Šebesta, Jan/0000-0003-2891-2346; Seiler, Hallie/0000-0002-9333-5226; Šilc, Urban/0000-0002-3052-699X; Silva, Vasco/0000-0003-2729-1824; Šmilauer, Petr/0000-0003-3065-5721; Šmilauerová, Marie/0000-0002-0349-4179; Sperle, Thomas/0000-0002-5836-8241; Stachurska‐Swakoń, Alina/0000-0003-0381-4520; Stanik, Nils/0000-0002-9717-3826; Stanisci, Angela/0000-0002-5302-0932; Storm, Christian/0000-0001-9662-8131; Stroh, Hans Georg/0000-0002-2521-7172; Świerkosz, Krzysztof/0000-0002-5145-178X; Świerszcz, Sebastian/0000-0003-2035-0035; Szymura, Magdalena/0000-0002-5726-7393; Thébaud, Gilles/0000-0002-3522-9732; Theurillat, Jean‐Paul/0000-0002-1843-5809; Tichý, Lubomír/0000-0001-8400-7741; Treier, Urs A./0000-0003-4027-739X; Turtureanu, Pavel Dan/0000-0002-7422-3106; Ujházy, Karol/0000-0002-0228-1737; Ujházyová, Mariana/0000-0002-5546-1547; Ursu, Tudor Mihai/0000-0002-4898-6345; Uziębło, Aldona K./0000-0002-7531-6064; Valkó, Orsolya/0000-0001-7919-6293; Van Calster, Hans/0000-0001-8595-8426; Van Meerbeek, Koenraad/0000-0002-9260-3815; Vandvik, Vigdis/0000-0003-4651-4798; Varricchione, Marco/0000-0003-4716-6609; Vassilev, Kiril/0000-0003-4376-5575; Virtanen, Risto/0000-0002-8295-8217; Vittoz, Pascal/0000-0003-4218-4517; Voigt, Winfried/0000-0003-3658-8611; von Hessberg, Andreas/0009-0007-0303-3624; von Oheimb, Goddert/0000-0001-7408-425X; Wellstein, Camilla/0000-0001-6994-274X; Wesche, Karsten/0000-0002-0088-6492; Wilhelm, Markus/0000-0002-6792-1395; Willner, Wolfgang/0000-0003-1591-8386; Wipf, Sonja/0000-0002-3492-1399; Wittig, Burghard/0000-0002-5969-9851; Wohlgemuth, Thomas/0000-0002-4623-0894; Woodcock, Ben A./0000-0003-0300-9951; Wulf, Monika/0000-0001-6499-0750; Essl, Franz/0000-0001-8253-2112} }