@article{MTMT:33665623, title = {A fővárosi onkológiai CT- és MR-várólista-csökkentési program jelentősége és részidős eredményei, tapasztalatai}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33665623}, author = {Rékassy, Balázs and Maurovich-Horvat, Pál and Szanka, Tímea and Papp, Zsombor Mátyás and Takács, Róbert and Salai, Márton József and Dózsa, Csaba}, doi = {10.33616/lam.33.0041}, journal-iso = {LEGE ART MED}, journal = {LEGE ARTIS MEDICINAE}, volume = {33}, unique-id = {33665623}, issn = {0866-4811}, abstract = {HÁTTÉR – A nagy értékű orvosi képalkotó diagnosztikai eljárások kulcsfontosságú elemei az onkológiai betegség gyanújával rendelkező betegek klinikai vizsgálatának és a megkezdett terápia hatékonysága megállapításának. Magyarországon a magas diagnosztikai igények következtében a komputertomográfia (CT) vagy mágneses rezonanciás képalkotás (MR) diagnosztikai várólistái általában hosszúak és kevésbé átlátható leletezési időt eredményeznek, még a potenciálisan daganatgyanús egyéneknél vagy a diagnosztizált daganatos beteg terápiájának követése esetén is. A JELEN TANULMÁNY CÉLJA – Az Egészséges Budapest Program (EBP) keretén belül megvalósuló budapesti onkodiagnosztikai program félidős elemzése, a tapasztalatok leszűrése és a háttérben meghúzódó egészségpolitikai folyamatok bemutatása. EREDMÉNYEK – A Program keretében a Fővárosi Önkormányzat 2020 novemberétől 2022. december 31-ig 5437 kontrasztanyagos CT és 2948 MR, C-s vagy D-s iránydiagnózissal, az úgynevezett „ BP” térítési kategóriában beutalt eset vizsgálatát finanszírozta szektorsemleges módon köz- és magánegészségügyi képalkotó szolgáltatók felé. A Semmelweis Egyetem tanulmánya szerint az EBP-s betegek esetében a radiológiai vizsgálatok átlagosan 15,2 nappal gyorsabban megtörténtek (16,1 kontra 31,3 nap), mint a NEAK-finanszírozott esetekben, az átlagos várakozási idő a CT vagy MR-vizsgálatokra 13 nappal rövidült (4,2 nap, szemben a 17,2 nappal). Az esetek 86%-ában a betegek egyszer, 14%-ában kétszer vagy még többször vették igénybe a Programot. A Programon belüli igénybevétel ugyanakkor fővárosi kerületenként jelentős különbséget mutat: az eredetileg kerületi bontású – demográfiai, prevalencia- és incidenciaadatok alapján tervezett – esetszámkereteket az egyes kerületek CT esetében 3–45%, MR esetében pedig 8–37% közötti mértékben aknázták ki a kerületi lakosoknak, döntően a kerületi szakrendelői intézeti szakorvosok BP Programba való beutalása révén, a 2020. november és 2022. augusztus közötti időszakban. KONKLÚZIÓ – Az eredetileg a Covid-járvány előtt tervezett esetszámokhoz képest a Program kisebb mértékben került felhasználásra. A tervezett szakmai célkitűzéseket tekintve a CT és MR diagnosztikai előjegyzési idők és várólisták csökkenése révén a Program elérte hatását, illetve közvetve hatással van a budapesti képalkotó diagnosztikai várólisták csökkenésére, ugyanakkor ez önmagában nem elegendő a teljes onkológiai vizsgálati sor gyorsításához és rendezetté tételéhez. Emiatt a Programot további diagnosztikai elemekkel és beteg - útszervezési modulok irányába kívánjuk továbbfejleszteni.}, keywords = {kapacitás; képalkotó vizsgálatok; onkológia; betegút; CT- és MR-vizsgálatok; onkodiagnosztika; betegútmenedzsment; Budapest Fôvárosi Önkormányzat}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2063-4161}, pages = {41-48}, orcid-numbers = {Maurovich-Horvat, Pál/0000-0003-0885-736X; Papp, Zsombor Mátyás/0000-0002-7662-7825; Dózsa, Csaba/0000-0003-4884-7537} } @article{MTMT:33677430, title = {Canagliflozin and Renal Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes and Nephropathy}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33677430}, author = {Perkovic, Vlado and Jardine, Meg J and Neal, Bruce and Bompoint, Severine and Heerspink, Hiddo J L and Charytan, David M and Edwards, Robert and Agarwal, Rajiv and Bakris, George and Bull, Scott and Cannon, Christopher P and Capuano, George and Chu, Pei-Ling and de Zeeuw, Dick and Greene, Tom and Levin, Adeera and Pollock, Carol and Wheeler, David C and Yavin, Yshai and Zhang, Hong and Zinman, Bernard and Meininger, Gary and Brenner, Barry M and Mahaffey, Kenneth W}, doi = {10.1056/NEJMoa1811744}, journal-iso = {NEW ENGL J MED}, journal = {NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE}, volume = {380}, unique-id = {33677430}, issn = {0028-4793}, abstract = {Type 2 diabetes mellitus is the leading cause of kidney failure worldwide, but few effective long-term treatments are available. In cardiovascular trials of inhibitors of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2), exploratory results have suggested that such drugs may improve renal outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes.In this double-blind, randomized trial, we assigned patients with type 2 diabetes and albuminuric chronic kidney disease to receive canagliflozin, an oral SGLT2 inhibitor, at a dose of 100 mg daily or placebo. All the patients had an estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 30 to <90 ml per minute per 1.73 m2 of body-surface area and albuminuria (ratio of albumin [mg] to creatinine [g], >300 to 5000) and were treated with renin-angiotensin system blockade. The primary outcome was a composite of end-stage kidney disease (dialysis, transplantation, or a sustained estimated GFR of <15 ml per minute per 1.73 m2), a doubling of the serum creatinine level, or death from renal or cardiovascular causes. Prespecified secondary outcomes were tested hierarchically.The trial was stopped early after a planned interim analysis on the recommendation of the data and safety monitoring committee. At that time, 4401 patients had undergone randomization, with a median follow-up of 2.62 years. The relative risk of the primary outcome was 30% lower in the canagliflozin group than in the placebo group, with event rates of 43.2 and 61.2 per 1000 patient-years, respectively (hazard ratio, 0.70; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.59 to 0.82; P = 0.00001). The relative risk of the renal-specific composite of end-stage kidney disease, a doubling of the creatinine level, or death from renal causes was lower by 34% (hazard ratio, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.53 to 0.81; P<0.001), and the relative risk of end-stage kidney disease was lower by 32% (hazard ratio, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.54 to 0.86; P = 0.002). The canagliflozin group also had a lower risk of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke (hazard ratio, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.67 to 0.95; P = 0.01) and hospitalization for heart failure (hazard ratio, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.47 to 0.80; P<0.001). There were no significant differences in rates of amputation or fracture.In patients with type 2 diabetes and kidney disease, the risk of kidney failure and cardiovascular events was lower in the canagliflozin group than in the placebo group at a median follow-up of 2.62 years. (Funded by Janssen Research and Development; CREDENCE ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT02065791.).}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1533-4406}, pages = {2295-2306}, orcid-numbers = {Rosivall, László/0000-0002-9809-3879; Keltai, Katalin/0000-0002-8294-9062} } @article{MTMT:31874591, title = {Élet az ADA/EASD 2018-as konszenzusnyilatkozata után – Történt-e változás az SGLT-2-inhibitorok megítélésében az azóta eltelt időszakban?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31874591}, author = {Takács, Róbert}, doi = {10.24121/dh.2019.22}, journal-iso = {DIABETOLOGIA HUNGARICA}, journal = {DIABETOLOGIA HUNGARICA}, volume = {27}, unique-id = {31874591}, issn = {1217-372X}, year = {2019}, eissn = {2560-0168}, pages = {259-262} } @article{MTMT:31086950, title = {Canagliflozin and Cardiovascular and Renal Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Kidney Disease in Primary and Secondary Cardiovascular Prevention Groups Results From the Randomized CREDENCE Trial}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31086950}, author = {Mahaffey, Kenneth W. and Jardine, Meg J. and Bompoint, Severine and Cannon, Christopher P. and Neal, Bruce and Heerspink, Hiddo J. L. and Charytan, David M. and Edwards, Robert and Agarwal, Rajiv and Bakris, George and Bull, Scott and Capuano, George and de Zeeuw, Dick and Greene, Tom and Levin, Adeera and Pollock, Carol and Sun, Tao and Wheeler, David C. and Yavin, Yshai and Zhang, Hong and Zinman, Bernard and Rosenthal, Norman and Brenner, Barry M. and Perkovic, Vlado and Ahuad Guerrero, Rodolfo Andres and Aizenberg, Diego and Pablo Albisu, Juan and Alvarisqueta, Andres and Bartolacci, Ines and Alberto Berli, Mario and Bordonava, Anselmo and Calella, Pedro and Cecilia Cantero, Maria and Rodolfo Cartasegna, Luis and Cercos, Esteban and Cecilia Coloma, Gabriela and Colombo, Hugo and Commendatore, Victor and Cuadrado, Jesus and Alberto Cuneo, Carlos and Maria Cusumano, Ana and Guillermo Douthat, Walter and Dario Dran, Ricardo and Farias, Eduardo and Florencia Fernandez, Maria and Finkelstein, Hernan and Fragale, Guillermo and Osvaldo Fretes, Jose and Horacio Garcia, Nestor and Gastaldi, Anibal and Gelersztein, Elizabeth and Archibaldo Glenny, Jorge and Pablo Gonzalez, Joaquin and Gonzalez Colaso, Patricia del Carmen and Goycoa, Claudia and Cristian Greloni, Gustavo and Guinsburg, Adrian and Hermida, Sonia and Isaias Juncos, Luis and Isabel Klyver, Maria and Kraft, Florencia and Krynski, Fernando and Virginia Lanchiotti, Paulina and Alfonso Leon de la Fuente, Ricardo and Marchetta, Nora and Mele, Pablo and Nicolai, Silvia and Antonio Novoa, Pablo and Ines Orio, Silvia and Otreras, Fabian and Oviedo, Alejandra and Raffaele, Pablo and Hector Resk, Jorge and Rista, Lucas and Rodriguez Papini, Nelson and Sala, Jorgelina and Santos, Juan Carlos and Beatriz Schiavi, Lilia and Sessa, Horacio and Smith Casabella, Tomas and Rosa Ulla, Maria and Valdez, Maria and Vallejos, Augusto and Villarino, Adriana and Esther Visco, Virginia and Wassermann, Alfredo and Javier Zaidman, Cesar and Cheung, Ngai Wah and Droste, Carolyn and Fraser, Ian and Johnson, David and Mah, Peak Mann and Nicholls, Kathy and Packham, David and Proietto, Joseph and Roberts, Anthony and Roger, Simon and Tsang, Venessa and Raduan, Roberto Abrao and Alves da Costa, Fernando Augusto and Amodeo, Celso and Andreotti Turatti, Luiz Alberto and Bregman, Rachel and Camelo Sanches, Fernanda Cristina and Canani, Luis Henrique and Chacra, Antonio Roberto and Cunha Borges, Joao Lindolfo and Cunha Vencio, Sergio Alberto and da Silva Franco, Roberto Jorge and d'Avila, Domingos and Portes, Evandro de Souza and de Souza, Pedro and Deboni, Luciane Monica and Fraige Filho, Fadlo and Geloneze Neto, Bruno and Gomes, Marcus and Kohara, Suely Keiko and Keitel, Elizete and Kerr Saraiva, Jose Francisco and Kurtz Lisboa, Hugo Roberto and de Carvalho Contieri, Fabiana Loss and Milagres, Rosangela and Montenegro Junior, Renan and de Brito, Claudia Moreira and Hissa, Miguel Nasser and Nazario Sabbag, Angela Regina and Noronha, Irene and Panarotto, Daniel and Pecoits Filho, Roberto and Pereira, Marcio Antonio and Saporito, Wladmir and Scotton, Antonio Scafuto and Schuch, Tiago and de Almeida, Roberto Simoes and Ramos, Cassio Slompo and Felicio, Joao Soares and Thome, Fernando and Tibes Hachmann, Jean Carlo and Yamada, Sergio and Hayashida, Cesar Yoiti and Zanata Petry, Tarissa Beatrice and Zanella, Maria Teresa and Andreeva, Viktoria and Angelova, Angelina and Dimitrov, Stefan and Genadieva, Veselka and Genova-Hristova, Gabriela and Hristozov, Kiril and Kamenov, Zdravko and Koundurdjiev, Atanas and Lozanov, Lachezar and Margaritov, Viktor and Nonchev, Boyan and Rangelov, Rangel and Shinkov, Alexander and Temelkova, Margarita and Velichkova, Ekaterina and Yakov, Andrian and Aggarwal, Naresh and Aronson, Ronnie and Bajaj, Harpreet and Cherney, David and Chouinard, Guy and Conway, James and Cournoyer, Serge and DaRoza, Gerald and De Serres, Sacha and Dube, Francois and Goldenberg, Ronald and Gupta, Anil and Gupta, Milan and Henein, Sam and Khandwala, Hasnain and Leiter, Lawrence and Levin, Adeera and Madore, Francois and McMahon, Alan and Muirhead, Norman and Pichette, Vincent and Rabasa-Lhoret, Remi and Steele, Andrew and Tangri, Navdeep and Torshizi, Ali and Woo, Vincent and Zalunardo, Nadia and Fernandez Montenegro, Maria Alicia and Godoy Jorquera, Juan Gonzalo and Medina Farina, Marcelo and Saavedra Gajardo, Victor and Vejar, Margarita and Chen, Nan and Chen, Qinkai and Gan, Shenglian and Kong, Yaozhong and Li, Detian and Li, Wenge and Li, Xuemei and Lin, Hongli and Liu, Jian and Lu, Weiping and Mao, Hong and Ren, Yan and Song, Weihong and Sun, Jiao and Sun, Lin and Tu, Ping and Wang, Guixia and Yang, Jinkui and Yin, Aiping and Yu, Xueqing and Zhao, Minghui and Zheng, Hongguang and Accini Mendoza, Jose Luis and Arcos, Edgar and Avendano, Jorge and Diaz Ruiz, Jorge Ernesto Andres and Garcia Ortiz, Luis Hernando and Gonzalez, Alexander and Hernandez Triana, Eric and Diego Higuera, Juan and Malaver, Natalia and Ines Molina de Salazar, Dora and Rosero, Ricardo and Terront Lozano, Monica Alexandra and Valderrama Cometa, Luis and Valenzuela, Alex and Vargas Alonso, Ruben Dario and Villegas, Ivan and Yupanqui, Hernan and Bartaskova, Dagmar and Barton, Petr and Belobradkova, Jana and Dohnalova, Lenka and Drasnar, Tomas and Ferkl, Richard and Halciakova, Katarina and Klokocnikova, Vera and Kovar, Richard and Lastuvka, Jiri and Lukac, Martin and Pesickova, Satu and Peterka, Karel and Pumprla, Jiri and Rychlik, Ivan and Saudek, Frantisek and Tesar, Vladimir and Valis, Martin and Weiner, Pavel and Zemek, Stanislav and Alamartine, Eric and Borot, Sophie and Cariou, Bertrand and Dussol, Bertrand and Fauvel, Jean-Pierre and Gourdy, Pierre and Klein, Alexandre and Le Meur, Yannick and Penfornis, Alfred and Roussel, Ronan and Saulnier, Pierre-Jean and Thervet, Eric and Zaoui, Philippe and Burst, Volker and Faghih, Markus and Faulmann, Grit and Haller, Hermann and Jerwan-Keim, Reinhold and Maxeiner, Stephan and Paschen, Bjoern and Plassmann, Georg and Rose, Ludger and Gonzalez Orellana, Ronaldo Arturo and Paul Haase, Franklin and Moreira Diaz, Juan Pablo and Ramirez Roca, Luis Alberto and Sanchez Arenales, Jose Antonio and Sanchez Polo, Jose Vicente and Turcios Juarez, Erick and Csecsei, Gyongyi and Csiky, Botond and Danos, Peter and Deak, Laszlo and Dudas, Mihaly and Harcsa, Eleonora and Keltai, Katalin and Keresztesi, Sandor and Kiss, Krisztian and Konyves, Laszlo and Major, Lajos and Mileder, Margit and Molnar, Marta and Mucsi, Janos and Oroszlan, Tamas and Ory, Ivan and Paragh, Gyorgy and Peterfai, Eva and Petro, Gizella and Revesz, Katalin and Takács, Róbert and Vangel, Sandor and Vasas, Szilard and Zsom, Marianna and Abraham, Oomman and Bhushan, Raju Sree and Deepak, Dewan and Edwin, Fernando M. and Gopalakrishnan, Natarajan and Gracious, Noble and Hansraj, Alva and Jain, Dinesh and Keshavamurthy, C. B. and Khullar, Dinesh and Manisha, Sahay and Peringat, Jayameena and Prasad, Narayan and Satyanarayana, Rao K. and Sreedhar, Reddy and Sreelatha, Melemadathil and Sudhakar, Bhimavarapu and Vyasam, Ramesh Chandra and Bonadonna, Riccardo and Castellino, Pietro and Ceriello, Antonio and Chiovato, Luca and De Cosmo, Salvatore and De Nicola, Luca and Derosa, Giuseppe and Di Carlo, Alberto and Di Cianni, Graziano and Frasca, Giovanni and Fuiano, Giorgio and Gambaro, Giovanni and Garibotto, Giacomo and Giorda, Carlo and Malberti, Fabio and Mandreoli, Marcora and Mannucci, Edoardo and Orsi, Emanuela and Piatti, Piermarco and Santoro, Domenico and Sasso, Ferdinando Carlo and Serviddio, Gaetano and Stella, Andrea and Trevisan, Roberto and Veronelli, Anna Maria and Zanoli, Luca and Akiyama, Hitoshi and Aoki, Hiromi and Asano, Akimichi and Iitsuka, Tadashi and Kajiyama, Shizuo and Kashine, Susumu and Kawada, Toshio and Kodera, Takamoto and Kono, Hiroshi and Koyama, Kazunori and Kumeda, Yasuro and Miyauchi, Shozo and Mizuyama, Kazuyuki and Niiya, Tetsuji and Oishi, Hiroko and Ota, Satoshi and Sakakibara, Terue and Takai, Masahiko and Tomonaga, Osamu and Tsujimoto, Mitsuru and Wada, Takashi and Wakasugi, Masakiyo and Wakida, Yasushi and Watanabe, Takayuki and Yamada, Masayo and Yanagida, Kazuhiro and Yanase, Toshihiko and Yumita, Wataru and Gaupsiene, Egle and Kozloviene, Dalia and Navickas, Antanas and Urbanaviciene, Egle and Ghani, Rohana Abdul and Kadir, Khalid Abdul and Ali, Norsiah and Yusof, Mohd Daud Che and Gan, Chye Lee and Ismail, Mastura and Kong, Wei Yen and Lam, Swee Win and Lee, Li Yuan and Lim, Soo Kun and Loh, Chek Loong and Manocha, Anita Bhajan and Ng, Kee Sing and Ahmad, Nik Nur Fatnoon Nik and Ratnasingam, Vanassa and Bin Shudim, Saiful Shahrizal and Vengadasalam, Paranthaman and Abraira Munoz, Luis David and Alpizar Salazar, Melchor and Baas Cruz, Juan and Burgos Soto, Mario and Chevaile Ramos, Jose and Chew Wong, Alfredo and Correa Rotter, Jose Ricardo and Diaz Escalante, Tonatiu and Enriquez Sosa, Favio Edmundo and Flores Lozano, Fernando and Flota Cervera, Luis Fernando and Frenk Baron, Paul and Garcia Ballesteros, Cecilia and Gomez Rangel, Jose David and Herrera Jimenez, Luis Enrique and Irizar Santana, Sergio Saul and Jimenez Flores, Fernando and Laviada Molina, Hugo and Luna Ceballos, Rosa Isela and del Campo Blanco, Belia Martin and Morales Franco, Guadalupe and Moreno Loza, Oscar Tarsicio and Mustieles Rocha, Cynthia and Obrador Vera, Gregorio and Orozco Castellanos, Ricardo and Peralta Calcaneo, Juan and Reyes Rosano, Miguel Angel and Rodriguez Pattzi, Hiromi and Rosas Guzman, Juan and Rucker Joerg, Isabel Erika and Saavedra Sanchez, Sandra Berenice and Sanchez Mijangos, Jose Hector and Serrano Sanson, Pablo and Tamayo y Orozco, Juan Alfredo and Tellez Chavez, Eloisa and Valdes Cepeda, Alejandro and Venegas Carrillo, Luis and Villagordoa Mesa, Juan and Zamarripa Escobedo, Rolando and Baker, John and Noonan, Paul and Scott, Russell and Walker, Robert and Watson, Edward and Williams, Michael and Young, Simon and Abejuela, Zaynab and Agra, Jeimeen and Aquitania, Grace and Caringal, Clodoaido and Comia, Rhea Severina and Delos Santos, Lalaine and Gomez, Olivert and Jimeno, Cecilia and Santos, Florence and Tan, Gerry and Tolentino, Marsha and Yao, Christy and Yap, Yvette Ethel and Ygpuara, Ma. Dovie Lallaine and Bijata-Bronisz, Renata and Hotlos, Lucyna and Januszewicz, Andrzej and Kaczmarek, Barbara and Kaminska, Anna and Lazuka, Lech and Madej, Andrzej and Mazur, Stanislaw and Mlodawska-Choluj, Dorota and Nowicki, Michal and Orlowska-Kowalik, Grazyna and Popenda, Grazyna and Rewerska, Barbara and Sowinski, Dariusz and Angelescu, Liliana Monica and Anghel, Veronica and Avram, Rodica-Ioana and Busegeanu, Mihaela-Magdalena and Cif, Adriana and Cosma, Dana and Crisan, Carmen and Demian, Luiza Despina and Ferariu, Ioana Emilia and Halmagyi, Ildiko and Hancu, Nicolae and Munteanu, Mircea and Negru, Doru and Onaca, Adriana Gabriela and Petrica, Ligia and Popa, Amorin Remus and Ranetti, Aurelian-Emil and Serafinceanu, Cristian and Toarba, Cristina and Agafyina, Alina and Barbarash, Olga and Barysheva, Olga and Chizhov, Daniil and Dobronravov, Vladimir and Dreval, Alexander and Glinkina, Irina and Grineva, Elena and Khirmanov, Vladimir and Kolmakova, Elena and Koroleva, Tatiana and Kvitkova, Liudmila and Marasaev, Viacheslav and Mkrtumyan, Ashot and Morugova, Tatiana and Nagibovich, Galina and Nagibovich, Oleg and Nedogoda, Sergei and Osipova, Irina and Raskina, Tatiana and Samoylova, Yulia and Sazonova, Olga and Shamkhalova, Minara and Shutemova, Elena and Shwartz, Yuriy and Uriasyev, Oleg and Vorobyev, Sergey and Zateyshchikova, Anna and Zateyshshikov, Dmitry and Zykova, Tatyana and Antic, Slobodan and Djordjevic, Miodrag and Kendereski, Aleksandra and Lalic, Katarina and Lalic, Nebojsa and Popovic-Radinovic, Vesna and Babikova, Jana and Benusova, Olga and Buganova, Ingrid and Culak, Jan and Dzupina, Andrej and Dzuponova, Jana and Fulop, Peter and Ilavska, Adriana and Martinka, Emil and Ochodnicka, Zuzana and Pella, Daniel and Smatanova, Iveta and Ahmed, Fayzal and Badat, Aysha and Breedt, Johannes and Distiller, Lawrence and Govender, Vimladhevi and Govender, Ravendran and Joshi, Mukesh and Jurgens, Jaco and Latiff, Gulam and Lombard, Landman and Mookadam, Mohamed and Ngcakani, Nomangesi and Nortje, Hendrik and Oosthuizen, Helena and Pillay-Ramaya, Larisha and Prozesky, Hans and Reddy, Jeevren and Rheeder, Paul and Seeber, Mary and Chae, Dong-Wan and Cho, Young Min and Jeong, In-Kyung and Kim, Sin Gon and Kim, Yeong Hoon and Kwon, Hyuk-Sang and Kwon, Min Jeong and Lee, Byung-Wan and Lee, Jung Eun and Lee, Moon-Kyu and Nam, Moon-Suk and Oh, Kook-Hwan and Park, Cheol-Young and Park, Sun-Hee and Yoon, Kun Ho and Alvarez Garcia, Pere and Asmarats Mercadal, Luis and Barrios, Clara and Cereto Castro, Fernando and Cigarran Guldris, Secundino and Dominguez Lopez, Marta and Egido de los Rios, Jesus and Fernandez Fresnedo, Gema and Galan Serrano, Antonio and Garcia, Isabel and Gonzalez Martinez, Francisco Javier and Jodar Gimeno, Jose Esteban and Lopez Mendoza, Manuel and Malek Marin, Tamara and Morales Portillo, Cristobal and Munar Vila, Maria Antonia and Munoz Torres, Manuel and Nieto Iglesias, Javier and Pantoja Perez, Jonay and Perez Vera, Merce and Portoles Perez, Jose M. Y. and Quesada Simon, Maria Angustias and Simo Canonge, Rafael and Soto Gonzalez, Alfonso and Terns Riera, Manel and Tinahones Madueno, Francisco Jose and Velo Plaza, Mercedes and Chang, Chwen-Tzuei and Chuang, Lee-Ming and Hsia, Te-Lin and Hsieh, Chang-Hsun and Hwang, Shang-Jyh and Lin, Chih-Ching and Lu, Yung-Chuan and Sheu, Wayne H-H and Barna, Olga and Bilyk, Svitlana D. and Botsyurko, Volodymyr and Dudar, Iryna and Fushtey, Ivan and Godlevska, Olga and Golovchenko, Oleksandr and Gyrina, Olga and Kazmirchuk, Anatoliy and Kolesnyk, Mykola and Komisarenko, Iuliia and Korzh, Oleksii and Kravchun, Nonna and Legun, Oleg and Mankovskyy, Borys and Martynyuk, Liliya and Mostovoy, Yuriy and Pashkovska, Nataliia and Pererva, Larysa and Pertseva, Tetyana and Samoylov, Oleksandr and Smirnov, Ivan and Svyshchenko, Yevgeniya and Tomashkevych, Halyna and Topchii, Ivan and Tryshchuk, Nadiya and Tseluyko, Vira and Vizir, Vadym and Vlasenko, Maryna and Zlova, Tetiana and Zub, Liliia and Abusnana, Salah and Railey, Mohamed and Abouglila, Kamal and Ainsworth, Paul and Ali, Zishan and Arutchelvam, Vijayaraman and Barnard, Maria and Bellary, Srikanth and Davies, Emyr and Davies, Mark and Davies, Simon and Dawson, Alison and El Kossi, Mohsen and English, Patrick and Fraser, Donald and Gnudi, Luigi and Gunstone, Anthony and Hall, Timothy and Hanif, Wasim and Jackson, Alan and Johnson, Andrew and Joseph, Franklin and Krishnan, Singhan and Kumwenda, Mick and MacDougall, Iain and Nixon, Paul and O'Hare, Joseph and Philip, Sam and Ramtoola, Shenaz and Saxena, Manish and Sennik, Davesh and Simon, Godwin and Singh, Baldev and Stephens, Jeffrey and Strzelecka, Anna and Symonds, Rehan and Turner, Wayne and Wahba, Mona and Wakeling, John and Wheeler, David and Winocour, Peter and Abdallah, Joseph and Abdullah, Raied and Abramowitz, Matthew and Acosta, Idalia and Aiello, Joseph and Akright, Laura and Akyea-Djamson, Ayim and Alappan, Rajendran and Alicic, Radica and Al-Karadsheh, Amer and Allison, Dale Crawford and Arauz-Pacheco, Carlos and Arfeen, Shahabul and Arif, Ahmed and Arvind, Moogali and Atray, Naveen and Awad, Ahmed and Bakris, George and Barnhill, Peggy and Barranco, Elizabeth and Barrera, Carlos and Beacom, Matthew and Behara, Venkata and Belo, Diogo and Bentley-Lewis, Rhonda and Berenguer, Ramon and Bermudez, Lidia and Bernardo, Marializa and Biscoveanu, Mihaela and Bowman-Stroud, Cynthia and Brandon, Donald and Brusco, Osvaldo and Busch, Robert and Canaan, Yamil and Chilito, Alicia and Christensen, Tom and Christiano, Cynthia and Christofides, Elena and Chuateco, Caroucel and Cohen, Kenneth and Cohen, Robert and Cohen-Stein, Debbie and Cook, Charles and Coyne, Daniel and Daboul, Nizar and Darwish, Riad and Daswani, Adarsh and Deck, Kenneth and Desouza, Cyrus and Dev, Devasmita and Dhillon, Monika and Dua, Sohan and Eder, Frank and Elosegui, Ana Maria and El-Shahawy, Mohamed and Ervin, John and Esquenazi, Alberto and Evans, John and Fishbane, Steven and Frias, Juan and Galindo-Ramos, Eugenia and Galphin, Claude and Ghazi, Adline and Gonzalez, Enrique and Gorson, David and Gowda, Anupama and Greco, Barbara and Grubb, Stephen and Gulati, Rakesh and Hammoud, Jamal and Handelsman, Stuart and Hartman, Israel and Hershon, Kenneth and Hiser, Daniel and Hon, George and Jacob, Radu and Jaime, Maria and Jamal, Aamir and Kaupke, Charles and Keightley, Gerald and Kern, Elizabeth and Khanna, Rakhi and Khitan, Zeid and Kim, Sun and Kopyt, Nelson and Kovesdy, Csaba and Krishna, Gopal and (Jay) Kropp, Jeffrey and Kumar, Amrendra and Kumar, Jayant and Kumar, Neil and Kusnir, Jorge and Lane, Wendy and Lawrence, Mary and Lehrner, Lawrence and Lentz, John and Levinson, Dennis and Lewis, Derek and Liss, Kenneth and Maddux, Andreas and Maheshwari, Hiralal and Mandayam, Sreedhar and Marar, Isam and Mehta, Bhasker and Middleton, John and Mordujovich, Jorge and Moreda, Ramon and Moustafa, Moustafa and Trenche, Samuel Mujica and Narayanan, Mohanram and Narvarte, Javier and Nassar, Tareq and Newman, George and Nichol, Brian and Nicol, Philip and Nisnisan, Josier and Nossuli, A. Kaldun and Obialo, Chamberlain and Olelewe, Sarah and Oliver, Michael and O'Shaughnessy, Andrew and Padron, John and Pankhaniya, Rohit and Parker, Reginald and Patel, Devesh and Patel, Gnyandev and Patel, Nina and Pavon, Humberto and Perez, Armando and Perez, Carlos and Perlman, Alan and Pettis, Karlton and Pharr, Walter and Phillips, Andrea and Purighalla, Raman and Quesada-Suarez, Luis and Ranjan, Rajiv and Rastogi, Sanjeev and Reddy, Jakkidi and Rendell, Marc and Rich, Lisa and Robinson, Michael and Rodriguez, Hector and Rosas, Sylvia and Saba, Fadi and Sankaram, Rallabhandi and Sarin, Ravi and Schreiman, Robert and Scott, David and Sekkarie, Mohamed and Sensenbrenner, John and Shakeel, Muhammad and Shanik, Michael and Shaw, Sylvia and Smith, Stephen and Solomon, Richard and Sprague, Amy and Spry, Leslie and Suchinda, Pusadee and Sultan, Senan and Surampudi, Prasanth and Sussman, Sherry and Tan, Anjanette and Terrelonge, Antonio and Thompson, Michael and Trespalacios, Fernando and Trippe, Bruce and Trueba, Pilar and Twahirwa, Marcel and Updegrove, John and Van Buren, Peter and Vannorsdall, Mark and Varghese, Freemu and Velasquez-Mieyer, Pedro and Ventrapragada, Sailaja and Vukotic, Goga and Wadud, Khurram and Warren, Mark and Watson, Henry and Watts, Ronald and Weiner, Daniel and Welker, James and Welsh, Jean and Williams, Shelley and Zaniewski-Singh, Michelle}, doi = {10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.042007}, journal-iso = {CIRCULATION}, journal = {CIRCULATION}, volume = {140}, unique-id = {31086950}, issn = {0009-7322}, abstract = {Background: Canagliflozin reduces the risk of kidney failure in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease, but effects on specific cardiovascular outcomes are uncertain, as are effects in people without previous cardiovascular disease (primary prevention). Methods: In CREDENCE (Canagliflozin and Renal Events in Diabetes With Established Nephropathy Clinical Evaluation), 4401 participants with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease were randomly assigned to canagliflozin or placebo on a background of optimized standard of care. Results: Primary prevention participants (n=2181, 49.6%) were younger (61 versus 65 years), were more often female (37% versus 31%), and had shorter duration of diabetes mellitus (15 years versus 16 years) compared with secondary prevention participants (n=2220, 50.4%). Canagliflozin reduced the risk of major cardiovascular events overall (hazard ratio [HR], 0.80 [95% CI, 0.67-0.95]; P=0.01), with consistent reductions in both the primary (HR, 0.68 [95% CI, 0.49-0.94]) and secondary (HR, 0.85 [95% CI, 0.69-1.06]) prevention groups (P for interaction=0.25). Effects were also similar for the components of the composite including cardiovascular death (HR, 0.78 [95% CI, 0.61-1.00]), nonfatal myocardial infarction (HR, 0.81 [95% CI, 0.59-1.10]), and nonfatal stroke (HR, 0.80 [95% CI, 0.56-1.15]). The risk of the primary composite renal outcome and the composite of cardiovascular death or hospitalization for heart failure were also consistently reduced in both the primary and secondary prevention groups (P for interaction >0.5 for each outcome). Conclusions: Canagliflozin significantly reduced major cardiovascular events and kidney failure in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease, including in participants who did not have previous cardiovascular disease.}, keywords = {diabetes mellitus; clinical trial; Primary Prevention; Renal Insufficiency; secondary prevention; chronic; Canagliflozin}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1524-4539}, pages = {739-750}, orcid-numbers = {Keltai, Katalin/0000-0002-8294-9062; Chiovato, Luca/0000-0001-7457-7353; Sasso, Ferdinando Carlo/0000-0002-9142-7848; Zanoli, Luca/0000-0003-1678-3778; Korzh, Oleksii/0000-0001-6838-4360} } @article{MTMT:30593673, title = {Linagliptin Effects on Heart Failure and Related Outcomes in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at High Cardiovascular and Renal Risk in CARMELINA}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30593673}, author = {McGuire, Darren K. and Alexander, John H. and Johansen, Odd Erik and Perkovic, Vlado and Rosenstock, Julio and Cooper, Mark E. and Wanner, Christoph and Kahn, Steven E. and Toto, Robert D. and Zinman, Bernard and Baanstra, David and Pfarr, Egon and Schnaidt, Sven and Meinicke, Thomas and George, Jyothis T. and von, Eynatten Maximilian and Marx, Nikolaus}, doi = {10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.038352}, journal-iso = {CIRCULATION}, journal = {CIRCULATION}, volume = {139}, unique-id = {30593673}, issn = {0009-7322}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1524-4539}, pages = {351-361}, orcid-numbers = {Tabák, Ádám/0000-0002-6234-3936; Mihály, Emese/0000-0003-3046-7341; Keltai, Katalin/0000-0002-8294-9062; Mezősi, Emese/0000-0001-9367-3877; Ábrahám, György/0000-0002-2272-2317} } @article{MTMT:30470479, title = {Effect of Linagliptin vs Placebo on Major Cardiovascular Events in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes and High Cardiovascular and Renal Risk. The CARMELINA Randomized Clinical Trial}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30470479}, author = {Rosenstock, Julio and Perkovic, Vlado and Johansen, Odd Erik and Cooper, Mark E. and Kahn, Steven E. and Marx, Nikolaus and Alexander, John H. and Pencina, Michael and Toto, Robert D. and Wanner, Christoph and Zinman, Bernard and Woerle, Hans Juergen and Baanstra, David and Pfarr, Egon and Schnaidt, Sven and Meinicke, Thomas and George, Jyothis T. and von Eynatten, Maximilian and McGuire, Darren K.}, doi = {10.1001/jama.2018.18269}, journal-iso = {JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC}, journal = {JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION}, volume = {321}, unique-id = {30470479}, issn = {0098-7484}, abstract = {IMPORTANCE Type 2 diabetes is associated with increased cardiovascular (CV) risk. Prior trials have demonstrated CV safety of 3 dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitors but have included limited numbers of patients with high CV risk and chronic kidney disease.}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1538-3598}, pages = {69-79}, orcid-numbers = {Mihály, Emese/0000-0003-3046-7341; Keltai, Katalin/0000-0002-8294-9062; Baló, Tímea/0000-0003-3057-928X; Somogyi, Anikó/0000-0003-0807-260X; Tabák, Ádám/0000-0002-6234-3936; Mezősi, Emese/0000-0001-9367-3877; Ábrahám, György/0000-0002-2272-2317} } @article{MTMT:33677485, title = {Effects of IDegLira (Insulin Degludec/Liraglutide) in Patients with Poorly Controlled Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) with A1C > 9%-Analyses from the DUAL Program}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33677485}, author = {Sugimoto, Danny and Frias, Juan P. and Gouet, Didier and Takács, Róbert and Jia, Ting and Orsy, Petra and Bain, Stephen C.}, doi = {10.2337/db18-1092-P}, journal-iso = {DIABETES}, journal = {DIABETES}, volume = {67}, unique-id = {33677485}, issn = {0012-1797}, year = {2018}, eissn = {1939-327X} } @article{MTMT:33677478, title = {Effects of IDegLira (insulin degludec/liraglutide) in patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes with HbA(1c) > 9%: analyses from the DUAL programme}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33677478}, author = {Bain, S. and Frias, J. and Gouet, D. and Takács, Róbert and Jia, T. and Orsy, P. and Sugimoto, D.}, journal-iso = {DIABETOLOGIA}, journal = {DIABETOLOGIA}, volume = {61}, unique-id = {33677478}, issn = {0012-186X}, year = {2018}, eissn = {1432-0428}, pages = {S411-S412} } @article{MTMT:33677492, title = {Efficacy and Safety of Switching from Sitagliptin (SITA) to Liraglutide (LIRA) in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) Not Achieving Adequate Glycaemic Control on SITA and Metformin (MET): A Post Hoc Subgroup Analysis Defined by Baseline BMI < or? 30 kg/m(2)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33677492}, author = {Kaiser, Marcel and Kern, Werner and Bailey, Timothy S. and Takács, Róbert and Rao, Paturi V. and Tsoukas, George M. and Rieck, Markus and Christensen, Sidsel B. and Kaltoft, Margit S. and Maislos, Maximo}, journal-iso = {INTERNIST}, journal = {INTERNIST}, volume = {58}, unique-id = {33677492}, issn = {0020-9554}, year = {2017}, eissn = {1432-1289}, pages = {S7-S7} } @article{MTMT:30322892, title = {The canagliflozin and renal endpoints in diabetes with established nephropathy clinical evaluation (CREDENCE) study rationale, design, and baseline characteristics}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30322892}, author = {Jardine, M.J. and Mahaffey, K.W. and Neal, B. and Agarwal, R. and Bakris, G.L. and Brenner, B.M. and Bull, S. and Cannon, C.P. and Charytan, D.M. and De, Zeeuw D. and Edwards, R. and Greene, T. and Heerspink, H.J.L. and Levin, A. and Pollock, C. and Wheeler, D.C. and Xie, J. and Zhang, H. and Zinman, B. and Desai, M. and Perkovic, V.}, doi = {10.1159/000484633}, journal-iso = {AM J NEPHROL}, journal = {AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY}, volume = {46}, unique-id = {30322892}, issn = {0250-8095}, year = {2017}, eissn = {1421-9670}, pages = {462-472}, orcid-numbers = {Keltai, Katalin/0000-0002-8294-9062; Rosivall, László/0000-0002-9809-3879} }