@article{MTMT:34825884, title = {Fossils from the Upper Miocene (Pannonian) sands of the Pécsvárad sand pit (Eastern Mecsek Mts., SW Hungary)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34825884}, author = {Sebe, Krisztina and Szabó, Márton and Szentesi, Zoltán and Pandolfi, L. and Jankó, N. and Magyar, Imre}, doi = {10.2298/GABP240228007S}, journal-iso = {ANN GEOL PENINSULA BALKANIQUE}, journal = {ANNALES GEOLOGIQUES DE LA PENINSULA BALKANIQUE}, volume = {85}, unique-id = {34825884}, issn = {0350-0608}, year = {2024}, pages = {49-71}, orcid-numbers = {Sebe, Krisztina/0000-0002-4647-2199; Szentesi, Zoltán/0000-0002-7019-5478} } @article{MTMT:34488156, title = {A geometric morphometric approach to identify uncomplete snake vertebrae from raptor bird feeding remains}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34488156}, author = {Tisza, Ádám and Móré, Attila and Turny, Zoltán and Bereczky, Attila and Szentesi, Zoltán and Korsós, Zoltán and Mizsei, Edvárd}, doi = {10.1016/j.fooweb.2023.e00334}, journal-iso = {FOOD WEBS}, journal = {FOOD WEBS}, volume = {38}, unique-id = {34488156}, issn = {2352-2496}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2352-2496}, orcid-numbers = {Szentesi, Zoltán/0000-0002-7019-5478; Korsós, Zoltán/0000-0003-1545-5086} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34518677, title = {Kincsek a mélyből, avagy a balatonedericsi Csodabogyós-barlang késő miocén gerincesmaradványai}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34518677}, author = {Pazonyi, P and Sebe, Krisztina and Hír, J and Mészáros, L and Szentesi, Zoltán and Trembeczki, M and Polacsek, Zs}, booktitle = {28. Barlangkutatók ’Szablyár Péter’ Szakmai Találkozója}, unique-id = {34518677}, year = {2023}, pages = {15}, orcid-numbers = {Sebe, Krisztina/0000-0002-4647-2199; Szentesi, Zoltán/0000-0002-7019-5478} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34397090, title = {Barlang konglomerátumban: a Törökpince – Abaligeti-barlang rendszer}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34397090}, author = {Sebe, Krisztina and Haász, J and Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger, Zsófia and Bauer, Márton and Pazonyi, Piroska and Szentesi, Zoltán and Gregorits, M and Szabó, M}, booktitle = {28. Barlangkutatók ’Szablyár Péter’ Szakmai Találkozója}, unique-id = {34397090}, year = {2023}, pages = {8}, orcid-numbers = {Sebe, Krisztina/0000-0002-4647-2199; Szentesi, Zoltán/0000-0002-7019-5478} } @article{MTMT:34134323, title = {New Pleistocene vertebrate assemblages from the Villány Hills (SW Hungary): Siklós and Palkonya}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34134323}, author = {Sebe, Krisztina and Gasparik, Mihály and Szentesi, Zoltán and Surányi, Gergely and Novothny, Ágnes and Pandolfi, Luca}, doi = {10.17111/FragmPalHung.2023.38.75}, journal-iso = {FRAGM PALAEONTOL HUNG}, journal = {FRAGMENTA PALAEONTOLOGICA HUNGARICA}, volume = {38}, unique-id = {34134323}, issn = {1586-930X}, abstract = {The Villány Hills in SW Hungary have the richest archive of Pliocene–Quaternary vertebrate faunas in the Pannonian Basin, mostly in karstic cavities. Here we present three new sites that extend the list of Pleistocene vertebrate locations for the area and add information to the evolution history of the region. In the northern part of the Siklós quarry, bone breccia was found coming from fissures in Jurassic or Cretaceous limestones. Its lithofacies and fossil content are similar to those of other well-known Plio-Pleistocene karst infills of the region. As it contained mostly snake vertebrae, its age could not be constrained precisely. In the southern part of the same quarry, two vertical shaft s were discovered, which are unusual in several respects. Th ey formed in a Middle Triassic dolomite succession, a rock type generally not prone to karstification. Th ey might have been created by gravitational deformation of the relatively steep slope, probably at diff erent times. One of them was closed from above and contained fl owstones precipitated during the late Middle Pleistocene, during the late Rissian MIS7 interglacial. The other one was filled from above with loess, rock fragments and remains of large mammals – Equus cf. ferus, Bos primigenius and Coelodonta antiquitatis –, possibly between 140–40 ka, during one of the stadials of the Weichselian or the latest Saalian. The site shows that fossil-bearing cavities could also form in lithologies not favourable for karstification, which then trapped fossils in a similar way karstic cavities do. In contrast with the previous two and with most of the other known vertebrate sites of the Villány Hills, the Palkonya outcrop is not a karst cavity fill but was deposited on the (palaeo)surface. Bison sp., possibly B. schoetensacki remains were found between the Triassic basement and Quaternary slope sediments, and within the latter succession. The Bison bones are probably Middle Pleistocene or late Early Pleistocene, older than ~300 ka. The overlying slope sediments originate from the reworking of various older deposits. Th ey were covered with loess in the Weichselian (~22 ka ago), then again with slope deposits. The abundance of bones in and around the outcrop suggests that this site acted as a fossil trap as well. Bones probably enriched in the sediments during reworking of older deposits. In cold periods, loess deposition decreased (subdued) the relief through infilling the depressions. With 21 figures and 3 tables.}, year = {2023}, pages = {75-94}, orcid-numbers = {Sebe, Krisztina/0000-0002-4647-2199; Szentesi, Zoltán/0000-0002-7019-5478; Novothny, Ágnes/0000-0003-3513-0406} } @{MTMT:33998725, title = {Van új a Nap alatt.... És a Föld alatt is...}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33998725}, author = {Gasparik, Mihály and Pazonyi, Piroska and Szentesi, Zoltán}, booktitle = {26. Magyar Őslénytani Vándorgyűlés}, unique-id = {33998725}, year = {2023}, pages = {16-16}, orcid-numbers = {Szentesi, Zoltán/0000-0002-7019-5478} } @{MTMT:33998634, title = {Szentendrei felső badeni képződmények komplex őslénytani vizsgálata (palinomorfa-, mész-, kova- és agglutinált vázú mikrofosszília, molluszka és gerinces) és ökológiai értékelése}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33998634}, author = {Görög, Ágnes and Szente, István and Szentesi, Zoltán}, booktitle = {26. Magyar Őslénytani Vándorgyűlés}, unique-id = {33998634}, year = {2023}, pages = {17-18}, orcid-numbers = {Szentesi, Zoltán/0000-0002-7019-5478} } @article{MTMT:33961884, title = {Stratigraphic and Paleoecological Significance of the Early/Middle Pleistocene Vertebrate Fauna of the Süttő 21 Site}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33961884}, author = {Pazonyi, Piroska and Szentesi, Zoltán and Mészáros, Lukács and Hír, János and Gasparik, Mihály}, doi = {10.3390/d15060736}, journal-iso = {DIVERSITY-BASEL}, journal = {DIVERSITY (BASEL)}, volume = {15}, unique-id = {33961884}, abstract = {The Süttő 21 site is a fissure fill of the freshwater limestone of the Gazda quarry in Süttő. The material was collected between 2017 and 2019, and the results are summarised in this article, with a special focus on the small vertebrate fauna of the site and its stratigraphic and paleoecological significance. The fissure fill can be placed around the Early/Middle Pleistocene boundary (ca. 1.1 and 0.77 Ma). The paleoecological analysis of the herpeto- and mammal fauna of the sequence indicates the proximity of a permanent water body. The lower part of the sequence is dominated by open habitat indicator taxa indicating a cool, dry climate. Towards the upper part of the sequence, the climate remained cool, but became wetter, and the vegetation gradually changed to forest-steppe/open forest. The fauna of the Süttő 21 site can be compared with the material of sites that are of a similar age, thus revealing taxonomic and paleoecological differences between different areas of the country. While a warm, dry climate and open vegetation can be reconstructed in the Villány Hills around the Early/Middle Pleistocene boundary, the Northern Hungarian areas had a cooler, wetter climate and a slightly more closed (sparse forest, forest-steppe) vegetation during this period.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1424-2818}, orcid-numbers = {Szentesi, Zoltán/0000-0002-7019-5478; Mészáros, Lukács/0000-0001-8125-4149} } @{MTMT:33803816, title = {A Mecseki Alsó–Középső Miocén Tavi Összlet Makrofaunája: Előzetes Eredmények}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33803816}, author = {Sebe, Krisztina and Szabó, Márton and Szentesi, Zoltán and Luca, Pandolfi and Budai, Soma and Gregorits, Máté}, booktitle = {26. Magyar Őslénytani Vándorgyűlés}, unique-id = {33803816}, year = {2023}, pages = {32-33}, orcid-numbers = {Sebe, Krisztina/0000-0002-4647-2199; Szentesi, Zoltán/0000-0002-7019-5478} } @article{MTMT:33066693, title = {A köztünk élő Hantken}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33066693}, author = {Görög, Ágnes and Szente, István and Szentesi, Zoltán}, doi = {10.23928/foldt.kozl.2022.152.2.165}, journal-iso = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, journal = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, volume = {152}, unique-id = {33066693}, issn = {0015-542X}, abstract = {A tanulmány a magyarországi őslénytani tevékenység támogatására létrehozott, és 2005 óta működő Hantken Miksa Közhasznú Alapítványt kívánja bemutatni. Célja a névadóról való méltó megemlékezés mellett az, hogy tevékenységét – a lehetséges jövőbeni támogatók és támogatottak számának növelése érdekében – a korábbinál szélesebb körben ismertté tegye. Az alapítás óta eltelt időben, illetve még inkább a jelen visszatekintést megalapozó kutatás során számos korábban nem publikált, Hantkennel kapcsolatos adat került napvilágra. Ennek eredményeként összeállítóttuk a Hantkenről készült fényképek és művészeti alkotások listáját, és több esetben lehetőség nyílt ezek keletkezési körülményeinek tisztázására is.}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2559-902X}, pages = {165-176}, orcid-numbers = {Görög, Ágnes/0000-0002-0910-8822; Szente, István/0000-0002-8679-8425; Szentesi, Zoltán/0000-0002-7019-5478} }