@article{MTMT:34753545, title = {Forest Carbon Modeling in Poplar and Black Locust Short Rotation Coppice Plantation in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34753545}, author = {Mulyana, Budi and Polgár, András and Vityi, Andrea}, doi = {10.23960/jsl.v12i2.883}, journal-iso = {J SYLVA LESTARI}, journal = {JURNAL SYLVA LESTARI}, volume = {12}, unique-id = {34753545}, issn = {2339-0913}, abstract = {Forest carbon dynamic modeling for estimating the carbon stock in short rotation coppice bioenergy plantation in Hungary will be vital for better comprehending the role of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) and poplar (Populus sp.) in carbon dioxide sequestration from the atmosphere. The research aims were to estimate the potential carbon stock and describe the carbon distribution of the short rotation coppice bioenergy plantation above and below ground. Various sources were used to acquire parameterization data for developing forest carbon dynamic models. CO2FIX modeling V.3.2 was utilized in the data analysis to estimate the total carbon stock in biomass, soil, harvested wood products, and bioenergy compartments. Modeling has been around for 45 years. In this research, the total carbon stock of black locust and poplar at the end of the simulation period was 64.13 and 131.08 MgC.ha-1, respectively. The average carbon allocation above and below ground for black locust and poplar was 0.76, 19.76, 1.80, and 21.67 MgC.ha-1, respectively. In conclusion, poplar outperformed black locust regarding carbon storage in the short rotation coppice bioenergy plantation. Below ground carbon allocation was much higher than above ground. Therefore, more attention should be paid on below ground allocation through environmentally friendly soil management.Keywords: bioenergy plantation, carbon dynamics, climate change mitigation, CO2FIX model, fast growing species}, keywords = {climate change mitigation; Carbon dynamics; bioenergy plantation; CO2FIX model; Fast growing species}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2549-5747}, pages = {324-337}, orcid-numbers = {Vityi, Andrea/0000-0002-2035-1866} } @article{MTMT:34734080, title = {CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION THROUGH CARBON STORAGE AND PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION IN THE HUNGARIAN WOOD INDUSTRY}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34734080}, author = {Király, Éva Ilona and Börcsök, Zoltán and Kocsis, Zoltán and Németh, Gábor and Polgár, András and Borovics, Attila}, doi = {10.37763/wr.1336-4561/69.1.7286}, journal-iso = {WOOD RES-SLOVAKIA}, journal = {WOOD RESEARCH}, volume = {69}, unique-id = {34734080}, issn = {1336-4561}, abstract = {In our study we estimated under two different scenarios the historic and future carbon balance of the Hungarian harvested wood product (HWP) pool using the HWP-RIAL model. We also estimated the effect of product and energy substitution and the magnitude of avoided emissions based on international substitution factors. According to our results in the period 1985–2021 the average of the HWP net emissions plus substitution effects was -3,800 kt CO2. In this period the 49% of the forest industry-related climate benefits was attributable to carbon storage in forests, while 4% was attributable to carbon storage in wood products and 47% to product and energy substitution. According to our projection the HWP net emissions plus substitution effects could reach -14,994 kt CO2 up to 2050 under an intensified domestic wood processing industry. This means that product substitution benefits could be tripled, while the net removals of the HWP pool could be 5 times higher than the historic values.}, year = {2024}, pages = {72-86} } @misc{MTMT:34730105, title = {Implementation Program of The Sustainable University. Poster. World Sustainable Energy Days 2024, 5 - 8 March 2024, Wels, Austria}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34730105}, author = {Fábián, Attila and Lakatos, Ferenc and Elekné Fodor, Veronika and Őrsi, Árpád and Náhlik, András and Polgár, András}, unique-id = {34730105}, year = {2024} } @article{MTMT:34720204, title = {A fapellet mint megújuló és potenciális alternatív energiaforrás}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34720204}, author = {Kocsis, Zoltán and Németh, Gábor and Börcsök, Zoltán and Polgár, András and Király, Éva Ilona and Kóczán, Zsófia}, journal-iso = {ERDÉSZETI LAPOK}, journal = {ERDÉSZETI LAPOK}, volume = {159}, unique-id = {34720204}, issn = {1215-0398}, year = {2024}, pages = {69-71} } @misc{MTMT:34715766, title = {Soproni Egyetem E-hulladék kezelési kapmánya, Zöld Egyetem törekvések. Magyar Katolikus Rádió, 2024. február 12.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34715766}, author = {Polgár, András}, unique-id = {34715766}, year = {2024} } @misc{MTMT:34715659, title = {Pyramid Model of The Sustainable University and Its Implementation Program, Presentation}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34715659}, author = {Fábián, Attila and Lakatos, Ferenc and Elekné Fodor, Veronika and Őrsi, Árpád and Náhlik, András and Polgár, András}, unique-id = {34715659}, year = {2024} } @misc{MTMT:34715641, title = {Fenntartható egyetem modellje és megvalósítási programja. Előadás (plenáris)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34715641}, author = {Fábián, Attila and Lakatos, Ferenc and Elekné Fodor, Veronika and Őrsi, Árpád and Náhlik, András and Polgár, András}, unique-id = {34715641}, year = {2024} } @misc{MTMT:34715633, title = {Tűzifával való égetés karbonlábnyoma – erdőtől a hasznos hőig. Előadás}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34715633}, author = {Polgár, András and Szakálosné Mátyás, Katalin and Horváth, Attila László and Kovács, Zoltán and Vityi, Andrea and Vágvölgyi, Andrea and Kocsis, Zoltán and Király, Éva Ilona and Börcsök, Zoltán and Borovics, Attila and Elekné Fodor, Veronika and Németh, Gábor}, unique-id = {34715633}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Vityi, Andrea/0000-0002-2035-1866} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34568095, title = {PYRAMID MODEL OF THE SUSTAINABLE UNIVERSITY AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34568095}, author = {Fábián, Attila and Lakatos, Ferenc and Elekné Fodor, Veronika and Őrsi, Árpád and Náhlik, András and Polgár, András}, booktitle = {Universidad 2024. XII Taller Internacional de “Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación en la Educación Superior”}, unique-id = {34568095}, abstract = {he University of Sopron has created the Sustainable University Model of the University of Sopron (SUM-UoS) based on its best practices, applying a systemic approach based on sustainability criteria. In its Institutional Sustainability Strategy, the university defines its vision and SMART goals, for which it assigns an Implementation Program. The model supports the implementation, operation and continuous development of the Sustainable University. It also lays the foundation for all those strategic steps that go beyond theory and put sustainability, environmental protection, and conscious and voluntary protection into practice. The SUM-UoS is embodied in a pyramid model, with the application of the model we aim to create a university operating culture that treats sustainability as a priority. With the help of implementers and interested parties, the culture related to university sustainability can continue to spread not only in higher education, but also in other sectors and in a wider social circle. Users can implement the recommended best practices and projects of the University of Sopron, in their own organizational environment, in a customized way. Based on the Sustainability Strategy, the University of Sopron announced the "Sound of Earth University of Sopron" Implementation Program (UoS-IP) under trademark protection. The implementation program of measures is in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but the UoS-IP provides more than mere SDG compliance. It provides a framework for the complex implementation and continuous development of the institutional sustainability culture. The UoS-IP contains thematic work packages based on the SDGs.}, keywords = {Pyramidal model; sustainable university; Sustainability in practice; Implementation Program}, year = {2024}, pages = {1-10} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34525474, title = {Felsőoktatási intézmények fenntarthatósági tevékenysége, avagy fókuszban a jó gyakorlatok}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34525474}, author = {Náhlik, András and Bertalan, Laura and Polgár, András}, booktitle = {Erdészeti Tudományos Konferencia Sopron, 2024. február 5-6. : Kivonatok Kötete}, unique-id = {34525474}, year = {2024}, pages = {62} }