@article{MTMT:34855306, title = {Thoughts on legal sustainabilty - 'Nihil sub sole novum.'}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34855306}, author = {Falus, Orsolya}, journal-iso = {Russian Law Journal}, journal = {Russian Law Journal}, volume = {12}, unique-id = {34855306}, issn = {2312-3605}, abstract = {The most frequently cited definition of sustainable development comes from the UN World Commission on Environment and Development as a ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’ This paper seeks an answer to the question of where the role of law can be placed in the conceptual framework of ‘sustainability’; what is law like if it is sustainable; what the classic and modern interpretation of this concepts are; also how do these approaches relate to the lessons of legal history, and specifically to the lessons of certain stages of the history of Hungarian state and law as sustainability turns. The conclusion is a new definition of sustainable law rooted in legal historical research, which can also be a common denominator for different aspects of sustainability.}, keywords = {Sustainable development; DEFINITION; conceptual framework; sustainable development; Hungary}, year = {2024}, pages = {51-59}, orcid-numbers = {Falus, Orsolya/0000-0002-8217-3065} } @article{MTMT:34827907, title = {Zrínyi Miklós, a mártír}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34827907}, author = {Falus, Orsolya and Király, Lajos and Kobolka, István and Lengyel, Zsolt}, journal-iso = {EINNOVACIO}, journal = {EINNOVÁCIÓ}, volume = {2}, unique-id = {34827907}, issn = {2939-7677}, abstract = {Örökérvényű eposzában a költő és hadvezér Zrínyi Miklós dédnagyapja, Zrínyi Miklós hősies önfeláldozását és hazaszeretetét meséli el. Egy katonai kód azonban új megvilágításba helyezi a művet, amely ennek alapján inkább a nemzetre hagyott végrendeleti információnak tekinthető. A szerzők, a Zrínyi Kutatócsoport már közzétette a Szigeti veszedelemmel kapcsolatos kutatásaik előzetes eredményeit a Polgári Szemle és a Jogtörténeti Szemle hasábjain. A jelen tanulmányban az epikus mű olyan egyéb kódolt információit értelmezik, mint például a Szent Adorján legendájára való hivatkozásokat. Miután feleségével, Natáliával keresztény hitre tért, Adorján mártírhalált halt Nicomédiában. A katonák pártfogójaként ismert mártír Szent György után Észak-Európa fő katonai védőszentjének számított hosszú időn át, így nagy tiszteletnek örvendett Flandriában, Németországban és Észak- Franciaországban is. A keleti ortodox egyház Szent Adorján és felesége emléknapját augusztus 26-án ünnepli (átdolgozott Julianus-naptár), amely szeptember 8-ra esik (a történelmi Julianus-naptár szerint), valószínűleg nem véletlenül egy nappal a szigetvári hős, Zrínyi Miklós, 1566-ban bekövetkezett mártírhalála előtt. In his timeless epic, the poet and general Miklós Zrínyi tells the story of his great-grandfather Miklós Zrínyi’s heroic self-sacrifice and patriotism. However, a military code sheds new light on the work, which can be considered more like testamentary information left to the nation. The authors, the Zrínyi Research Team, have already published the preliminary results of their study on the “Siege of Sziget” in the columns of the Civil Review and the Legal History Review. In the present paper, other coded information of the epic work, such as references to the legend of St. Adrian, are interpreted. After converting to Christianity with his wife Natalia, Adrian was martyred in Nicomedia. After the martyr St. George, known as the patron of soldiers, he was considered the main military patron saint of Northern Europe for a long time, so he was also highly respected in Flanders, Germany and Northern France. The Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates the memorial day of St. Adrian and his wife on August 26 (revised Julian calendar), which falls on September 8 (according to the historical Julian calendar), probably not coincidentally one day before the martyrdom of the Hero of Szigetvár, Miklós Zrínyi, in 1566.}, keywords = {Martyrdom; Zrínyi Miklós}, year = {2024}, pages = {71-85}, orcid-numbers = {Falus, Orsolya/0000-0002-8217-3065; Lengyel, Zsolt/0009-0009-5800-6599} } @inbook{MTMT:34780873, title = {Legal instruments for the protection of creativity and innovation}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34780873}, author = {Falus, Orsolya}, booktitle = {A jövő fenntartható közgazdaságtana}, unique-id = {34780873}, year = {2024}, pages = {145-150}, orcid-numbers = {Falus, Orsolya/0000-0002-8217-3065} } @inbook{MTMT:34767623, title = {Az innováció jogi védelme. Példák az elektromobilitás köréből}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34767623}, author = {Falus, Orsolya and Dósáné Pap, Györgyi}, booktitle = {Innovációs terek}, unique-id = {34767623}, year = {2024}, pages = {135-143}, orcid-numbers = {Falus, Orsolya/0000-0002-8217-3065} } @book{MTMT:34766534, title = {Innovációs terek}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34766534}, isbn = {9786156142313}, editor = {Falus, Orsolya and Németh, István Péter}, publisher = {DUE Press}, unique-id = {34766534}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Falus, Orsolya/0000-0002-8217-3065} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34755302, title = {Fenntarthatóság és jog: milyen a jog, ha fenntartható? = Sustainability and Law: What is Law Like if it is Sustainable?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34755302}, author = {Falus, Orsolya and Bilal, Tunç and Czukor, Ákos}, booktitle = {Társadalomtudományi Intézet 2024 Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia „Az átalakuló közgazdaságtan a fenntarthatóságért”}, unique-id = {34755302}, abstract = {A fenntartható fejlődés fogalmát elsőként az ENSZ Környezet és Fejlődés Világbizottságnak (Brundtland-bizottság) 1987-ben közzétett „Közös jövőnk” című jelentése fogalmazta meg. A Brundtland-jelentés a gazdasági növekedés új korszakát tűzte ki céljául, mint olyan növekedést, mely, bár dinamikus, de társadalmilag és környezetileg is fenntartható. Fenntarthatónak nevezzük azt a fejlődést, melyben a jelen szükségleteit úgy elégítjük ki, hogy azzal nem veszélyeztetjük a jövő generációi szükségleteinek kielégítését. A 21. század társadalmi feszültségeire tekintettel ezt a fogalmat már nem azonosíthatjuk kizárólag környezetvédelmi, vagy akár gazdasági princípiumként. Azon túlmenően, hogy mind a gazdasági, mind a környezeti fejlődésnek „fenntarthatónak”, azaz tartósnak kell lennie, egyértelműen látnunk kell, hogy a fogalom „három pilléren” alapszik: a gazdasági, a környezeti és a társadalmi pilléreken. A prezentáció ez utóbbi pillért veszi górcső alá, elméleti elemzés alapján, a jogtudomány, mint a társadalomtudomány egyik, a fenntartható fejlődés szabályrendszerét megalkotó, ága szemszögéből. The concept of sustainable development was first formulated by the UN World Committee on Environment and Development (Brundtland Committee) in the report „Our Common Future” published in 1987. The Brundtland Report set the goal of a new era of economic growth, as growth that, although dynamic, is also socially and environmentally sustainable. Development in which the needs of the present are met in a way that does not endanger the needs of future generations is called sustainable. In view of the social tensions of the 21st century, we can no longer identify this concept solely as an environmental or even an economic principle. In addition to the fact that both economic and environmental development must be „sustainable”, i.e. lasting, we must clearly see that the concept is based on „three pillars”: the economic, environmental and social pillars. The presentation takes the latter pillar scrutinized, based on theoretical analysis, from the point of view of jurisprudence as one of the branches of social science that creates the rule system of sustainable development.}, year = {2024}, pages = {35-37}, orcid-numbers = {Falus, Orsolya/0000-0002-8217-3065} } @misc{MTMT:34755287, title = {Fenntarthatóság és jog: milyen a jog, ha fenntartható?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34755287}, author = {Falus, Orsolya and Bilal, Tunç and Czukor, Ákos}, unique-id = {34755287}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Falus, Orsolya/0000-0002-8217-3065} } @article{MTMT:34688620, title = {CONCLUSIONS DRAWN FROM THE CHARTERS OF THE ORDER OF ST. ANTHONY'S ACTIVITY IN HUNGARY}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34688620}, author = {Falus, Orsolya}, journal-iso = {Russian Law Journal}, journal = {Russian Law Journal}, volume = {12}, unique-id = {34688620}, issn = {2312-3605}, abstract = {The order of the Crusaders of St. Anthony, the predecessor of the Antonites, was a lay brotherhood founded at the end of the 11th century in France. This organization differed from the other Hospitaller Crusaders in that they did not engage in warfare. Since the foundation, their task has consistently been patient care and, within that, the fight against "St. Anthony's fire": ergot poisoning. The earliest documents on the nursing activities of the Antonites in Hungary date back to the beginning of the 14th century. The paper presents the operation of the order in Hungary by analyzing the available contemporary documents, focusing primarily on its main house, Daróc (now: Šarišské Dravce, Slovakia), and the conditions of the management of the Pozsony (now: Bratislava, Slovakia) hospital. The charters are, on the one hand, agreements regarding hospitals they operated, and on the other, documents related to their fundraising. Indulgence letters from the period of the above-mentioned preceptor Albert of Tapolca belong to the latter category. The role of the Antonites seems to decrease more and more starting from the 15th century. City councils gradually took complete control over their hospitals everywhere, and after the Reformation that spread in the meantime eventually led to the end of the role of the Antonite Order.}, keywords = {Hospitals; Hungary}, year = {2024}, pages = {772-781}, orcid-numbers = {Falus, Orsolya/0000-0002-8217-3065} } @article{MTMT:34483543, title = {Crisis Management of Dual Training in Sustainable Synergy at a Higher Education Institution. Bir Yükseköğretim Kurumunda Sürdürülebilir Sinerjide İkili Eğitime İlişkin Kriz Yönetimi}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34483543}, author = {Varga, Anita and Falus, Orsolya}, journal-iso = {RESP}, journal = {Journal of Recycling Economy & Sustainability Policy}, volume = {3}, unique-id = {34483543}, abstract = {lman modelini temel alan uygulamaya yönelik ikili eğitim artık Macaristan dahil Avrupa Birliği genelinde yaygındır. Yükseköğretim kurumları, özellikle uygulamalı bilimler üniversiteleri, endüstriyel ortaklarıyla birlikte, işgücü piyasasının ihtiyaçlarını karşılayan ve bunlara sürdürülebilir bir şekilde uyum sağlama konusunda esnek olan eğitim kurslarını önermektedir. Çalışma, bir pandeminin kriz olarak etkisini ve yönetim olanaklarını belirlemek için Dunaújváros Üniversitesi'nde yapılan bir anket araştırmasının sonuçlarını sunmanın yanı sıra, sürdürülebilirlik araştırmalarında uygulanabilir yeni bir tetrahedron değişim yönetimi modelini ortaya koymaktadır. Yükseköğretim kurumlarındaki krizler sırasında. Rus-Ukrayna savaşının neden olduğu enerji krizisonucunda, Dunaújváros Üniversitesi’ninsürdürülebilirlik adına kış aylarında tekrar çevrimiçi eğitime geçmesi, çalışmaya ayrı bir güncellik kazandırmaktadır Based on the German model, practice-oriented dual training is now widespread throughout the European Union, including Hungary. Higher education institutions, universities of applied sciences in particular, together with their industrial partners, offer training courses that meet the needs of the labour market and are flexible to adapt to them, in a sustainable way. The study presents the results of a questionnaire survey at the University of Dunaújváros to determine the impact of a pandemic, as a crisis, and the possibilities of its management, as well as introduces a new tetrahedron model of change management applicable at the research of sustainability during crises at higher education institutions. The fact that the energy crisis caused by the Russo-Ukrainian war forced the University of Dunaújváros to switch to online education again in the winter months for the sake of sustainability gives the study particular topicality.}, keywords = {sustainability; crisis management; Higher education institution (HEI); higher education institution; Dual training; tetrahedron model}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2979-9414}, pages = {1-9}, orcid-numbers = {Falus, Orsolya/0000-0002-8217-3065} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34859594, title = {Smart cities, smart cars - legal issues}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34859594}, author = {Falus, Orsolya}, booktitle = {The Environment-Human Rights: comparative studies International conference materials = Хүрээлэн буй орчин ба хүний эрх:Харьцуулсан судлал (Олон улсын Эрдэм шинжилгээний хурлын эмхэтгэл)}, unique-id = {34859594}, year = {2023}, pages = {68-72}, orcid-numbers = {Falus, Orsolya/0000-0002-8217-3065} }