@{MTMT:35460721, title = {A kkv-k és a felhő, avagy mennyire hosszú még az út?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35460721}, author = {Bak, Gerda and Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna}, booktitle = {22nd International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking. Abstract Booklet. MEB 2024}, unique-id = {35460721}, year = {2024}, pages = {83-83}, orcid-numbers = {Bak, Gerda/0000-0001-5912-3716; Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna/0000-0003-3929-6331} } @article{MTMT:35262634, title = {METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES IN THE STUDY OF PLACE MARKETING IN SMALL VILLAGES}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35262634}, author = {Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna and Pecze, Krisztina and Kádár, B.}, doi = {10.2478/jec-2024-0013}, journal-iso = {ECONOMICS AND CULTURE}, journal = {ECONOMICS AND CULTURE}, volume = {21}, unique-id = {35262634}, issn = {2255-7563}, abstract = {Research purpose. Natural and economic changes in recent years have led Hungary to emphasise boosting domestic tourism. There has also been an increase in property prices in settlements near large cities, indicating an increase in the number of people wishing to settle there. These effects are putting increasing demands on municipalities, and municipal administrations need economic, management and marketing skills that are often lacking in the administration of Hungarian cities. In our previous systematic literature review, we identified four clusters of literature on publications in place marketing and place management published between 2018 and 2022. The present research aims to discuss the methodologies related to the research themes in each cluster. We aim to explore the research methods associated with each cluster and highlight the potential of methods that may have yet to be used. Our study aims to develop a methodological model that shows which areas are coupled with which methods and which ones could be used to extend research in the future. Design / Methodology / Approach. Our research is meticulously grounded in a thematic clustering of literature selected from two reputable databases, WoS and Scopus. We conducted a systematic methodological analysis from this database, ensuring a comprehensive and unbiased view of the research landscape. We categorised the articles into thematic and methodological groups, revealing the research methods employed by the authors in each cluster. This rigorous analysis culminated in the development of a conceptual model, which provides an easily interpretable overview for future researchers. Findings. Our results show that the research that emerges in each cluster is mainly investigated by researchers who use traditional marketing research tools. Particular emphasis is placed on interview and questionnaire research methods, as well as content analysis in the online space. Little space is given to other non-traditional methods that may also be useful. There is no correlation between the different areas and research methods. Researchers do not adapt their methodology to the field of study; instead, the methodological background of the research is determined by the problem at hand, their research framework, or their methodological knowledge. Originality / Value / Practical implications. The methodological extension based on our study's results and the model allows researchers to move away from the most common and traditional methods of investigation and explore the field from a new perspective and with new methods. As a result of this new approach, it is possible to explore and interpret new types of results. ©2024 Authors.}, keywords = {Research Methodology; Place marketing; Place management}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2256-0173}, pages = {177-184}, orcid-numbers = {Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna/0000-0003-3929-6331; Pecze, Krisztina/0009-0006-7003-9164} } @article{MTMT:35139383, title = {Magyar KKV vezetők vállalati fenntarthatósággal és felelősséggel kapcsolatos attitűdje – fókuszcsoportos kvalitatív kutatás alapján}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35139383}, author = {Győri, Zsuzsanna and Kolnhofer-Derecskei, Anita and Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna and Szigeti, Cecília}, journal-iso = {TÉR GAZDASÁG EMBER}, journal = {TÉR-GAZDASÁG-EMBER}, volume = {12}, unique-id = {35139383}, issn = {2064-1176}, year = {2024}, pages = {9-35}, orcid-numbers = {Győri, Zsuzsanna/0000-0002-2713-5576; Kolnhofer-Derecskei, Anita/0000-0002-1780-7674; Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna/0000-0003-3929-6331; Szigeti, Cecília/0000-0002-2163-5211} } @article{MTMT:35066402, title = {How are the SMEs Committed to their Local Communities in the Term of Sustainability?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35066402}, author = {Kolnhofer-Derecskei, Anita and Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna and Dombi, Mihály and Győri, Zsuzsanna}, doi = {10.2478/jec-2024-0014}, journal-iso = {ECONOMICS AND CULTURE}, journal = {ECONOMICS AND CULTURE}, volume = {21}, unique-id = {35066402}, issn = {2255-7563}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2256-0173}, pages = {185-194}, orcid-numbers = {Kolnhofer-Derecskei, Anita/0000-0002-1780-7674; Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna/0000-0003-3929-6331; Győri, Zsuzsanna/0000-0002-2713-5576} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34880962, title = {Nowadays’ Questions of Place Marketing}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34880962}, author = {Pecze, Krisztina and Kádár, Beáta and Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna}, booktitle = {8th FEB International Scientific Conference}, doi = {10.18690/um.epf.5.2024.58}, unique-id = {34880962}, abstract = {The study is based on the assumption that local governments need new guidance in the current global change context. We base our assumption on the fact that the pandemic and the subsequent economic changes have radically altered the external environment of municipalities, which present new challenges, require new marketing management perspectives, and tools to respond. The aim of our research at this stage is to identify and collect the factors and questions that are deemed important by the international researchers of place marketing to discover, identify, and answer in order to provide guidance on how to manage municipalities in the face of environmental change. Building on our preliminary literature review, we conduct a systematic literature review of the questions that have been addressed by researchers in the field of municipal marketing over the past five years. The purpose of this work is to collect, complete, and group the questions so that we can build on the systematic review to develop a model for our further research and to ground our methodological engagement in the methodology of the literature we have identified. Our results show that the focus in the field of place marketing is shifting towards broader perspectives of sustainability.}, year = {2024}, pages = {619-627}, orcid-numbers = {Pecze, Krisztina/0009-0006-7003-9164; Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna/0000-0003-3929-6331} } @inbook{MTMT:34728927, title = {Difficulties and advantages of internationalization in the Hungarian SME sector}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34728927}, author = {Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna and Simon, Dániel}, booktitle = {Green and Digital Transitions: Global Insights into Sustainable Solutions}, doi = {10.14232/gtk.gdtgiss.2024.9}, unique-id = {34728927}, abstract = {With globalization and the technological advancements of the 21st century, more and more organizations are utilizing the advantages of cross-border operations and global value chains. However, despite the fact that the SME sector forms the backbone of the Hungarian economy, the sector often faces difficulties of survival as smaller, only locally operating business are outperformed by large multinational companies flooding the market with more optimal, highly cost-effective supply chains. Research conducted within the Hungarian SME sector shows that internationalized small and medium sized businesses also outperform the only locally operating SMEs. Their performance and employment growth are, on average, higher, and they tend to be more resilient toward environmental difficulties as well. Despite the presumed advantages of internationalization, SMEs are facing critical challenges when it comes to cross-border activities. The aim of this study is to synthesize, on a comprehensive level, the available literature on the Hungarian SME sector and to provide a clear picture on the advantages and difficulties small and medium sized businesses are facing when it comes to foreign operations. The results of the synthetization provide a base for future research aiming to assist small and medium sized enterprises to improve their supply chains and to search for opportunities to easier access foreign markets.}, year = {2024}, pages = {137-153}, orcid-numbers = {Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna/0000-0003-3929-6331} } @article{MTMT:34565252, title = {The Importance of Continuous Organizational Project Risk Management and the Value of Project Management Certificates in the Customers’ Eyes}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34565252}, author = {Simon, Dániel and Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna}, doi = {10.21791/IJEMS.2024.002}, journal-iso = {IJEMS MMTK}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES / MŰSZAKI ÉS MENEDZSMENT TUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEK}, volume = {&}, unique-id = {34565252}, issn = {2498-700X}, abstract = {In an increasingly complex and volatile business environment, organizational project risk management plays a critical role in determining the chances of project success. Project management has become a common tool in the hands of large organizations for executing development and improving their production cycles in a more carefully planned way. However, the future is often hard to predict, and unexpected events may occur which could have been avoided with the use of the right tools and mindset. This comprehensive research study aims to showcase the importance of continuous risk management in organizations and highlight how risk management contributes to successful project outcomes. By synthesizing information from 59 high-quality publications from Scopus and Web of Science, the research describes various risk mitigation methodologies used across diverse fields, and explores potential obstacles faced by project managers when executing risk management strategies. The primary research of the study builds upon a survey conducted with 181 experienced project managers across various industries to gain deeper insights into their risk management approaches and the constraints they may encounter. Additionally, the study seeks to analyse the value of obtaining project management certificates in relationship with led projects’ length and budget. Employing SPSS, the research presents descriptive statistics, regression, and correlation calculations to further analyse the data gathered. The aim of the research is to draw attention to the significance of continuous risk management, propose effective methodologies, identify and mitigate potential challenges, and shed light on the potential benefits of having certifications in the field of project management. This study aims to present valuable knowledge for both researchers and organizations striving to better understand the field of project risk management strategies through the systematic literature review and quantitative research results presented.}, year = {2024}, pages = {1-18}, orcid-numbers = {Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna/0000-0003-3929-6331} } @article{MTMT:34510588, title = {Applying Attitude Theory to Determine User Security Approaches}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34510588}, author = {Szűcs, Kata Rebeka and Tick, Andrea and Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna}, doi = {10.5937/sjm19-45280}, journal-iso = {SERB J MANAGE}, journal = {SERBIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT}, volume = {19}, unique-id = {34510588}, issn = {1452-4864}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2217-7159}, pages = {133-148}, orcid-numbers = {Tick, Andrea/0000-0002-3139-6509; Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna/0000-0003-3929-6331} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34565288, title = {HYBRID CORPORATE REALITY SUPPORTED BY AI}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34565288}, author = {Bilinovics-Sipos, Judit and Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna}, booktitle = {Economic and Social Development: 98th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development : Book of Proceedings}, unique-id = {34565288}, year = {2023}, pages = {209-217}, orcid-numbers = {Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna/0000-0003-3929-6331} } @article{MTMT:34512201, title = {Elméleti alapok és tapasztalatok a szisztematikus fókuszált szakirodalmi áttekintés során}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34512201}, author = {Kolnhofer-Derecskei, Anita and Szászvári, Karina Ágnes and Tóth-Téglás, Tünde and Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna}, doi = {10.33565/MKSV.2023.02.01}, journal-iso = {MKSV}, journal = {MULTIDISZCIPLINÁRIS KIHÍVÁSOK SOKSZÍNŰ VÁLASZOK}, unique-id = {34512201}, abstract = {Tanulmányunkban egy tudományos kutatást megalapozó szakirodalmi gyűjtés és rendszerezés példáján keresztül mutatjuk be a rendszerező és szisztematikus szakirodalmazást valamint az üzleti tudományokban is egyre népszerűbb, új rendszerező szakirodalmi áttekintést segítő VosViewer alkalmazást és a PRISMA modellt. A PRISMA modell eredetileg az egészségügyi és orvosi kutatások területéből indult ki, melyet fokozatosan, talán, éppen a VosViewer népszerű, ingyenes alkalmazása tett ismertté az üzleti és közgazdaságtani tudományos kutatásokban. Mindezek mellett, a mesterséges intelligencia vezényelte chatbot alkalmazást is kipróbáltuk, hogyan segítheti a tudományos munka szakirodalmi áttekintő fázisát. Konkrét kutatás során tapasztaltuk meg ezek működését és fedeztük fel, tanultuk meg a használatukat, vagyis cikkünk nem könyvtár-, és információtudomány tudományos oldaláról, hanem a felhasználó szemszögéből, mégis tudományosan elemez, és értékel. Feltéve a kérdést, hogy miben nyújt hozzáadott értéket ez a technika a hagyományos vagy tradicionális szakirodalmi gyűjtéshez képest? A vizsgált módszertani eljárást „szekunder adatokon” (más elemzések példáin) és egy esettanulmányon keresztül vezetjük végig, rámutatva annak igazi értékeire és buktatóira is. Eredményeink szerint megállapíthatjuk, hogy ezen új módszerek nem helyettesítik teljeskörűen a hagyományos szakirodalmi gyűjtést vagy rendszerzést, legkevésbe azok értő olvasását és feldolgozását, de kiváló kiindulási alapként szolgálnak a nemzetközi szakirodalom - angol, és tapasztalatunk szerint magyar nyelvű - tér-, és időbeli grafikus rendszerezéséhez, új irányt mutatva a kutatási résekre.}, keywords = {szisztemaiktus szakirodalmi feldolgozás; PRISMA modell; nemzetközi és hazai szakirodalmak}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2630-886X}, pages = {3-35}, orcid-numbers = {Kolnhofer-Derecskei, Anita/0000-0002-1780-7674; Szászvári, Karina Ágnes/0000-0002-2583-4808; Tóth-Téglás, Tünde/0000-0001-9507-9759; Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna/0000-0003-3929-6331} }