@misc{MTMT:35089039, title = {Competing tectonic effects of the Neotethys and Alpine Tethys in the Bükk Mts., NE Hungary: From Jurassic half-grabens to nappe emplacement}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35089039}, author = {Fodor, László and Haas, János and Ozsvárt, Péter and Szives, Ottilia and Benkó, Zsolt and Görög, Ágnes and Oravecz, Éva and Scherman, Benjámin and Kövér, Szilvia}, publisher = {AGH Univesity Press}, unique-id = {35089039}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Fodor, László/0000-0002-0606-4414; Haas, János/0000-0003-0929-8889; Szives, Ottilia/0000-0002-7279-6568; Görög, Ágnes/0000-0002-0910-8822; Scherman, Benjámin/0000-0002-3721-557X; Kövér, Szilvia/0000-0002-6736-4226} } @article{MTMT:34764189, title = {Age, Kinematic and Thermal Constraints of Syn‐Orogenic Low‐Temperature Deformation Events: Insights From Thermochronology and Structural Data of the Nekézseny Thrust (Alpine‐Carpathian‐Dinaric Area)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34764189}, author = {Oravecz, Éva and Benkó, Zsolt and Arató, Róbert and Dunkl, István and Héja, G and Kövér, Szilvia and Németh, Tibor and Fodor, László}, doi = {10.1029/2023TC008189}, journal-iso = {TECTONICS}, journal = {TECTONICS}, volume = {43}, unique-id = {34764189}, issn = {0278-7407}, abstract = {Unraveling the age and kinematics of low temperature deformation events is crucial in understanding the late‐stage evolution of orogens. However, accurate age constraints can often be challenging to obtain due to unideal outcrop conditions, large sedimentary hiatuses or the lack of well‐defined thermal events. In this study, we show on the example of the Nekézseny Thrust, a poorly exposed late orogenic thrust in the southern Western Carpathians, that a combined approach of structural analysis and multi‐method thermochronology can provide the necessary temporal, kinematic and thermal constraints for a detailed reconstruction of the deformation history. While structural mapping revealed that the Late Cretaceous Uppony Gosau Basin in the footwall of the Nekézseny Thrust underwent a significant post‐Campanian and pre‐Miocene shortening, K/Ar dating of fault gouge samples from the main fault zone constrained the primary thrusting event to the Maastrichtian. Based on the acquired apatite fission‐track and (U‐Th)/He ages, subsequent heating of the Upper Cretaceous sediments due to tectonic burial was limited to 75–100°C, followed by deformation‐related and gradual cooling between the Eocene and Early Miocene. Considering the reconstructed deformation history, as well as the large‐scale tectonic affinity of the displaced units in its footwall and hanging wall, the Nekézseny Thrust is a far‐traveled (ca. 600 km) segment of the Late Cretaceous Alps‐Dinarides contact zone, whose development was linked to the switch from lower plate to upper plate position with respect to the Sava Zone and Alpine Tethys sutures, respectively.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1944-9194}, orcid-numbers = {Kövér, Szilvia/0000-0002-6736-4226; Németh, Tibor/0000-0002-1836-6006; Fodor, László/0000-0002-0606-4414} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34540745, title = {Structure and evolution of the Aggtelek and Rudabánya Hills, north-east Hungary. Guidebook for pre- and post-conference excursions related to the CETEG 2023 Meeting, Kazincbarcika, Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34540745}, author = {Fodor, László and Oravecz, Éva and Less, György and Kövér, Szilvia}, booktitle = {Guidebook for pre- and post-conference excursions related to the CETEG 2023 Meeting}, unique-id = {34540745}, year = {2023}, pages = {66}, orcid-numbers = {Kövér, Szilvia/0000-0002-6736-4226} } @article{MTMT:34509241, title = {Upper Triassic–to Lower Cretaceous Slovenian Basin successions in the northern margin of the Sava Folds}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34509241}, author = {Scherman, Benjámin and Rožič, Boštjan and Görög, Ágnes and Kövér, Szilvia and Fodor, László}, doi = {10.5474/geologija.2023.009}, journal-iso = {GEOLOGIJA (LJUBLJANA)}, journal = {GEOLOGIJA (LJUBLJANA)}, volume = {66}, unique-id = {34509241}, issn = {0016-7789}, abstract = {The evolution of the Slovenian Basin southern margin is currently interpreted based on the successions outcropping in the surroundings of Škofja Loka, on the Ponikve Plateau and in the foothills of the Julian Alps in western Slovenia, as well as from the valley of the Mirna River in south-eastern Slovenia. However, no extensive research on this paleogeographic unit has been carried out in the northern part of the Sava Folds region. Recent field observations permitted the recognition of Upper Triassic to lowermost Cretaceous successions of the Slovenian Basin, including the recently described Middle Jurassic Ponikve Breccia Member of the Tolmin Formation. Based on reambulation-type geological mapping, macroscopic facies observations supported by microfacies analysis and biostratigraphy, three stratigraphic columns were constructed showcasing Slovenian Basin formations on the northern flank of the Trojane Anticline (Sava Folds region). These newly described successions encompass Upper Triassic (Bača Dolomite Formation) and Jurassic–lowermost Cretaceous resedimented limestones and pelagic formations, while the attribution of the Pseudozilian Formation is complex. Based on facies characteristics these successions are similar to those preserved in the Podmelec Nappe (lowermost thrust unit of the Tolmin Nappe) in western Slovenia. The connection between the western and the eastern Slovenian Basin during the Late Triassic-Early Cretaceous interval could be thus recognised.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1854-620X}, pages = {205-228}, orcid-numbers = {Scherman, Benjámin/0000-0002-3721-557X; Kövér, Szilvia/0000-0002-6736-4226} } @article{MTMT:34471037, title = {Paleomagnetic contribution to resolving the tectonic evolution of the Drina–Ivanjica Unit, Internal Dinarides}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34471037}, author = {Velki, Máté and Márton, E. and Cvetkov, V. and Kövér, Szilvia}, doi = {10.31577/GeolCarp.2023.22}, journal-iso = {GEOL CARPATH}, journal = {GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA}, volume = {74}, unique-id = {34471037}, issn = {1335-0552}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1336-8052}, pages = {423-440}, orcid-numbers = {Kövér, Szilvia/0000-0002-6736-4226} } @{MTMT:34342996, title = {Mezozoikum. Triász}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34342996}, author = {Budai, Tamás and Konrád, Gyula and Less, György and Raucsik, Béla and Tóthné Makk, Ágnes and Koloszár, László and Haas, János and Vörös, Attila and Józsa, Sándor and Farics, Éva and Csillag, Gábor and Pálfy, József and Rálischné Felgenhauer, Erzsébet and Pelikán, Pál and Hips, Kinga and Németh, Norbert and Velledits, Felicitász and Gál, Péter and Szoldán, Zsolt and Róth, László and Piros, Olga and Péró, Csaba and Kovács, Sándor and Kövér, Szilvia and Grill, József and Török, Ákos and Szente, István and Bércziné, Makk Anikó}, booktitle = {Magyarország litosztratigráfiai egységeinek leírása I.}, unique-id = {34342996}, year = {2023}, pages = {113-186}, orcid-numbers = {Raucsik, Béla/0000-0002-1951-5974; Józsa, Sándor/0000-0001-8219-0044; Németh, Norbert/0000-0002-4264-5136; Kövér, Szilvia/0000-0002-6736-4226} } @article{MTMT:34333252, title = {Guidebook for pre- and post-conference excursions related to the CETEG 2023 Meeting, Kazincbarcika, Hungary.. Pre-conference excursion: From rifted margin to nappe stacking: Permo-Mesozoic structural evolution of the Aggtelek and Northern Rudabánya Hills. (spotlight on salt tectonics and nppe stacking). Post-conference excursion: From Triassic rifted margin sequences to Jurassic deep marine sediments: nappe stacking in the Southern Rudabánya Hills and Aggtelek margins}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34333252}, author = {Fodor, László and Oravecz, Éva and Less, György and Kövér, Szilvia}, journal-iso = {ACTA MINERAL PETROGR FIELD GUIDE}, journal = {ACTA MINERALOGICA PETROGRAPHICA-FIELD GUIDE SERIES}, volume = {34}, unique-id = {34333252}, issn = {2061-9766}, year = {2023}, pages = {3-65}, orcid-numbers = {Fodor, László/0000-0002-0606-4414; Kövér, Szilvia/0000-0002-6736-4226} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34167411, title = {Paleomagnetic contribution to the tectonic evolution of the Drina-Ivanjica Unit, Internal Dinarides}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34167411}, author = {Velki, Máté and Márton, Emő and Cvetkov, Vesna and Kövér, Szilvia}, booktitle = {19th meeting of the Central European Tectonic Studies Group (CETeG)}, unique-id = {34167411}, year = {2023}, pages = {101}, orcid-numbers = {Kövér, Szilvia/0000-0002-6736-4226} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:33830548, title = {Illite K/Ar dating of fault zones, sedimentary sequences and low-grade metamorphic rocks}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33830548}, author = {Benkó, Zsolt and Oravecz, Éva and Fodor, László and Kövér, Szilvia and Obbágy, Gabriella and Németh, Tibor and Kovács, Ivett and Máthé, Zoltán and Arató, Róbert and Molnár, Kata and Maros, Gyula}, booktitle = {19th meeting of the Central European Tectonic Studies Group (CETeG)}, unique-id = {33830548}, year = {2023}, pages = {7-8}, orcid-numbers = {Kövér, Szilvia/0000-0002-6736-4226; Németh, Tibor/0000-0002-1836-6006; Kovács, Ivett/0000-0001-7015-7909; Molnár, Kata/0000-0001-6993-5806; Maros, Gyula/0000-0002-2973-4513} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:33806286, title = {Platform to basin transitions: mapping observations at the Krvavica Mountain and Čemšeniška Planina (Sava Folds Region, Szlovenia).}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33806286}, author = {Scherman, B. and Rožič, B. and Görög, Á. and Kövér, Szilvia and Fodor, László}, booktitle = {15th Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies 2022-09-12 [Ljubljana, Szlovénia]}, unique-id = {33806286}, year = {2022}, pages = {61}, orcid-numbers = {Kövér, Szilvia/0000-0002-6736-4226} }