@{MTMT:34733159, title = {Carbon neutrality plans in the European automotive supply chain. What is the reality?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34733159}, author = {Túry, Gábor}, booktitle = {The First Thirty Years of the European Union}, unique-id = {34733159}, year = {2024}, pages = {60-60} } @inbook{MTMT:34488172, title = {Enlargement at All Costs? A View from Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34488172}, author = {Czina, Veronika and Szigetvári, Tamás and Túry, Gábor}, booktitle = {Enlargement and the Future of Europe}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-43234-7_13}, unique-id = {34488172}, year = {2024}, pages = {55-59}, orcid-numbers = {Szigetvári, Tamás/0000-0002-5729-3153} } @{MTMT:34428361, title = {A külföldi tulajdonú leányvállalatok munkaügyi kapcsolatai Magyarországon: különböznek-e a nyugati és az ázsiai befektetők?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34428361}, author = {Gál, Zoltán and Sáfrányné Gubik, Andrea and Tölgyessy Péterné Sass, Magdolna and Túry, Gábor}, booktitle = {Vállalkozáskutatói és elemzői hálózat}, unique-id = {34428361}, year = {2023}, pages = {23-25}, orcid-numbers = {Gál, Zoltán/0000-0002-7274-9163} } @article{MTMT:34196984, title = {Disruptions and resilience building in Central European automotive supply chains}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34196984}, author = {Éltető, Andrea and Vlčková, J and Křenková, E and Túry, Gábor}, doi = {10.5771/0949-6181-2023-3-557}, journal-iso = {J EAST EUR MANAG STUD}, journal = {JOURNAL OF EAST EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT STUDIES}, volume = {28}, unique-id = {34196984}, issn = {0949-6181}, abstract = {In this paper, we focus on the disruptions of automotive GSCs and their resilience building in Central Europe where the economic role of the automotive sector and its connected industries is highly significant. We apply a qualitative approach based on interviews to investigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our aim was to discover the measures and strategies the automotive firms adopted to counter the pandemic effects in Hungary and Czechia. Based on the literature, we define the framework of the given CE companies’ resilience building techniques. We mapped the measures companies used against the pandemic and analysed the various resilience-building techniques they applied. These measures are similar to those employed in previous local shocks, but we found an increased role of communication and collaboration. We also found some variations according to the firms’ position in international networks.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1862-0019}, pages = {557-578}, orcid-numbers = {Éltető, Andrea/0000-0003-2793-2281} } @article{MTMT:34089779, title = {Enhancing supply chains agility – The development of logistics capabilities by automotive producers in Central and Eastern Europe following Russia's invasion of Ukraine}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34089779}, author = {Křenková, E and Procházka, P and Túry, Gábor}, doi = {10.1556/204.2023.00016}, journal-iso = {SOC ECON}, journal = {SOCIETY AND ECONOMY}, volume = {45}, unique-id = {34089779}, issn = {1588-9726}, abstract = {This research investigates the proactive and reactive measures applied by Czech and Hungarian automotive companies following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. We apply a qualitative methodology and analyse interviews with company managers to learn about the applied measures. The results reveal that the resilience gained during the COVID-19 pandemic involved proactive measures, which companies have kept in place. Reactive measures involved production replanning and alternative transportation. Adopting multiple sourcing strategies in the automotive sector is limited and more reactive rather than proactive. The important antecedents of agility are information sharing and cooperation within multinationals.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1588-970X}, pages = {313-334}, orcid-numbers = {Křenková, E/0000-0003-3820-7608; Procházka, P/0000-0002-8886-6241} } @{MTMT:33853210, title = {Asian Investors and State Strategies in Promoting Automotive Manufacturing Investments – The Case of Hungary and Türkiye}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33853210}, author = {Szigetvári, Tamás and Túry, Gábor}, booktitle = {Energy crisis and security challenges in the World: Sustainable responses of the Asian economies and societies}, unique-id = {33853210}, year = {2023}, pages = {53-53}, orcid-numbers = {Szigetvári, Tamás/0000-0002-5729-3153} } @inproceedings{MTMT:33846106, title = {Can they get out of the middle-income technology trap? State strategies in Hungary and Türkiye in promoting automotive investments}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33846106}, author = {Szigetvári, Tamás and Túry, Gábor}, booktitle = {Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment}, doi = {10.18267/pr.2023.kre.2490.21}, unique-id = {33846106}, year = {2023}, pages = {263-277}, orcid-numbers = {Szigetvári, Tamás/0000-0002-5729-3153} } @inbook{MTMT:33734368, title = {The Hungarian automobile industry. towards an understanding of the transition to electromobility}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33734368}, author = {Szabó, John and Deák, András György and Szalavetz, Andrea and Túry, Gábor}, booktitle = {On the way to electromobility - a green(er) but more unequal future?}, unique-id = {33734368}, year = {2023}, pages = {241-264}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, John/0000-0002-8224-1013} } @article{MTMT:33567859, title = {Ellenállóképesség kialakítása a magyar és a cseh autóipari vállalatoknál}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33567859}, author = {Éltető, Andrea and Túry, Gábor and Křenková, E and Vlčková, J}, doi = {10.14267/VEZTUD.2023.01.02}, journal-iso = {VEZETÉSTUDOMÁNY}, journal = {VEZETÉSTUDOMÁNY}, volume = {54}, unique-id = {33567859}, issn = {0133-0179}, abstract = {A cikk a magyar és a cseh autóipari cégek ellátási láncainak zavaraival és ellenállóképességük kialakításával foglalkozik. A szerzők interjúkra alapozva vizsgálták a Covid19-járvány hatásait azzal a céllal, hogy részletesen feltérképezzék a két ország autóipari vállalatainak reakcióit, intézkedéseit és stratégiáit. Az ellenálló ellátási lánc kialakítására vonatkozó szakirodalomra alapozva definiálták az elemzés kereteit. Eredményeik megerősítik, hogy minden vállalatnál veszteségeket és zavarokat okozott a járvány, és legtöbbjük igénybe vett valamilyen kormányzati támogatást. A vizsgált cégek számos olyan ellenállóképesség-javító intézkedést hoztak, amelyek – a szakirodalomban említettekkel összhangban – erősítik a rugalmasságot, információáramlást, együttműködést. Ezek az intézkedések nem a cég nemzetisége, hanem az ellátási láncban betöltött szerepe szerint differenciálódnak.}, year = {2023}, pages = {14-26}, orcid-numbers = {Éltető, Andrea/0000-0003-2793-2281; Křenková, E/0000-0003-3820-7608; Vlčková, J/0000-0003-3342-4427} } @techreport{MTMT:33682038, title = {The future of the European automobile industry: Is zero-carbon possible with zero job loss?. country study: Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33682038}, author = {Szabó, John and Deák, András György and Szalavetz, Andrea and Túry, Gábor}, unique-id = {33682038}, year = {2022}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, John/0000-0002-8224-1013} }