TY - JOUR AU - Chronowski, Nóra AU - Nagy, Noémi TI - Minority identity in the making? Conceptualization and operationalization of national and ethnic minorities in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights JF - HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES J2 - HUN J LEGAL STUD VL - 2024 PY - 2024 SP - 1 EP - 27 PG - 27 SN - 2498-5473 DO - 10.1556/2052.2024.00554 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35607093 ID - 35607093 AB - It is well known that the European Convention on Human Rights aims to remedy violations of individual human rights, i.e., it is not an instrument for the protection of minorities. However, the European Court of Human Rights has the potential to protect minority communities indirectly by interpreting Convention rights in the context of non-discrimination. This judicial role cannot be overestimated since ethnic and national tensions are crucial social problems of our time that can be resolved peacefully by legal means based on a desirable European consensus. However, for this to happen, it is first necessary to identify what a minority is (conceptualization) and who belongs to a minority group (operationalization). Through the analysis of selected cases, this article shows how far the Court has gone on this path and what major elements of conceptualization and operationalization can be identified in its jurisprudence. Shortcomings and missed opportunities in the Court's reasoning will also be pointed out. With respect to conceptualization, we claim that the theoretical concept of a minority can implicitly be identified in the Strasbourg case law, with minority identity as its central element. In accordance with this, the main method of operationalization for the Court is self-identification, along with the (often explicit) acceptance of the objective criteria of minority membership. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Chronowski, Nóra AU - Gárdos-Orosz, Fruzsina TI - Az Alkotmánybíróságtól az alkotmányjog-tudományig - Vörös Imre, az alkotmányjogász JF - JOGTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLÖNY J2 - JOGTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLÖNY VL - 79 PY - 2024 IS - 10 SP - 453 EP - 460 PG - 8 SN - 0021-7166 DO - 10.59851/jk.79.10.3 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35495196 ID - 35495196 AB - Vörös Imre eredetileg a nemzetközi magánjog, a versenyjog és a modern lex mercatoria értelmében vett kereskedelmi jog tudósa. 1990 és 1999 között az első magyar Alkotmánybíróság tagjaként a testület unikális, meghatározó személyiségévé vált, s megbízatását követően rendszeresen bekapcsolódott az alkotmányjog-tudományi diskurzusba is. A gazdasági alkotmányosság terén iskolateremtő kutatásokat folytatott. Az európai alkotmányosság kérdéseihez való hozzájárulása számos (akkoriban még fiatal) kutatót ösztönzött további vizsgálódásra. Az utóbbi közel másfél évtizedben pedig a magyar alkotmányosságért érzett féltő aggodalomtól vezérelve, Ady Endre nyomdokain, a konstruktív kritikai alkotmányjog-tudománynak adott fontos impulzusokat egyrészt saját írásaival, másrészt a következő generáció támogatásával. Mindezek alapján Vörös Imrét a magyar alkotmányjogászok közössége is doyenként tiszteli. LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - GEN AU - Chronowski, Nóra AU - Várnay, Ernő TI - Preparing for constitutional dialogue with the CJEU or sharpening the Hungarian sword against EU law? PY - 2024 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35198468 ID - 35198468 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - CHAP AU - Chronowski, Nóra ED - Csefkó, Ferenc ED - Nemes, Krisztina TI - Az emberi jogok többdimenziós modellje – „a múltból a jövő felé” T2 - Pécsi jogászok a helyi közéletben és közigazgatásban századnyi idő a mérlegen. 100 éves a Pécsi Jogászképzés 1923-2023 PB - Pécsi Tudományegyetem CY - Pécs SN - 9789638875587 PY - 2024 SP - 235 EP - 246 PG - 12 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34797459 ID - 34797459 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Pap, András László AU - Chronowski, Nóra AU - Nemessányi, Zoltán TI - Corporate Human Rights Responsibility in Illiberal Regimes: The Example of the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis in Hungary JF - BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL J2 - BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL VL - 9 PY - 2024 IS - 1 SP - 32 EP - 53 PG - 22 SN - 2057-0198 DO - 10.1017/bhj.2024.5 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34750974 ID - 34750974 N1 - Funding Agency and Grant Number: Hungarian National Research and Innovation Office Grant [134962] Funding text: Andras Pap's research was carried out in the framework of No. 134962 Hungarian National Research and Innovation Office Grant on legal approaches to operationalize nationality and ethnicity. Nora Chronowski's research was carried out in the framework of No. 134962 Hungarian National Research andInnovation Office Grant on legal approaches to operationalize nationality and ethnicity. AB - Following the first-ever rule of law conditionality procedure in September 2022, a resolution was adopted by the European Parliament which declared that Hungary could no longer be considered a full democracy, as it had turned into a ‘hybrid regime of electoral autocracy’. Against this background, this article explains the business and human rights (BHR) gap in Hungary and presents its consequences for the Ukrainian refugee crisis. We first provide a general overview of the role of business in the development and consolidation of the Orbán regime over the past 13 years, highlighting how businesses are both agents and victims of legal and political developments. The paper distinguishes four types of ‘business’: multinational and foreign companies that are direct beneficiaries of the regime; local companies that are direct beneficiaries of the regime; multinational companies that are targets of restrictive and repressive populist rhetoric and economic policies; and the ‘rest’, the remainder that try to avoid becoming targets of oligarchic takeovers. The article also documents how the state and other stakeholders are failing to meet their commitments under the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The next part of the article assesses how companies are responding to the refugee crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, Hungary’s neighbour. If the government does not adopt Pillar I and Pillar III of the UNGPs, what room for manoeuvre do companies have? The focus here is on how companies, domestic and foreign, multinational enterprises (MNEs) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), engage in humanitarian (and human rights) crisis management. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - GEN AU - Chronowski, Nóra TI - Különleges? Jogrend? – The state of art PY - 2024 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34745896 ID - 34745896 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - CHAP AU - Chronowski, Nóra AU - Pap, András László ED - Xavier, Gil TI - From 1989 to 2010. Founding Myths and Moments of the Liberal and the Illiberal Constitutional Revolutions in Hungary T2 - Constitutional Moments. Founding Myths, Charters and Constitutions through History PB - Brill | Nijhoff CY - Leiden PY - 2024 SP - 443 EP - 465 PG - 23 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34445967 ID - 34445967 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Chronowski, Nóra AU - Szentgáli-Tóth, Boldizsár Artúr AU - Bor, Bettina TI - Resilience of the judicial system in the post-Covid period: The constitutionality of virtual court hearings in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic JF - HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES J2 - HUN J LEGAL STUD VL - 64 PY - 2023 IS - 3 SP - 413 EP - 434 PG - 22 SN - 2498-5473 DO - 10.1556/2052.2023.00468 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35077564 ID - 35077564 AB - During the 2010s, technological development created the opportunity to hold online hearings, when the parties are physically distant from each other, when their personal appearance would entail significant threat to them, or when external circumstances would impose additional barriers for interested stakeholders to appear in the courtroom. As a consequence, amongst others, the Belgian Constitutional Court heard a case concerning the constitutionality of such trials, and rejected this new form of judicial operation due to numerous constitutional concerns. Nevertheless, the context of such controversies changed significantly during the pandemic, and in the light of the public health risks several judicial bodies decided to continue most of their operations through digital means. As a result, the holding of numerous online trials was ordered. Obviously, losing parties often submitted remedies against the incorporation of these platforms into judicial work by claiming the violation of their right to fair trial. For instance, the French Constitutional Council, the Spanish Constitutional Tribunal, as well as the Supreme Courts of Austria, Norway, Costa Rica and India assessed the constitutionality of these trials during the public health emergency, and in most of the cases, the application of online hearings was upheld. Bearing in mind this tendency in the relevant case law, one should argue that the rapidly evolving technological landscape requires the reconsideration of our attitudes towards online hearings: it should be clarified which grounds are acceptable justifications for ordering online trials during ordinary periods, and how the analysis is affected by unforeseen extra-ordinary circumstances. Online, or partly online proceedings may provide greater flexibility for both the court and the parties, and could also support the efficiency of judicial work, however, the main fair trial safeguards should be maintained. Our contribution will conceptualize this issue, and will provide a deeper understanding of the constitutional implications of remote trials. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - GEN AU - Varju, Márton AU - Chronowski, Nóra TI - LighT (Litigating change: training lawyers on the EU rule of law acquis) - Training needs assessment report for Hungary PY - 2023 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34461817 ID - 34461817 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Chronowski, Nóra AU - Nagy, Noémi TI - Kisebbségi választójog az Emberi Jogok Európai Bírósága előtt JF - KÖZJOGI SZEMLE J2 - KÖZJOGI SZEMLE VL - 16 PY - 2023 IS - 3 SP - 106 EP - 110 PG - 5 SN - 1789-6991 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34447337 ID - 34447337 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER -