@misc{MTMT:34825334, title = {Regionális kihívások, trendek a hazai munkaerőpiacon, konferencia plenáris előadás, Modern munkaerőpiaci kihívások Konferencia 2024, ELTE Gazdaságtudományi Kar, 2024. április 2.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34825334}, author = {Csehné Papp, Imola}, unique-id = {34825334}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Csehné Papp, Imola/0000-0002-5190-0194} } @misc{MTMT:34825321, title = {Empirikus eredmények a hallgatók oktatási formákkal kapcsolatos attitűdjéről a társadalomtudományi tantárgyak esetében, konferencia előadás, Felsőoktatás-pedagógiai Konferencia 2023, ELTE Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar, 2023. október 25.,}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34825321}, author = {Csehné Papp, Imola}, unique-id = {34825321}, year = {2023}, orcid-numbers = {Csehné Papp, Imola/0000-0002-5190-0194} } @misc{MTMT:34825253, title = {Geopolitikai dilemmák, konferencia plenáris előadás Taylor Gazdálkodás és Szervezéstudományi Konferencia, Szeged, 2023. november 24.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34825253}, author = {Csehné Papp, Imola}, unique-id = {34825253}, year = {2023}, orcid-numbers = {Csehné Papp, Imola/0000-0002-5190-0194} } @misc{MTMT:34765360, title = {A nem formális tanulás eszközeinek lehetőségei és hatékonysága a felsőoktatásban}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34765360}, author = {Kispál-Podrácz, Gyöngyi and Csehné Papp, Imola}, unique-id = {34765360}, abstract = {https://fti.ppk.elte.hu/dstore/document/9144/program_HUN_honlapra.pdf}, year = {2023}, pages = {-}, orcid-numbers = {Kispál-Podrácz, Gyöngyi/0009-0001-2888-6937; Csehné Papp, Imola/0000-0002-5190-0194} } @article{MTMT:34204743, title = {Soft skills of business students in relation to higher education internships}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34204743}, author = {Csehné Papp, Imola and Molnár, Csilla and Juhász, Tímea}, doi = {10.21511/ppm.21(4).2023.09}, journal-iso = {PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES IN MANAGEMENT}, journal = {PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES IN MANAGEMENT}, volume = {21}, unique-id = {34204743}, issn = {1727-7051}, abstract = {University internship is the transition between higher education and the labor market. The study was motivated by the fact that research on the effectiveness of internships is on the rise in many countries but is less widespread in Hungary, especially from the students’ perspective. The aim is to determine how students in business education choose a workplace for their internship, whether they consider their own employability or the management aspects of the workplace. The questionnaire was conducted in Budapest, Hungary, covering covering higher education institutions of economics (7 in total), with 406 participants. The focus is to build a model of the interaction between different variables: the development of students’ skills at the university, the specific internship placement, and the desirable work students would like to do during their internship. The results show no correlation between the type of skills students develop during their studies and the type of work they want to do during their internship. Moreover, the correlation between the soft skills they develop at work and those they acquire at university is only coincidental, therefore not supporting their employability. These results can be important for workplace management to effectively lead and inspire their teams, manage conflict, and communicate. The study offers implications for education policy, i.e., recommendations for changes to output requirements, which will also allow for developing training structures that are more responsive to employer needs.}, keywords = {Higher education; work experience; Employability; soft skills}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1810-5467}, pages = {113-126}, orcid-numbers = {Csehné Papp, Imola/0000-0002-5190-0194; Molnár, Csilla/0000-0003-0027-8048} } @article{MTMT:34124531, title = {Review of human resource management practices supporting the development of employee wellbeing}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34124531}, author = {Molnár, Csilla and Csehné Papp, Imola}, doi = {10.58269/umsz.2023.3.2}, journal-iso = {ÚJ MUNKAÜGYI SZEMLE}, journal = {ÚJ MUNKAÜGYI SZEMLE}, volume = {4}, unique-id = {34124531}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2677-1306}, pages = {14-29}, orcid-numbers = {Csehné Papp, Imola/0000-0002-5190-0194} } @article{MTMT:34104067, title = {Examining the attitudes towards further education of students in the bachelor training programmes of higher education}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34104067}, author = {Csehné Papp, Imola and Varga, Erika and Juhász, Tímea}, doi = {10.1108/IJEM-07-2022-0246}, journal-iso = {INTERNAT J EDUC MANAGEMENT}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT}, volume = {37}, unique-id = {34104067}, issn = {0951-354X}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1758-6518}, pages = {1125-1141}, orcid-numbers = {Csehné Papp, Imola/0000-0002-5190-0194} } @article{MTMT:34063507, title = {A minőségi felsőoktatási tanulást célzó kutatási irányok: a tanításra/tanulásra fókuszáló tudományosság, az oktatói szakmai fejlődés és az adaptivitás témájának összefüggései}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34063507}, author = {Frányó, Zsófia and Csehné Papp, Imola}, doi = {10.3311/ope.534}, journal-iso = {OPUS ET EDUCATIO}, journal = {OPUS ET EDUCATIO: MUNKA ÉS NEVELÉS}, volume = {10}, unique-id = {34063507}, abstract = {A kutatás eszköze nemzetközi irodalomáttekintés volt. A kutatás során négy fő kifejezés köré összpontosult a keresés, melyek a következők: (1) Teaching and learning in Higher Education, azaz Tanítás és tanulás a felsőoktatásban, (2) SoTL, azaz Tanításra/tanulásra fókuszáló tudományosság, (3) Academic Development, azaz Oktatói szakmai fejlődés és (4) Adaptive Teaching/Adaptive expertise, azaz Adaptív tanítás/adaptív szakértelem. A keresőszavak alapján felmerült tanulmányokból kiindulva feltérképezésre került a témában releváns kutatók munkássága, valamint a kapcsolódó fogalmak köre is. Míg a négy fő fogalom képezi a tanulmány gerincét, a kapcsolódó témákról egyértelműen, de mértékkel szól, a fókusz megtartása érdekében.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2064-9908}, pages = {3-18}, orcid-numbers = {Frányó, Zsófia/0000-0003-2792-517X; Csehné Papp, Imola/0000-0002-5190-0194} } @{MTMT:34038582, title = {A COVID-19 karantén hatására történt életmódbeli változások}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34038582}, author = {Csehné Papp, Imola and Frányó, Zsófia}, booktitle = {Megújulás és növekedés a Covid árnyékában}, unique-id = {34038582}, year = {2023}, pages = {29-39}, orcid-numbers = {Csehné Papp, Imola/0000-0002-5190-0194} } @article{MTMT:34000039, title = {Characteristics of Crisis Management Measures in the HR Area During the Pandemic in Hungary - Results of a Countrywide Survey of Organizations}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34000039}, author = {Dajnoki, Krisztina and Poór, József and Jarjabka, Ákos and Kálmán, Botond Géza and Kőműves, Zsolt Sándor and Pató Gáborné Szűcs, Beáta and Szabó, Katalin and Szabó, Szilvia and Szeiner, Zsuzsanna and Tóth, Arnold and Csehné Papp, Imola and Kun, András István}, doi = {10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.11}, journal-iso = {ACTA POLYTECH HUNG}, journal = {ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA}, volume = {20}, unique-id = {34000039}, issn = {1785-8860}, abstract = {The current paper is the second part of the study "Characteristics of Crisis Management Measures in the HR Area During the Pandemic in Hungary – Literature Review and Methodology". Based on two waves of a questionnaire survey conducted during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, this article presents prevalent HRM reactions of Hungarian organisations (companies and institutions) and tests if these reactions are connected to the organisation's size (employee headcount and revenue), ownership and sector (main field of activity). The testing is conducted separately on two relatively large non-representative samples (N1 > 300, N2 > 900) employing statistical (rank-correlation, rank-sum, and association) analyses. One of the characteristic changes the pandemic triggered in the companies and institutions is that the functions of HRM have been expanded with new activities (e.g. home office, health protection). The respondents indicated considerable new efforts, especially after the second wave, such as replacing plans, providing new employees, and addressing employees' social problems. Our research also highlighted that smaller SMEs regard it as less important to maintain and operate an active HRM function even during the pandemic. With the increase in organisational size (employee headcount and revenue) home office, the new workplace safety and occupational health measures, the hiring freeze and downsizing are substantially more frequent at larger companies as opposed to smaller ones. We are aware of the fact that the practices applied by a country of 10 million people during the pandemic have no substantial global influence; at the same time, the experiences gained and presented here can expand and diversify the methods and toolkits applied in this area}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1785-8860}, pages = {193-210}, orcid-numbers = {Poór, József/0000-0002-6873-0646; Jarjabka, Ákos/0000-0002-3691-4715; Kálmán, Botond Géza/0000-0001-8031-8016; Pató Gáborné Szűcs, Beáta/0000-0002-3009-3012; Tóth, Arnold/0000-0003-0860-6405; Csehné Papp, Imola/0000-0002-5190-0194; Kun, András István/0000-0001-6175-551X} }