TY - BOOK AU - Kiss, Jenő AU - Csermely, Gábor AU - Könczöl, Gyula AU - Metzing, Ferenc AU - Hegyi, Dezső AU - Dezső, Zsigmond TI - Szakmai Útmutató az épületek, épületszerkezetek bontásához ET - 104 PB - Magyar Mérnöki Kamara CY - Budapest PY - 2023 SP - 81 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35474841 ID - 35474841 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - BOOK ED - Dubniczky, Miklós ED - Hegyi, Dezső TI - DULI 90 PB - Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Tartószerkezeti Tagozat CY - Budapest PY - 2022 SP - 479 SN - 9786158196536 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33704751 ID - 33704751 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - BOOK AU - Hegyi, Dezső AU - Gáspár, Orsolya AU - Fehér, Eszter TI - Különleges tartószerkezetek PB - TERC Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft CY - Budapest PY - 2022 SP - 290 SN - 9786155445903 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33072765 ID - 33072765 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Hegyi, Dezső AU - Armuth, Miklós AU - Halmos, Balázs AU - Marótzy, Katalin TI - The effect of wind on historical timber towers analyzed by plastic limit analysis in the focus of a collapse JF - ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS J2 - ENG FAIL ANAL VL - 134 PY - 2022 PG - 19 SN - 1350-6307 DO - 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2021.105852 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32604626 ID - 32604626 N1 - Funding Agency and Grant Number: National Research, Development and Innovation Office in the field of Water Sciences & Disaster Prevention [BME IE-VIZ TKP2020, TKP 2021-BME-NVA] Funding text: The research reported in this paper and carried out at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics was supported by the "TKP2020 and TKP2021, Institutional Excellence Program" of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office in the field of Water Sciences & Disaster Prevention (BME IE-VIZ TKP2020 and TKP 2021-BME-NVA) . AB - Climate change severely impacts the architectural heritage. Old buildings may have survived many large storms and heavy snows in the past, but extremes have increased recently. Meanwhile, the condition of historical structures gradually degrades even if they have had regular maintenance. Church towers are strongly affected: they are subject to increased wind compared to the other parts of the building. They are in a high location and gain less attention because of their out-of-the-way position. On 17th September 2017, a massive storm in the Banat region, Romania, caused several church towers to collapse: the towers of Toager, Remetea Mare, Donceni and Ghilad fell down to pieces that day. The collapse of the tower of Dumbrava was one of the buildings involved, this study aims to clarify whether the poor condition of the building, or the flaw of the original design was the main reason for the failure in this village. The structural analysis of such historical timber structures can be problematic as the weak joints of the structure limit the load-bearing capacitance in an exceptionally low level if the traditional elastic analysis is used. The present paper points out that the plastic limit analysis can give a more realistic breaking load level for the high order statically indeterminate carpenter roofs. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Marótzy, Katalin AU - Halmos, Balázs AU - Armuth, Miklós AU - Hegyi, Dezső TI - Az igazfalvi református templom JF - DOLGOZATOK AZ ERDÉLYI MÚZEUM ÉREM- ÉS RÉGISÉGTÁRÁBÓL J2 - DOLG ERDÉLYI MÚZ ÉREM- ÉS RÉGISÉGTÁRÁBÓL PY - 2021 SN - 1842-5089 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33708014 ID - 33708014 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Karádi, Dániel Tamás AU - Hegyi, Dezső TI - An Extensive Review on the Viscoelastic-plastic and Fractural Mechanical Behaviour of ETFE Membranes JF - PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA ARCHITECTURE J2 - PERIOD POLYTECH ARCHITECT VL - 52 PY - 2021 IS - 2 SP - 121 EP - 134 PG - 14 SN - 0324-590X DO - 10.3311/PPar.18403 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32592511 ID - 32592511 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Szabó, Simon AU - Kövesdi, Andrea AU - Vasáros, Zsolt AU - O. Csicsely, Ágnes Magdolna AU - Hegyi, Dezső TI - The cause of damage and failure of the Mud-brick vault of the Khan in New-Gourna JF - ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS J2 - ENG FAIL ANAL VL - 128 PY - 2021 PG - 21 SN - 1350-6307 DO - 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2021.105567 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32114285 ID - 32114285 N1 - Department of Mechanics, Materials & Structures, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary Department of Industrial and Agricultural Building Design, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary Cited By :2 Export Date: 9 June 2022 CODEN: EFANE Correspondence Address: Hegyi, D.; Department of Mechanics, Hungary; email: hegyi.dezso@szt.bme.hu Funding details: Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium, TKP2020 Funding details: National Research, Development and Innovation Office, BME IE-VIZ TKP2020 Funding text 1: The research reported in this paper and carried out at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics was supported by the “TKP2020, Institutional Excellence Program” of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office in the field of Water Sciences & Disaster Prevention ( BME IE-VIZ TKP2020 ). Funding text 2: The research program was supported by the ÚNKP-19-3 and the ÚNKP-19-4 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology. AB - New Gourna, Egypt became an iconic place of mud-brick architecture in the middle of the 20th century as a result of the work of Hassan Fathy. In the dry climate of Egypt, mud-brick is an almost perfect building material, but the change in the environmental circumstances have caused damage to the structures. The present study aims to find the root of the problems to give chance to find suggestions for reliable strengthening. The paper focuses on one of the central buildings of New Gourna, the so-called Khan, designed by Hassan Fathy. The structure of the arcade of the Khan is modeled by advanced Finite Element method to simulate gradual deformation and failure with special attention to recent renovations that seem to have turned the condition of the structures even worse. As there are no experimental tests on the real materials, possible material models were collected for the analysis, and the most feasible result, which fits the visible failure was accepted. According to the analysis, the failure of the structure is caused by the wetting of the mud mortar layer between the limestone elements of the plinth. There were no significant signs of weakness in the foundation. The wetting of the mud mortar in the plinth is caused by the dramatical change in the ground-water level caused by the building of the Aswan High Dam and the dramatic change in the amount of wastewater caused by the increased population in New Gourna. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Karádi, Dániel Tamás AU - Sipos, András Árpád AU - Halász, Marianna AU - Hliva, Viktor AU - Hegyi, Dezső TI - An elastic phenomenological material law of technical textile with a nonlinear shear behaviour JF - JOURNAL OF REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES J2 - J REINF PLAST COMP VL - 40 PY - 2021 IS - 19-20 SP - 759 EP - 769 PG - 11 SN - 0731-6844 DO - 10.1177/07316844211005842 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31940771 ID - 31940771 AB - In technical textile engineering, macro-level phenomenological modelling effectively describes the material's highly nonlinear behaviour. However, existing material laws concentrate on the normal stiffness in the orthotropic yarns and simplify the shear effect because of the two orders of magnitude difference between shear and normal stiffness. This article introduces an improved phenomenological model that includes nonlinear shear behaviour, and it determines the material parameters with a previously applied data fitting method for exponential functions. The nonlinear shear behaviour is valid for the elastic state, that is, at the service level of the loads. Time-dependent, cyclic loading or plastic behaviour is not considered. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Hegyi, Dezső TI - Numerical stability analysis of arch-supported membrane roofs JF - STRUCTURES J2 - STRUCTURES VL - 29 PY - 2021 SP - 785 EP - 795 PG - 11 SN - 2352-0124 DO - 10.1016/j.istruc.2020.11.025 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31770965 ID - 31770965 N1 - Cited By :2 Export Date: 6 July 2022 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Hegyi, Dezső AU - Kapovits, Géza TI - Az építész és mérnöki tervező munka összhangja: Egy erdei villaház esete JF - METSZET: ÉPÍTÉSZET ÚJDONSÁGOK SZERKEZETEK RÉSZLETEK J2 - METSZET PY - 2019 IS - 6 SP - 92 EP - 97 PG - 6 SN - 2061-2710 DO - 10.33268/Met.2019.6.13 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31241108 ID - 31241108 N1 - Export Date: 13 March 2020 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER -