@article{MTMT:34210376, title = {Geothermal Energy and Its Potential for Critical Metal Extraction—A Review}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34210376}, author = {Szanyi, János and Rybach, Ladislaus and Abdulhaq, Hawkar A.}, doi = {10.3390/en16207168}, journal-iso = {ENERGIES}, journal = {ENERGIES}, volume = {16}, unique-id = {34210376}, issn = {1996-1073}, abstract = {In an era of accelerating energy transition and growing demand for critical metals essential for clean technologies, the innovative integration of geothermal energy with critical metal extraction stands as a paradigm shift in sustainable resource utilization. This comprehensive review unravels the synergistic potential of coupling geothermal energy systems with critical metal extraction, thereby transforming a dual crisis of energy and resource scarcity into an opportunity for circular economy. Through rigorous analysis of existing geothermal technologies, and extraction methodologies, the study establishes a coherent framework that merges energy production with environmental stewardship. It scrutinizes current extraction techniques, and evaluates their compatibility with geothermal brine characteristics, proposing optimized pathways for maximum yield. Through detailed case studies and empirical data, the paper elucidates the economic and environmental advantages of this multifaceted approach, from reduced carbon footprint to enhanced energy efficiency and resource recovery. It concludes that combined heat and mineral production technology can open new, unexplored resources, increasing the supply of previously untapped resources, while the potential of geothermal energy for sustainable mineral extraction and energy production is in line with Sustainable Development Goal 7, which aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1996-1073}, orcid-numbers = {Szanyi, János/0000-0002-8053-6360; Abdulhaq, Hawkar A./0000-0002-8639-3225} } @article{MTMT:34109504, title = {Integration of Geological, Geochemical Modelling and Hydrodynamic Condition for Understanding the Geometry and Flow Pattern of the Aquifer System, Southern Nyírség–Hajdúság, Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34109504}, author = {Flores Carpio, Yetzabbel Gerarda and Hemida, Mohamed Hamdy Eid and Szűcs, Péter and Szőcs, Teodóra and Fancsik, Tamás and Szanyi, János and Kovács, Balázs and Markos, Gábor and Péter, Újlaki and Péter, Tóth and McIntosh, Richard William and Püspöki, Zoltán}, doi = {10.3390/w15162888}, journal-iso = {WATER-SUI}, journal = {WATER}, volume = {15}, unique-id = {34109504}, abstract = {Geological heterogeneity impacts groundwater flow patterns, necessitating a detailed hydrogeological framework for conceptualization process of aquifer systems. This research developed a new conceptual model of detailed geologic geometry by integrating 133 well-logs, 366 hydrodynamic data and 118 water samples. As new results, systematic 3D log correlation detected four distinct hydrostratigraphic units in the Southern Nyírség–Hajdúság Groundwater Body (East Hungary). The primary aquifer was identified as an incised valley 10–13 km wide and a NE–SW strike. Logan’s approach estimated the average hydraulic conductivity of the Incised Valley Unit (IVU) at 11 m/d, higher than the other three aquifers (3.2 m/d to 4.6 m/d). The average specific capacity of wells screening the IVU is 315.6 m3/d/m, in contrast with the remaining aquifers ranging from 31.6 m3/d/m to 92 m3/d/m. Pressure–depth profiles, dynamic pressure increment and hydraulic head maps revealed recharge–discharge zones and hydraulic windows between hydrostratigraphic units. The elongated pattern on the hydraulic head map at the depth of the IVU showed the existence of a preferential path along its axis within the mapped borders of the IVU. Hydrochemical analysis revealed Ca-Mg-HCO3 water type within the primary aquifer and Na-HCO3 water type in the laterally connected aquifer. The saturation index values indicated a transition from undersaturated to supersaturated state inside the main aquifer for calcite and dolomite minerals. The correlation matrix and PCA results demonstrated that the carbonate weathering process is the main factor controlling the groundwater chemistry. This integrated approach holds significance for future applications of the regional conceptual model in water management planning, sustainable aquifer development and contaminant transport modelling. It provides essential contributions to informed decision-making and the formulation of effective strategies, ensuring the long-term availability and utilization of groundwater resources.}, keywords = {Conceptual model; Groundwater modeling; incised valley aquifer; geologic geometry}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2073-4441}, orcid-numbers = {Flores Carpio, Yetzabbel Gerarda/0000-0003-0365-8951; Szanyi, János/0000-0002-8053-6360} } @article{MTMT:33758183, title = {Determination of Scaling Zone and Scaling Type in Slotted Liner Based on the Fluid Flow Pattern in the Geothermal Well “X”}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33758183}, author = {Sofyan, Akhmad and Syafira, Wiharti and Szanyi, János and Njeru, Rita Mwendia and Rita, Njeru}, doi = {10.20508/ijrer.v13i1.13603.g8681}, journal-iso = {INT J RENEWABLE ENERG RES}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE ENERGY RESEARCH}, volume = {13}, unique-id = {33758183}, issn = {1309-0127}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1309-0127}, pages = {276-286}, orcid-numbers = {Szanyi, János/0000-0002-8053-6360} } @article{MTMT:34135747, title = {A Battonya–Pusztaföldvári-hát térségének nagy entalpiájú geotermikus energia vagyona (II. rész): kútpárral történő hasznosítás UNFC-2009 kód szerinti osztályozása [The high enthalpy geothermal energy resource of the Battonya–Pusztaföldvár High (Part II): UNFC-2009 code classification in case of well-doublet utilization]}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34135747}, author = {Kun, Éva and Zilahi-Sebess, László and Szanyi, János}, doi = {10.23928/foldt.kozl.2022.152.3.279}, journal-iso = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, journal = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, volume = {152}, unique-id = {34135747}, issn = {0015-542X}, abstract = {Tanulmányunk első részében (Kun et al. 2022) bemutattuk a Battonya–Pusztaföldvári-hát repedezett preneogén-prekainozoos aljzatának földtani, hidrogeológiai adottságait és a geotermikus energia hasznosítását célzó hidrodinamikai és hőtranszport modelljét. Jelen tanulmányban, az említett félszintetikus, ekviporózus modell segítségével, kiszámítottuk az egy kútpárral (doublet) kitermelhető hő mennyiségét több forgatókönyv szerint, a technológiai korlátokat szemelőt tartva. A számítások során az Egyesült Nemzetek Európai Gazdasági Tanácsa által kidolgozott UNFC-2009 kód nevű osztályozási keretrendszert alkalmaztuk (UNECE 2016a). Az adatokban rejlő bizonytalanságot Monte Carlo szimulációval vettük figyelembe, majd az így létrejött paraméter-tartományokból fuzzy számokat képezve alkottuk meg a modellek bemenő adatait. Ezt követően a FEFLOW® véges elemes modellező szoftverrel kapott kitermelhető geotermikus készlet adatokat összevetettük a statikus módon számolt értékekkel. A két számítás között fél nagyságrend eltérést kaptunk a modellezett értékek javára, mely véleményünk szerint jobban tükrözi a várható értékeket, mint a statikus készletszámítás eredménye. A Battonya–Pusztaföldvári-hát jelen tanulmányban feltételezett projektjének UNFC-2009 kód szerinti geotermikus készlet osztálya: E3.2, F3.3 és G4. A vizsgálatsorozat alapján megállapítottuk, hogy egy lehatárolt térfogatú, közel zártnak tekinthető rezervoár optimálisan elhelyezett termelő-visszasajtoló kútpárok esetén is hamar kimerülhet (akár 20–30 év alatt), ha nem tud rácsatlakozni egy nagyobb, folyamatos hőszállítást biztosító rendszerre, mint amilyenek a neotektonikai mozgásokkal felnyíló, mélységi vetőrendszerek. Vizsgálatunknak nem volt része a geotermikus fluidum összetételéből adódó kihívások számbavétele, valamint a szűrőberendezés és a kútkörnyezet időben változó folyamatainak elemzése (geokémiai, szerkezeti stb.), de tudatában vagyunk, hogy ezek mind kritikus tényezők lehetnek egy nagy entalpiájú geotermikus kútpár fenntartható üzemeltetésekor. Úgy véljük, tanulmányunk hasznosan járul hozzá a geotermikus kutatás és energiahasznosítás valós kockázatainak számszerű jellemzéséhez, segítve a projektek gazdasági szempontú tervezését is.}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2559-902X}, pages = {279-295}, orcid-numbers = {Szanyi, János/0000-0002-8053-6360} } @inproceedings{MTMT:33355226, title = {Lézerrel felületkezelt acéllemezek és beton kontakt vizsgálatai a kútlezárások fejlesztése érdekében}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33355226}, author = {Kántor, Tamás and Kovács, Balázs and Székely, István and Tóth, Márton and Szanyi, János and Madarász, Tamás}, booktitle = {Fókuszban a hazai felszín alatti természeti erőforrások}, unique-id = {33355226}, year = {2022}, pages = {255-266}, orcid-numbers = {Szanyi, János/0000-0002-8053-6360} } @inproceedings{MTMT:33354973, title = {Geotermikus projektek UNFC-2009 kód szerinti besorolása és alkalmazása a sarkadi koncessziós mintaterületen}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33354973}, author = {Szanyi, János and Madarász, Tamás}, booktitle = {Fókuszban a hazai felszín alatti természeti erőforrások}, unique-id = {33354973}, year = {2022}, pages = {135-149}, orcid-numbers = {Szanyi, János/0000-0002-8053-6360} } @article{MTMT:32926783, title = {Battonya–Pusztaföldvári-hát térségének nagy entalpiájú geotermikusenergia-vagyona (I. rész): hidrodinamikai és hőtranszportmodell [The high enthalpy geothermal energy resource of the Battonya–Pusztaföldvár High (Part I): hydrodynamic and heat transport model]}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32926783}, author = {Kun, Éva and Zilahi-Sebess, L. and Szanyi, János}, doi = {10.23928/foldt.kozl.2022.152.1.53}, journal-iso = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, journal = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, volume = {152}, unique-id = {32926783}, issn = {0015-542X}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2559-902X}, pages = {53-76}, orcid-numbers = {Szanyi, János/0000-0002-8053-6360} } @article{MTMT:32191744, title = {Effects of vertical anisotropy on optimization of multilateral well geometry}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32191744}, author = {Marcell, Lux and Szanyi, János}, doi = {10.1016/j.petrol.2021.109424}, journal-iso = {J PETROL SCI ENG}, journal = {JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING}, volume = {208}, unique-id = {32191744}, issn = {0920-4105}, abstract = {Multilateral wells have been increasingly used in recent years by different industries such as the oil- and gas industry (incl. coal-bed methane (CBM)) and geothermal energy production. The common purpose of these wells in the oil industry and partially in the geothermal industry is to achieve a higher production rate per well without increasing the hydraulic gradient significantly. In geothermal systems the ultimate objective is to improve heat extraction performance by enhancing productivity but also by increasing the heat transfer area. Optimal design of multilateral wells has been the focus of numerous publications in CBM and unconventional oil- and gas production, but as a result of cross-fertilization and technology-transfer among different sectors in the energy industry in the last few years, the focus of research on multilateral wells has turned to enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). Recently, several papers have been published on the use of multilateral wells in deep geothermal reservoirs. Coaxial closed-loop geothermal systems with multilateral wells utilize only the increased heat transfer area due to the laterals while EGS's with multilateral injection and production wells also benefit from the hydrodynamic advantages of such well configurations. However, substantial emphasis is – understandably – placed on the effect of artificial and natural fracture networks of EGS reservoirs and less focus is devoted to the impact of vertical permeability anisotropy which can seriously influence the flow pattern of a given configuration. Similarly, in CBM-related studies, the effect of horizontal permeability anisotropy along the face cleats to the butt cleats on multilateral well-design was investigated and vertical permeability anisotropy was not considered. In the current work we present a generalized approach for evaluating the effects of vertical permeability anisotropy on multilateral well geometry by numerical hydrodynamic modelling in an idealized, homogeneous hydrogeological setting. Current paper proposes an alternative modelling approach for representing the non-horizontal branches of multilateral wells by introducing a thin layer for the laterals with the same inclination as the well branches. This approach is then is used to investigate the effect of anisotropy on the flow pattern and near-wellbore drawdown and hydraulic gradient in the case of different branch deviations. Results suggest that the benefits of highly deviated or horizontal laterals emerge when vertical anisotropy is high. Evaluation of branch deviation vs. anisotropy indicates that above approx. 60° there is no significant benefit in increasing deviation which implies that very highly deviated or horizontal laterals might not necessarily pay off the associated technical challenges and extra costs. © 2021 The Authors}, keywords = {ENERGY; Technology transfer; METHANE; hydrodynamics; Anisotropy; Mechanical permeability; Gas industry; Heat Transfer; unstructured grids; COAL; Geothermal energy; Petroleum reservoir evaluation; Oil wells; Horizontal wells; Geothermal wells; Geothermal fields; Coal deposits; Unstructured grid; Oil field equipment; Oil field development; Flow patterns; Coal Bed Methane; Hydraulic gradients; Multilateral wells; Oil- and gas production; Permeability anisotropy; Permeability anisotropy; Coalbeds; Multi-lateral wells; Oil and gas production; Vertical anisotropy; Vertical permeabilities; Well geometries}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1873-4715}, orcid-numbers = {Szanyi, János/0000-0002-8053-6360} } @article{MTMT:31931917, title = {A geotermikus energia kutatása és hasznosítása Magyarországon az elmúlt 150 év tükrében [150 years of geothermal energy research and utilization in Hungary]}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31931917}, author = {Szanyi, János and Nádor, Annamária and Madarász, Tamás}, doi = {10.23928/foldt.kozl.2021.151.1.79}, journal-iso = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, journal = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, volume = {151}, unique-id = {31931917}, issn = {0015-542X}, year = {2021}, eissn = {2559-902X}, pages = {79-102}, orcid-numbers = {Szanyi, János/0000-0002-8053-6360} } @article{MTMT:31909214, title = {Fibre Optic Methods of Prospecting. A Comprehensive and Modern Branch of Geophysics}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31909214}, author = {Fenta, Mulugeta Chanie and Potter, David K. and Szanyi, János}, doi = {10.1007/s10712-021-09634-8}, journal-iso = {SURV GEOPHYS}, journal = {SURVEYS IN GEOPHYSICS}, volume = {42}, unique-id = {31909214}, issn = {0169-3298}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1573-0956}, pages = {551-584}, orcid-numbers = {Fenta, Mulugeta Chanie/0000-0003-0949-2761; Potter, David K./0000-0003-0732-6188; Szanyi, János/0000-0002-8053-6360} }