TY - CHAP AU - Pekk, Letícia AU - Háry, András AU - Kovács, Zoltán ED - Veresné Somosi, Mariann ED - Lipták, Katalin ED - Harangozó, Zsolt TI - A TECHNOLÓGIAI ELŐREJELZÉSEK VÁLLALATI ALKALMAZÁSA T2 - „Mérleg és kihívások – Értékteremtés - Fenntarthatóság - Digitalizáció” XIII. Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia és PhD Konferencia: Tanulmánykötet PB - Miskolci Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar CY - Miskolc-Egyetemváros SN - 9789633583609 PY - 2024 SP - 343 EP - 352 PG - 10 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35737716 ID - 35737716 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - CHAP AU - Szigetvári, Zsolt AU - Kovács, Zoltán AU - Hegedűs, Csaba ED - Duleba, Szabolcs TI - ELLENÁLLÓ ELLÁTÁSI LÁNCOK A VÁLTOZÓ VILÁG KIHÍVÁSAIRA - SZAKIRODALOM KUTATÁS T2 - Logisztikai Évkönyv 2025 PB - Magyar Logisztikai Egyesület CY - Budapest PY - 2024 SP - 214 EP - 227 PG - 14 DO - 10.23717/LOGEVK.2025.15 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35718075 ID - 35718075 N1 - Megjelenés: 2025. január LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Pekk, Letícia AU - Kovács, Zoltán AU - Háry, András TI - Management Challenges Related to Technological Competences JF - REVISTA DE GESTAO SOCIAL E AMBIENTAL J2 - REV GEST SOC AMBIENT VL - 18 PY - 2024 IS - 9 SP - e08672 SN - 1981-982X DO - 10.24857/rgsa.v18n9-194 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35497891 ID - 35497891 AB - Purpose: In line with global changes, technology transition is apparent in many fields of operation. Companies facing with more and more challenges related to the new technologies, not only from technical but also management and competence point of view. The purpose of the paper is to show the survey results related to technology maturity of companies. The current paper approaches the challenge of technology competence from side of the new technologies. In the first part of the paper, the terminology of technology competence is overviewed, then interpretation of the relevant management challenges is presented. Methodology: The addressed problem is, how to approach identification of the technology competence level of a company, considering the current technology changes. Additionally, to the classic technical features, using relevant methods for forecasting the technology trends and systematic application of technology management might be relevant drivers for establishing a comprehensive technology attitude. This is the addressed research gap as hypothesis of the work. The key objectives of the consequent research of the authors are based on supposition that resources of a company are key influencing factors for the technology competence level which has a clear relation to the consequent company indicators. Findings: The current concept of the authors deals with both the soft, human aspect of the technology competence and the hard, technical aspect of it. During the correspondent research, a mirror-survey has been made: on one hand, aiming to understand the overall technology attitude of the selected companies, and on the other hand, attempting to evaluate the resource and asset figures of the involved companies for this purpose. Limitations: The paper shows the actual status of a longer-period research program. The limitations of the paper are given by the sample size involved so far. Nevertheless, the methodology presented here is expected to use in the next stage of the research when the sample size is extended. Practical Implications: Not only the actual values but also the trends of technical assets and human resource costs were analysed in order to make conclusions in relation to the technology competence features. The presented survey and analysis methodology themselves are also evaluated, to get conclusions for relevant future research from this perspective. Social Implications: The final outcomes of the paper include findings and conclusions to support the technology management approaches of the technology-intensive companies for sake of being able to better handle the relevant technology challenges. Originality: A method was given to approach the soft and hard aspects of the technology competence based on analysis of public available, technology-relevant business report data and assessment of personal interview answers. Finally, three types of organizations have been identified in view of the relevant technology competence pattern. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - CHAP AU - Pekk, Letícia AU - Háry, András AU - Kovács, Zoltán ED - Obermayer, Nóra ED - Bencsik, Andrea TI - Analysis of Technological Competencies from an Economic Perspective T2 - Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Knowledge Management VL - 2024-September PB - Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited CY - Reading SN - 9781917204118 PY - 2024 SP - 628 EP - 637 PG - 10 DO - 10.34190/eckm.25.1.2756 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35478387 ID - 35478387 N1 - University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary ZalaZONE Science Park Ltd., Zalaegerszeg, Hungary Export Date: 25 October 2024; Cited By: 0 AB - The research examines technological competencies from the perspectives of both human and technical components, emphasizing their significance in responding to corporate management challenges. Recent global changes have triggered significant technological transformations, presenting new challenges for corporate management. In this context, technological competence – encompassing both qualified human resources and technical innovations – plays a crucial role in the success of the responses provided by companies. The objective of the study is to demonstrate how technological competencies affect a company's economic performance and strategic adaptation capabilities. Data collected within the research framework included economic information provided by companies, such as revenue and staff numbers, as well as specific data related to technological forecasting methods. The analytical methods employed enabled the creation of a comprehensive understanding of the role technological competencies play in the economic context. The research underscores how the development of technological competencies can assist companies in successfully navigating through the challenges posed by technological changes. The findings indicate that the development of human resources and the integration of technological innovations are indispensable for strengthening corporate success and market position. Expert-type companies, which facilitate knowledge-based development and the introduction or marketing of new technologies, particularly benefit. In these companies, not just the technical equipment, but also human capabilities are decisive in successfully responding to technological challenges. This supports the importance of combining human resource development and technological innovations. The application of technological forecasting methods enables companies to better anticipate and manage market and technological trends, further strengthening their adaptive and innovative capacity. In summary, the research concludes that the harmony between technological competencies, knowledge, and corporate strategy enhances organizational competitiveness, highlighting the importance of knowledge-based development and the expansion of qualified human resources. To successfully adapt to the dynamics of technological changes, companies need to integrate technological competencies at a strategic level, thereby promoting knowledge-based economic growth and long-term success. © 2024 Academic Conferences Limited. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Fehérvölgyi, Beáta AU - Háry, András AU - Kovács, Zoltán AU - Tóth, Csilla TI - Az innovációs ökoszisztémák ágazati sajátosságai és osztályozásának lehetőségei JF - KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE J2 - KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE VL - 71 PY - 2024 IS - 9 SP - 957 EP - 987 PG - 31 SN - 0023-4346 DO - 10.18414/KSZ.2024.9.957 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35263977 ID - 35263977 AB - Az ipari tevékenységek, szolgáltató vállalkozások, illetve a hozzájuk kapcsolódó kutatás-­fejlesztési kapacitások koncentrációjának meghatározó tényezője a befogadó környezet. Az elmúlt évtizedekben az ipari parkok, épített innovációs környezetek, inkubátorházak jelentős változásokon mentek keresztül Magyarországon. Kevés kutatás foglalkozik azzal, hogy a betelepülő entitások számára milyen sajátosságok segítik az érdemi bekapcsolódást az adott ökoszisztéma értékláncába. Ezért a tapasztalatok arra engednek következtetni, hogy az együttműködés egyik markáns jellemzője az innovációs ökoszisztémák szakmai, ágazati, iparági jellege, amit indokolt kutatni. 2021–2022. évi adatokra támaszkodva 16 magyarországi ökoszisztéma empirikus vizsgálatával értékelni kívánjuk az ökoszisztémák ágazati alapú jellemzőit. Eredményeink szerint egyrészt – a tevékenységi kör változatossága és az ágazati koncentráció kettős nézőpontja alapján – kijelöljük az ökoszisztémák egyes csoportjait jellemző különböző mintázatokat. Másrészt – a betelepült szereplők tevékenységi köre alapján – módszert javaslunk egy innovációs ökoszisztéma ágazati központú értékelésére. LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Tóth, Csilla AU - Fehérvölgyi, Beáta AU - Kovács, Zoltán AU - Háry, András TI - Three possible sources of inconsistency in an innovation ecosystem JF - International Journal of Systematic Innovation VL - 8 PY - 2024 IS - 2 SP - 31 EP - 43 PG - 13 SN - 2077-8767 DO - 10.6977/IJoSI.202406_8(2)0003 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35069223 ID - 35069223 N1 - ZalaZONE Science Park Ltd., Hungary Faculty of Management Science, University of Pannonia, Hungary Export Date: 25 June 2024; Cited By: 0; Correspondence Address: ; ; A. Hary; ZalaZONE Science Park Ltd., Hungary; email: andras.hary@apnb.hu AB - One of the success factors of an innovation ecosystem is the willingness of its actors to cooperate, which depends on a number of factors. As usual, cooperation needs a common language among the concerned parties and opposite sides, the identification of serious differences of actors might contribute to preparing and managing a collaborative culture. In the present analysis, the authors approach the topic from an operational management perspective and examine the actors of an ecosystem through the elements of a general service management framework model. Based on this, it is possible to point out differences through various factors to determine possible conflict sources. The aim of the study is to show a method for the identification of potential points of inconsistency along the four groups of aspects as potential sources of barriers to collaboration. After literature review, the value system, the operational-business philosophy, the methods and the objectives of a research and technology center are analyzed. The presented approach can serve as a general method for identifying inconsistencies in innovation ecosystems. The current methodology is based on a two-dimension one-by-one analysis, further research can extend the approach to a multi-player inconsistency evaluation tool. © (2024), (Society of Sytematic Innovation). All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Fehérvölgyi, Beáta AU - Kovács, Zoltán AU - Háry, András AU - Tóth, Csilla TI - Structural Questions and Other Challenges of Innovation Ecosystems (PMR 2021/1-2) JF - PANNON MANAGEMENT REVIEW J2 - PMR VL - 12 PY - 2023 IS - Special Issue SP - 423 EP - 463 PG - 41 SN - 2063-8248 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35592807 ID - 35592807 N1 - Megjelenés: 2023. október LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - GEN AU - Kovács, Zoltán TI - University and Highschool Experiences with Simulation Games at University of Pannonia PY - 2023 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34256113 ID - 34256113 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - GEN AU - Kovács, Zoltán TI - Framework and implementation for integrating classroom work, homework and assessment PY - 2023 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34256103 ID - 34256103 N1 - Megjelenés: 2023. szeptember LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Tóth, Csilla AU - Fehérvölgyi, Beáta AU - Kovács, Zoltán AU - Háry, András TI - Method for Assessment of Characteristics of European Innovation Ecosystems JF - CURRENT JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY J2 - CJAST VL - 42 PY - 2023 IS - 20 SP - 1 EP - 14 PG - 14 SN - 2457-1024 DO - 10.9734/cjast/2023/v42i204148 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34078044 ID - 34078044 AB - Aims: The aim of the research is to investigate if certain characteristics (the sectoral focus of innovation ecosystems, the breadth of park functions, the position of human vs. technological focus, the presence of cooperation (commercial vs. research economy), the prosperity and success of the park, and the characteristics of park management) can be applied to evaluate innovation ecosystems, through the example of European science parks surveyed.Study Design: Innovation ecosystems are important catalysts for R&D and innovation activities. In today's significantly changing technological environment, collaborative systems that can also contribute to the strengthening of high added value activities are of particular importance. Although innovation ecosystems have a long history, some aspects of the current R&D challenges need to be revisited. Research on the subject suggests that the innovation ecosystem is not an absolute concept, as in practice it takes many different forms. These ecosystems also offer a research framework whether the industry actually follows an interdisciplinary and academic trend on the formation of knowledge and its value within the industry itself. In fact, it is knowledge that develops people, or people who build this knowledge over time, in a participatory way. Therefore, the nature, structure and functioning of a given ecosystem depends on a number of factors; it can take different forms, depending on the specific regions, industries, cooperation systems and cultures.Methodology: The concept and functioning of innovation ecosystems can be related to research on the characteristics of complex systems, based on previous research, and the research (questionnaire survey) therefore covers several topics of different nature. Members of the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP) participated in the survey. The analysis provides findings on the functioning of these characteristics and a comparison between innovation ecosystems. Finally, the authors make suggestions for possible future research directions and further work on the topic.Results: The authors examined the sectoral focus of innovation ecosystems, the breadth of park functions, the position of human vs. technological focus, the presence of cooperation (commercial vs. research economy), the prosperity and success of the park, and the characteristics of park management by the survey of European science and technology parks. Based on discussing findings through these characteristics, the authors highlighted that these aspects and the methods of data processing can be used to point out features and differences of various science and technology parks.Conclusion: The research has already focused on the classification of innovation ecosystems with different characteristics, and the present study builds on the related research findings, while focusing on the characteristics of the functioning of innovation ecosystems in Europe and the assessment of their interrelationships. LA - English DB - MTMT ER -