@article{MTMT:34577915, title = {The 26th Ljubljana Neolithic Seminar and on celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Study of Archaeology at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34577915}, author = {Bánffy, Eszter}, journal-iso = {EUR ARCHAEOL}, journal = {EUROPEAN ARCHAEOLOGIST}, volume = {79}, unique-id = {34577915}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1022-0135}, pages = {98-99}, orcid-numbers = {Bánffy, Eszter/0000-0001-5156-826X} } @article{MTMT:34668096, title = {First Kings of Europe - Leadership and inequality in Prehistoric South-East Europe : Beszámoló a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeumban 2023. április 26–28 között megrendezett nemzetközi konferenciáról}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34668096}, author = {Bánffy, Eszter}, journal-iso = {MAGY RÉGÉSZ}, journal = {MAGYAR RÉGÉSZET}, unique-id = {34668096}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2416-0288}, pages = {67-68}, orcid-numbers = {Bánffy, Eszter/0000-0001-5156-826X} } @article{MTMT:34577819, title = {First Kings of Europe - Leadership and inequality in Prehistoric South-East Europe. International conference in the Hungarian National Museum, 26–28 April 2023}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34577819}, author = {Bánffy, Eszter}, journal-iso = {HUNG ARCHAEOL}, journal = {HUNGARIAN ARCHAEOLOGY}, unique-id = {34577819}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2416-0296}, pages = {67-68}, orcid-numbers = {Bánffy, Eszter/0000-0001-5156-826X} } @article{MTMT:34560624, title = {Václav Smrčka and Olivér Gábor, eds. Health and Disease in the Neolithic Lengyel Culture (Prague: Charles University, Karolinum Press, 2021, 398pp.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34560624}, author = {Bánffy, Eszter}, doi = {10.1017/eaa.2023.16}, journal-iso = {EUR J ARCHAEOL}, journal = {EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY}, volume = {26}, unique-id = {34560624}, issn = {1461-9571}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1741-2722}, pages = {381-386}, orcid-numbers = {Bánffy, Eszter/0000-0001-5156-826X} } @article{MTMT:34501865, title = {Öcsöd-Kováshalom, Ungarn. Forschungen zu Tell-Siedlungen und ihrer Umgebung in Ostungarn.. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2018 bis 2021}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34501865}, author = {Bánffy, Eszter and Füzesi, András and Raczky, Pál and Rassmann, Knut}, journal = {e-Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts}, volume = {2023}, unique-id = {34501865}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2198-7734}, pages = {133-138}, orcid-numbers = {Bánffy, Eszter/0000-0001-5156-826X; Füzesi, András/0000-0002-5039-8593; Raczky, Pál/0000-0001-5556-723X} } @article{MTMT:34471878, title = {On the ‘pseudo-ditch’ system of the Late Neolithic Öcsöd-Kováshalom settlement complex on the Great Hungarian Plain}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34471878}, author = {Füzesi, András and Hohle, Isabel and Faragó, Norbert and Rassmann, Knut and Bánffy, Eszter and Raczky, Pál}, doi = {10.4312/dp.50.23}, journal-iso = {DOCUMENTA PRAEHISTORICA}, journal = {DOCUMENTA PRAEHISTORICA}, volume = {50}, unique-id = {34471878}, issn = {1408-967X}, abstract = {The well-known Late Neolithic tell-like settlement of Öcsöd-Kováshalom on the Great Hungarian Plain gained a completely new context when a triple enclosure consisting of segments (hence the name ‘pseudo-ditch’) was discovered in 2018. Followed by two small excavation campaigns, this paper gives account of the construction stages, various digging and filling actions, of the chronology and of the structured deposits that marked the closing event of these long-lasting communal activities. A comparison with European Neolithic enclosures supports the interpretation on the diversity of the numerous ditch systems, and do not allow any generalizing views – it rather speaks for the freedom of local communities in their choices within their respective cultural frameworks.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1854-2492}, pages = {82-109}, orcid-numbers = {Füzesi, András/0000-0002-5039-8593; Faragó, Norbert/0000-0002-0351-1223; Bánffy, Eszter/0000-0001-5156-826X; Raczky, Pál/0000-0001-5556-723X} } @article{MTMT:34433743, title = {Early Neolithic pastoral land use at Alsónyék-Bátaszék, Hungary (Starčevo culture): New insights from stable isotope ratios}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34433743}, author = {Blanz, Magdalena and Balasse, Marie and Frémondeau, Delphine and Gál, Erika and Osztás, Anett and Biller, Anna Zsófia and Nyerges, Éva Á. and Fiorillo, Denis and Bánffy, Eszter and Ivanova, Maria and Bonsall, Clive}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0295769}, journal-iso = {PLOS ONE}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, volume = {18}, unique-id = {34433743}, issn = {1932-6203}, abstract = {The earliest introduction of livestock (cattle, goats, sheep, pigs) into the Carpathian Basin was an important step towards farming expansion into continental Europe. This spread beyond the environments of the southern Balkans was accompanied by a reduction in the spectrum of cultivated crops, changes in the relative representation of different domestic animals, and, most likely, adaptations of husbandry practices. How the earliest farmers in the Carpathian Basin kept their domestic stock is still understudied. We explored early animal management and land use strategies at the Starčevo settlement at Alsónyék-Bátaszék, Hungary (Early Neolithic, ca. 5800–5600 cal BC). Settled at the intersection of wide alluvial plains, waterlogged meadows and marshes to the east, and forested hills to the west, early farmers at Alsónyék had a wide variety of options for nourishing their livestock. We performed stable isotope ratio analysis of bone collagen (n = 99; δ 13 C, δ 15 N) and tooth enamel (n teeth = 28, sequentially sampled for δ 13 C and δ 18 O) from wild and domestic animals to locate them in the landscape and investigate herding practices on a seasonal scale. The bone collagen isotope ratios mostly indicate feeding in open environments. However, results from the sequential analysis of cattle and sheep enamel suggest diverse dietary strategies for winters, including consumption of forest resources, consumption of summer hay and grazing in an open environment. Most pigs appear to have had herbivorous diets, but several individuals likely supplemented their diet with animal protein. Stable isotope ratio results from the Lengyel phase at Alsónyék (ca. 4800–4300 cal BC) suggest more access to animal protein for pigs, and feeding in more open areas by wild boar, red deer and cattle compared to the Starčevo phase. This study’s results demonstrate considerable variability in early animal husbandry practices at Alsónyék.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1932-6203}, pages = {1-25}, orcid-numbers = {Blanz, Magdalena/0000-0003-0195-6744; Gál, Erika/0000-0002-4226-3218; Bánffy, Eszter/0000-0001-5156-826X} } @article{MTMT:34577834, title = {Vorwort – Zum 100. Band der GERMANIA}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34577834}, author = {Bánffy, Eszter and Hofmann, Kerstin P. and Gramsch, Alexander}, journal-iso = {GERMANIA}, journal = {GERMANIA}, volume = {100}, unique-id = {34577834}, issn = {0016-8874}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2364-6004}, pages = {7-9}, orcid-numbers = {Bánffy, Eszter/0000-0001-5156-826X} } @inbook{MTMT:34009457, title = {Szentgyörgyvölgy-Pityerdomb and the formative phase of the LBK revisited}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34009457}, author = {Bánffy, Eszter and Whittle, Alasdair}, booktitle = {Wissensschichten. Festschrift für Wolfram Schier zu seinem 65. Geburtstag}, unique-id = {34009457}, year = {2022}, pages = {145-161}, orcid-numbers = {Bánffy, Eszter/0000-0001-5156-826X} } @article{MTMT:33568858, title = {Marija Gimbutas 100. A ‘Grande Dame’ of Twentieth-Century Prehistory and Her Connections with Hungarian Archaeology}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33568858}, author = {Bánffy, Eszter}, doi = {10.47074/HSCE.2022-2.14}, journal-iso = {HSCE}, journal = {HISTORICAL STUDIES ON CENTRAL EUROPE}, volume = {2}, unique-id = {33568858}, issn = {2786-0930}, abstract = {Prehistoric archaeologist and cultural anthropologist Marija Gimbutas was born exactly a century ago. Although she left us over a quarter of a century ago (she passed away in 1994), her person and her still controversial ideas continue to attract considerable interest, reflected both by the acclaim and the harsh critique that her work and theories have received and continue to receive. In light of recent archaeogenetic findings and their interpretation, the debate has even intensified over the past few years.}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2786-0922}, pages = {305-315}, orcid-numbers = {Bánffy, Eszter/0000-0001-5156-826X} }