@inproceedings{MTMT:34764984, title = {Correlations Between Economic Growth and Carbon-Dioxide Emission in Selected Countries Between 1990 and 2021}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34764984}, author = {Zsarnóczai J., Sándor}, booktitle = {IJCELIT 2023. Book of Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Environmental and Light Industry Technologies}, unique-id = {34764984}, year = {2024}, pages = {217-229} } @{MTMT:34394101, title = {CORRELATIONS BETWEEN ECONOMIC GROWTH AND CARBON EMISSION IN SELECTED COUNTRIES BETWEEN 1990 AND 2021}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34394101}, author = {Zsarnóczai J., Sándor}, booktitle = {IJCELIT 2023. BOOK OF ABSTRACTS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL AND LIGHT INDUSTRY TECHNOLOGIES}, unique-id = {34394101}, year = {2023}, pages = {38} } @article{MTMT:34257236, title = {Changes of Income Conditions in Agricultural Sector of EU Member States at the Beginning of 2020s}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34257236}, author = {Lentner, Csaba and Zsarnóczai J., Sándor}, journal-iso = {ECON WORK CAPITAL}, journal = {ECONOMICS & WORKING CAPITAL}, volume = {2022}, unique-id = {34257236}, issn = {2398-9491}, abstract = {Germany has an important economic role as base for the economic growth of the European Union. Therefore, it is very sensitivity issue either for EU or Germany to follow the fixed financial and economic development trends in this world-wide side strong German economy. The study overviews the German economic conditions for the period of 2019-2022. For this period Germany has realised less favourable economic conditions in 2020 because of the extending pandemic health crisis. In the same time the real GDP decreased by 4.9%, which was one of the less favourable results within latest years. In 2020 the real GDP growth was at low level, but more than 1%. Germany implemented 2.9% growth of real GDP and 2.9% growth of the labour productivity in 2021. The export rate followed the import rate in order to create the possible positive foreign trade balance. The most economic features of this country relevant to considerable prosperity are based on the overall balance – as governmental budget – general government debt and current account balance – as balance of payment – are focused in this study. Also, the real GDP has considerable influences on the domestic market demand, private and public consumptions accompanying with gross fixed investment and net international investment position of German inhabitants. The study uses the statistical researching methods for analysing wide-side data coming from the official German statistical bureaus. The main solution of the economic difficulties is to develop the gross fixed investment for more developed innovation for the production processes and labour productivity to remain the international competitiveness of the country.}, year = {2023}, pages = {45-53}, orcid-numbers = {Lentner, Csaba/0000-0003-2241-782X} } @article{MTMT:33672688, title = {Economic and financial issues of Germany at the beginning of 2020s}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33672688}, author = {Lentner, Csaba and Zsarnóczai J., Sándor}, journal-iso = {ECON WORK CAPITAL}, journal = {ECONOMICS & WORKING CAPITAL}, volume = {2022}, unique-id = {33672688}, issn = {2398-9491}, year = {2022}, pages = {56-64}, orcid-numbers = {Lentner, Csaba/0000-0003-2241-782X} } @inproceedings{MTMT:33209783, title = {Innovation by Subsidies in Agricultural Production in Hungary in 2010s}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33209783}, author = {Zsarnóczai J., Sándor}, booktitle = {Proceedings of VI. International Symposium on Biosphere & Environmental Safety}, unique-id = {33209783}, year = {2022}, pages = {330-340} } @inproceedings{MTMT:33207921, title = {The Agricultural Production Concerning Subsidies In Hungary In Period Of 2008-2020}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33207921}, author = {Zsarnóczai J., Sándor}, booktitle = {Proceedings of VI. International Symposium on Biosphere & Environmental Safety}, unique-id = {33207921}, year = {2022}, pages = {153-163} } @inproceedings{MTMT:33207657, title = {Sustainability and Environmental Conservation in Strategy of National Bank of Hungary in 2020s}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33207657}, author = {Lentner, Csaba and Zsarnóczai J., Sándor}, booktitle = {2022 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES 2022)}, doi = {10.1109/INES56734.2022.9922644}, unique-id = {33207657}, year = {2022}, pages = {213-219}, orcid-numbers = {Lentner, Csaba/0000-0003-2241-782X} } @article{MTMT:33207562, title = {Some Aspects of Fiscal and Monetary Tools of the Environmental Sustainability – Through the Case of Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33207562}, author = {Lentner, Csaba and Zsarnóczai J., Sándor}, doi = {10.53116/pgaflr.2022.1.5}, journal-iso = {PUBL GOV ADMIN FINANC LAW REV}, journal = {PUBLIC GOVERNANCE ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCES LAW REVIEW}, volume = {7}, unique-id = {33207562}, issn = {2498-6275}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2786-0736}, pages = {63-76}, orcid-numbers = {Lentner, Csaba/0000-0003-2241-782X} } @article{MTMT:33041538, title = {The Role of the Importance of Environmental Sustainability in the Period after 2020}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33041538}, author = {Lentner, Csaba and Horbulák, Zsolt and Zsarnóczai J., Sándor}, journal-iso = {ECON WORK CAPITAL}, journal = {ECONOMICS & WORKING CAPITAL}, volume = {2022}, unique-id = {33041538}, issn = {2398-9491}, year = {2022}, pages = {76-80}, orcid-numbers = {Lentner, Csaba/0000-0003-2241-782X} } @article{MTMT:32695663, title = {Compare of agricultural industry in United States, Russia, China and Japan}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32695663}, author = {Zsarnóczai J., Sándor}, journal-iso = {ECON WORK CAPITAL}, journal = {ECONOMICS & WORKING CAPITAL}, volume = {2021 year}, unique-id = {32695663}, issn = {2398-9491}, abstract = {The study analyses reasons of differences of agricultural industry in United States, Russia Federation, China and Japan in fields of agricultural strategy and policy, namely general government subsidies to develop the agricultural industry and mechanization in period of 2010 and 2018. Overview the investment activities of these countries for applying the highly developed technology of agriculture to cover domestic food demands and possibly agricultural export. Motivation/Background: Selected countries have important ambition agricultural development, which can lead to increase their food and agricultural product export for the world market and their influences on the world market price of these products. Method: Use the comparing statistical system by statistical analyses for features of their agricultural sector. Results: In China the general government provided 237647 million US dollar in 2016, which has increased by 97,9% since 2010, while Russia Federation provided only 7240 US dollar for agricultural industry, decreased by 23% from 2010. Analyse the reasons and influences of less subsidies for agriculture in Russia, than in China. Also, the less irrigated lands and less favourable exchange rate of Russia could contribute to the less increase of agricultural value added per worker by 75% than in China by 101% for the same period. In 2019 in US the government expenditure for agricultural sector was enough for creating the agricultural gross value added per worker by 20 times more than in China. General Government subsidies of Japan were consequently considerable and these were 53396 million US dollar by the end of 2019, which have increased only by 1.7%, but seven times more than once of Russia. Conclusions: The future trend of agricultural prosperity should follow the more dynamic development in mechanization and more advanced value added exported agricultural products instead of partly manufactured or basic products of this sector in these countries.}, year = {2021}, pages = {15-23} }