@article{MTMT:35198941, title = {Global Value Chains: Sourcing Strategies for Resilience amidst COVID-19}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35198941}, author = {Dienes, Balázs Bence and Qorri, Dejsi and Felföldi, János}, doi = {10.17700/jai.2024.15.1.713}, journal-iso = {AGRÁRINFORMATIKA / AGRICULT INFORM}, journal = {AGRÁRINFORMATIKA / JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL INFORMATICS}, volume = {15}, unique-id = {35198941}, issn = {2061-862X}, abstract = {COVID-19 has profoundly impacted the already vulnerable pharmaceutical, agricultural, and food supply chains, leading to disruptions in their sourcing processes. Hence, it is crucial to emphasize the universal imperative of enhancing resilience in Global Value Chains across various industries in today’s interconnected global economy. It seeks to explore how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted GVCs and influenced the availability of critical resources. We have investigated the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on Global Value Chains due to its widespread disruption of supply chains, which has posed immediate challenges for businesses and necessitated resilience strategies. Our research reveals a consistent relationship between impact levels observed in domestic and international contexts. Changes in domestic impact levels closely align with those observed abroad, indicating a robust positive correlation. This correlation emphasizes the interdependence of sourcing challenges across both domestic and international spheres. We propose near-shoring as a management strategy by integrating regional market trends alongside digital transformation to optimize supply chain resilience, enabling businesses to cope with fluctuations in markets and take advantage on new possibilities.}, year = {2024}, pages = {4-10}, orcid-numbers = {Qorri, Dejsi/0000-0001-7224-9284; Felföldi, János/0000-0002-3895-6636} } @article{MTMT:35198940, title = {COVID-19 impact in sourcing in Global Value Chains}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35198940}, author = {Dienes, Balázs Bence and Qorri, Dejsi and Felföldi, János}, doi = {10.17700/jai.2024.15.1.712}, journal-iso = {AGRÁRINFORMATIKA / AGRICULT INFORM}, journal = {AGRÁRINFORMATIKA / JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL INFORMATICS}, volume = {15}, unique-id = {35198940}, issn = {2061-862X}, abstract = {This study explores the impact of COVID-19 on Global Value Chains (GVCs) using the Eurostat dataset, focusing on trade barriers and the difficulty of sourcing raw materials or intermediate goods from local and international suppliers. Using a contingency table grouped by country, we can see how raw material constraints and COVID-19’s GVCs affect many countries. The study uses Chi-square test to determine if these factors have a significant association. The data imply that foreign sourcing presents less challenges for suppliers than domestic sourcing, stressing the need of examining the consumer behaviour under uncertainties to develop GVCs resilience. The findings show a statistically significant link between barriers related to raw material and the effect level of COVID-19 in global value chains across all countries analysed. Suggesting that it is unlikely to have happened by random chance alone, highlighting the importance of addressing trade barriers and adapting to the impact of COVID-19 within global value chains.}, year = {2024}, pages = {9-14}, orcid-numbers = {Qorri, Dejsi/0000-0001-7224-9284; Felföldi, János/0000-0002-3895-6636} } @article{MTMT:35133616, title = {The Role of Human Resource Management in Agricultural Labor-Saving Technologies: An Integrative Review and Science Mapping}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35133616}, author = {Qorri, Dejsi and Pergéné Szabó, Enikő and Felföldi, János and Kovács, Krisztián}, doi = {10.3390/agriculture14071144}, journal-iso = {AGRICULTURE-BASEL}, journal = {AGRICULTURE-BASEL}, volume = {14}, unique-id = {35133616}, keywords = {HRM; Integrative review; Agriculture; technology organization and environment (TOE); Thematic analysis (TA)}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2077-0472}, orcid-numbers = {Qorri, Dejsi/0000-0001-7224-9284; Pergéné Szabó, Enikő/0000-0002-2653-5754; Felföldi, János/0000-0002-3895-6636; Kovács, Krisztián/0000-0001-6590-3380} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:35069924, title = {Exploring cooperation dynamics from suppliers’ side within evolving of supply chain networks}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35069924}, author = {Qorri, Dejsi and Felföldi, János}, booktitle = {Globalisation, integration, cooperation - what is at stake in the current turbulent times?}, unique-id = {35069924}, year = {2024}, pages = {73}, orcid-numbers = {Qorri, Dejsi/0000-0001-7224-9284; Felföldi, János/0000-0002-3895-6636} } @article{MTMT:35069903, title = {Data-driven Solution for Agri-SMEs Optimization in Albania: A Framework Using C# and .NET}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35069903}, author = {Qorri, Dejsi and Gjermeni, Irida and Felföldi, János}, doi = {10.17700/jai.2024.15.1.711}, journal-iso = {AGRÁRINFORMATIKA / AGRICULT INFORM}, journal = {AGRÁRINFORMATIKA / JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL INFORMATICS}, volume = {15}, unique-id = {35069903}, issn = {2061-862X}, year = {2024}, pages = {1-7}, orcid-numbers = {Qorri, Dejsi/0000-0001-7224-9284; Felföldi, János/0000-0002-3895-6636} } @article{MTMT:34534231, title = {Research Trends in Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives: A Bibliometric Review}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34534231}, author = {Qorri, Dejsi and Felföldi, János}, doi = {10.3390/agriculture14020199}, journal-iso = {AGRICULTURE-BASEL}, journal = {AGRICULTURE-BASEL}, volume = {14}, unique-id = {34534231}, keywords = {food industry; bibliometric analysis; sustainability; Value chains}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2077-0472}, orcid-numbers = {Qorri, Dejsi/0000-0001-7224-9284; Felföldi, János/0000-0002-3895-6636} } @article{MTMT:34591427, title = {Együttműködések szükségessége a gyógyszeripari, biotechnológiai fejlesztési folyamatokban az Észak-alföldirégióban = Necessity of cooperation on pharmaceutical and biotechnology development processes in the Northern Great Plain region}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34591427}, author = {Kiss, Balázs and Domonkos, Dávid and Felföldi, János}, journal-iso = {RÉGIÓKUTATÁS SZEMLE}, journal = {RÉGIÓKUTATÁS SZEMLE}, volume = {8}, unique-id = {34591427}, issn = {2559-9941}, abstract = {Publikációnkban a piros biotechnológia iparágat vizsgáltuk, mint a magyarországi Észak-alföldi régió egyik húzóágazata. Részletesen kitértünk arra, hogy az említett magas tőkeigényű, hosszú megtérülésű, „high risk –high benefit” iparág fejlődése milyen hatással lehet a regionális innovációra, továbbá milyen elvárásokat határoz meg a különböző együttműködési lehetőségek terén, az értéklánc különböző pontjain.Elmondható, hogy az iparágnak komoly, sok évtizedre visszanyúló gyökerei vannak a régióban.Ugyanakkor új kihívásokkal is jár a „biotech ipar” spiráljának követése, és szinte definíciószerűen szükséges a modern, innovatív egyetemi háttér a szektor bővüléséhez és egyáltalána betelepedéséhez.A 2020-as években új „versenytársak” érkeztek, mint például a járműipar, akkumulátor-gyártás, melyekszintén hasonló, magas hozzáadott értéket képviselő, magas innováció-igényűiparágak.Az összes hasonló területen az együttműködések mentén iparági klaszterek alakultak ki, melyek szellemi központjai a régió egyetemi bázisai.Mindezek mentén az adott szakterületek (jelen publikációbanabiotechnológia) innovációs mechanizmusai és együttműködései a kockázatok kezelése miatt (is) megújultak, modernizálódtak, egyfajta motivációstényezővé erősödtek}, keywords = {innováció; gyógyszeripari (piros) biotechnológia; klaszterek; ipari együttműködés; üzleti kockázatcsökkentés}, year = {2023}, pages = {30-46}, orcid-numbers = {Felföldi, János/0000-0002-3895-6636} } @article{MTMT:34550877, title = {What does digital transformation do in agriculture? A systematic literature review of Agri-food sector's digitalisation}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34550877}, author = {Kovács, Tamás and Botos, Szilvia and Felföldi, János}, doi = {10.17700/jai.2023.14.2.707}, journal-iso = {AGRÁRINFORMATIKA / AGRICULT INFORM}, journal = {AGRÁRINFORMATIKA / JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL INFORMATICS}, volume = {14}, unique-id = {34550877}, issn = {2061-862X}, abstract = {Digitalisation supporting business processes will be increasingly important for the agrifood industry and the related supply chain. The primary goal of this research is to highlight research works investigating the agrifood sector with digitalisation, based on structured literature collection and using a nomenclature of an internationally recognised database, namely Eurostat. Systematic literature review was done in order to achieve the goal set using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology and the keywords of digitalisation and agri/agro-food. The meta-data of Scopus and Web of Science databases were used for this study. 92 articles were included in the qualitative analysis and results show that the topic on digitalisation with the agri-food industry and/or supply chain has been increasing year by year. Furthermore, the most important topic dealt by a high percentage of the articles is the e-business, in particular the level of the technological solutions for the integration with customers and suppliers. Moreover, the pandemic situation over the past few years has drawn the attention of the researchers to analyse the effects of COVID-19.}, year = {2023}, pages = {26-42}, orcid-numbers = {Botos, Szilvia/0000-0003-4873-1032; Felföldi, János/0000-0002-3895-6636} } @article{MTMT:34147446, title = {Operating results of silage enterprise of a farm - A case study}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34147446}, author = {Kovács, Evelin and Sulyok, Dénes and Czakó, Iván and Kovács, Krisztián and Felföldi, János}, doi = {10.19041/APSTRACT/2023/1/5}, journal-iso = {APSTRACT}, journal = {APSTRACT - APPLIED STUDIES IN AGRIBUSINESS AND COMMERCE}, volume = {17}, unique-id = {34147446}, issn = {1789-221X}, abstract = {Improvements in agriculture has been focusing on innovations to improve the efficiency of the activity by making the traditional production structure currently in use more flexible and by making the necessary technological changes for farmers with large areas and the necessary machinery and equipment. Farms with significant arable land are able to offset the effects of changes affecting efficiency and profitability. The decisive sector of agriculture in Hungary is crop production, therefore its performance is largely determined by the annual output of the crop sector and the volatility in prices. From the farm data, we calculated farm-level results that support the need for machinery modernisation efforts, as precision tools and improvements already started in maize production can be applied fruitfully even in the light of the increasing frequency of negative climatic effects. During the development of silage maize cultivation technology, the achievements of precision farming were applied. Differentiated nutrient replenishment and sowing operations were used, in addition to the fact that harvesting was also documented. We set ourselves the goal of analyzing the management data of the study period between 2019-2022 in order to reveal the nature of the changes that occurred in terms of production value, production cost, and income, as well as the components that shape them. The presented values ​​are average values ​​of such conditions which are also suitable for crop-level conclusions. At the same time, they can be used to identify sector-level challenges and trends.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1789-7874}, orcid-numbers = {Kovács, Krisztián/0000-0001-6590-3380; Felföldi, János/0000-0002-3895-6636} } @article{MTMT:34145275, title = {New methods for structural development caused by open innovation in red biotechnology}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34145275}, author = {Kiss, Balázs and Domonkos, Dávid and Felföldi, János}, doi = {10.19041/APSTRACT/2023/1/3}, journal-iso = {APSTRACT}, journal = {APSTRACT - APPLIED STUDIES IN AGRIBUSINESS AND COMMERCE}, volume = {17}, unique-id = {34145275}, issn = {1789-221X}, abstract = {Red (pharmaceutical) biotechnology is currently one of the most innovative industries. A good example of this is the fight to develop a vaccine against the COVID-19 pandemic, or even the incredible dynamism of the development of anti-cancer drugs.Innovations always carry uncertainty within them - the authors of this article see and experience this every day during their managerial work related to R&D in the biotechnology sector. Decisions often have to be made on uncertain grounds, with incomplete information. Mapping all these anomalies and their root causes is also necessary according to what has been experienced in various organizations, but at the same time it is a very interesting and challenging task. One of the possible means of sharing and reducing the risk is the so-called Open innovation, which required innovations in the fields of technical, industrial rights protection, privacy protection, but also cooperation platforms.All this required a new organizational and structural operation from the actors. This means that technological innovation attracts and results in project innovations. We assume that organizational development and structural innovations were also achieved through these transfers. We are trying to validate this hypothesis with the help of interviews with professionals.Our thesis: the challenges arising from the special innovation of red biotech also caused and necessitated the innovation of organizational structures and the development of its organizational and structural functioning, to which open innovation gave outstanding help.}, keywords = {Open innovation; risk-sharing; Organizational innovation; STRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT; red biotechnology; Structure an Operation of Organization (SO&OO)}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1789-7874}, orcid-numbers = {Felföldi, János/0000-0002-3895-6636} }