@article{MTMT:35130654, title = {Magyarországi fajtamézek azonosítása, antioxidáns kapacitása és az ennek hátterében álló hatóanyagok vizsgálata}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35130654}, author = {Agócs, Attila and Farkas, Ágnes and Balázs, Viktória Lilla}, journal-iso = {FARMAKOGNÓZIAI HÍREK}, journal = {FARMAKOGNÓZIAI HÍREK - FÜGGETLEN HÍRÚJSÁG}, volume = {19}, unique-id = {35130654}, issn = {2060-1387}, year = {2024}, pages = {12-13}, orcid-numbers = {Farkas, Ágnes/0000-0002-8590-3203} } @article{MTMT:34832995, title = {Changes in the Carotenoids of Zamia dressleri Leaves during Development}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34832995}, author = {Murillo, Enrique and Nagy, Veronika and Menchaca, Dania and Deli, József and Agócs, Attila}, doi = {10.3390/plants13091251}, journal-iso = {PLANTS-BASEL}, journal = {PLANTS-BASEL}, volume = {13}, unique-id = {34832995}, abstract = {It has been observed that the leaves of some Zamia species undergo a kind of “reverse ripening”; that is, they change from their original brown color to green during development. We assumed that this strange color change was due to the change in carotenoid composition, so we followed the changes for several weeks. The detailed carotenoid composition and content at different stages of development of the leaves was determined with HPLC-DAD focusing on the changes in red and yellow carotenoids. The total and relative amounts of red and yellow carotenoids were determined simultaneously from one measurement from a saponified and/or unsaponified extract. At the beginning of development, the concentration of red carotenoids was higher than that of the yellow ones; it decreased drastically until 22 days and continued to decrease slowly until they completely disappeared. The concentration of yellow carotenoids decreased at the beginning as well, but after 22 days it started to increase. The amount of red carotenoids started to decrease when the leaflet stopped growing. Lutein is the main component in old leaflets, which is not a red carotenoid precursor. Red carotenoids can always be found in their esterified form in the leaves. These findings support the hypothesis that red and yellow carotenoid accumulation are independent and probably have different functions in the leaflet. The strange color change was explained based on the compartmentalization of red and yellow carotenoids and on the changing activity of the enzyme capsanthin–capsorubin synthase responsible for the synthesis of red carotenoids capsorubin and capsanthin.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2223-7747}, orcid-numbers = {Nagy, Veronika/0000-0002-9019-7980; Deli, József/0000-0002-0625-6117} } @article{MTMT:34833060, title = {Synthesis of phenolic acids esters of carotenoids}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34833060}, author = {Linzembold, I. and Gulyás, Gergely and Deli, József and Agócs, Attila and Nagy, Veronika}, journal-iso = {CAROTENOID SCI}, journal = {CAROTENOID SCIENCE}, volume = {25}, unique-id = {34833060}, issn = {1880-5671}, year = {2023}, pages = {156-156}, orcid-numbers = {Deli, József/0000-0002-0625-6117; Nagy, Veronika/0000-0002-9019-7980} } @article{MTMT:34833055, title = {Synthesis and antioxidant capacity of carotenoid succinates and their melatonin conjugates}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34833055}, author = {Czett, Dalma and Böddi, Katalin and Nagy, Veronika and Takátsy, Anikó and Deli, József and Paul, Tone and Balogh, T. György and Vincze, Anna and Agócs, Attila}, journal-iso = {CAROTENOID SCI}, journal = {CAROTENOID SCIENCE}, volume = {25}, unique-id = {34833055}, issn = {1880-5671}, year = {2023}, pages = {118-118}, orcid-numbers = {Nagy, Veronika/0000-0002-9019-7980; Deli, József/0000-0002-0625-6117} } @article{MTMT:34833011, title = {Effect of the aggregation behavior on the antioxidant capacity of carotenoids}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34833011}, author = {Czett, Dalma and Böddi, Katalin and Agócs, Attila and Deli, József and Nagy, Veronika}, journal-iso = {CAROTENOID SCI}, journal = {CAROTENOID SCIENCE}, volume = {25}, unique-id = {34833011}, issn = {1880-5671}, year = {2023}, pages = {68-68}, orcid-numbers = {Deli, József/0000-0002-0625-6117; Nagy, Veronika/0000-0002-9019-7980} } @article{MTMT:34429989, title = {Carotenoid Composition of Telekia speciosa}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34429989}, author = {Varga, Erzsébet and Balázs, Viktória Lilla and Sándor, Viktor and Agócs, Attila and Nagy, Veronika and Király, Sándor Balázs and Kurtán, Tibor and Molnár, Péter and Deli, József}, doi = {10.3390/plants12244116}, journal-iso = {PLANTS-BASEL}, journal = {PLANTS-BASEL}, volume = {12}, unique-id = {34429989}, abstract = {The carotenoid composition of the flower of Telekia speciosa was investigated for the first time by HPLC-DAD-MS. In addition to the main carotenoid lutein and its geometrical isomers, 5,6-epoxy-carotenoids, namely violaxanthin, lutein 5,6-epoxide and antheraxanthin, were detected in larger amounts. In addition, β-carotene 5,6-epoxide and β-carotene 5,6,5′,6′-diepoxide were found, which occurs very rarely in plants. For unambigous identification, β-carotene 5,6-epoxide and β-carotene 5,6,5′,6′-diepoxide were prepared semisynthetically, and they were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR and HPLC-CD methods.}, keywords = {NMR; carotenoids; Telekia speciosa; HPLC-DAD-MS analysis}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2223-7747}, orcid-numbers = {Nagy, Veronika/0000-0002-9019-7980; Deli, József/0000-0002-0625-6117} } @article{MTMT:34274821, title = {Carotenoid Composition of Calendula officinalis Flowers with Identification of the Configuration of 5,8-Epoxy-carotenoids}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34274821}, author = {Balázs, Viktória Lilla and Gulyás, Gergely and Nagy, Veronika and Zubay, Péter and Szabó, Krisztina and Sándor, Viktor and Agócs, Attila and Deli, József}, doi = {10.1021/acsagscitech.3c00367}, journal-iso = {ACS AGRIC SCI TECHNOL}, journal = {ACS AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY}, volume = {3}, unique-id = {34274821}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2692-1952}, pages = {1092-1102}, orcid-numbers = {Nagy, Veronika/0000-0002-9019-7980; Deli, József/0000-0002-0625-6117} } @article{MTMT:34122466, title = {Lutein and its metabolites modulate inflammation, oxidative stress, and lipid peroxidation at glutamate-induced neurotoxicity}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34122466}, author = {Pap, Ramóna and Pandur, Edina and Jánosa, Gergely and Horváth, Adrienn and Sipos, Katalin and Agócs, Attila and Deli, József}, journal-iso = {CAROTENOID SCI}, journal = {CAROTENOID SCIENCE}, volume = {25}, unique-id = {34122466}, issn = {1880-5671}, year = {2023}, pages = {187-187}, orcid-numbers = {Pap, Ramóna/0000-0002-3340-0102; Pandur, Edina/0000-0001-5012-3242; Jánosa, Gergely/0000-0001-5374-6680; Sipos, Katalin/0000-0002-6706-2682; Deli, József/0000-0002-0625-6117} } @article{MTMT:34082313, title = {Protective Effects of 3′-Epilutein and 3′-Oxolutein against Glutamate-Induced Neuronal Damage}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34082313}, author = {Pap, Ramóna and Pandur, Edina and Jánosa, Gergely and Sipos, Katalin and Fritz, Ferenc Rómeó and Nagy, Tamás and Agócs, Attila and Deli, József}, doi = {10.3390/ijms241512008}, journal-iso = {INT J MOL SCI}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES}, volume = {24}, unique-id = {34082313}, issn = {1661-6596}, abstract = {Dietary lutein can be naturally metabolized to 3′-epilutein and 3′-oxolutein in the human body. The epimerization of lutein can happen in acidic pH, and through cooking, 3′-epilutein can be the product of the direct oxidation of lutein in the retina, which is also present in human serum. The 3′-oxolutein is the main oxidation product of lutein. Thus, the allylic oxidation of dietary lutein can result in the formation of 3′-oxolutein, which may undergo reduction either to revert to dietary lutein or epimerize to form 3′-epilutein. We focused on the effects of 3′-epilutein and 3′-oxolutein itself and on glutamate-induced neurotoxicity on SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells to identify the possible alterations in oxidative stress, inflammation, antioxidant capacity, and iron metabolism that affect neurological function. ROS measurements were performed in the differently treated cells. The inflammatory state of cells was followed by TNFα, IL-6, and IL-8 cytokine ELISA measurements. The antioxidant status of the cells was determined by the total antioxidant capacity kit assay. The alterations of genes related to ferroptosis and lipid peroxidation were followed by gene expression measurements; then, thiol measurements were performed. Lutein metabolites 3′-epilutein and 3′-oxolutein differently modulated the effect of glutamate on ROS, inflammation, ferroptosis-related iron metabolism, and lipid peroxidation in SH-SY5Y cells. Our results revealed the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory features of 3′-epilutein and 3′-oxolutein as possible protective agents against glutamate-induced oxidative stress in SH-SY5Y cells, with greater efficacy in the case of 3′-epilutein.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1422-0067}, orcid-numbers = {Pap, Ramóna/0000-0002-3340-0102; Pandur, Edina/0000-0001-5012-3242; Jánosa, Gergely/0000-0001-5374-6680; Sipos, Katalin/0000-0002-6706-2682; Nagy, Tamás/0000-0001-5437-1411; Deli, József/0000-0002-0625-6117} } @article{MTMT:33597596, title = {Lutein Isomers: Preparation, Separation, Structure Elucidation, and Occurrence in 20 Medicinal Plants}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33597596}, author = {Nagy, Veronika and Agócs, Attila and Balázs, Viktória Lilla and Purger, Dragica and Filep, Rita and Sándor, Viktor and Turcsi, Erika Margit and Gulyás, Gergely and Deli, József}, doi = {10.3390/molecules28031187}, journal-iso = {MOLECULES}, journal = {MOLECULES}, volume = {28}, unique-id = {33597596}, issn = {1420-3049}, abstract = {Lutein and its cis-isomers occur in a lot of plants, including a variety of flowers. In this study, lutein isomers were produced via iodine-catalyzed isomerization, and four cis-isomers (9Z-, 9′Z-, 13Z-, and 13Z′) were isolated by means of column chromatography and semipreparative HPLC. The structures of the 9′Z- and 13′Z-isomers were elucidated via NMR measurements. These compounds were used as standards for the HPLC-DAD-MS determination of the carotenoid composition of the flowers of 20 plant species, in which lutein and its geometrical isomers are the main components. The flowers showed great variation in their cis- and trans-lutein content, and also in the presence or absence of other carotenoids, such as violaxanthin, neoxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, and β-carotene. Some of the investigated flowers were found to be rich sources of lutein without zeaxanthin.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1420-3049}, orcid-numbers = {Nagy, Veronika/0000-0002-9019-7980; Purger, Dragica/0000-0003-2480-0777; Deli, József/0000-0002-0625-6117} }