@article{MTMT:35483819, title = {Systematic analysis and network mapping of disease associations in autoimmune polyglandular syndrome.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35483819}, author = {Pham-Dobor, Gréta and Kaltenecker, Péter and Temesfői, Viktória and Bajnok, László Zoltán and Nemes, Orsolya and Bódis, Beáta and Mezősi, Emese}, doi = {10.1210/clinem/dgae701}, journal-iso = {J CLIN ENDOCR METAB}, journal = {JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM}, unique-id = {35483819}, issn = {0021-972X}, abstract = {The purpose of our work was to provide a data-driven perspective to APS, a complex autoimmune disorder, supplementing traditional clinical observations.Medical records of 7559 patients were analyzed, autoimmune origin was proved in 3180 cases of which 380 (12%) had APS. Associations of component disorders were investigated by computational methods to reveal typical patterns of disease development.Twenty-eight distinct autoimmune disorders were diagnosed forming 113 combinations. The 10 most frequent combinations were responsible for 51,3% of cases. HT and GD were differentiated as main cornerstones of APS, sharing several comorbidities. HT was the most common manifestation (67.4%), followed by GD (26.8%) and T1D (20.8%). APS started significantly earlier in men than in women. Thyroid autoimmunity was frequently linked to gastrointestinal and systemic manifestations and these patterns of associations substantially differed from that of T1D, AD or CeD when present as first manifestations, suggesting the possibility of a common biological cause.APS is more frequent than reported. Classifying APS requires a shift of perspective towards disease associations rather than disorder prevalence.}, keywords = {Diabetes; network mapping; systemic analysis; autoimmune polyglandular syndrome; autoimmune thyroid disorders; Multiple autoimmune syndromes; autoimmunities}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1945-7197}, orcid-numbers = {Temesfői, Viktória/0000-0002-2990-6258; Mezősi, Emese/0000-0001-9367-3877} } @misc{MTMT:35476610, title = {Az in vitro fertilizációs eljárások igénybevételi mutatóinak vizsgálata Magyarországon 2010-2023 közötti időszakban}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35476610}, author = {Pónusz-Kovács, Dalma and Csákvári, Tímea and Kajos, Luca Fanni and Elmer, Diána and Pónusz, Róbert and Bódis, József and Boncz, Imre}, unique-id = {35476610}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Csákvári, Tímea/0000-0002-3339-4953; Kajos, Luca Fanni/0000-0002-0574-5787; Boncz, Imre/0000-0003-3699-6236} } @misc{MTMT:35440075, title = {COVID-19 letalitás predikció az intenzív osztályon. Random Forest algoritmus alkalmazása klinikai és laboratóriumi paraméterekkel}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35440075}, author = {Gombos, Katalin and Jáksó, Krisztián and Mohammed, Daryan and Váradi, Alex and Herczeg, Róbert and Balázsfalvi, Norbert}, unique-id = {35440075}, abstract = {Bevezetés: A SARS-CoV-2 vírus számos súlyos fertőzési hullámért volt felelős az elmúlt években, amely rendkívüli megterhelést rótt a közegészségügyre, különös tekintettel az intenzív osztályokra. Kutatásunk egyik célja a különböző vírusvariánsok összehasonlítása volt az intenzív osztályos beteganyag szerteágazó klinikai és laboratóriumi paraméterein keresztül. A másik cél egy gépi tanulási módszer, a Random Forest analízis alkalmazása volt, amely nagy mennyiségű adat integrálásával és feldolgozásával potenciális előrejelzője lehet a COVID-19 általi letalitásnak. Módszerek: Kutatásunk első fele a PTE KK AITI COVID-19 intenzív terápiás osztályain (ITO) kezelt 503 betegének adatait tartalmazza az alfa-, delta-, és omikron vírusvariánsok idején (2020 december – 2022 december). Az intenzív osztályon töltött napok, a vírusvariánsok, és az életkor kapcsolatát Kaplan-Meier túlélési görbe segítségével vizsgáltuk. Kutatásunk második része a Random Forest analízis, mely vírusvariánsra tekintet nélkül tartalmaz pécsi (80.9%) és debreceni (19.1%) ITO-s beteganyagot egyaránt. A letalitás predikció céljából az alábbi adatokat kapta meg az algoritmus: túlélés, életkor, ITO-n töltött napok száma, mellkas CT súlyossági index (CTSI), Horowitz-index, D-dimer, prokalcitonin (PCT), C-reaktív protein (CRP), limfocitaszám, fehérvérsejtszám. Imputálás és kiegyenlítést követően az algoritmus egy gyakorló adathalmazon gyakorolta a letalitás felismerését, majd ezt egy még korábban nem látott adathalmazon tesztelte. Az eredmények és a statisztika az R Statistics 4.3.2 változatával készült. Eredmények: Az 50%-os túlélési valószínűségnél az ITO-n töltött napok alapján nem volt különbség a vírusvariánsok között (alfa = 15 nap, delta = 14 nap [p=0.84], omikron = 13 nap [p=0.81]). Az 50%-os túlélési valószínűséget az 50 év alatti csoport 22 napnál érte el, az 50-65 év közötti csoport 16 napnál (p=0.9), a 65 év feletti csoport 12 napnál (p<0.001). A Random Forest analízis teljesítménye 81.42%-os felismerést mutatott (95% konfidencia intervallum: 73.01%-88.11%) a letalitást illetően a tesztelt adathalmazon. A szenzitivitás 80.7%, specificitás 82.14%, a görbe alatti terület (AUC) 91.6% volt. A legfontosabb paramétereknek a letalitás előrejelzésében a Horowitz-index (MeanDecreaseAccuracy[MDA]=79.01), a limfocitaszám (MDA=57.13), és a CTSI (MDA=57.04) bizonyult. Megbeszélés: Kutatásunk, és az eddigi szakirodalom alapján a gépi tanulási módszerek az intenzív osztályokon generált temérdek mennyiségű adat elemzésében rendkívül hasznosak lehetnek, minél nagyobb mennyiségű adat áll rendelkezésre, annál pontosabb becslések készítésére alkalmazhatóak.}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Váradi, Alex/0000-0001-8229-6340; Herczeg, Róbert/0000-0002-5903-0082} } @article{MTMT:35426190, title = {Socio-Economic and Health Literacy Inequalities as Determinants of Women’s Knowledge about Their Reproductive System: A Cross-Sectional Study}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35426190}, author = {Prémusz, Viktória and Kovács, Kálmán András and Skriba, Eszter and Tándor, Zoltán and Szmatona, Gábor and Dózsa-Juhász, Olívia}, doi = {10.3390/epidemiologia5040044}, journal-iso = {Epidemiologia}, journal = {Epidemiologia}, volume = {5}, unique-id = {35426190}, abstract = {Background/Objectives: To support women’s informed decisions and reproductive self-care, confident reproductive health-related knowledge is needed, supported by adequate health literacy (HL). No corresponding survey has been carried out in Hungary on inequalities to provide information addressing education. Materials and Methods: In the current cross-sectional online survey, 301 women of reproductive age (27.16 ± 0.36 years) were asked with the Hungarian versions of validated and standardised questionnaires about reproductive knowledge on hormones, ovulation, menstrual cycle, pregnancy signs and birth control (Knowledge of Female Body Scale—KFB), and HL (Brief Health Literacy Screening Tool—BRIEF). Spearman correlation and multivariable linear regression analyses were utilised, with a significance level set at p < 0.05. IBM SPSS version 28.0 (IBM SPSS, Armonk, NY, USA: IBM Corp.) and G*Power (version; Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany) software. The STROBE checklist was followed. The Clinical Trial Registry Nr. is NCT06146673. Results: The KFB composite score was high (20.01 ± 2.33); 86.374% had “high knowledge”. Still, lacking information was identified for the mechanisms of certain contraceptive methods and early physical signs of pregnancy. A significant difference was also found in the KFB scores in the case of higher age (p = 0.019), higher education level (p = 0.018) and previous live birth (p = 0.028). A positive correlation was found between KFB and HL (p < 0.001), education (p = 0.005), and age (p = 0.021). A multiple regression analysis (R2 = 0.087, p < 0.001) indicated that both HL (p < 0.001) and age (p = 0.003) are potential positive predictors of adequate reproductive knowledge, whereas induced abortion (p = 0.013) might serve as an inverse predictor. Conclusions: Inequalities in women’s knowledge about their reproductive system and HL were found, and it was significantly the lowest in their highest conception probability age. Therefore, in addition to targeted education, HL also needs improvement.}, keywords = {WOMEN; HORMONES; pregnancy; OVULATION; Menstrual Cycle; health inequalities; health literacy; reproductive age; birth control; reproductive knowledge}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2673-3986}, pages = {627-642}, orcid-numbers = {Prémusz, Viktória/0000-0002-4059-104X; Skriba, Eszter/0009-0004-9415-8606; Dózsa-Juhász, Olívia/0000-0001-6433-1237} } @article{MTMT:35345947, title = {Meddőségi kezelésben részt vevő nők és férfiak életviteli szokásainak felmérése}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35345947}, author = {Máté, Gábor and Balló, András and Szántó, Árpád László and Kopa, Zsolt and Török, Attila}, doi = {10.1556/650.2024.33124}, journal-iso = {ORV HETIL}, journal = {ORVOSI HETILAP}, volume = {165}, unique-id = {35345947}, issn = {0030-6002}, abstract = {Introduction: According to WHO data, about 17.5% of adults struggle with fertility problems, both women and men are equally affected. It can also be observed that over the past decades there has been a continuous increase in the number of people in need of infertility treatment, and this trend affects developed/industrialized countries much more. In these decades, our living conditions have also changed, which can be linked to the increase in the number of sterile relationships at several points. Objectives: We know from the literature that being overweight, smoking, alcohol consumption, high levels of untreated stress and even excessive vitamin consumption can negatively affect chances of fertility. The purpose of our study was to determine the extent of the known harmful lifestyle factors exist in couples undergoing infertility treatment. Methods: In our study, we assessed the lifestyle habits of couples applying for in vitro fertilization at our institute between 2020 and 2021, and compared our results descriptively with domestic statistics. 200 couples filled in the questionnaire. The age of the female respondents was 22-46 years, and the age of the men was 23-66 years. Results: 45% of women and 79.2% of men are overweight or obese. 24% of women and 54% of men drink alcohol at least once a week. Every fifth woman (19%) and every fourth man (26%) smoke regularly. In addition to this, only 21.5% of the respondents exercise at least 3 times a week. Our survey also covered our patients' experience of stress. 27.8% of the participating women and 12.5% of the men claimed to be depressed, while 41% of the women and 15% of the men were stressed due to the difficulties of having children. Discussion and conclusion: According to our survey, the lifestyle risk factors discussed in detail in the literature are also typical in the lives of our patients, and this is a good indication for health awareness and importance of family planning education. The above factors may be partly due to cardiovascular and diabetes problems of the applicants presenting to our institute. Knowing the results, the high consumption of vegetables and fruits among the patients is surprising, and it is important to highlight that many of them use some form of vitamin preparation practically every day. Overall, it can be claimed that our patients have an unfavorable health picture, which fits the data of domestic statistics.}, keywords = {QUALITY; smoking; OBESITY; OBESITY; IMPACT; fertility; infertility; ALCOHOL-CONSUMPTION; BODY-MASS INDEX; lifestyle; IN-VITRO FERTILIZATION; PSYCHOLOGICAL STRESS; STIMULATING-HORMONE}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1788-6120}, pages = {1423-1432}, orcid-numbers = {Kopa, Zsolt/0000-0001-5670-8647} } @article{MTMT:35218000, title = {The importance of health behavior for infertility-specific quality of life, with particular regard to physical activity}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35218000}, author = {Prémusz, Viktória and Skriba, Eszter and Szmatona, Gábor and Tándor, Zoltán and Kovács, Kálmán András and Várnagy, Ákos}, journal-iso = {BMC PROCEEDINGS}, journal = {BMC PROCEEDINGS}, volume = {18}, unique-id = {35218000}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1753-6561}, orcid-numbers = {Prémusz, Viktória/0000-0002-4059-104X; Skriba, Eszter/0009-0004-9415-8606} } @misc{MTMT:35217985, title = {Egészség-magatartás jelentősége az asszisztált reprodukciós kezelések kapcsán: különös tekintettel a fizikai aktivitásra}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35217985}, author = {Prémusz, Viktória}, unique-id = {35217985}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Prémusz, Viktória/0000-0002-4059-104X} } @article{MTMT:35208615, title = {Activated THP-1 Macrophage-Derived Factors Increase the Cytokine, Fractalkine, and EGF Secretions, the Invasion-Related MMP Production, and Antioxidant Activity of HEC-1A Endometrium Cells}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35208615}, author = {Pandur, Edina and Pap, Ramóna and Sipos, Katalin}, doi = {10.3390/ijms25179624}, journal-iso = {INT J MOL SCI}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES}, volume = {25}, unique-id = {35208615}, issn = {1661-6596}, abstract = {Endometrium receptivity is a multifactor-regulated process involving progesterone receptor-regulated signaling, cytokines and chemokines, and additional growth regulatory factors. In the female reproductive system, macrophages have distinct roles in the regulation of receptivity, embryo implantation, immune tolerance, and angiogenesis or oxidative stress. In the present study, we investigated the effects of PMA-activated THP-1 macrophages on the receptivity-related genes, cytokines and chemokines, growth regulators, and oxidative stress-related molecules of HEC-1A endometrium cells. We established a non-contact co-culture in which the culture medium of the PMA-activated macrophages exhibiting the pro-inflammatory phenotype was used for the treatment of the endometrial cells. In the endometrium cells, the expression of the growth-related factors activin and bone morphogenetic protein 2, the growth hormone EGF, and the activation of the downstream signaling molecules pERK1/2 and pAkt were analyzed by ELISA and Western blot. The secretions of cytokines and chemokines, which are involved in the establishment of endometrial receptivity, and the expression of matrix metalloproteinases implicated in invasion were also determined. Based on the results, the PMA-activated THP-1 macrophages exhibiting a pro-inflammatory phenotype may play a role in the regulation of HEC-1A endometrium cells. They alter the secretion of cytokines and chemokines, as well as the protein level of MMPs of HEC-1A cells. Moreover, activated THP-1 macrophages may elevate oxidative stress protection of HEC-1A endometrium cells. All these suggest that pro-inflammatory macrophages have a special role in the regulation of receptivity-related and implantation-related factors of HEC-1A cells.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1422-0067}, orcid-numbers = {Pandur, Edina/0000-0001-5012-3242; Pap, Ramóna/0000-0002-3340-0102; Sipos, Katalin/0000-0002-6706-2682} } @article{MTMT:35201951, title = {Utilization of maternal health care services among pastoralist communities in Marsabit County, Kenya: a cross-sectional survey}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35201951}, author = {Galgalo, Dahabo and Mokaya, Peter Onchuru and Chauhan, Shalini and KIPTULON, EVANS KASMAI and Wami, Girma Alemu and Várnagy, Ákos and Prémusz, Viktória}, doi = {10.1186/s12978-024-01865-3}, journal-iso = {REPROD HEALTH}, journal = {REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH}, volume = {21}, unique-id = {35201951}, keywords = {Kenya; Antenatal care; Postpartum care; pastoralist women; maternal and child healthcare services}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1742-4755}, orcid-numbers = {Galgalo, Dahabo/0000-0002-9508-7182; Chauhan, Shalini/0000-0002-1484-9991; Wami, Girma Alemu/0000-0002-3977-8974; Prémusz, Viktória/0000-0002-4059-104X} } @article{MTMT:35190871, title = {Analysis of regional differences in female infertility in the period 2012-2022}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35190871}, author = {Pónusz-Kovács, Dalma and Csákvári, Tímea and Kajos, Luca Fanni and Pónusz, Róbert and Bódis, József and Boncz, Imre}, journal-iso = {NÉPEGÉSZSÉGÜGY}, journal = {NÉPEGÉSZSÉGÜGY}, volume = {101}, unique-id = {35190871}, issn = {0369-3805}, year = {2024}, pages = {108}, orcid-numbers = {Csákvári, Tímea/0000-0002-3339-4953; Kajos, Luca Fanni/0000-0002-0574-5787; Boncz, Imre/0000-0003-3699-6236} }