@inproceedings{MTMT:34431571, title = {Nátrium-kén akkumulátor, mint hálózati energiatároló}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34431571}, author = {Sőrés, Milán Attila and Kövesdi, Roland and Hartmann, Bálint}, booktitle = {XIII. Mechwart András Ifjúsági Találkozó: Konferenciakiadvány}, doi = {10.54232/MAIT.2023_10}, unique-id = {34431571}, year = {2023}, pages = {118-127} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34431562, title = {Publikus villamosautó-töltőállomások területi elemzése}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34431562}, author = {Ludmann, Levente and Mátrai, Tamás and Hartmann, Bálint}, booktitle = {XIII. Mechwart András Ifjúsági Találkozó: Konferenciakiadvány}, doi = {10.54232/MAIT.2023_7}, unique-id = {34431562}, year = {2023}, pages = {88-95} } @article{MTMT:33292446, title = {Feszültségszabályozó eszközök szerepe a kisfeszültségű állapotbecslésben}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33292446}, author = {Táczi, István and Vokony, István and Barancsuk, Lilla and Péter, Gábor Mihály and Tőzsér, Balázs and Hartmann, Bálint}, journal-iso = {ELEKTROTECHNIKA}, journal = {ELEKTROTECHNIKA}, volume = {115}, unique-id = {33292446}, issn = {0367-0708}, year = {2022}, pages = {39-42}, orcid-numbers = {Táczi, István/0000-0002-0835-0481} } @article{MTMT:33087497, title = {Spatial Aggregation of Local Flexibility – Horizon2020 project experiences}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33087497}, author = {Vokony, István and Salama, Hossam Salah Hussein and Barancsuk, Lilla and Sőrés, Péter Márk}, doi = {10.24084/repqj20.377}, journal-iso = {RENEWABLE ENERGY & POWER QUALITY J}, journal = {RENEWABLE ENERGY & POWER QUALITY JOURNAL}, volume = {20}, unique-id = {33087497}, abstract = {With the growth of renewables, the increased interconnection of European grids, the development of local energy initiatives, and the specific requirements on TSO–DSO cooperation as set forth in the different Network Codes and Guidelines, TSOs and DSOs face new challenges that will require greater coordination. The aforementioned measures encourage procurement of services at both the transmission and the distribution level, recognizing that this will enable more efficient and effective network management and will increase the level of demand response and the capacity of renewable generation. Digitalization is a key driver for coordination and active system management in the electricity grid, enabling TSOs and DSOs to optimize the use of distributed resources and ensure a costeffective and secure supply of electricity. It also empowers endusers to become active market participants, supporting selfgeneration and providing demand flexibility. To support the transformation, the INTERRFACE project, started in 2019, will design, develop and exploit an Interoperable pan-European Grid Services Architecture (IEGSA) to act as the interface between the power system (TSO and DSO – transmission system operator, distribution system operator) and the customers, and allow the seamless and coordinated operation of all stakeholders to use and procure common services. This paper describes the approach of one INTERRFACE demonstration, the spatial aggregation of local flexibility and its realization that contributes providing a clear market approach to include local constraints into the already well-established and working wholesale energy market solutions}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2172-038X}, pages = {596-601} } @article{MTMT:33086097, title = {A napelemek termelésének előrejelzése. A múlt és a jelen tükrében}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33086097}, author = {Sinkovics, Bálint}, journal-iso = {ÉLET ÉS TUDOMÁNY}, journal = {ÉLET ÉS TUDOMÁNY}, volume = {77}, unique-id = {33086097}, issn = {0013-6077}, year = {2022}, pages = {802-831} } @inproceedings{MTMT:33045545, title = {Condition Management of Low-Voltage Distribution Cables}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33045545}, author = {Cselkó, Richárd and Balogh, Daniel and Kálecz, György and Németh, Bálint and Hartmann, Bálint}, booktitle = {2022 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC)}, doi = {10.1109/EIC51169.2022.9833192}, unique-id = {33045545}, abstract = {Distribution grid operators face various challenges today. In general, many of the assets in the current grid are approaching the end of their design lifetime and it is feared that they will soon be unable to perform their tasks safely and reliably. Furthermore, there are major risks associated with the increasing penetration of electric vehicles and residential solar generation. This phenomenon is changing the load patterns seen so far, presumably causing the accelerated aging of cables. At the same time, as the cables are subjected to different mechanical, thermal and electrical stresses during their operation, the condition of each device may differ. Low-voltage cables are in most cases weakly documented and have been operated in the run-to-failure strategy due to the lack of interest and sufficient diagnostic methods. Though in the future, the available methods may be broader, in the current situation, the condition management needs to be solved based on scattered and inaccurate information. This paper describes the development of a condition management strategy to support maintaining a more reliable low-voltage power grid and to identify the most important degrading factors that require investigation.}, year = {2022}, pages = {128-131}, orcid-numbers = {Cselkó, Richárd/0000-0003-3145-1667; Kálecz, György/0000-0002-0921-6946} } @inproceedings{MTMT:32868895, title = {Szintetikus terhelési profil kidolgozásának módszertana}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32868895}, author = {Mátrai, Tamás and Kertész, Dávid and Sinkovics, Bálint and Hartmann, Bálint}, booktitle = {XX European Transport Congress / XII International Conference on Transport Sciences, Győr}, unique-id = {32868895}, year = {2022}, pages = {692-699} } @article{MTMT:32784012, title = {Benchmarking Various Pseudo-Measurement Data Generation Techniques in a Low-Voltage State Estimation Pilot Environment}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32784012}, author = {Békési, Gergő Bendegúz and Barancsuk, Lilla and Táczi, István and Hartmann, Bálint}, doi = {10.3390/app12063187}, journal-iso = {APPL SCI-BASEL}, journal = {APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL}, volume = {12}, unique-id = {32784012}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2076-3417}, orcid-numbers = {Táczi, István/0000-0002-0835-0481} } @inproceedings{MTMT:32556087, title = {Pszeudo adatok hatásának vizsgálata az állapotbecslés pontosságára}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32556087}, author = {Danka, Csongor and Sinkovics, Bálint and Hartmann, Bálint}, booktitle = {XI. Mechwart András Ifjúsági Találkozó (MAIT)}, unique-id = {32556087}, abstract = {Manapság megfigyelhető egy olyan jelenség, hogy a megújulók térnyerésével a közép-és kisfeszültségen is termelők jelennek meg, ennek a decentralizációnak a következtében az elosztó hálózaton előfordulható üzemállapotok száma is növekszik. A sugaras topológiájú elosztó hálózaton a volatilis termelés miatt a villamos jellemzők értékei nagyobb tartományban vesznek fel értéket a korábbiakhoz képest, illetve szélsőséges esetekben a teljesítmény áramlás is megfordulhat. Az átalakuló termelői szerkezet hatására jelentkező elosztóhálózati változások egy aktív, valós idejű hálózati üzemállapotokra közvetlenül reagálni képes üzemvitel szükségességét vetíti előre. Ehhez jó az állapotbecslés, mert segít hiteles képet kapni a hálózati viszonyokról akár limitált számú mérési adat ismeretében is. Ez azért fontos, mert a kisfeszültségű hálózaton a mérési infrastruktúra nem teszi lehetővé, hogy minden pontban valós idejű mérést végezzünk, ezért a pontos állapotbecslés eléréséhez elengedhetetlen a pontos pszeudo adatok generálása. A kutatásom célja, hogy feltárjam az összefüggéseket a pszeudo adatok minősége, illetve az állapotbecslés pontossága között. Munkám során egy szlovén kis településen, Besnicán belül vizsgáltam egy tíz háztartásból álló leágazást, ahol tényleges mérési adatok álltak rendelkezésre. Vizsgálat alá vettem, hogy egy fogyasztói adattorzítással történő pszeudo adat generálás milyen hatással van az állapotbecslő pontosságára, a lecserélt adatsorok helyétől és annak minőségétől függően.}, year = {2021}, pages = {10-17} } @article{MTMT:32506009, title = {The Challenges of Low Voltage Distribution System State Estimation—An Application Oriented Review}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32506009}, author = {Táczi, István and Sinkovics, Bálint and Vokony, István and Hartmann, Bálint}, doi = {10.3390/en14175363}, journal-iso = {ENERGIES}, journal = {ENERGIES}, volume = {14}, unique-id = {32506009}, issn = {1996-1073}, abstract = {Global trends such as the growing share of renewable energy sources in the generation mix, electrification, e-mobility, and the increasing number of prosumers reshape the electricity value chain, and distribution systems are necessarily affected. These systems were planned, developed, and operated as a passive structure for decades with low level of observability. Due to the increasing number of system states, real time operation planning and flexibility services are the key in transition to an active grid management. In this pathway, distribution system state estimation (DSSE) has a great potential, but the real demonstration of this technique is in an early stage, especially on low-voltage level. This paper focuses on the gap between theory and practice and summarizes the limits of low-voltage DSSE implementation. The literature and the main findings follow the general structure of a state estimation process (meter placement, bad data detection, observability, etc.) giving a more essential and traceable overview structure. Moreover, the paper provides a comprehensive mapping of the possible use-cases state estimation and evaluates 27 different experimental sites to conclude on the practical applicability aspects.}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1996-1073}, orcid-numbers = {Táczi, István/0000-0002-0835-0481} }