@article{MTMT:34765944, title = {Kiss Anita Kárpátaljai magyar egyetemi és főiskolai hallgatók nyelvhasználathoz és nyelvi változatossághoz kapcsolódó attitűdjei.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34765944}, author = {Dudics, Katalin and Bárányné Komári, Erzsébet}, journal-iso = {FÓRUM TÁRSADTUD SZEMLE}, journal = {FÓRUM TÁRSADALOMTUDOMÁNYI SZEMLE: A SZLOVÁKIAI MAGYAR TUDOMÁNYOS MŰHELYEK FOLYÓIRATA}, volume = {XXVI.}, unique-id = {34765944}, issn = {1335-4361}, year = {2024}, pages = {167-169} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34758508, title = {Nyelvészet és gazdaságtudomány találkozása a Termini online szótár kárpátaljai kölcsönszóanyagának alapján}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34758508}, isbn = {9786178276911}, author = {Váradi, Krisztián}, booktitle = {Digitális gazdaság és fenntartható fejlődés}, unique-id = {34758508}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Váradi, Krisztián/0000-0001-7554-4158} } @article{MTMT:34729085, title = {Using Web 2.0 tools in teaching English as a foreign language}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34729085}, author = {Váradi, Krisztián}, doi = {10.32782/2663-6085/2023/67.1.55}, journal = {Інноваційна педагогіка}, volume = {67}, unique-id = {34729085}, issn = {2663-6085}, abstract = {In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in integrating technology into the process of foreign language teaching. The rapid development of the new wave of Information Technology (IT) and the Internet made these technologies really useful in the lives of people. Portable devices, such as smartphones and laptops, changed the field of language teaching. English is being considered as one of the most important foreign languages to speak, so it is understandable that the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL) has undergone various improvements in the last decade. The importance of using technology in education is best shown through Web 2.0 technologies. The most useful Web 2.0 technologies include wikis, blogs, social networking sites, video sharing websites, online dictionaries, and nearly everything which is connected to the Internet and has an online nature. These technologies have many advantages that can help people to learn a new language. However, a major problem with these advantages is that they are not being recognised by many teachers. It is a well-known fact that a good teacher continuously develops his or her teaching strategies and adapts to the new methods to provide his or her pupils as much information as possible. Therefore, it would be one of the most important things to integrate Web technologies and electronical devices into the classroom, so pupils can learn in an interesting and self-centred environment. Teachers have to adapt to today’s technology-driven world and they cannot be afraid of changes. The Internet has some drawbacks, but it has much more advantages and is able to revolutionise foreign language learning. The aim of this study is to evaluate and validate the importance of Web technologies and the Internet in both teaching and learning English as a foreign language. Based on the findings, teachers need to adapt to the latest methods of foreign language teaching in order to enable their learners to perform better in the English lessons. Nearly all pupils use the Internet to communicate in English with foreign friends or to learn the language either consciously or unconsciously.}, year = {2024}, pages = {255-260}, orcid-numbers = {Váradi, Krisztián/0000-0001-7554-4158} } @article{MTMT:34648231, title = {Karmacsi Zoltán – Márku Anita – Máté Réka (szerk.): A határ mint konvergáló és divergáló tényező a nyelvben Tanulmányok a 21. Élőnyelvi Konferenciáról}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34648231}, author = {Dudics, Katalin}, journal-iso = {ALKALMAZOTT NYELVTUDOMÁNY}, journal = {ALKALMAZOTT NYELVTUDOMÁNY}, volume = {23}, unique-id = {34648231}, issn = {1587-1061}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2498-4442}, pages = {215-218} } @inbook{MTMT:34481431, title = {A Termini online magyar-magyar szótár célszerűsége a magyar mint idegen nyelv oktatásának folyamatában (Kárpátalján)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34481431}, author = {Karmacsi, Zoltán and Márku, Anita and Csurman-Puskás, Anikó}, booktitle = {Az anyanyelv megőrzésének lehetőségei a magyar nyelvterület peremén}, unique-id = {34481431}, year = {2023}, pages = {121-135} } @article{MTMT:34440635, title = {Az interkulturalitás szerepe a nyelvtanításban}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34440635}, author = {Váradi, Krisztián}, doi = {10.58423/2786-6726/2023-2-231-237}, journal-iso = {ACTA ACAD BEREGSAS PHILOL}, journal = {ACTA ACADEMIAE BEREGSASIENSIS. PHILOLOGICA}, volume = {II}, unique-id = {34440635}, issn = {2786-6718}, abstract = {Holló Dorottya: Kultúra és interkulturalitás a nyelvórán. Budapest: Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, L’Harmattan Kiadó, 2019, 140 p.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2786-6726}, pages = {231-237}, orcid-numbers = {Váradi, Krisztián/0000-0001-7554-4158} } @article{MTMT:34440611, title = {Екзистенційна сутність роману Мирослава Дочинця «Бранець Чорного лісу»}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34440611}, author = {Chonka, Tetiana and Beregszászi, Anikó}, doi = {10.58423/2786-6726/2023-2-151-165}, journal-iso = {ACTA ACAD BEREGSAS PHILOL}, journal = {ACTA ACADEMIAE BEREGSASIENSIS. PHILOLOGICA}, volume = {II}, unique-id = {34440611}, issn = {2786-6718}, abstract = {The existential essence of Myroslav Dochynets’s novel “The Prisoner of the Black Forest” The article focuses on the existential essence of the novel “The Prisoner of the Back Forest” (a version of the novel “Vechnik” for young people) by the contemporary Transcarpathian writer, laureate of the Taras Shevchenko National Award, Myroslav Dochynets. The genre, plot, composition, linguistic and stylistic features of the text have been analysed. It is determined that the genre is a synthesis of an adventure novel, a novel of education, and a parable novel: the adventure line is the external, eventual plot line – the birth of the hero in the Silver Land, in Transcarpathia, his participation in the struggle of the region for its independence; survival in the wilds of the Carpathians, travelling in Romania, exile in Siberia, Kolyma, a trip to Greece, the island of Crete, Mount Athos, taiga crafts in Vladivostok, planting gardens in Colchis, and, finally, returning to his native land; the internal, ideological dominant line is revealed both at the level of metaphorical language and in certain philosophical passages in italics. The narrative is told in the form of a life story-confession, and the protagonist himself is a spokesperson for existential truths. The article provides an interpretation of the moral and ethical issue which is the key concept in the novel; focuses on the main existential issues covered in the novel – the fate of a person in an absurd, indifferent, often hostile world; his/her choice in crisis situations, which are often caused by political events; stoicism, responsibility and “self-sufficiency”; humanity and altruism; kindred labour and unity with nature; the need for constant self-improvement, which is possible through study and work. The study has established the closeness of the author’s worldview to the philosophy of existentialism, stoicism and transcendentalism. The key ideas of the novel are the establishment of a life-affirming philosophy of human existence, that should be based on Christian and universal values. Another fundamental truth of Myroslav Dochynets’s work is the sense of integrity with his land, his motherland and its traditions. The use of Transcarpathian dialectisms, exoticisms, ethnographic sketches and historical facts is not just a tribute to fashion in literature, but an internal necessity, an opportunity to truthfully build his artistic world, rooting it in the land where he was born and raising it to higher levels of awareness of himself and the world in the continuous movement of history. The purpose of the artist is to share God’s revelation, which his heart has known; to glorify his native land, which gave him a soul; and to lead the reader to the light, showing him the main ways of spiritual and intellectual growth. Keywords: adventure novel, parable novel, novel of upbringing, existentialism, transcendentalism, metaphor, images-symbols, images-archetypes.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2786-6726}, pages = {151-165}, orcid-numbers = {Chonka, Tetiana/0000-0002-5567-813X; Beregszászi, Anikó/0000-0001-6860-7579} } @article{MTMT:34440608, title = {До питання мовної політики та мовного планування на Закарпатті в період першої Чехословацької Республіки [Issues of language policy and language planning in Transcarpathia during the first Czechoslovak Republic]}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34440608}, author = {Fedinec, Csilla and Csernicskó, István}, doi = {10.58423/2786-6726/2023-2-92-119}, journal-iso = {ACTA ACAD BEREGSAS PHILOL}, journal = {ACTA ACADEMIAE BEREGSASIENSIS. PHILOLOGICA}, volume = {II}, unique-id = {34440608}, issn = {2786-6718}, abstract = {Issues of language policy and language planning in Transcarpathia during the first Czechoslovak Republic The concepts of state language, official language, and minority language do not have a generally accepted definition in international law. In Central and Eastern Europe, the state language is usually the language of the majority of the population of a particular country, in which it also serves as the official language. In interwar Czechoslovakia, the 1920 Language Law allowed the use of the language of the Slavic population, which constituted the absolute majority in the territory of Transcarpathia, as the official language in administration, office work, culture and education, granting the region's Slavs a greater degree of political, cultural and linguistic autonomy than they had ever enjoyed. But this linguistic freedom also brought practical problems to the surface. First of all, during this period there were three standard versions of the language adopted as the official language of the region. This article analyses the attitudes of the state and local intellectuals towards these language variants. Keywords: language policy, language planning, official language, language variants, Transcarpathia, the period between the two world wars}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2786-6726}, pages = {92-119}, orcid-numbers = {Fedinec, Csilla/0000-0002-9156-9002; Csernicskó, István/0000-0003-4512-988X} } @inbook{MTMT:34399510, title = {Nyelvi (emberi) jogok és jogsértések a Szovjetunióhoz tartozó Kárpátalján (1944-1991)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34399510}, author = {Csernicskó, István}, booktitle = {Az anyanyelv megőrzésének lehetőségei a magyar nyelvterület peremén}, unique-id = {34399510}, year = {2023}, pages = {52-62}, orcid-numbers = {Csernicskó, István/0000-0003-4512-988X} } @book{MTMT:34398718, title = {Ukrán irodalmi antológia 3. A XX. század. Vers- és szöveggyűjtemény}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34398718}, isbn = {9786178143053}, editor = {Bárányné Komári, Erzsébet and Bárány, Béla and Gazdag, Vilmos}, publisher = {II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola}, unique-id = {34398718}, year = {2023} }