TY - JOUR AU - Szmolka, Annamária AU - Sréterné Lancz, Zsuzsanna AU - Rapcsák, Fanni AU - Egyed, László TI - Emergence and Comparative Genome Analysis of Salmonella Ohio Strains from Brown Rats, Poultry, and Swine in Hungary JF - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES J2 - INT J MOL SCI VL - 25 PY - 2024 IS - 16 SN - 1661-6596 DO - 10.3390/ijms25168820 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35170980 ID - 35170980 AB - Rats are particularly important from an epidemiological point of view, because they are regarded as reservoirs for diverse zoonotic pathogens including enteric bacteria. This study is the first to report the emergence of Salmonella serovar Ohio in brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) and food-producing animals in Hungary. We first reveal the genomic diversity of the strains and their phylogenomic relationships in the context of the international collection of S. Ohio genomes. This pathogen was detected in 4.3% (4/92) of rats, captured from multiple sites in Hungary. A whole-genome-based genotype comparison of S. Ohio, Infantis, Enteritidis, and Typhimurium strains showed that 76.4% (117/153) of the virulence and antimicrobial resistance genes were conserved among these serovars, and none of the genes were specific to S. Ohio. All S. Ohio strains lacked virulence and resistance plasmids. The cgMLST phylogenomic comparison highlighted a close genetic relationship between rat and poultry strains of S. Ohio from Hungary. These strains clustered together with the international S. Ohio genomes from aquatic environments. Overall, this study contributes to our understanding of the epidemiology of Salmonella spp. in brown rats and highlights the importance of monitoring to minimize the public health risk of rodent populations. However, further research is needed to understand the route of infection and evolution of this serovar. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Ripka, Géza TI - A new Paraepitrimerus species (Acari: Acariformes: Eriophyoidea) from Hungary on an endemic plant, Minuartia frutescens (Caryophyllaceae) JF - ACTA PHYTOPATHOLOGICA ET ENTOMOLOGICA HUNGARICA J2 - ACTA PHYTOPATHOL ENTOMOL HUNG PY - 2024 SP - 1 EP - 8 PG - 8 SN - 0238-1249 DO - 10.1556/038.2024.00211 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35143629 ID - 35143629 AB - A new vagrant species of phyllocoptine mites, Paraepitrimerus abaujensis n. sp. associated with Minuartia frutescens (Caryophyllaceae) is described and illustrated from Hungary. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Tóthné Csáki, Katalin TI - A Degen-gyűjtemény. A Magyar Királyi Vetőmagvizsgáló Állomás máig működő szakkönyvtára TS - A Magyar Királyi Vetőmagvizsgáló Állomás máig működő szakkönyvtára JF - BOTANIKAI KÖZLEMÉNYEK J2 - BOTANIKAI KÖZL VL - 111 PY - 2024 IS - 1 SP - 96 EP - 97 PG - 2 SN - 0006-8144 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35081730 ID - 35081730 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Ripka, Géza AU - Király, Gergely AU - Szabó, Árpád TI - Új adatok a szederfajokon (Rubus L.) élő atkák (Acari: Parasitiformes, Acariformes) előfordulásához JF - NÖVÉNYVÉDELEM J2 - NÖVÉNYVÉDELEM VL - 85 (N.S. 60) PY - 2024 IS - 6 SP - 241 EP - 245 PG - 5 SN - 0133-0829 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35057527 ID - 35057527 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Mocskonyi, Mátyás AU - Gulyás, László AU - Szakács, Máté AU - Malik, Péter TI - A kecskék arthritis-encephalitise (CAE) mentesítés tapasztalatai egy alpesikecske-állományban JF - MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA J2 - MAGY ALLATORVOSOK VL - 146 PY - 2024 IS - 5 SP - 259 EP - 271 PG - 13 SN - 0025-004X DO - 10.56385/magyallorv.2024.05.259-271 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34852451 ID - 34852451 AB - A szerzők szelektáláson alapuló, 2020 és 2023 között egy 150 anyás tahitótfalui alpesikecske-tenyészetben zajló mentesítési program tapasztalatait írták le. A kecskék arthritis-encephalitisét okozó vírus jelenlétére egy rutin vizsgálat során derült fény, azonban a szeropozitív állatok nagy száma és a megjelenő klinikai tünetek miatt a mentesítés indokolttá vált. Ennek segítségével a betegséget 2021 végére sikerült visszaszorítani, de egy hosszabb imunszupresszív időszak miatt a teljes mentességet nem sikerült elérni. A tapasztalatok alapján a kórkép elleni mentesítési programok állategészségügyi, gazdasági és tenyésztési szempontból is hasznosak lehetnek a hazai kecsketenyésztők számára. LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Szeredi, Levente AU - Thuma, Akos AU - Gyuris, Eva AU - Ursu, Krisztina AU - Balint, Adam AU - Solymosi, Norbert TI - Comparative examination of a rapid immunocytochemical test for the detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in domestic birds in field outbreaks JF - AVIAN PATHOLOGY J2 - AVIAN PATHOL PY - 2024 PG - 6 SN - 0307-9457 DO - 10.1080/03079457.2024.2320699 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34743581 ID - 34743581 N1 - Funding Agency and Grant Number: National Food Chain Safety Office, Budapest Funding text: The authors acknowledge the laboratory staff of the Veterinary Diagnostic Directorate, National Food Chain Safety Office, Budapest. AB - The quantitative real-time reverse polymerase chain reaction (RRT-PCR) is the preferred test method for the diagnosis of avian influenza (AI), but can be performed only in specialized laboratories. Different antigen detection methods for the diagnosis of AI were previously reported to be specific and sensitive in field outbreaks. These tests can be performed in basic countryside labs. Brain smears of domestic birds (n = 105) collected during AI field outbreaks were examined with immunocytochemistry (IC). The results were statistically analysed by comparing IC to brain histology (BH), and immunohistochemistry (IHC), to gross pathological examination (GP) (n = 105), and RRT-PCR (n = 91). AI was diagnosed with RRT-PCR in 66 cases. IC and IHC were positive in 59/66 (90%) and 60/66 (91%) cases, respectively. Lesions suspicious for AI were detected with GP and HP in 66/66 (100%) and 61/66 (92%) cases, respectively. An almost perfect agreement was found between RRT-PCR, IC, IHC, and HP. Substantial agreement was found between IC and GP, between IHC and GP, between HP and GP, and between RRT-PCR and GP. The chromogen-based IC test presented in this study produces durable staining, which can be evaluated using a simple brightfield microscope. The test is rapid (can be completed in 2 h), sensitive (90%), specific (100%), and cost-effective, which makes the method suitable for routine diagnostic tests in AI epidemics.RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTSAvian influenza virus (AIV) antigen detection was examined in field outbreaks.Bird brain smears were tested using immunocytochemistry (IC).IC results strongly correlated with real-time RT-PCR results.The IC method was rapid, specific, sensitive, and cost-effective in AIV field outbreaks. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Kasza, Gyula AU - Oláh, Judit AU - Popp, József AU - Lakner, Zoltán AU - Fekete, László AU - Pósa, Enikő AU - Widya Satya, Nugraha AU - Szakos, Dávid TI - Food miles on the shelves: the share of local food products in the Hungarian retail sector JF - AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD ECONOMICS J2 - AGRICULT FOOD ECON VL - 12 PY - 2024 IS - 1 EP - 24 PG - 24 SN - 2193-7532 DO - 10.1186/s40100-024-00297-8 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34522225 ID - 34522225 AB - Share of national food products in retail is a frequent subject of policy debates. Local food is often associated with national security, sustainability, and support of local economy, contributing to value-added production, employment, rural development, and preservation of local food culture. Despite its importance, relevant academic literature about the proportion of national food in retail is basically non-existent. This paper presents a unique study that fills this gap and gives an account of the proportion of the main national food products in the Hungarian retail sector. The study presents a comprehensive picture of the food supply situation of the 10 largest retail chains in Hungary in the second half of 2020 for 16 key product categories (representing 67% of total food sales in value in the country), based on the experience of research that covered the physical examination of nearly 40 thousand individual food products. The study found that 70.85% of the analysed food products were supplied by domestic companies. Proportion of national products was higher for fresh food (meat, milk, perishable meat and milk products, eggs, fruits, and vegetables) and honey, while imports were dominant in higher value-added categories. Domestic chains had 15.37% points more local products in stock than international ones. The exact results can be used for benchmarking between companies and sectors, indicating comparative advantages and disadvantages, and provide solid basis for economic development plans. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Kaszab, Eszter AU - Bali, Krisztina AU - Marton, Szilvia AU - Ursu, Krisztina AU - Farkas, Szilvia AU - Fehér, Enikő AU - Domán, Marianna AU - Martella, V AU - Bányai, Krisztián TI - Metagenomic Identification of Novel Eukaryotic Viruses with Small DNA Genomes in Pheasants JF - ANIMALS J2 - ANIMALS-BASEL VL - 14 PY - 2024 IS - 2 SN - 2076-2615 DO - 10.3390/ani14020237 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34498284 ID - 34498284 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Bálint, Ádám AU - Jakab, Szilvia AU - Kaszab, Eszter AU - Marton, Szilvia AU - Bányai, Krisztián AU - Kecskeméti, Sándor AU - Szabó, István TI - Spatiotemporal Distribution of PRRSV-1 Clades in Hungary with a Focus on the Era of Disease Eradication JF - ANIMALS J2 - ANIMALS-BASEL VL - 14 PY - 2024 IS - 1 PG - 13 SN - 2076-2615 DO - 10.3390/ani14010175 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34486641 ID - 34486641 AB - Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is the cause of the most severe economic losses in the pig industry worldwide. PRRSV is extremely diverse in Europe, which poses a significant challenge to disease control within a country or any region. With the combination of phylogenetic reconstruction and network analysis, we aimed to uncover the major routes of the dispersal of PRRSV clades within Hungary. In brief, by analyzing >2600 ORF5 sequences, we identified at least 12 clades (including 6 clades within lineage 1 and 3 clades within lineage 3) common in parts of Western Europe (including Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands) and identified 2 novel clades (designated X1 and X2). Of interest, some genetic clades unique to other central European countries, such as the Czech Republic and Poland, were not identified. The pattern of PRRSV clade distribution is consistent with the route of the pig trade among countries, showing that most of the identified clades were introduced from Western Europe when fatteners were transported to Hungary. As a result of rigorous implementation of the national eradication program, the swine population was declared officially free from PRRSV. This map of viral diversity and clade distribution will serve as valuable baseline information for the maintenance of PRRSV-free status in the post-eradication era. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Koncz, László Sándor AU - Maitz, Miklós AU - Reichhardt, Borbála AU - Ladányi, Márta AU - Palkovics, László AU - Kovács, Gergő AU - Ágoston, János AU - Nagy, Géza AU - Horváthné Petróczy, Marietta TI - Evaluation the Significance of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma Prunorum' Pathogen for Apricot Cultivars JF - UNIVERSAL JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCE J2 - UNIVERSAL JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCE VL - 11 PY - 2024 IS - 1 SP - 1 EP - 10 PG - 10 SN - 2332-337X DO - 10.13189/ujps.2024.110101 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34483913 ID - 34483913 LA - English DB - MTMT ER -