7th Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting, poster presentation,
Publication:33627140 Published Core Miscellaneous (Not classified ) Scientific
Not classified (Miscellaneous) | Scientific[33627140] [Approved]
Jaksics, Edina ; Horváth, Réka ; Drozdik, Álmos Attila ; Csányi, Brigitta Viktória ; Farkas, Alexandra ; Dr. Németh, Renáta ; Dr. Tömösközi, Sándor
Magyar Táplálkozástudományi Társaság XLV. Vándorgyűlése, szóbeli előadás,
Publication:33627085 Published Core Miscellaneous (Not classified ) Scientific
Not classified (Miscellaneous) | Scientific[33627085] [Approved]
Jenes, B ; Csuvár, Á ; Fenes, E ; Oszvald, M ; Tömösközi, S ; Tamás, C ; Tamás, L
In: Veisz, Ottó; Polgár, Zsolt (eds.) XXII. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Nap: összefoglalók
Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2016) 127 p. pp. 110-110. , 1 p.
Publication:2043814 Published Core Chapter in Book (Abstract ) Scientific
Abstract (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[2043814] [Approved]
In: Veisz, Ottó; Polgár, Zsolt (eds.) XXII. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Nap: összefoglalók
Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2016) 127 p. p. 58
Publication:2043475 Published Core Chapter in Book (Abstract ) Scientific
Abstract (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[2043475] [Approved]
Lásztity, R (eds.)
Oxford, United Kingdom / England : EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd (2009) , 320 p.
Publication:2684884 Published Core Book (Monograph ) Scientific
Monograph (Book) | Scientific[2684884] [Approved]
Oxford, United Kingdom / England : EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd (2009) , 398 p.
Publication:2350443 Published Core Book (Monograph ) Scientific
Monograph (Book) | Scientific[2350443] [Approved]
A, Smeets ; T, Gelencsér ; A, Salgó ; M, Westerterp-Plantega
APPETITE 51 : 2 p. 400 (2008)
Publication:2676578 Validated Core Journal Article (Abstract ) Scientific
Abstract (Journal Article) | Scientific[2676578] [Validated]
S, Tömösközi ; M, Nádosi ; K, Ercsey ; R, Haraszi ; F, Békés ; András, Salgó
In: George, L. Lookhart; Perry, K.W. Ng. (eds.) Gluten proteins 2006
St Paul (MN), United States of America : American Association of Cereal Chemists (2007) pp. 243-248. , 6 p.
Publication:2611833 Admin approved Core Chapter in Book (Conference paper ) Scientific
Citing papers: 1 | Independent citation: 0 | Self citation: 1 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 1 | Number of citations in Scopus: 1 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 1 | Number of citations with DOI: 1
Conference paper (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[2611833] [Admin approved]
All citations+mentions: 1, External citations: 0, Self citations: 1, Unhandled citations: 0
Neven, Milosevits P.,ed.,
Publication:2684904 Published Core Miscellaneous (Not classified )
Not classified (Miscellaneous) | Scientific[2684904] [Approved]
Lásztity, R ; Dujmov, D
SRPSKE NARODNE NOVINE (BUDAPEST) 2006 : dec. Paper: B11 (2006)
Publication:2684877 Published Core Journal Article (Article )
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[2684877] [Approved]
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