Sós, Csaba ; Bolgár, Dániel (Interviewed person)
SZOMBAT & Paper: https://www.szombat.org/tortenelem/a-zsido-siker-nyitja (2024)
Publication:35181616 Published Core Journal Article (Paper in newspaper or weekly ) Popular science
Paper in newspaper or weekly (Journal Article) | Popular science[35181616] [Approved]
Kránicz, Bence ; Bolgár, Dániel (Interviewed person)
24.hu Paper: https://24.hu/kultura/2024/07/22/bolgar-daniel-interju-miert-eppen-a-zsidok-zsido-siker-kudarc-konyv/# (2024)
Publication:35141731 Published Core Journal Article (Paper in newspaper or weekly ) Popular science
Paper in newspaper or weekly (Journal Article) | Popular science[35141731] [Approved]
In: Lukács, Anikó; Simon, Katalin; V., László Zsófia (eds.) A város anatómusa : Tanulmányok Sipos András tiszteletére
Bp, Hungary : Budapest City Archives (2024) 446 p. pp. 157-186. , 30 p.
Publication:35138588 Published Core Chapter in Book (Study ) Scientific
Study (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[35138588] [Approved]
Bp, Hungary : Gondolat Publishers (2024) pp. 26-43. , 18 p.
Publication:35138423 Published Core Chapter in Book (Study ) Scientific
Study (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[35138423] [Approved]
Bolgár, Dániel (Interviewed person) ; Csunderlik, Péter
NÉPSZAVA 152 : 156 pp. 2-3. Paper: https://nepszava.hu/3241627_a-kepzelet-eluralta-a-valosagot-bolgar-daniel-tortenesz-a-zsido-sikerek-es-kudarcok-okairol , 2 p. (2024)
Publication:35087997 Published Core Journal Article (Paper in newspaper or weekly ) Popular science
Paper in newspaper or weekly (Journal Article) | Popular science[35087997] [Approved]
Bolgár, Dániel (Interviewed person) ; Paszternák, András ; Paszternák, Tamás
HITKÖZSÉGI HÍRADÓ 22 : 6-7 pp. 8-9. , 2 p. (2024)
Publication:35087981 Published Core Journal Article (Paper in newspaper or weekly ) Popular science
Paper in newspaper or weekly (Journal Article) | Popular science[35087981] [Approved]
In: Szende, Katalin; Szívós, Erika; Weisz, Boglárka Cities and Economy in Europe
London, United Kingdom / England : Routledge Publishing (2024) pp. 1-21. , 21 p.
Publication:35083210 Published Core Citing Chapter in Book (Study ) Scientific
Study (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[35083210] [Approved]
In: Csepeli, György; Grajczjár, István (eds.) TÖRETLENÜL : Örkény Antal 70 éves
Bp, Hungary : ELTE TÁTK (2024) 282 p. pp. 161-185. , 24 p.
Publication:35069712 Admin approved Core Citing Chapter in Book (Study ) Scientific
Study (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[35069712] [Admin approved]
URBAN HISTORY REVIEW / REVUE D HISTOIRE URBAINE 52 : 1 pp. 145-175. , 31 p. (2024)
Publication:34993277 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[34993277] [Validated]
Bp, Hungary : KKETTK Közalapítvány (2024) p. &
Publication:34830095 Published Core Chapter in Book (Chapter ) Scientific
Citing papers: 1 | Independent citation: 1 | Self citation: 0 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations with DOI: 1
Citation count: 6 | Independent citation: 6 | Self citation: 0 | Unknown citation: 0
Chapter (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[34830095] [Approved]
All citations+mentions: 1, External citations: 1, Self citations: 0, Unhandled citations: 0
Citation count: 6, External citations: 6, Self citations: 0, Unhandled citations: 0
2024-09-19 04:10