G, Kecskeméti ; T, Smausz ; Zs, Berta ; B, Hopp ; G, Szabó ; S, Orlando ; S, Amoruso
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Publication:2811640 Admin approved Core Conference paper (Abstract ) Scientific
Abstract (Conference paper) | Scientific[2811640] [Admin approved]
Publication:2417775 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 4 | Independent citation: 1 | Self citation: 3 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 1 | Number of citations in Scopus: 1 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 1 | Number of citations with DOI: 4
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[2417775] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 4, External citations: 1, Self citations: 3, Unhandled citations: 0
V, Hanyecz ; Á., Mohácsi ; N., Utry ; S., Puskás ; Á., Vágó ; G., Szabó
Szeged, Hungary : JATE Press Szegedi Egyetemi Kiadó (2012) 495 p. pp. 120-124. , 5 p.
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Conference paper (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[1988956] [Validated]
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In: American Physical Society Division of Laser Science - American Physical Society Division of Laser Science (eds.) Proceedings of the OSA's 95th Annual Meeting, Frontiers in Optics (FiO) 2011 Conference
San Jose (CA), United States of America : Optica (2011) Paper: LWC2
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Conference paper (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[2546475] [Validated]
New York City, United States of America : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2011) Paper: 5943039 , 1 p.
Publication:2368715 Validated Core Chapter in Book (Abstract ) Scientific
Citing papers: 2 | Independent citation: 2 | Self citation: 0 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 2 | Number of citations in Scopus: 2 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 2 | Number of citations with DOI: 2
Abstract (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[2368715] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 2, External citations: 2, Self citations: 0, Unhandled citations: 0
Ajtai, T ; Filep, Á ✉ ; Utry, N ; Schnaiter, Martin ; Linke, Claudia ; Bozóki, Z ; Szabó, G ; Leisner, Thomas
JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE 42 : 12 pp. 859-866. , 8 p. (2011)
Publication:2104932 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 33 | Independent citation: 22 | Self citation: 11 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 32 | Number of citations in Scopus: 33 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 33 | Number of citations with DOI: 32
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[2104932] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 33, External citations: 22, Self citations: 11, Unhandled citations: 0
MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 131 : 1-2 pp. 370-374. , 5 p. (2011)
Publication:1806216 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 9 | Independent citation: 2 | Self citation: 7 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 8 | Number of citations in Scopus: 9 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 9 | Number of citations with DOI: 9
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[1806216] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 9, External citations: 2, Self citations: 7, Unhandled citations: 0
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 84 : 2 Paper: 023806 , 9 p. (2011)
Publication:1803805 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 73 | Independent citation: 54 | Self citation: 19 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 59 | Number of citations in Scopus: 66 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 67 | Number of citations with DOI: 68 (Not published: 9)
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[1803805] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 73, External citations: 54, Self citations: 19, Unhandled citations: 0
THIN SOLID FILMS 519 : 9 pp. 2989-2993. , 5 p. (2011)
Publication:1787208 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 3 | Independent citation: 2 | Self citation: 1 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 3 | Number of citations in Scopus: 3 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 3 | Number of citations with DOI: 3
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[1787208] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 3, External citations: 2, Self citations: 1, Unhandled citations: 0
Veronika, Hanyecz ✉ ; Árpád, Mohácsi ; Sándor, Puskás ; Árpád, Vágó ; Gábor, Szabó
MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 22 : 12 Paper: 125602 , 7 p. (2011)
Publication:1772110 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 9 | Independent citation: 8 | Self citation: 1 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 8 | Number of citations in Scopus: 9 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 9 | Number of citations with DOI: 8
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[1772110] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 9, External citations: 8, Self citations: 1, Unhandled citations: 0
2024-04-19 19:50