@article{MTMT:34046363, title = {William Shakespeare: II. Richárd}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34046363}, author = {Mikó, Zoltán}, journal-iso = {ekultura.hu}, journal = {ekultura.hu}, volume = {2023/06}, unique-id = {34046363}, year = {2023} } @article{MTMT:34046360, title = {Georges Simenon: Maigret és az éjjeli utas}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34046360}, author = {Mikó, Zoltán}, journal-iso = {ekultura.hu}, journal = {ekultura.hu}, volume = {2023/06}, unique-id = {34046360}, year = {2023} } @article{MTMT:33637018, title = {Methodologische Fragestellungen zu den Werken von Johann}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33637018}, author = {Mikó, Zoltán}, doi = {10.33934/initium.2022.4.1}, journal-iso = {initium}, journal = {Initium}, volume = {4}, unique-id = {33637018}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit thematisiert die methodologischen Fragestellungen zum Œuvre von Johann Gorgias. Gorgias war der einzige siebenbürgisch-deutsche Schriftsteller im 17. Jahrhundert, der in Deutschland Erfolge erzielen konnte. Die wichtigste Frage ist, ob es sich um einen deutschen oder siebenbürgisch(-ungarischen) Verfasser handelt. Die Werke von Gorgias entstanden in Deutschland und auch seine literarischen Vorbilder waren deutsche Schriftsteller wie Kindermann und Moscherosch. Die zweite Frage lautet, was wir heute mit Gorgias anfangen können. Die Frage nach der Gattung ist ungeklärt, da sich die Gorgias-Texte aus erotischen, pädagogisch-dozierenden oder z.T. frauenfeindlichen Elementen zusammensetzen.}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2676-8569}, pages = {1-9} } @article{MTMT:32711342, title = {A Narratological Analysis of the Novel Veriphantors Betrogener Frontalbo by Johann Gorgias}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32711342}, author = {Mikó, Zoltán}, doi = {10.24193/subbphilo.2021.3.05}, journal-iso = {STUD UNIV BABES-BOLYAI PHILOLOGIA}, journal = {STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI PHILOLOGIA}, volume = {66}, unique-id = {32711342}, issn = {1220-0484}, abstract = {Veriphantors Betrogener Frontalbo is the most important novel by the German-Transylvanian writer Johann Gorgias. It represents the pinnacle of his poetic oeuvre, since earlier texts often still consist of few plot elements, and Veriphantors Buhlende Jungfer is a text that is not yet particularly well structured. The educational intent of Gorgias's earlier texts can seem quite offensive today, as the reader is often bombarded with general rules, commonplaces, and moralizing examples drawn from life after a small plot point. In the narratological analysis, the relationship of the narrated time and the narrative time or pace are examined first. Furthermore, the sequence of events presented, the length of the presentation of incidents (duration), and the "repetition relations" in which "the narrated and the narration" stand, are identified and differentiated.}, keywords = {DURATION; Narration; Baroque; Gorgias; narrated time}, year = {2021}, eissn = {2065-9652}, pages = {73-85} } @article{MTMT:31943582, title = {Egy világsiker nyomában. Alessandro Baricco: Az ifjú Ara}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31943582}, author = {Mikó, Zoltán}, journal-iso = {VÖRÖS POSTAKOCSI}, journal = {VÖRÖS POSTAKOCSI: MŰVÉSZETI, TUDOMÁNYOS, KÖZÉLETI FOLYÓIRAT}, unique-id = {31943582}, issn = {1789-4697}, year = {2016} } @article{MTMT:31943565, title = {Patrick Modiano regényéről. Éjfű}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31943565}, author = {Mikó, Zoltán}, journal-iso = {EIRODALOM}, journal = {EIRODALOM : ERDÉLYI IRODALMI PORTÁL}, volume = {2015}, unique-id = {31943565}, year = {2015} } @article{MTMT:31943563, title = {Az életmű metatextusa. Enrique Vila-Matas: Dublineszk}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31943563}, author = {Mikó, Zoltán}, journal-iso = {VÖRÖS POSTAKOCSI}, journal = {VÖRÖS POSTAKOCSI: MŰVÉSZETI, TUDOMÁNYOS, KÖZÉLETI FOLYÓIRAT}, volume = {9}, unique-id = {31943563}, issn = {1789-4697}, year = {2015}, pages = {117-118} } @article{MTMT:31943560, title = {Patrick Modiano: Augusztusi vasárnapok}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31943560}, author = {Mikó, Zoltán}, journal-iso = {VIGILIA}, journal = {VIGILIA}, volume = {80}, unique-id = {31943560}, issn = {0042-6024}, year = {2015}, pages = {396-397} } @article{MTMT:31943555, title = {A prózai fikció négy formája a Gyulai Pálban}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31943555}, author = {Mikó, Zoltán}, journal-iso = {IRODALOMISMERET}, journal = {IRODALOMISMERET: IRODALMI MŰVÉSZETI ÉS MUZEOLÓGIAI FOLYÓIRAT}, volume = {26}, unique-id = {31943555}, issn = {0865-6886}, year = {2015}, eissn = {1588-077X}, pages = {129-137} } @{MTMT:31943549, title = {Egy rendhagyó történelmi dráma}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31943549}, author = {Mikó, Zoltán}, booktitle = {XIV. Erik}, unique-id = {31943549}, year = {2015}, pages = {133-138} }