@article{MTMT:34706665, title = {„A közművelődés ügye iránt elkötelezett báró”. Eötvös Loránd szerepe a középiskolai tanárképzés 19. század végi reformjában és hagyatékának sorsa a két világháború közötti időszakban}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34706665}, author = {Garai, Imre}, journal-iso = {MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY}, journal = {MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY}, volume = {185}, unique-id = {34706665}, issn = {0025-0325}, abstract = {A tanulmány a 175 éve született Eötvös Loránd tanárképzésben játszott szerepét és az általa 1899-ben létrehozott tanárképzési intézményrendszer sorsát vizsgálja a két világháború között. Az Eötvös által megalkotott intézményrendszer alkotóelemeit tekintve megegyezik az 1927 utáni tanárképzés intézményeivel, de működési alapelveik alapjaiban térnek el a dualista éra intézményrendszerétől. A kutatási kérdések megválaszolására egy deduktív, idiografikus jellegű kutatás keretein belül kerül sor, az elsődleges (levéltári) és a másodlagos (szakirodalmi) forráso- kat a levéltári és a szakirodalmi dokumentumok elemzésének módszereivel vizsgálva. Az ered- mények interpretációjában a professzióelméletek kritikai megközelítéséhez kapcsolódó fogal- mi keretrendszer került alkalmazásra. Eötvös Loránd 1899-es tanárképzési reformjainak alapelve az intézményi autonómián nyugodott, kijelölve az addigra kialakult intézmények helyét a tanári teoretikus felkészülésben, valamint a professzionalitás és a professzionalizmus formálásában. A tudós tanárság koncepciójának megalkotása a hatásköri vitákat részben egy francia mintá- ra alapított internátus segítségével juttatta nyugvópontra. A két világháború közötti időszak oktatáspolitikájának legfőbb törekvése a professzionalitás és a professzionalizmus egységes és valamennyi tanárjelöltre való kiterjedésében ragadható meg. A standardizáció ugyanakkor le- hetőséget adott a tanárjelöltek mellett a tanárképzés intézményeinek szorosabb állami kontroll alá vonására, ami a tanárképzés neohumanista alapokon nyugvó eszmei alapjait felbontotta, és így a tanárképzés egészét deprofesszionalizációs pályára helyezte.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1588-1245}, pages = {376-387}, orcid-numbers = {Garai, Imre/0000-0001-7129-7807} } @article{MTMT:34454345, title = {Police career and children 's academic performance in Kenya}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34454345}, author = {Maringa, John Njeru and Gyorgy, Meszaros and Garai, Imre}, doi = {10.1016/j.ssaho.2023.100757}, journal-iso = {SOC SCI HUMAN OPEN}, journal = {SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES OPEN}, volume = {9}, unique-id = {34454345}, issn = {2590-2911}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Garai, Imre/0000-0001-7129-7807} } @{MTMT:34447073, title = {The development of Hungarian educational science after World War II}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34447073}, author = {Somogyvári, Lajos and Garai, Imre and Szabó, Zoltán András and Németh, András}, booktitle = {State as the Owner of Education: Involvement of totalitarian regimes in the field of education in Europe in the second half of the 20th Century}, unique-id = {34447073}, abstract = {Our paper reveals the changes of the discipline after the Zero Hour (1945), when a new period began in the history of the Hungarian educational science. In this epoch, foundations of radical changes were laid, including scientific infrastructures, communities and other characteristics of the socialist educational science that diverged remarkably from the Western patterns. The theoretical framework is based on Becker’s (1989) and Stichweh’s (1994) scientific discipline model as well as on Bourdieu’s (2001, 2005) social fields theory. Social, political, institutional and individual issues of the period were analysed in the following structure: a) main dynamic changes of the Hungarian educational science agents’ activities; b) scientific discourses; c) typical institutional frameworks. Concerning the methodology, document analysis of archival sources preserved in the National Archives of Hungary and the Archives of Eötvös Loránd University and content analysis of the Magyar Pedagógia [Hungarian Pedagogy] as a representative professional journal were employed. Preliminary results suggest that this arena was formed by different ideological, political and professional intentions, with many veiled and visible conflicts. Constantly changing tendencies aimed to transform the discipline and thus the education the by controlling resources needed to fulfil the continuously changing goals of the professional and political interest groups.}, year = {2023}, pages = {19-19}, orcid-numbers = {Somogyvári, Lajos/0000-0002-3352-7197; Garai, Imre/0000-0001-7129-7807; Szabó, Zoltán András/0000-0003-3762-2308; Németh, András/0000-0001-9770-9830} } @{MTMT:34426944, title = {The Klebelsbergian Reform of Hungarian Secondary Education as a Structural Basis of the Altering Teacher Training}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34426944}, author = {Szabó, Zoltán András and Garai, Imre}, booktitle = {Histories of Education and Reform}, unique-id = {34426944}, year = {2023}, pages = {158-159}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Zoltán András/0000-0003-3762-2308; Garai, Imre/0000-0001-7129-7807} } @{MTMT:34426943, title = {State Intrusion into or Self-fulfilment of Professionals: The Reform of Teacher Training in Hungary in the early 1920s}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34426943}, author = {Garai, Imre and Németh, András}, booktitle = {Histories of Education and Reform}, unique-id = {34426943}, year = {2023}, pages = {102-103}, orcid-numbers = {Garai, Imre/0000-0001-7129-7807; Németh, András/0000-0001-9770-9830} } @book{MTMT:34426941, title = {Histories of Education and Reform. Traditions, Tensions and Transition. Abstracts}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34426941}, isbn = {9786158218634}, editor = {Garai, Imre and Vincze, Beatrix and Polyák, Zsuzsanna}, publisher = {Hungarian Reform Pedagogical Association}, unique-id = {34426941}, year = {2023}, orcid-numbers = {Garai, Imre/0000-0001-7129-7807; Vincze, Beatrix/0000-0001-8091-0933; Polyák, Zsuzsanna/0000-0002-3408-616X} } @article{MTMT:34035728, title = {Looming Deprofessionalization. State Interventions into the Operation of Professional Institutions of Secondary Teacher Training in Hungary in the Early Twenties}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34035728}, author = {Garai, Imre}, doi = {10.5944/hme.18.2023.36030}, journal-iso = {HISTORIA Y MEMORIA DE LA EDUCACION}, journal = {HISTORIA Y MEMORIA DE LA EDUCACION}, volume = {2}, unique-id = {34035728}, abstract = {In the paper, the transformation processes of secondary teacher training in Hungary are examined through the investigation of personal and conceptual changes related to two professional institutions, namely the Secondary Teacher Training Institution and the Secondary Teacher Examination Committee in Hungary in the early 1920s. By employing the method of document analysis of archival sources, sub- stantial amount of primary sources were involved in the research from various archives. Additionally, the secondary literature review is also used as a research method in contextualizing the findings of the analysis. As for the interpretation, notions related to the critical approach of pro- fessionalization theories are applied in the paper. The study gives a brief overview of the development of professional institutions from the mid of the nineteenth century to 1919 in order to provide an insight into some of the main barriers of their development, which expected to be solved by the new regime in Hungary solidified after 1920. The appointment of new leadership in the teacher training institution, the influence on its curriculum, the forced interrogation of the political views of teacher candidates delegated to the teacher examination committee before the state examination and the determination of the reform of the teacher examination regulations all suggest that the state intention of reshaping the teacher training according to circum- stances of the new political-social reality after the war resulted in a new relationship between the state and the professional institutions that could lead to deprofessionalization on the long term. This development could be regarded as an unprecedent phenomenon compared to the situation of professionals in other countries in the Central and Eastern European region.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2444-0043}, pages = {483-512}, orcid-numbers = {Garai, Imre/0000-0001-7129-7807} } @{MTMT:33109330, title = {Sovietising higher education and scientific research in East-Central Europe: Techniques and attempts of establishing a total control in the region with a special focus on Hungary after 1945}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33109330}, author = {Garai, Imre and Pimenta, Carla Liege Rodrigues and Németh, András}, booktitle = {Hour Zero}, unique-id = {33109330}, year = {2023}, orcid-numbers = {Garai, Imre/0000-0001-7129-7807; Németh, András/0000-0001-9770-9830} } @{MTMT:33657045, title = {Institutionalisation of new education technological approach in Hungary. The foundation of National Education Technology Centre (NETC) in 1973}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33657045}, author = {Vincze, Beatrix and Horváth, Ádám and Garai, Imre}, booktitle = {Histories of Educational Technologies. Cultural and Social Dimensions of Pedagogical Objects}, unique-id = {33657045}, year = {2022}, pages = {182-183}, orcid-numbers = {Vincze, Beatrix/0000-0001-8091-0933; Garai, Imre/0000-0001-7129-7807} } @{MTMT:33615094, title = {Identifying the Historians of Education in Hungary between 2011 and 2021}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33615094}, author = {Garai, Imre and Ruzsa, Bence and Németh, András}, booktitle = {Histories of Educational Technologies. Cultural and Social Dimensions of Pedagogical Objects}, unique-id = {33615094}, abstract = {Garai Imre, Ruzsa Bence, Németh András: Identifying the Historians of Education in Hungary between 2011 and 2021 Keywords: history of education, heterogeneity, East-Central-Europe, boundaries of the discipline, document analysis Since history of education is an interdisciplinary research area, it is remarkably difficult to identify its boundaries. Based on Rudolf Stichweh‘s criteria concerning scientific disciplines, the primary aim of our presentation is to detect and analyse the personal background of the discipline of history of education as a subdiscipline of education sciences in Hungary. According to Stichweh’s (1984, 1994) approach, the institutional background, forms of communication networks, different types of scientific publications and scientific socialisation processes (recruitment) is applied as the main criteria of investigating different groups of scholars. Out of these four categories two (namely institutional background and scientific recruitment) are examined in the following databases: a) Full members of the Subcommittee of History of Education of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences b) History of education-related departments and research groups of the full universities (Eötvös Loránd University, University of Debrecen, University of Pécs, University of Szeged) c) relevant doctoral training programmes of the full universites (via www. doktori.hu [Hungarian Doctoral Database]) d) finally, the self-definition of the researchers (via www.mtmt.hu [Hungarian Scientific Bibliography Database]). Concerning the research method, document analysis is applied. The primary results suggest that the categories of Stichweh are not entirely applicable in describing the subdiscipline of history of education. Furthermore, it seems that the theoretical criteria of the research do not accurately depict the heterogeneous community of this research area. The publications and the scientific communication networks are analysed in the presentation entitled “Identifying the thematic scope of history of education-related researches in Hungary between 2011 and 2021”. The presentation has been supported by the National Research Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH/OTKA), grant number: 127937. Literature: Baska Gabriella, Hegedűs Judit & Nóbik Attila (2013, eds.): A neveléstörténet változó arcai. A múlt értékei, a jelen kihívásai és a jövő. [Changing faces of history of education. The values of the past, challenges of present times and the future.] ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest. Evetts, Julia (2003): The sociological analysis of professionalism. Occupational change in the modern world. International Sociology, 18. 2. 395–415. Nóbik Attila, Kestere, Iveta & Gulzynska, Justyna (2019): History of education journals and the development of historical research on education in Eastern Europe (1990–2016). International Journal of History of Education, 9. 2. 141–155. Stichweh, Rudolf (1984): Zur Entstehung des modernen Systems wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen. Physik in Deutschland 1740–1890. Shurkamp, Frankfurt am Main. Stichweh, Rudolf (1994): Wissenschaft, Universität, Professionen: Soziologische Analysen. Shurkamp, Frankfurt am Main.}, year = {2022}, pages = {92-93}, orcid-numbers = {Garai, Imre/0000-0001-7129-7807; Ruzsa, Bence/0000-0002-0429-8911; Németh, András/0000-0001-9770-9830} }