@misc{MTMT:34835309, title = {Az ültetési hálózat hatása agrárerdészeti köztes termesztési rendszerek hozamaira csernozjom barna erdőtalajon. Előadás. Erdészeti Tudományos Konferencia Sopron, 2024. február 5-6.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34835309}, author = {Honfy, Veronika and Borovics, Attila}, unique-id = {34835309}, year = {2024} } @article{MTMT:34818043, title = {Az erdészet és a faipar klímavédelmi szerepe}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34818043}, author = {Paulik, Katalin}, journal-iso = {INNOTEKA}, journal = {INNOTÉKA: TUDOMÁNY INNOVÁCIÓ ZÖLDGAZDASÁG}, unique-id = {34818043}, issn = {2062-6525}, year = {2024}, pages = {30-31} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34775829, title = {Az új mexikói kvótakereskedelmi rendszer és erdészeti vonatkozásai}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34775829}, author = {Király, Éva Ilona and Borovics, Attila}, booktitle = {FENNTARTHATÓSÁGI ÁTMENET: KIHÍVÁSOK ÉS INNOVATÍV MEGOLDÁSOK - Nemzetközi tudományos konferencia a Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe alkalmából}, doi = {10.35511/978-963-334-499-6-Kiraly-Borovics}, unique-id = {34775829}, year = {2024}, pages = {61-75} } @article{MTMT:34758855, title = {Projection of the Carbon Balance of the Hungarian Forestry and Wood Industry Sector Using the Forest Industry Carbon Model}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34758855}, author = {Borovics, Attila and Király, Éva Ilona and Kottek, Péter}, doi = {10.3390/f15040600}, journal-iso = {FORESTS}, journal = {FORESTS}, volume = {15}, unique-id = {34758855}, issn = {1999-4907}, abstract = {As forest-based climate change mitigation has become a crucial element of international climate policy it is of increasing importance to understand the processes leading to the carbon offsetting capacity of the sector. In our study, we assessed the climate benefits of contrasting forest management strategies: decreasing harvest and enlarging the forest carbon stock, or increasing harvest to increase carbon uptake, wood product carbon pools, and substitution effects. We developed the Forest Industry Carbon Model (FICM) which is a new carbon accounting tool covering forest biomass, dead organic matter, soil, and harvested wood product pools, as well as avoided emissions through product and energy substitution. We modeled the carbon balance of the Hungarian forest industry under three different scenarios. In the business as usual (BAU) scenario, we assumed no changes in the current harvest and afforestation levels. In the extensification scenario, we assumed that the harvest and afforestation levels drop to half, while in the intensification scenario, we assumed an increase in afforestation, improved industrial wood assortments, and a gradual increase in logging, reaching the highest level as per sustainability criteria by 2050. Our results show that the intensification scenario is characterized by the largest net removals and the maximized product and energy substitution effects. By 2050, the net forest industry carbon balance reaches −8447 kt CO2 eq under the BAU scenario, while −7011 kt CO2 eq is reached under the extensification scenario and −22,135 kt CO2 eq is reached under the intensification scenario. Although substitution effects are not accounted for under the land-based (LULUCF) sector in the greenhouse gas inventory, the emission reductions in the industry and energy sectors have beneficial effects on the national carbon balance. Modeling results show that the 2030 LULUCF greenhouse gas removal target set by EU legislation for Hungary is reached under the intensification scenario. To achieve this outcome, widespread innovation is needed in the wood sector. The modeling results show that nonutilization of forests can only be a very short-term solution; however, its favorable effects will be reversed by 2050 resulting in additional emissions compared to the BAU scenario.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1999-4907} } @article{MTMT:34734080, title = {CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION THROUGH CARBON STORAGE AND PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION IN THE HUNGARIAN WOOD INDUSTRY}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34734080}, author = {Király, Éva Ilona and Börcsök, Zoltán and Kocsis, Zoltán and Németh, Gábor and Polgár, András and Borovics, Attila}, doi = {10.37763/wr.1336-4561/69.1.7286}, journal-iso = {WOOD RES-SLOVAKIA}, journal = {WOOD RESEARCH}, volume = {69}, unique-id = {34734080}, issn = {1336-4561}, abstract = {In our study we estimated under two different scenarios the historic and future carbon balance of the Hungarian harvested wood product (HWP) pool using the HWP-RIAL model. We also estimated the effect of product and energy substitution and the magnitude of avoided emissions based on international substitution factors. According to our results in the period 1985–2021 the average of the HWP net emissions plus substitution effects was -3,800 kt CO2. In this period the 49% of the forest industry-related climate benefits was attributable to carbon storage in forests, while 4% was attributable to carbon storage in wood products and 47% to product and energy substitution. According to our projection the HWP net emissions plus substitution effects could reach -14,994 kt CO2 up to 2050 under an intensified domestic wood processing industry. This means that product substitution benefits could be tripled, while the net removals of the HWP pool could be 5 times higher than the historic values.}, year = {2024}, pages = {72-86} } @misc{MTMT:34715633, title = {Tűzifával való égetés karbonlábnyoma – erdőtől a hasznos hőig. Előadás}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34715633}, author = {Polgár, András and Szakálosné Mátyás, Katalin and Horváth, Attila László and Kovács, Zoltán and Vityi, Andrea and Vágvölgyi, Andrea and Kocsis, Zoltán and Király, Éva Ilona and Börcsök, Zoltán and Borovics, Attila and Elekné Fodor, Veronika and Németh, Gábor}, unique-id = {34715633}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Vityi, Andrea/0000-0002-2035-1866} } @misc{MTMT:34628377, title = {Mitigáció és alkalmazkodás az erdőalapú gazdaságban. Konferencia előadás. Erdészeti Tudományos Konferencia Sopron, 2024. február 5.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34628377}, author = {Borovics, Attila and Király, Éva Ilona}, unique-id = {34628377}, year = {2024} } @misc{MTMT:34628321, title = {A fatermékek termékhelyettesítési hatásainak számszerűsítése. Konferencia előadás. Erdészeti Tudományos Konferencia Sopron, 2024. február 6.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34628321}, author = {Király, Éva Ilona and Borovics, Attila}, unique-id = {34628321}, year = {2024} } @misc{MTMT:34628290, title = {Az erdők élőfakészletében megvalósuló szénmegkötés és az erdőgazdálkodás üzemmódja közötti összefüggés vizsgálata. Konferencia-előadás, II. Magyar Agrártudományi Doktoranduszok Szimpóziuma, Állatorvostudományi Egyetem, Budapest 2023. február 16.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34628290}, author = {Király, Éva Ilona and Borovics, Attila}, unique-id = {34628290}, year = {2024} } @misc{MTMT:34628195, title = {Az erdők élőfakészletében megvalósuló szénmegkötés és az erdőgazdálkodás üzemmódja közötti összefüggés vizsgálata. Absztrakt, In: Hajdú, Péter (szerk.) II. Magyar Agrártudományi Doktoranduszok Szimpóziuma 2024 : Absztraktkötet Budapest, Magyarország: Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége (DOSZ)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34628195}, author = {Király, Éva Ilona and Borovics, Attila}, unique-id = {34628195}, year = {2024} }