@article{MTMT:34412174, title = {Lithostratigraphy of the ignimbrite-dominated Miocene Bükk Foreland Volcanic Area (Central Europe)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34412174}, author = {Hencz, Mátyás and Biró, Tamás and Németh, Károly and Szakács, Alexandru and Portnyagin, Maxim and Cseri, Zoltán and Pécskay, Zoltán and Szabó, Csaba and Müller, Samuel and Karátson, Dávid}, doi = {10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107960}, journal-iso = {J VOLCANOL GEOTH RES}, journal = {JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH}, volume = {445}, unique-id = {34412174}, issn = {0377-0273}, abstract = {This study documents the volcanic evolution of the Miocene silicic Bükk Foreland Volcanic Area (BFVA), Northern Hungary (Central Europe) at an event-scale. The BFVA is a deeply eroded and dissected volcanic field dominated by multiple, several 10-m thick, valley-filling silicic ignimbrite units, which are chemically and texturally very similar to each other. Hence, establishing lateral correlation is a real challenge due to the sporadic and small-scale outcrops and lack of stratotypes. Detailed field observations allowed us to identify eleven lithological members including fourteen eruption events and establish a nearly complete lithostratigraphic correlation between fifteen outcrops across the BFVA. Primary pyroclastic material of each member was sampled, and volcanic glass was analyzed for major and trace element composition. The geochemical results confirm the field-based classification of the members and enable the correlation of distinct outcrops. The major and trace element composition of the glassy pyroclasts of each member of the BFVA served as basis to create a field-wide chemical reference database for regional correlational studies. Here, a new lithostratigraphic classification scheme consisting of one formation and eleven members is presented, which reflects the challenges unraveling the stratigraphy of ancient volcanic terrains. The field-based event-scale lithostratigraphy of the BFVA suggests a wet, partly sea-covered depositional environment in the close vicinity of the eruption centers providing favorable conditions to ‘fuel’ silicic explosive phreatomagmatism. On the contrary, paleosol horizons formed after almost each major eruption event or sequence suggests an overall near-coast terrestrial environment for the BFVA, where the emplacement of the pyroclastic material occurred.}, keywords = {STRATIGRAPHY; phreatomagmatism; ignimbrite; Correlation; lithostratigraphy; Glass geochemistry; Volcanic geology; Reworked pyroclasts}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1872-6097}, orcid-numbers = {Hencz, Mátyás/0000-0001-9716-5714; Biró, Tamás/0000-0001-5198-7210; Szabó, Csaba/0000-0002-1580-6344; Karátson, Dávid/0000-0003-0386-1239} } @article{MTMT:34207878, title = {Volcanic debris avalanche deposits and their significance in the architecture and evolution of the Miocene-Quaternary Călimani-Gurghiu-Harghita volcanic range (Eastern Transylvania, Romania)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34207878}, author = {Seghedi, Ioan and Szakács, Alexandru and Mirea, Viorel and Pécskay, Zoltán and Luffi, Péter}, doi = {10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107932}, journal-iso = {J VOLCANOL GEOTH RES}, journal = {JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH}, volume = {443}, unique-id = {34207878}, issn = {0377-0273}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1872-6097} } @article{MTMT:33672504, title = {Eruptive and magmatic evolution of North Chamo Volcanic Field (southern Ethiopia)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33672504}, author = {Rapprich, V. and Janousek, V. and Hroch, T. and Mikova, J. and Erban, V. and Legesa, F. and Pécskay, Zoltán and Halodova, P.}, doi = {10.3190/jgeosci.365}, journal-iso = {J GEOSCI}, journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES}, volume = {68}, unique-id = {33672504}, issn = {1802-6222}, abstract = {A group of pyroclastic cones is dispersed in the North Chamo Volcanic Field, i.e. in the northern surroundings of the Chamo Lake and over neighbouring part of the Nech Sar plains (southern termination of the Main Ethiopian Rift). The activity of scattered cinder cones was partly coeval with that of Tosa Sucha Volcano (Calabrian), but continued also after Tosa Sucha’s extinction until Middle Pleistocene (c. 0.5 Ma). Whereas scoria cones on the Nech Sar plains displayed a rather simple Strombolian eruptive style, the cones located within the northern part of Chamo Lake were characterized by more complex evolution. Ganjulle scoria cone, with a uniform olivine basalt composition, started with a Surtseyan-style eruption, which turned into Strombolian as the volcano grew above the water level. An even more complex history was documented for the Ganta cone. Compositional zoning of pyroclastic rocks is explained by zoned-chamber exhaustion. The transition from magmatic to phreatomagmatic style of the eruption was then most likely linked to syn-eruptive subsidence of the area on the Chamo Lake banks. Subsequent transition back to Strombolian style reflected the growth of the cone above water level.The Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes, together with major-element-based thermodynamic modelling, demonstrate that magmas parental to the North Chamo alkaline volcanic rocks (alkali basalt, through trachybasalt and trachyandesite to trachyte) evolved initially by closed-system fractionation of olivine, later joined by clinopyroxene, spinel and calcic plagioclase. The subsequent stage was characterized by a substantial (c. 25% by mass) assimilation of country-rock felsic igneous material, perhaps corresponding to the Paleogene ignimbrites.}, keywords = {mineral chemistry; Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes; Main Ethiopian Rift; K-Ar geochronology; magma fractionation; North Chamo Volcanic Field}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1803-1943}, pages = {3-24} } @inproceedings{MTMT:33118457, title = {A Velencei-hegység paleogén korú intrúziós-vulkáni rendszerének hidrotermás folyamatai és metallogéniai jelentőségük}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33118457}, author = {Molnár, Ferenc and Bajnóczi, Bernadett and Pécskay, Zoltán and Benkó, Zsolt and Prohászka, A}, booktitle = {Calce et malleo – Mésszel és kalapáccsal}, unique-id = {33118457}, year = {2022}, pages = {107-110}, orcid-numbers = {Molnár, Ferenc/0000-0002-1873-1915; Bajnóczi, Bernadett/0000-0003-0006-7611} } @article{MTMT:33033114, title = {Low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Tethys subduction–collision zone in the Medvednica Mt. (NW Croatia)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33033114}, author = {Belak, M and Slovenec, D and Kolar-Jurkovšek, T and Garašić, V and Pécskay, Zoltán and Tibljaš, D and Mišur, I}, doi = {10.31577/GeolCarp.73.3.3}, journal-iso = {GEOL CARPATH}, journal = {GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA}, volume = {73}, unique-id = {33033114}, issn = {1335-0552}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1336-8052}, pages = {207-229}, orcid-numbers = {Slovenec, D/0000-0003-3251-827X; Kolar-Jurkovšek, T/0000-0001-7534-3241; Garašić, V/0000-0002-4752-6937; Tibljaš, D/0000-0003-1021-585X; Mišur, I/0000-0001-6313-6464} } @article{MTMT:32185882, title = {Miocene extension and magma generation in the Apuseni Mts. (western Romania): a review}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32185882}, author = {Seghedi, I. and Ntaflos, T. and Pécskay, Zoltán and Panaiotu, C. and Mirea, V. and Downes, H.}, doi = {10.1080/00206814.2021.1962416}, journal-iso = {INT GEOL REV}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW}, volume = {64}, unique-id = {32185882}, issn = {0020-6814}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1938-2839}, pages = {1885-1911} } @article{MTMT:32239855, title = {Uniform “water” content in quartz phenocrysts from silicic pyroclastic fallout deposits – implications on pre-eruptive conditions}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32239855}, author = {Hencz, Mátyás and Biró, Tamás and Kovács, István János and Stalder, R. and Németh, Károly and Szakács, Alexandru and Pálos, Zsófia and Pécskay, Zoltán and Karátson, Dávid}, doi = {10.5194/ejm-33-571-2021}, journal-iso = {EUR J MINERAL}, journal = {EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MINERALOGY}, volume = {33}, unique-id = {32239855}, issn = {0935-1221}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1617-4011}, pages = {571-589}, orcid-numbers = {Hencz, Mátyás/0000-0001-9716-5714; Biró, Tamás/0000-0001-5198-7210; Kovács, István János/0000-0002-3488-3716; Karátson, Dávid/0000-0003-0386-1239} } @article{MTMT:32016325, title = {Architecture of volcanic plumbing systems inferred from thermobarometry: A case study from the Miocene Gutâi Volcanic Zone in the Eastern Carpathians, Romania}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32016325}, author = {Kovacs, M and Fülöp, A and Seghedi, I and Pécskay, Zoltán}, doi = {10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106191}, journal-iso = {LITHOS}, journal = {LITHOS}, volume = {396-397}, unique-id = {32016325}, issn = {0024-4937}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1872-6143} } @misc{MTMT:32014878, title = {Egy Miocén freatopliniuszi kitörés: a "Jató member" fizikai vulkanológiai jellemzői}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32014878}, author = {Biró, Tamás and Hencz, Mátyás and Németh, Károly and Karátson, Dávid and Márton Péterné Szalay, Emőke and Szakács, Alexandru and Bradák, Balázs and Szalai, Zoltán and Pécskay, Zoltán and Kovács, István János}, unique-id = {32014878}, year = {2021}, orcid-numbers = {Biró, Tamás/0000-0001-5198-7210; Hencz, Mátyás/0000-0001-9716-5714; Karátson, Dávid/0000-0003-0386-1239; Márton Péterné Szalay, Emőke/0000-0002-2135-8867; Szalai, Zoltán/0000-0001-5267-411X; Kovács, István János/0000-0002-3488-3716} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:32014867, title = {Egy összetett kitörési eseménysorozat nyomai a Bükkalján (Észak-Magyarország): a Kács Egység}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32014867}, author = {Hencz, Mátyás and Biró, Tamás and Cseri, Zoltán and Németh, Károly and Szakács, Alexandru and Márton Péterné Szalay, Emőke and Pécskay, Zoltán and Karátson, Dávid}, booktitle = {XXII. Bányászati, Kohászati és Földtani Konferencia}, unique-id = {32014867}, year = {2021}, pages = {71-75}, orcid-numbers = {Hencz, Mátyás/0000-0001-9716-5714; Biró, Tamás/0000-0001-5198-7210; Márton Péterné Szalay, Emőke/0000-0002-2135-8867; Karátson, Dávid/0000-0003-0386-1239} }