@article{MTMT:34823944, title = {Artificial Intelligence in Forensic Sciences Revolution or Invasion? Part I}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34823944}, author = {Lontai, Márton and Pamjav, Horolma and Petrétei, Dávid}, doi = {10.38146/bsz-ajia.2024.v72.i4.pp701-715}, journal-iso = {BELÜGYI SZLE (2010-)}, journal = {BELÜGYI SZEMLE / ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS: A BELÜGYMINISZTÉRIUM SZAKMAI TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRATA (2010-)}, volume = {72}, unique-id = {34823944}, issn = {2062-9494}, abstract = {Aim: The first half of the two-part study is on the emerging role of artificial intelligence in the forensic sciences. After clarifying the basic concepts and a brief historical overview, the possibilities of using AI in various forensic fields are discussed: genetics, pattern recognition, chemistry, toxicology, anthropology, forensic medicine, and scene reconstruction.Methodology: The study synthesises several recently published international papers.Findings: The penetration of the application of artificial intelligence into some fields of science is undoubtedly an ongoing process. Most of the varied forensic fields also cannot avoid this development. Analysing large databases unmanageable with traditional methods, pattern recognition, and machine learning can all be important tools for forensic science. However, an important conclusion is that AI is a supporter of human expert work, not a substitute.Value: In the field of forensic sciences, no such detailed summary article has been published in Hungarian so far.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2677-1632}, pages = {701-715}, orcid-numbers = {Petrétei, Dávid/0000-0001-6179-8659} } @article{MTMT:34823905, title = {Mesterséges intelligencia a törvényszéki tudományokban Revolúció vagy invázió? I. rész}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34823905}, author = {Lontai, Márton and Pamjav, Horolma and Petrétei, Dávid}, doi = {10.38146/bsz-ajia.2024.v72.i4.pp577-592}, journal-iso = {BELÜGYI SZLE (2010-)}, journal = {BELÜGYI SZEMLE / ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS: A BELÜGYMINISZTÉRIUM SZAKMAI TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRATA (2010-)}, volume = {72}, unique-id = {34823905}, issn = {2062-9494}, abstract = {Cél: A kétrészes tanulmány első fele bemutatja a mesterséges intelligencia növekvő szerepét a forenzikus tudományok művelésében. Az alapfogalmak tisztázását és a rövid történeti áttekintést követően sorra veszi a mesterséges intelligencia (MI) alkalmazásának lehetőségeit a különféle forenzikus szakterületeken: genetika, nyomtan, vegyészet, toxikológia, antropológia, igazságügyi orvostan. Módszertan: A tanulmány számos, közelmúltban megjelent külföldi szakcikk feldolgozásával azok szintézisét végzi el. Megállapítások: A mesterséges intelligencia alkalmazásának behatolása az egyes tudományterületekre napjainkban is zajló folyamat. Ezt a fejlődést nem kerülhetik el a legváltozatosabb forenzikus szakterületek sem. A hagyományos módszerekkel kezelhetetlen méretű adatbázisokban való eligazodás, a mintafelismerés, a gépi tanulás mind hasznos eszköz lehet a forenzikus tudomány műveléséhez is. Fontos következtetés azonban, hogy az MI a szakértői munka támogatója, nem helyettesítője. Érték: Magyar nyelven a forenzikus tudományok területén ilyen részletes összefoglaló szakcikk eddig nem született.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2677-1632}, pages = {577-592}, orcid-numbers = {Petrétei, Dávid/0000-0001-6179-8659} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34580135, title = {Uniparental genetic diversity of three Hungarian-speaking isolated communities in the Carpathian Basin}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34580135}, author = {Borbély, Noémi and Pamjav, Horolma and Egyed, Balázs and Máthé, István and Szécsényi-Nagy, Anna}, booktitle = {Programme and abstract book 12th Haploid Markers 2023}, unique-id = {34580135}, year = {2023}, pages = {78}, orcid-numbers = {Egyed, Balázs/0000-0003-3960-2052; Szécsényi-Nagy, Anna/0000-0003-2095-738X} } @misc{MTMT:34580112, title = {Programme and abstract book 12th Haploid Markers 2023}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34580112}, author = {Pamjav, Horolma and Ágota, Dobos and Lutz, Roewer and Walther, Parson}, unique-id = {34580112}, year = {2023} } @inbook{MTMT:33695386, title = {A magyar népesség genetikai összetétele apai ágon}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33695386}, author = {Pamjav, Horolma}, booktitle = {Magyar őstörténeti műhelybeszélgetés II.}, doi = {10.53644/MKI.MAOSMB.2022.39}, unique-id = {33695386}, abstract = {Az emberiség történelme szorosan összefügg a népvándorlás történetével. A genetikai sokféleség mintázatai információt nyújtanak a népesség történetéről, mivel minden jelentősebb demográfiai esemény nyomot hagyott a populációk genomiális sokféleségében. Ezek a demográfiai nyomok nemzedékről nemzedékre adódnak át, így a mai emberek genomja demográfiai történetüket tükrözi. A történelmi és régészeti adatok alapján a honfoglaló magyarok keletről érkeztek – hét törzsből álló szövetségben –, és úgy 895 körül véglegesen letelepedtek a Kárpát-medencében. Jelenlegi tudásunk alapján pontosan nem tudjuk megnevezni, hogy a honfoglaló magyarok magja konkrétan melyik földrajzi régióból indulhatott nyugat felé tartó útjára, azonban bizonyos – dél-szibériai eredetű – anyai és apai leszármazási vonalak jelenléte a recens magyar populációkban és a honfoglalás kori régészeti csontmintákban arra enged következtetni, hogy valahol Dél-Szibéria és a mai Mongólia területére mutat. Foglaljuk el képzeletünk repülő léghajóját, amelyről lepillantva láthatjuk, amint ezen feltételezett népcsoport – bizonyára eléggé szervezetten – családjával élte életét a vagyontárgyat képező állatállománnyal együtt és mindig egy kicsit tovább haladhatott – természetesen nyugat felé – a legfrissebb legelőterület kiválasztása miatt. Ki tudja, hány évszázad alatt tették meg az utat a Kárpát-medencéig… Természetesen útközben békésen kapcsolatba kerülhettek más népcsoportokkal, vagy egyeseket meghódítottak, talán behódoltak mások is. Ezen események következtében genetikai állományukba bekerülhettek azon népek genetikai nyomai, akikkel érintkezésbe kerültek, amellett megtartották az eredeti génállományt is. Ha a honfoglalók GPS-koordináták alapján cserkészték volna be a Kárpát-medencét éjjel-nappal menetelve, vagy repülőgépre szálltak volna fel, akkor kizárólag csak az eredeti génállományukat hozták volna az új honba. Talán voltak közöttük „felderítők”, akik előre mentek és kifürkészték, hogy hány napnyi vagy hónapnyi távolságra milyen területek vannak és kik laknak ott, ha egyáltalán a hírekkel visszatértek. Elgondolkodtató, hogy a honfoglalók miért pont a Kárpát-medencében maradtak és miért nem mentek tovább. Legészszerűbb válasz erre az lehetett, hogy meglehetősen alkalmasnak vélték az új területet (folyók, völgyek, alföldek és hegyek) az állatok legeltetésére és földművelésre, ugyanakkor valószínűleg olyan körülmények is közrejátszottak, hogy az új jövevényeket nem üldözték el a helybeliek a kiválasztott honból. Ezzel a kis történettel próbáltam emberközelivé tenni e tudományág szakmai berkeiben esetleg tájékozatlan személyeknek a túl szakmainak tűnő őstörténeti genetikai eredményeket, amelyek a későbbiek során következnek.}, year = {2022}, pages = {39-66} } @{MTMT:33615692, title = {Genetic study of modern and medieval Székely Land}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33615692}, author = {Borbély, Noémi and Koppány, Kerestély and Benkő, Elek and Sófalvi, András and Zsolt, Nyárádi and Pamjav, Horolma and Szécsényi-Nagy, Anna}, booktitle = {Annual Meeting of the Eötvös Loránd University Doctoral School of Biology}, unique-id = {33615692}, abstract = {We examine DNA of ancient and modern-day Székely individuals from the Udvarhelyszék- region, in order to gather genetic information from Hungarian-speaking long-time residents of Transylvania. The aim of the research is to unveil genetic relationships between ancient and recent populations not only from the Carpathian Basin basin but from the historically relevant areas. We generated high quality uniparental and whole-genome data, aiming to monitor the continuity and relationships of the region’s populations. The ancient sample set we analysed contains nearly a hundred medieval (12- 16. century) individuals from the region of Székelyudvarhely, mostly from church-related burials, whereas the modern sample set consists of 115 Hungarian-speaking Székely individuals originating from isolated villages of the same region. We analyzed maternal lineages with whole mtDNA next-generation sequencing, compared the results to published modern and ancient mitogenomic datasets. The majority of the modern and medieval Székely population belongs to European mtDNA haplogroups, but the presence of a small number of Asian-derived haplotypes is evident. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed the presumed eastern origin of certain lineages and in some cases, they can be linked to ancient DNA data of early Hungarians. Among the Y-chromosome haplogroups mostly the European-related ones are dominant and a few samples are assigned to haplogroups with Asian-origin, which may reflect some level of Central Asian connections. The whole genome results demonstrate the homogeneity and continuity of the medieval Székely population up to the modern times. This study is funded by the NKFIH FK-127938 research grant.}, year = {2022}, pages = {23-23}, orcid-numbers = {Szécsényi-Nagy, Anna/0000-0003-2095-738X} } @article{MTMT:33257861, title = {The genetic legacy of the Hunyadi descendants}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33257861}, author = {Neparáczki, Endre and Kis, Luca and Maróti, Zoltán and Kovács, Bence and Varga, Gergely István and Makoldi, Miklós Zsombor and Pamjav, Horolma and Teiszler, Éva and Tihanyi, Balázs and Nagy, Péter L. and Maár, Kitti and Gyenesei, Attila and Schütz, Oszkár and Dudás, Eszter and Török, Tibor and Pascuttini-Juraga, Vesna and Peharda, Ivančica and Vizi, László Tamás and Horváth-Lugossy, Gábor and Kásler, Miklós}, doi = {10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e11731}, journal-iso = {HELIYON}, journal = {HELIYON}, volume = {8}, unique-id = {33257861}, abstract = {The Hunyadi family is one of the most influential families in the history of Central Europe in the 14th–16th centuries. The family’s prestige was established by Johannes Hunyadi, a Turk-beater who rose to the position of governor of the Kingdom of Hungary. His second son, Matthias Hunyadi, became the elected ruler of the Kingdom of Hungary in 1458. The Hunyadi family had unknown origin. Moreover, Matthias failed to found a dynasty because of lacking a legitimate heir and his illegitimate son Johannes Corvinus was unable to obtain the crown. His grandson, Christophorus Corvinus, died in childhood, thus the direct male line of the family ended. In the framework of on interdisciplinary research, we have determined the whole genome sequences of Johannes Corvinus and Christophorus Corvinus by next-generation sequencing technology. Both of them carried the Y-chromosome haplogroup is E1b1b1a1b1a6a1c ~, which is widespread in Eurasia. The father-son relationship was verified using the classical STR method and whole genome data. Christophorus Corvinus belongs to the rare, sporadically occurring T2c1þ146 mitochondrial haplogroup, most frequent around the Mediterranean, while his father belongs to the T2b mitochondrial haplogroup, widespread in Eurasia, both are consistent with the known origin of the mothers. Archaeogenomic analysis indicated that the Corvinus had an ancient European genome composition. Based on the reported genetic data, it will be possible to identify all the other Hunyadi family member, whose only known grave site is known, but who are resting assorted with several other skeletons.}, keywords = {ancient genomes; Hunyadi; Corvinus; Hungarian Nobel family}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2405-8440}, orcid-numbers = {Neparáczki, Endre/0000-0003-3466-0368; Kis, Luca/0000-0002-1021-2854; Maróti, Zoltán/0000-0002-0515-117X; Kovács, Bence/0000-0002-4915-1462; Varga, Gergely István/0000-0001-9073-5788; Teiszler, Éva/0000-0002-2077-4308; Tihanyi, Balázs/0000-0001-5124-4468; Nagy, Péter L./0000-0002-7461-8415; Maár, Kitti/0000-0002-1207-6569; Schütz, Oszkár/0000-0001-5521-3044; Török, Tibor/0000-0002-2128-1126; Vizi, László Tamás/0000-0003-2623-131X; Kásler, Miklós/0000-0002-7235-8787} } @misc{MTMT:33227423, title = {Investigating the archaic and modern-day Székely gene pool around Székelyudvarhely}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33227423}, author = {Borbély, Noémi and Szeifert, Bea and Kerestély, Koppány and Pamjav, Horolma and Nyárádi, Zsolt and Egyed, Balázs and Sófalvi, András and Gál, Szilárd Sándor and Benkő, Elek and Szécsényi-Nagy, Anna}, unique-id = {33227423}, abstract = {We examine DNA from archaic and modern-day Székely samples from the region of Székelyudvarhely to expand our knowledge about Hungarian population genetics relationships and complete the genetic map of the Carpathian Basin with high quality uniparental (whole mitogenome and 17-23 Y-STR data) and full-genome data. The modern sample set we analyzed includes more than a hundred Hungarian-speaking Székely individuals from isolated villages near the town Székelyudvarhely. The donors’ maternal and paternal ancestry was thoroughly documented in order to exclude the effect of population migration in the last 100-150 years and to avoid sampling of close relatives. The archaic sample set contains nearly a hundred medieval (12- 15/16. century) individuals from the region of Székelyudvarhely (Székelyudvarhely, Székelykeresztúr, Fenyéd, Kányád, Nagygalambfalva, Patakfalva, Máréfalva, Bögöz) mostly from church-related burials. We analyzed maternal lineages with whole mtDNA next-generation sequencing, and the results were compared to published modern and ancient mitogenomic datasets. The majority of the modern and archaic Székely population can be assigned to European mtDNA haplogroups, but the presence of Asian haplotypes is not negligible either. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed the presumed eastern origin of certain lineages and in some cases, they can be linked to ancient DNA data of early Hungarians. In the modern data set, we found mostly European-related Y-haplogroups and the smaller proportion of the samples belonged to haplogroups with Asian-origin. These are the few Y-haplotypes that may reflect a Central Asian connection. Further observations are aimed to achieve from comparative analyses of the paternal lineages and the thorough analysis of whole-genome data. Through these studies, we can monitor the continuity and relationships of the region’s populations. This study was funded by the NKFIH FK-127938 research grant.}, year = {2022}, pages = {488-489}, orcid-numbers = {Egyed, Balázs/0000-0003-3960-2052; Szécsényi-Nagy, Anna/0000-0003-2095-738X} } @{MTMT:32672269, title = {Towards building the genetic map of the Carpathian Basin}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32672269}, author = {Borbély, Noémi and Gerber, Dániel and Szeifert, Bea and Pamjav, Horolma and Mende, Balázs Gusztáv and Egyed, Balázs and Szécsényi-Nagy, Anna}, booktitle = {Hungarian Molecular Life Sciences 2021}, unique-id = {32672269}, abstract = {Our research was aimed at mapping the genetic structure and paternal gene pool of the early 20th/ late 19th-century population of the Carpathian Basin, as part of which we performed full mtDNA-based and Y-chromosomal genotyping of samples collected from present-day Hungarian-speaking villages located in Transylvania, Drávaszög in Croatia, and Zobor-region in Slovakia. Our basic assumption was that we reconstruct the uniparental gene pool of the Hungarian speaking populations that existed 100- 150 years ago by finding elderly sample donors living in isolated villages and documenting their genealogies carefully. The aim of the research was to monitor any regional genetic structure discrepancies of the Hungarian speaking population and to confirm preliminary uniparental genetic studies that revealed an increased number of Eastern Eurasian lineages in isolated populations, compared to populations of larger cities. Our partial results from the Sekler population indicate a mainly West-Eurasian uniparental makeup that also points to limited admixture with neighboring populations. European mtDNA haplogroups characterize the majority of the population, but differently from the Hungarian-speaking population in Hungary, as there is a perceptibly higher proportion of Eastern Asian haplotypes. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed the presumed eastern origin of certain maternal lineages and in some particular cases, they can also be linked to ancient DNA data of early Hungarians. So far we have examined 286 newly sequenced whole mitochondrial genomes and Y chromosome STR and SNP profiles of 214 men from the three regions. Our follow-up plan is to generate whole-genome data to receive more detailed inferences on the origin and connection of ancient and modern-day Hungarian-speaking populations.}, year = {2021}, pages = {199-199}, orcid-numbers = {Egyed, Balázs/0000-0003-3960-2052; Szécsényi-Nagy, Anna/0000-0003-2095-738X} } @article{MTMT:31684563, title = {Biologia futura: confessions in genes}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31684563}, author = {Pamjav, Horolma and Krizsan, Krisztina}, doi = {10.1007/s42977-020-00049-x}, journal-iso = {BIOL FUTURA}, journal = {BIOLOGIA FUTURA}, volume = {71}, unique-id = {31684563}, issn = {2676-8615}, abstract = {Y-DNA and mtDNA have been a widely used tool not only in forensic genetic applications but in human evolutionary and population genetic studies. Its paternal or maternal inheritance and lack of recombination have offered the opportunity to explore genealogical relationships among individuals and to study the frequency differences of paternal and maternal clades among human populations at continental and regional levels. It is unbelievable, but true, that the disadvantages of paternal and maternal lineages in forensic genetic studies, i.e., everyone within a family have the same paternal or maternal haplotype and haplogroup, become advantages in human evolutionary studies, i.e., reveal the genetic history of successful mothers and successful fathers. Thanks to these amazing properties of haploid markers, they provide tools for mapping the migration routes of human populations during prehistoric and historical periods, separately as maternal and paternal lineages, and together as the genetic history of a population.}, keywords = {Human migration history; History of ancient mothers and fathers; Hungarian population history}, year = {2020}, eissn = {2676-8607}, pages = {435-441} }