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Walter de Gruyter GmbH; De Gruyter Verlag (2021) pp. K105-K108.
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Boca Raton, United States of America : CRC Press (2021) 820 p. pp. 659-663. , 5 p.
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Bányász, I. ; Berneschi, S. ; Fried, M. ; Khanh, N.Q. ; Havranek, V. ; Nagy, G.U.L. ; Németh, A. ; Nunzi Conti, G. ; Pelli, S. ; Rajta, I. et al.
invited talk, presented at Symposium ICTON 2016, Trento, Italy, 4 -14 July 2016, Előadás,
Publication:34120605 Admin approved Core Miscellaneous (Not classified ) Scientific
Citing papers: 1 | Independent citation: 1 | Self citation: 0 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 1 | Number of citations in Scopus: 1 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 1 | Number of citations with DOI: 1
Not classified (Miscellaneous) | Scientific[34120605] [Admin approved]
All citations+mentions: 1, External citations: 1, Self citations: 0, Unhandled citations: 0
230423 , Submission Year: 2010 , Submission Number: P1000683 , NSZO: H01J37/20 G21K5/08 , Country of patent: Hungary
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Hungarian patent (Protection forms) | Scientific[3059740] [Validated]
Sávszélesített LED-ek pp. 59-60. , 1 p. (2015)
XXXI. Kandó Konferencia, Óbudai Egyetem, Budapest, 2015. november 19., Előadás, Country: Hungary,
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Shumilova, T ; Kis, V ; Masaitis, V ; Tkachev, S ; Isaenko, S ; Makeev, B
(2014) pp. 379-380. Paper: IMP-T06 , 2 p.
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Abstract (Conference paper) | Scientific[31822177] [Approved]
FIZIKAI SZEMLE 2014 : 9 pp. 312-317. , 6 p. (2014)
Publication:31206966 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Personalia, Jubilee paper ) Popular science
Personalia, Jubilee paper (Journal Article) | Popular science[31206966] [Validated]
International workshop on Coatings & Surfaces for Biomedical Engineering (IWCSB) 2014, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, szóbeli előadás, Country: India,
Locked Publication:26773603 Published Core Citing Miscellaneous (Not classified ) Scientific
Citing papers: 1 | Independent citation: 0 | Self citation: 1 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations with DOI: 1
Not classified (Miscellaneous) | Scientific[26773603] [Approved]
All citations+mentions: 1, External citations: 0, Self citations: 1, Unhandled citations: 0
Hauppauge (NY), United States of America : Nova Science Publishers Inc. (2014) pp. 187-214. , 28 p.
Publication:26286791 Validated Core Citing Chapter in Book (Chapter ) Scientific
Chapter (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[26286791] [Validated]
Boyadjiev, S ; Georgieva, V ; Vergov, L ; Baji, Z ; Gáber, F ; Szilágyi, I M
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONFERENCE SERIES 559 Paper: 012013 , 6 p. (2014)
Publication:2824169 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Conference paper in journal ) Scientific
Citing papers: 38 | Independent citation: 26 | Self citation: 12 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 32 | Number of citations in Scopus: 34 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 34 | Number of citations with DOI: 35
Conference paper in journal (Journal Article) | Scientific[2824169] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 38, External citations: 26, Self citations: 12, Unhandled citations: 0
2024-04-26 15:50