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EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY 116 : 5 pp. 959-967. , 9 p. (2016)
Publication:3054423 Checked Core Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 34 | Independent citation: 16 | Self citation: 18 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 25 | Number of citations in Scopus: 12 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 25 | Number of citations with DOI: 26
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[3054423] [Checked]
All citations+mentions: 34, External citations: 16, Self citations: 18, Unhandled citations: 0
Suwa, M ; Nakano, H ; Radak, Z ; Kumagai, S
JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND MEDICINE 14 : 3 pp. 548-555. , 8 p. (2015)
Publication:2990840 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 12 | Independent citation: 10 | Self citation: 2 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 11 | Number of citations in Scopus: 10 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 12 | Number of citations with DOI: 12 (Not published: 1)
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[2990840] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 12, External citations: 10, Self citations: 2, Unhandled citations: 0
Di Giminiani, R ; Masedu, F ; Padulo, J ; Tihanyi, J ; Valenti, M
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Citing papers: 13 | Independent citation: 12 | Self citation: 1 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 13 | Number of citations in Scopus: 5 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 13 | Number of citations with DOI: 13
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[2990192] [Checked]
All citations+mentions: 13, External citations: 12, Self citations: 1, Unhandled citations: 0
Suwa, M ✉ ; Nakano, H ; Radak, Z ; Kumagai, S
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 65 : 1 pp. 121-130. , 10 p. (2015)
Publication:2899023 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 12 | Independent citation: 11 | Self citation: 1 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 10 | Number of citations in Scopus: 5 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 10 | Number of citations with DOI: 9
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[2899023] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 12, External citations: 11, Self citations: 1, Unhandled citations: 0
Ziaaldini, Mohammad Mosaferi ; Koltai, Erika ; Csende, Zsolt ; Goto, Sataro ; Boldogh, Istvan ; Taylor, Albert W ; Radak, Zsolt
EXPERIMENTAL GERONTOLOGY 67 pp. 9-14. , 6 p. (2015)
Publication:2883904 Checked Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 57 | Independent citation: 51 | Self citation: 6 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 50 | Number of citations in Scopus: 36 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 52 | Number of citations with DOI: 54
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[2883904] [Checked]
All citations+mentions: 57, External citations: 51, Self citations: 6, Unhandled citations: 0
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In: Testnevelési, Egyetem; Tóth, Miklós; Hamar, Pál; Donáth, Tibor 45. Mozgásbiológiai Konferencia : Program, előadás-kivonatok
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Abstract (Conference paper) | Scientific[2882646] [Admin approved]
Testnevelési, Egyetem ; Tóth, Miklós ; Hamar, Pál ; Donáth, Tibor
(2015) , 48 p.
Publication:2882454 Published Core Conference proceedings Scientific
Conference proceedings | Scientific[2882454] [Approved]
PEDIATRIC EXERCISE SCIENCE 27 : 2 pp. 185-191. , 7 p. (2015)
Publication:2853738 Checked Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 12 | Independent citation: 12 | Self citation: 0 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 9 | Number of citations in Scopus: 9 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 9 | Number of citations with DOI: 10
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[2853738] [Checked]
All citations+mentions: 12, External citations: 12, Self citations: 0, Unhandled citations: 0
ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA HUNGARICA 102 : 1 pp. 34-42. , 9 p. (2015)
Publication:2797177 Checked Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 30 | Independent citation: 30 | Self citation: 0 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 27 | Number of citations in Scopus: 18 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 30 | Number of citations with DOI: 28
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[2797177] [Checked]
All citations+mentions: 30, External citations: 30, Self citations: 0, Unhandled citations: 0
OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY 2015 : Special Issue Paper: 876805 , 9 p. (2015)
Locked Publication:2788926 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 22 | Independent citation: 15 | Self citation: 7 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 19 | Number of citations in Scopus: 20 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 21 | Number of citations with DOI: 19
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[2788926] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 22, External citations: 15, Self citations: 7, Unhandled citations: 0
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