Miskolc, Hungary , Bp, Hungary : CEA Publishing (2024)
Publication:35179657 Published Core Book (Study collection ) Scientific
Study collection (Book) | Scientific[35179657] [Approved]
In: Marcin, Wielec; Bartlomiej, Oreziak (eds.) The right to privacy : the view of young researchers
Varsó, Warsaw, Varsovie, Poland : Institute of Justice Press (2024) 189 p. pp. 8-18. , 11 p.
Publication:34901135 Published Core Chapter in Book (Study ) Scientific
Study (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[34901135] [Approved]
Bp, Hungary : Patrocinium Kiadó (2024) 514 p. , 8 p.
Publication:34501449 Published Core Chapter in Book (Part of textbook for Higher Education ) Educational
Part of textbook for Higher Education (Chapter in Book) | Educational[34501449] [Approved]
Bp, Hungary : Patrocinium Kiadó (2024) 514 p. , 19 p.
Publication:34501448 Published Core Chapter in Book (Part of textbook for Higher Education ) Educational
Part of textbook for Higher Education (Chapter in Book) | Educational[34501448] [Approved]
Bp, Hungary : Patrocinium Kiadó (2024) 514 p. , 28 p.
Publication:34501447 Published Core Chapter in Book (Part of textbook for Higher Education ) Educational
Part of textbook for Higher Education (Chapter in Book) | Educational[34501447] [Approved]
Bp, Hungary : Patrocinium Kiadó (2024) 514 p. , 20 p.
Publication:34501443 Published Core Chapter in Book (Part of textbook for Higher Education ) Educational
Part of textbook for Higher Education (Chapter in Book) | Educational[34501443] [Approved]
Bp, Hungary : Patrocinium Kiadó (2024) 514 p. , 35 p.
Publication:34501442 Published Core Chapter in Book (Part of textbook for Higher Education ) Educational
Part of textbook for Higher Education (Chapter in Book) | Educational[34501442] [Approved]
Bp, Hungary : Patrocinium Kiadó (2024) 514 p. , 31 p.
Publication:34501441 Published Core Chapter in Book (Part of textbook for Higher Education ) Educational
Part of textbook for Higher Education (Chapter in Book) | Educational[34501441] [Approved]
Bp, Hungary : Patrocinium Kiadó (2024) 514 p. , 34 p.
Publication:34501439 Published Core Chapter in Book (Part of textbook for Higher Education ) Educational
Part of textbook for Higher Education (Chapter in Book) | Educational[34501439] [Approved]
Bp, Hungary : Patrocinium Kiadó (2024) 514 p. , 37 p.
Publication:34501437 Published Core Chapter in Book (Part of textbook for Higher Education ) Educational
Part of textbook for Higher Education (Chapter in Book) | Educational[34501437] [Approved]
2024-09-20 11:07