Wolters, Maike ✉ ; Foraita, Ronja ; Moreno, Luis A. ; Molnar, Denes ; Russo, Paola ; Tornaritis, Michael ; De Henauw, Stefaan ; Lissner, Lauren ; Veidebaum, Toomas ; Winter, Theresa et al.
Publication:35286837 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Study Group ) Scientific
Study Group (Journal Article) | Scientific[35286837] [Validated]
Flieh, Sondos M ; Hebestreit, Antje ; Pohlabeln, Hermann ; Miguel-Berges, María L ; González-Gil, Esther M ; Russo, Paola ; Molnár, Dénes ; Wijnant, Kathleen ; Lissner, Lauren ; Do, Stefanie et al.
NUTRITION RESEARCH 127 pp. 84-96. , 13 p. (2024)
Publication:35069867 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Study Group ) Scientific
Study Group (Journal Article) | Scientific[35069867] [Validated]
Foraita, Ronja ✉ ; Witte, Janine ; Börnhorst, Claudia ; Gwozdz, Wencke ; Pala, Valeria ; Lissner, Lauren ; Lauria, Fabio ; Reisch, Lucia A ; Molnár, Dénes ; De Henauw, Stefaan et al.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 14 : 1 Paper: 6822 , 14 p. (2024)
Publication:34757148 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[34757148] [Validated]
Intemann, T. ✉ ; Bogl, L.H. ; Hunsberger, M. ; Lauria, F. ; De, Henauw S. ; Molnár, D. ; Moreno, L.A. ; Tornaritis, M. ; Veidebaum, T. ; Ahrens, W. et al.
PEDIATRIC DIABETES 2024 Paper: 6623357 , 12 p. (2024)
Publication:34756498 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 1 | Independent citation: 1 | Self citation: 0 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 1 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 1 | Number of citations with DOI: 1
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[34756498] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 1, External citations: 1, Self citations: 0, Unhandled citations: 0
Survey paper (Journal Article) | Scientific[34729560] [Validated]
In: Tulassay, Tivadar (eds.) Klinikai gyermekgyógyászat
Bp, Hungary : Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt. (2024) 1,087 p. pp. 693-693. , 1 p.
Publication:34688870 Admin approved Core Chapter in Book (Part of textbook for Higher Education ) Educational
Part of textbook for Higher Education (Chapter in Book) | Educational[34688870] [Admin approved]
In: Tulassay, Tivadar (eds.) Klinikai gyermekgyógyászat
Bp, Hungary : Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt. (2024) 1,087 p. pp. 692-692. , 1 p.
Publication:34688869 Admin approved Core Chapter in Book (Part of textbook for Higher Education ) Educational
Part of textbook for Higher Education (Chapter in Book) | Educational[34688869] [Admin approved]
In: Tulassay, Tivadar (eds.) Klinikai gyermekgyógyászat
Bp, Hungary : Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt. (2024) 1,087 p. pp. 688-691. , 4 p.
Publication:34688868 Admin approved Core Chapter in Book (Part of textbook for Higher Education ) Educational
Part of textbook for Higher Education (Chapter in Book) | Educational[34688868] [Admin approved]
In: Tulassay, Tivadar (eds.) Klinikai gyermekgyógyászat
Bp, Hungary : Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt. (2024) 1,087 p. pp. 688-688. , 1 p.
Publication:34688867 Admin approved Core Chapter in Book (Part of textbook for Higher Education ) Educational
Part of textbook for Higher Education (Chapter in Book) | Educational[34688867] [Admin approved]
In: Tulassay, Tivadar (eds.) Klinikai gyermekgyógyászat
Bp, Hungary : Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt. (2024) 1,087 p. pp. 687-687. , 1 p.
Publication:34688866 Admin approved Core Chapter in Book (Part of textbook for Higher Education ) Educational
Part of textbook for Higher Education (Chapter in Book) | Educational[34688866] [Admin approved]
2024-09-20 10:46