Published Core Citing Journal
Article (Article ) Scientific
papers: 45 | Independent citation: 39 | Self citation: 6 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 45 | Number of citations in Scopus: 15 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 45 | Number of citations with DOI: 45
Published Core Journal
Article (Article ) Scientific
papers: 19 | Independent citation: 15 | Self citation: 4 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 19 | Number of citations in Scopus: 2 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 19 | Number of citations with DOI: 19
papers: 30 | Independent citation: 21 | Self citation: 9 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 30 | Number of citations in Scopus: 4 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 30 | Number of citations with DOI: 29
papers: 53 | Independent citation: 48 | Self citation: 5 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 53 | Number of citations in Scopus: 16 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 53 | Number of citations with DOI: 52
papers: 10 | Independent citation: 9 | Self citation: 1 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 10 | Number of citations in Scopus: 2 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 10 | Number of citations with DOI: 10
Published Core Journal
Article (Article ) Scientific
papers: 21 | Independent citation: 20 | Self citation: 1 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 21 | Number of citations in Scopus: 5 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 21 | Number of citations with DOI: 21
Published Core Citing Journal
Article (Article ) Scientific
papers: 78 | Independent citation: 73 | Self citation: 5 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 78 | Number of citations in Scopus: 17 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 78 | Number of citations with DOI: 77
Published Core Citing Journal
Article (Article ) Scientific
papers: 9 | Independent citation: 5 | Self citation: 4 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 9 | Number of citations in Scopus: 3 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 9 | Number of citations with DOI: 9
papers: 23 | Independent citation: 15 | Self citation: 8 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 23 | Number of citations in Scopus: 2 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 23 | Number of citations with DOI: 23
papers: 97 | Independent citation: 89 | Self citation: 8 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 97 | Number of citations in Scopus: 22 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 97 | Number of citations with DOI: 97
papers: 66 | Independent citation: 56 | Self citation: 10 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 66 | Number of citations in Scopus: 22 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 66 | Number of citations with DOI: 66
papers: 156 | Independent citation: 151 | Self citation: 5 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 156 | Number of citations in Scopus: 35 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 156 | Number of citations with DOI: 154
Survey paper (Journal Article) | Scientific[2070113] [Admin approved]
Published Core Citing Journal
Article (Article ) Scientific
papers: 19 | Independent citation: 12 | Self citation: 7 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 19 | Number of citations in Scopus: 4 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 19 | Number of citations with DOI: 19
papers: 19 | Independent citation: 19 | Self citation: 0 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 19 | Number of citations in Scopus: 2 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 19 | Number of citations with DOI: 19
Published Core Citing Journal
Article (Article ) Scientific
papers: 15 | Independent citation: 14 | Self citation: 1 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 15 | Number of citations in Scopus: 1 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 15 | Number of citations with DOI: 13
Published Core Journal
Article (Article ) Scientific
papers: 49 | Independent citation: 40 | Self citation: 9 | Unknown citation:
0 | Number of citations in WoS: 49 | Number of citations in Scopus: 7 | WoS/Scopus
assigned: 49 | Number of citations with DOI: 49