@CONFERENCE{MTMT:34814411, title = {Vojvodina as a Borderland}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34814411}, author = {Reményi, Péter}, booktitle = {Abstracts - 14th World Congress of the RSAI}, unique-id = {34814411}, year = {2024}, pages = {198}, orcid-numbers = {Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820} } @article{MTMT:34754626, title = {Fertility Trends and Population Policy in the Canton of Sarajevo}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34754626}, author = {Reményi, Péter and Haris, Gekič and Aida, Bidžan-Gekić}, doi = {10.17649/TET.38.1.3543}, journal-iso = {TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM}, journal = {TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM}, volume = {38}, unique-id = {34754626}, issn = {0237-7683}, abstract = {The demography of Bosnia and Herzegovina fits into the Southeast-European trends with sub-replacement fertility and high emigration rates. At the national level, natural decline started in 2007, while migration is influenced by the war and its aftermath, as well as several economic and political push factors (low wages, corruption, high unemployment, etc.), and also has a serious impact on birth and death rates. On the other hand, demographic trends in the Canton of Sarajevo differ from the national pattern. It reached sub-replacement fertility more than a decade later (2019), and migration still has a positive balance: besides significant emigration rates, immigration to the Canton, especially from the other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is higher. Since migration involves younger generations, it is also a factor behind the more favourable fertility rates, and can be evaluated as a consequence of better socio-economic development in the capital and its gravitational area.In the Canton, there have been several factors that contributed to the decline of birth rates in the past decades. Changing functions of family and children in the society, increasing women's employment, educational level and career aspirations, growing individualism and rationality, the changing social climate in relation to children, higher personal standards, and other socio-psychological factors should be mentioned. Birth rates were also (positively) influenced by other factors. One of the most important points is that the Canton has certainly one of the best support policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina including financial support and allowances for newborn children, subsidies in preschool education, primary and secondary schools as well as scholarships for pupils and students. Positive economic trends such as new constructions of residential buildings, business, and shopping centres, as well as an even stronger concentration of attractive institutions and activities should be emphasised.In 2021, the total fertility rate accounted for 1.38 in the Canton, while it has shown a great variation among the municipalities. The municipality with the lowest total fertility rate (Novi Grad) had the highest total number of live births in the Canton, while the municipality with the lowest total number of live births (Trnovo) was the only one with total fertility rate values above the replacement level. Due to its demographic, economic and political significance, the Canton of Sarajevo is a key area for population revitalisation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, local measures have national significance, and can act as a model for the rest of the country in terms of population policy as well.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2062-9923}, pages = {88-109}, orcid-numbers = {Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820; Haris, Gekič/0000-0002-7055-6608; Aida, Bidžan-Gekić/0000-0002-6822-7450} } @article{MTMT:32823980, title = {Remembrance of the Ottoman Occupation. Islam-Related Sentiments and Local Identity in Szigetvár (Hungary), the Death Place of Suleiman the Magnificent}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32823980}, author = {Pap, Norbert and Reményi, Péter and Kákai, László and Glied, Viktor Imre and Szalai, Gábor and Kitanics, Máté}, doi = {10.1163/22117954-bja10056}, journal-iso = {J MUSLIM EU}, journal = {JOURNAL OF MUSLIMS IN EUROPE}, volume = {12}, unique-id = {32823980}, issn = {2211-792X}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2211-7954}, pages = {228-252}, orcid-numbers = {Pap, Norbert/0000-0001-8243-4213; Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820; Kákai, László/0000-0002-0380-4309; Glied, Viktor Imre/0000-0003-2467-5435; Szalai, Gábor/0000-0002-8039-8447; Kitanics, Máté/0000-0003-0073-7451} } @inbook{MTMT:33741211, title = {Geo-History of the Toponymy of Mohács Plain, SW Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33741211}, author = {Pap, Norbert and Kitanics, Máté and Ács, Marianna and Reményi, Péter}, booktitle = {Place Naming, Identities and Geography}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-21510-0_17}, unique-id = {33741211}, year = {2023}, pages = {383-411}, orcid-numbers = {Pap, Norbert/0000-0001-8243-4213; Kitanics, Máté/0000-0003-0073-7451; Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820} } @article{MTMT:34156389, title = {A Vajdaság városhálózatának népességszám-változása a 2020-as évek elején}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34156389}, author = {Reményi, Péter}, doi = {10.32976/stratfuz.2023.22}, journal-iso = {É-MO STRAT FÜZ}, journal = {ÉSZAK-MAGYARORSZÁGI STRATÉGIAI FÜZETEK}, volume = {20}, unique-id = {34156389}, issn = {1786-1594}, abstract = {Vajdaság városhálózatára az elmúlt évtizedben a népességszám-csökkenés és a növekvő monocentrikusság volt jellemző. Ezek a folyamatok eltérően érintették a tartomány településeit. A 2022-es népszámlálás segítségével bemutatjuk Újvidék növekvő súlyát, a népességcsökkenés területi mintázatát és a városhálózatban bekövetkező változásokat, ahol Szabadka és a Tiszamente további teret veszít Újvidék agglomerációjával szemben.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2560-2926}, pages = {22-34}, orcid-numbers = {Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820} } @article{MTMT:33682836, title = {Contextual factors influencing election results in Bosnia and Herzegovina}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33682836}, author = {Reményi, Péter and Gekić, Haris and Bidžan-Gekić, Aida and Sümeghy, Dávid}, doi = {10.1007/s11135-023-01622-x}, journal-iso = {QUAL QUANT}, journal = {QUALITY AND QUANTITY: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF METHODOLOGY}, volume = {57}, unique-id = {33682836}, issn = {0033-5177}, abstract = {Electoral geography tends to focus on the impact of geographical context on electoral behavior recently and challenges the classical compositional approach. We analyze spatial contextual factors of the 2018 general elections of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the linear regression models based on the fault line theory result in wrong estimations in several municipalities, not fitting into the national pattern. Using spatial modelling, it is confirmed that the strong territorial base of Bosnian parties is shaped by spatial dependence and spatial spillover effects. In addition to the spillover effect of individual party performance, the indirect neighbourhood role of ethnicity, sectoral structure and education was also shown in some cases.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1573-7845}, pages = {5693-5712}, orcid-numbers = {Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820} } @article{MTMT:33560831, title = {Oil price manipulation as a geoeconomic weapon against the Soviet Union / Russia}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33560831}, author = {Reményi, Péter and Glofák, Péter}, journal-iso = {Geopolitics Quarterly}, journal = {Geopolitics Quarterly}, volume = {19}, unique-id = {33560831}, issn = {1735-4331}, year = {2023}, pages = {66-90}, orcid-numbers = {Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820; Glofák, Péter/0000-0001-7012-3995} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:33074932, title = {Geo-history of the toponymy of the Mohacs Plain, SW Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33074932}, author = {Ács, Marianna and Pap, Norbert and Kitanics, Máté and Reményi, Péter}, booktitle = {RE-VISIONING GEOGRAPHY FOR SUSTAINABILITY IN THE POST-COVID ERA}, unique-id = {33074932}, year = {2022}, pages = {48-49}, orcid-numbers = {Pap, Norbert/0000-0001-8243-4213; Kitanics, Máté/0000-0003-0073-7451; Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820} } @book{MTMT:32816481, title = {The Geography of Bosnia and Herzegovina Between East and West}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32816481}, isbn = {9783030985233}, author = {Gekić, Haris and Bidžan-Gekić, Aida and Drešković, Nusret and Mirić, Ranko and Reményi, Péter}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-98523-3}, publisher = {Springer Basel; Springer Switzerland}, unique-id = {32816481}, year = {2022}, orcid-numbers = {Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820} } @article{MTMT:33079948, title = {„Generációk munkájára támaszkodva kutatunk”. Beszélgetés Hajdú Zoltánnal 70. születésnapja alkalmából}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33079948}, author = {Rácz, Szilárd and Reményi, Péter}, doi = {10.15170/MG.2022.17.04.02}, journal-iso = {MODERN GEOGRÁFIA}, journal = {MODERN GEOGRÁFIA}, volume = {17}, unique-id = {33079948}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2062-1655}, pages = {9-20}, orcid-numbers = {Rácz, Szilárd/0000-0002-9397-2620; Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820} } @article{MTMT:34071704, title = {Bosznia-Hercegovina választási földrajza – a pártok támogatását befolyásoló társadalmi törésvonalak}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34071704}, author = {Reményi, Péter and Sümeghy, Dávid}, doi = {10.32576/nb.2022.3.9}, journal-iso = {NEMZET BIZTONSÁG}, journal = {NEMZET ÉS BIZTONSÁG: BIZTONSÁGPOLITIKAI SZEMLE}, volume = {15}, unique-id = {34071704}, issn = {1789-5286}, abstract = {A szakértők többsége az etnikai meghatározottságot tartja Bosznia-Hercegovina politikai élete jellegadó sajátosságának. Részben emiatt, valamint a rendkívül összetett politikai rendszer következtében eddig mindössze néhány tanulmány született az ország választási földrajzáról. Célunk – az etnikai megközelítés fontosságát elfogadva – annak feltárása, hogy milyen egyéb tényezők befolyásolják a pártok teljesítményét, és milyen, az etnikaitól eltérő területi mintázat vázolható fel. Munkánkban a társadalmi változók és a pártok eredményeinek korrelációját számoltuk, valamint klaszteranalízist alkalmaztunk a területi jelleg meghatározására. Amellett érvelünk, hogy az „etnikai főszabály” mellett a klasszikus társadalmi törésvonalak is jelen vannak az országban, Európa többi részéhez hasonlóan, de kevésbé szignifikánsan.}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2559-8651}, pages = {142-159}, orcid-numbers = {Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820} } @article{MTMT:33750761, title = {Good and bad migrants in Hungary. The populist story and the reality in Hungarian migration policy}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33750761}, author = {Reményi, Péter and Glied, Viktor Imre and Pap, Norbert}, doi = {10.31971/pps/162003}, journal-iso = {PROBLEMY POLITYKI SPOLECZNEJ}, journal = {PROBLEMY POLITYKI SPOLECZNEJ. SOCIAL POLICY ISSUES}, volume = {59}, unique-id = {33750761}, issn = {1640-1808}, year = {2022}, pages = {323-344}, orcid-numbers = {Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820; Glied, Viktor Imre/0000-0003-2467-5435; Pap, Norbert/0000-0001-8243-4213} } @article{MTMT:33329077, title = {Vizekhez kapcsolódó határviták a Nyugat-Balkánon}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33329077}, author = {Reményi, Péter and Perjés, Fanni}, journal-iso = {BALKÁN FÜZETEK}, journal = {BALKÁN FÜZETEK}, unique-id = {33329077}, issn = {1588-6557}, year = {2022}, pages = {76-83}, orcid-numbers = {Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:33108237, title = {The political geography of relations between Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33108237}, author = {Reményi, Péter}, booktitle = {Disparities in a Digitalising (Post-Covid) world - Networks, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development : Abstract Book}, unique-id = {33108237}, year = {2022}, pages = {484}, orcid-numbers = {Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820} } @article{MTMT:33685212, title = {The Baranya/Baranja border region}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33685212}, author = {Végh, Andor and Pap, Norbert and Reményi, Péter}, doi = {10.35666/23038950.2022.47.97}, journal-iso = {GP}, journal = {Geografski pregled}, volume = {47}, unique-id = {33685212}, issn = {2303-8950}, abstract = {With the EU accession of Croatia in 2013, Hungary's longest non-EU border to date became an internal EU border. Its land border section cuts through Baranya county, the northern larger part of which belongs to Hungary while the southern smaller part to Croatia. The latter is confined by rivers (Danube, Drava) and state borders (Hungarian and Serbian), thus forming a unique, isolated region within Croatia, lacking real internal centres. We argue, after investigating several geographical aspects of Baranya/Baranja, that ongoing developments may lead to further integration of the border region.}, year = {2022}, pages = {97-116}, orcid-numbers = {Pap, Norbert/0000-0001-8243-4213; Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820} } @inbook{MTMT:32167159, title = {O Jobbik, islão e Bolívia}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32167159}, author = {Pap, Norbert and Glied, Viktor Imre and Reményi, Péter}, booktitle = {Dinâmicas socioespaciais em redes interdisciplinares}, unique-id = {32167159}, year = {2021}, pages = {345-369}, orcid-numbers = {Pap, Norbert/0000-0001-8243-4213; Glied, Viktor Imre/0000-0003-2467-5435; Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820} } @inbook{MTMT:32473862, title = {A nyugat-balkáni korridorok és a magyar tengeri kijárat kérdése}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32473862}, author = {Pap, Norbert and Reményi, Péter and Végh, Andor}, booktitle = {Elfolyó és elfogyó vizeink nyomában. Vízproblémák Közép-Európában és a Balkánon}, unique-id = {32473862}, year = {2021}, pages = {99-122}, orcid-numbers = {Pap, Norbert/0000-0001-8243-4213; Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820} } @{MTMT:32638085, title = {Koszovó, a szerbek Mohácsa és politikai hasznosításai = Kosovo, the "Mohács" of the serbs and its political utilizations}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32638085}, author = {Reményi, Péter}, booktitle = {Háború, tájformálás, hasznosítás –Történeti földrajz, geopolitika,hadtörténet és turizmus Absztraktkötet}, unique-id = {32638085}, year = {2021}, pages = {23-23}, orcid-numbers = {Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820} } @article{MTMT:32523441, title = {Electoral Geography of Bosnia and Herzegovina – is there anything beyond the ethnic rule?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32523441}, author = {Reményi, Péter and Gekić, Haris and Bidžan-Gekić, Aida and Sümeghy, Dávid}, doi = {10.1080/21599165.2021.2006639}, journal-iso = {EAST EUROPEAN POLITICS}, journal = {EAST EUROPEAN POLITICS}, volume = {38}, unique-id = {32523441}, issn = {2159-9165}, year = {2021}, eissn = {2159-9173}, pages = {227-253}, orcid-numbers = {Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820} } @article{MTMT:32302776, title = {The changing room for manoeuvre of ‘Visegrad’ Hungary in the Western Balkans. An extraordinary change in Hungarian‑Serbian relations}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32302776}, author = {Reményi, Péter and Pap, Tibor and Pap, Norbert}, journal-iso = {POL CENTR EUR}, journal = {POLITICS IN CENTRAL EUROPE}, volume = {17}, unique-id = {32302776}, issn = {1801-3422}, year = {2021}, pages = {791-819}, orcid-numbers = {Reményi, Péter/0000-0002-4777-2820; Pap, Norbert/0000-0001-8243-4213} }