@article{MTMT:33720677, title = {Genetic risk of depression is different in subgroups of dietary ratio of tryptophan to large neutral amino acids}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33720677}, author = {Bruncsics, Bence and Hullám, Gábor István and Bolgár, Bence Márton and Petschner, Péter and Millinghoffer, András Dániel and Gecse, Kinga and Eszlári, Nóra and Gonda, Xénia and Jones, Debra J. and Burden, Sorrel T. and Antal, Péter and Deakin, Bill and Bagdy, György and Juhász, Gabriella}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-023-31495-x}, journal-iso = {SCI REP}, journal = {SCIENTIFIC REPORTS}, volume = {13}, unique-id = {33720677}, abstract = {Manipulation of intake of serotonin precursor tryptophan has been exploited to rapidly induce and alleviate depression symptoms. While studies show that this latter effect is dependent on genetic vulnerability to depression, the effect of habitual tryptophan intake in the context of predisposing genetic factors has not been explored. Our aim was to investigate the effect of habitual tryptophan intake on mood symptoms and to determine the effect of risk variants on depression in those with high and low tryptophan intake in the whole genome and specifically in serotonin and kynurenine pathways. 63,277 individuals in the UK Biobank with data on depressive symptoms and tryptophan intake were included. We compared two subpopulations defined by their habitual diet of a low versus a high ratio of tryptophan to other large amino acids (TLR). A modest protective effect of high dietary TLR against depression was found. NPBWR1 among serotonin genes and POLI in kynurenine pathway genes were significantly associated with depression in the low but not in the high TLR group. Pathway-level analyses identified significant associations for both serotonin and kynurenine pathways only in the low TLR group. In addition, significant association was found in the low TLR group between depressive symptoms and biological process related to adult neurogenesis. Our findings demonstrate a markedly distinct genetic risk profile for depression in groups with low and high dietary TLR, with association with serotonin and kynurenine pathway variants only in case of habitual food intake leading to low TLR. Our results confirm the relevance of the serotonin hypothesis in understanding the neurobiological background of depression and highlight the importance of understanding its differential role in the context of environmental variables such as complexity of diet in influencing mental health, pointing towards emerging possibilities of personalised prevention and intervention in mood disorders in those who are genetically vulnerable.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2045-2322}, orcid-numbers = {Hullám, Gábor István/0000-0002-4765-2351; Bolgár, Bence Márton/0000-0002-9561-1095; Petschner, Péter/0000-0002-3198-858X; Gecse, Kinga/0000-0002-3512-2572; Eszlári, Nóra/0000-0003-4913-028X; Gonda, Xénia/0000-0001-9015-4203; Bagdy, György/0000-0001-8141-3410; Juhász, Gabriella/0000-0002-5975-4267} } @article{MTMT:34916255, title = {1187 Antibody-lectin bispecifics for glyco-immune checkpoint blockade}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34916255}, author = {Stark, Jessica and Gray, Melissa and Wisnovsky, Simon and Ibarlucea-Benitez, Itziar and Riley, Nicholas and Ribi, Mikaela and Lustig, Marta and Errington, Wesley and Bruncsics, Bence and Sarkar, Casim and Valerius, Thomas and Ravetch, Jeffrey and Bertozzi, Carolyn R}, doi = {10.1136/jitc-2023-SITC2023.1187}, journal-iso = {J IMMUNOTHER CANCER}, journal = {JOURNAL FOR IMMUNOTHERAPY OF CANCER}, volume = {Volume 11}, unique-id = {34916255}, issn = {2051-1426}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2051-1426}, pages = {A1307-A1307} } @mastersthesis{MTMT:33643611, title = {Modelling Multivalent Protein Binding-kinetics}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33643611}, author = {Bruncsics, Bence}, publisher = {Budapest University of Technology and Economics}, unique-id = {33643611}, year = {2022} } @article{MTMT:33091182, title = {MVsim is a toolset for quantifying and designing multivalent interactions}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33091182}, author = {Bruncsics, Bence and Errington, Wesley J. and Sarkar, Casim A.}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-022-32496-6}, journal-iso = {NAT COMMUN}, journal = {NATURE COMMUNICATIONS}, volume = {13}, unique-id = {33091182}, issn = {2041-1723}, abstract = {Arising through multiple binding elements, multivalency can specify the avidity, duration, cooperativity, and selectivity of biomolecular interactions, but quantitative prediction and design of these properties has remained challenging. Here we present MVsim , an application suite built around a configurational network model of multivalency to facilitate the quantification, design, and mechanistic evaluation of multivalent binding phenomena through a simple graphical user interface. To demonstrate the utility and versatility of MVsim , we first show that both monospecific and multispecific multivalent ligand-receptor interactions, with their noncanonical binding kinetics, can be accurately simulated. Further, to illustrate the conceptual insights into multivalent systems that MVsim can provide, we apply it to quantitatively predict the ultrasensitivity and performance of multivalent-encoded protein logic gates, evaluate the inherent programmability of multispecificity for selective receptor targeting, and extract rate constants of conformational switching for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and model its binding to ACE2 as well as multivalent inhibitors of this interaction. MVsim and instructional tutorials are freely available at https://sarkarlab.github.io/MVsim/ .}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2041-1723}, orcid-numbers = {Errington, Wesley J./0000-0003-4246-7402; Sarkar, Casim A./0000-0002-0276-8203} } @article{MTMT:32526520, title = {Genetic effects on educational attainment in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32526520}, author = {Ujma, Przemyslaw Péter and Eszlári, Nóra and Millinghoffer, András Dániel and Bruncsics, Bence and Török, Dóra and Petschner, Péter and Antal, Péter and Deakin, B. and Breen, G. and Bagdy, György and Juhász, Gabriella}, doi = {10.1002/brb3.2430}, journal-iso = {BRAIN BEHAV}, journal = {BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR}, volume = {12}, unique-id = {32526520}, issn = {2162-3279}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2162-3279}, orcid-numbers = {Ujma, Przemyslaw Péter/0000-0002-7981-3009; Eszlári, Nóra/0000-0003-4913-028X; Török, Dóra/0000-0001-9213-4345; Petschner, Péter/0000-0002-3198-858X; Bagdy, György/0000-0001-8141-3410; Juhász, Gabriella/0000-0002-5975-4267} } @article{MTMT:32774530, title = {TH7. CIRCADIAN REGULATOR ARNTL GENE ACTS ON DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS DIRECTLY AND INDIRECTLY THROUGH PAST-FOCUSED PERSEVERATIVE NEGATIVE THINKING}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32774530}, author = {Eszlári, Nóra and Bruncsics, Bence and Millinghoffer, Andras and Hullam, Gabor and Petschner, Péter and Gonda, Xénia and Breen, Gerome and Antal, Péter and Bagdy, György and Deakin, Bill and Juhász, Gabriella}, doi = {10.1016/j.euroneuro.2021.08.182}, journal-iso = {EUR NEUROPSYCHOPHARM}, journal = {EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY}, volume = {51}, unique-id = {32774530}, issn = {0924-977X}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1873-7862}, pages = {e197-e198}, orcid-numbers = {Eszlári, Nóra/0000-0003-4913-028X; Petschner, Péter/0000-0002-3198-858X; Gonda, Xénia/0000-0001-9015-4203; Bagdy, György/0000-0001-8141-3410; Juhász, Gabriella/0000-0002-5975-4267} } @article{MTMT:32535490, title = {Biology of Perseverative Negative Thinking: The Role of Timing and Folate Intake}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32535490}, author = {Eszlári, Nóra and Bruncsics, Bence and Millinghoffer, András Dániel and Hullám, Gábor István and Petschner, Péter and Gonda, Xénia and Breen, Gerome and Antal, Péter and Bagdy, György and Deakin, John Francis William and Juhász, Gabriella}, doi = {10.3390/nu13124396}, journal-iso = {NUTRIENTS}, journal = {NUTRIENTS}, volume = {13}, unique-id = {32535490}, year = {2021}, eissn = {2072-6643}, orcid-numbers = {Eszlári, Nóra/0000-0003-4913-028X; Hullám, Gábor István/0000-0002-4765-2351; Petschner, Péter/0000-0002-3198-858X; Gonda, Xénia/0000-0001-9015-4203; Bagdy, György/0000-0001-8141-3410; Juhász, Gabriella/0000-0002-5975-4267} } @misc{MTMT:32101434, title = {Perseverative negative thinking declines with age, independently of folate intake}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32101434}, author = {Eszlári, Nóra and Bruncsics, Bence and Millinghoffer, András Dániel and Hullám, Gábor István and Antal, Péter and Bagdy, György and Juhász, Gabriella}, unique-id = {32101434}, year = {2021}, orcid-numbers = {Eszlári, Nóra/0000-0003-4913-028X; Hullám, Gábor István/0000-0002-4765-2351; Bagdy, György/0000-0001-8141-3410; Juhász, Gabriella/0000-0002-5975-4267} } @misc{MTMT:32100600, title = {Circadian Clock Gene ARNTL Affects Depression Directly and Also Via Perseverative Negative Thinking}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32100600}, author = {Eszlári, Nóra and Bruncsics, Bence and Millinghoffer, András Dániel and Hullám, Gábor István and Petschner, Péter and Gonda, Xénia and Breen, Gerome and Antal, Péter and Bagdy, György and Francis William Deakin, John and Juhász, Gabriella}, unique-id = {32100600}, year = {2021}, orcid-numbers = {Eszlári, Nóra/0000-0003-4913-028X; Hullám, Gábor István/0000-0002-4765-2351; Petschner, Péter/0000-0002-3198-858X; Gonda, Xénia/0000-0001-9015-4203; Bagdy, György/0000-0001-8141-3410; Juhász, Gabriella/0000-0002-5975-4267} } @article{MTMT:32789714, title = {Comorbidities of depression in men and women: a UK biobank based study}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32789714}, author = {Hullám, Gábor István and Vetró, Mihály and Bruncsics, Bence and Antal, Péter and Juhász, Gabriella}, doi = {10.1016/j.euroneuro.2021.10.103}, journal-iso = {EUR NEUROPSYCHOPHARM}, journal = {EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY}, volume = {53}, unique-id = {32789714}, issn = {0924-977X}, keywords = {Neurosciences; Pharmacology & Pharmacy; Clinical Neurology}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1873-7862}, pages = {S74-S75}, orcid-numbers = {Hullám, Gábor István/0000-0002-4765-2351; Juhász, Gabriella/0000-0002-5975-4267} }